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NIW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE, MARINE, AND ACCIDENT. MOTOR CAR (Comprehensive). Trustees, Executors, Attorneys, Agents. STAFFORD STREET. R. L* EAMES : : s : Manager.
AT 8 —— AT 8 FULLER-HAYWARD’S COMEDY AND THRILLS, WITH MADGE BELLAMY IN A BREAK-NECK RACE. FOR LOVE. . f VERY CONFIDENTIAL Motor Boats, Racing Cars, and Express Rifles in a Battle of‘Hearts. Madge has a lot of fun and finally marries the young judge who sentenced her to imprisonment. FOX NEWS. EDUCATIONAL. , VAN BIBBER COMEDY. Stalls 1/-, Circle 1/6, Reserves 2/-. A CONCERT AND DANCE. "THE SALISBURY SCHOOL COM- . MITTEE has ear-marked FRIDAY, August 17, at Otipua Hall, for, their Annual Concert and Dance in aid of the School Funds. JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. "THE GROCERY,BUSINESSES on 1 the Main Street notify that their 'Premises will be Closed on FRIDAY, from l p.m. until 2.30 p.m. Deliveries will' stop accordingly. TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. ; ' OMNIBUS SERVICE. ' ' ' DIAMOND JUBILEE DAY. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on FRIDAY, 13th July, 1928, the Omnibus Service will he sus-; pended from 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the occasion of the Timaru Diamond Jubilee.
' Buses will leave all termini at 1.15 p.m. for Bank of New Zealand. Buses will leave all termini at 8.15 p.m. for the Ballroom, Messrs John Mill and Company’s Store. - O. MACHATTIE, Town Clerk. Timaru, 11th July, 1928. ALL GRAMOPHONE ‘ RECORDS ARE .CHEAPER AT “THE BRISTOL.*' Now that the Customs Duty is taken off, Our Customers Reap the Benefit ....... “ HIS MASTER’S VOICE,” ZONOPHONE, COLUMBIA, AND REGAL RECORDS Are AlLßeducod ~ in price. BUY AT " THE BRISTOL.” THE BRISTQL PIANO CO., LTD. STAFFORD STREET . TIMARU, NOTICE TO FARMERS. THE TIMARU IMPLEMENT EXCHANGE Has Now Commenced Business at 39 STAFFORD STREET SOUTH. All kinds of Farm Implements Bought and Sold. Should you haVe a Used Implement to Sell, or Exchange, or if you require a New Machine, Ring 1404. Write or- Call, and . your requirements will be promptly attended to. Ca3h Buyers of All Farm Implements and Best Discounts on New Machines. Agents for Storrie, Willett, Ltd. M. A. DUGGAN : Proprietor. GEO. REID. EVERYTHING COMPLETE. £II9O.—NATTY BUNGALOW, only four years built, close to town, off Elizabeth Street. Contains 5 rooms, sleeping porch, wash-house, handy workshop. Plastered throughout, beamed ceiling in drawing room, cosy recess in dining room. Beautiful leadlights, wide windows, brick, andtiled fireplaces, sliding bins and cupboards, china cabinet all beautifully made and fitted. Small, compact level section, with asphalt paths. There is a good Government Mortgage of £650 on the property at a low rate of interest. CRAIGHEAD BUNGALOW. £I.2SO—WELL-BUILT SIX-ROOMED BUNGALOW in Craighead Street-Built-in wardrobes, linen press, cupboards, Electric Light, Gas Cooker, 'brick and tiled fireplaces, fine large drawing room, cosy breakfast room, lead light windows, all modern conveniences.- Nice level section and garden, good motor garage. Reasonable deposit accepted. GOOD BLYING. £IO37.—ROUGH-CAST BUNGALOW situate in good part of Otipua Read, handy to school and 'bus, 5 rooms and two sleeping porches, large garage, sunny section, and garden. Absentee owner is very, keen to quit and hae reduced the price by over £2OO. A small amount of freshening up is needed, but at the price this is one of the cheapest properties on the market. A very reasonable deposit will secure the place for you. PARK LANE PROPERTY. £22SO.—SITUATE IN FASHIONABLE PARK LANE, we have for sale a Very Fine Brick Single Storey Spacious Residence with all modern conveniences. Splendid Billiard Room, nice breakfast rooms, sunny bedrooms, beautiful lawns, shrubs, and gardens. Residences in this exclusive locality seldom come on :hj market and of its class this is an extremely cheap property. Easiest Terms can be arranged. £4OO TO £IOOO. All the better class properties on the market are on our register, and can at the present time be bought well worth the money. Buy now before the inevitable rise that will come with increasing prosperity. GEO. REID. Estate Agent, Beswick Street : : Timaru. ’PHONE 626. P.O. BOX 215. McINTYRE’S Extra Strong Regulating Pilis. Ladies recommend them. Sold everywhere. Bs Id per
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
Word Count
660Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.