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GRAND OPERA AT 1/AST. GRAND OPERA AT LAST. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! THEATRE ROYAL, TIMARU. AT EIGHT O’CLOCK SHARP. THE FULLER-GONSALEZ ITALIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY SEVENTY ARTISTS—PRINCIPALS,' CHORUS, OPERATIC BALLET, AND ORCHESTRA. WITH FULL COSTUME & SCENIC EFFECTS, DIRECT FROM ’MILAN, WILL PRESENT VERDI’S IMMORTAL MELODIOUS OPERA •TL TROVATORE.” “IL TROVATORE.” “IL TROVATORE.” "IL TROVATORE.” ! (The Troubadour). With ROSITA SILVESTRI (Dramatic Soprano); NINA ALGOZZINO (dramatic mezzo); MATILDA PFRIMMER (mezzo-soprano)'; ALESSANDRO ROTA (lyric tenor); FRANCO IZAL (Spanish baritone), and ANTONIO ALFIERI (basso), in the principal roles. GIOVANNI GONSALEZ (conductor.).. In Order to CONSIDER THE PUBLIC, Sir Benjamin and Mr John Fullei 1 have fixed the following COMMONSENSE PRICES: Dress Circle and Reserved Stalls . . . . .. .. 8/-. Stalls Unreserved (a limited number) . . . . . . 5/-. Pit, early door 7 p.m., 3/-. Late door 2/6. Limited Number of School Concessions 5/- (reserved). (All Plus Tax). PLANS NOW OPEN AT THE BRISTOL PIANO COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTICE.—The audience is kindly requested to be seated before eight o’clock, as the doors will be closed at the commencement of the Opera, and no one will be admitted during the Opening Scene. To-morrow (Friday), Diamond Jubilee Night. GALA PERFORMANCE OF GOUNOD’S GLORIOUS OPERA "FAUST.” "FAUST.” “FAUST.” “FAUST.” Final Performance and Last Opportunity of Hearing the Opera Company. DO NOT MISS IT. PRICES SAME AS ABOVE. Also a Few School Concessions at 3/- (plus tax). Apply Early to Secure These. PLOUGHING MATCH. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION. GREAT DISPLAY OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. SATURDAY, JULY 14. The Fifteenth Annual Ploughing Match', under the Auspices of th® Timaru Ploughing Match Committee, will be held at “Elloughton Grange,” off Kelland’s Road, on SATURDAY, JULY 14. RECORD ENTRIES ANTICIPATED. Competitors from North Canterbury to Southland. Special Competition for Tractors. Motor Cars on Exhibition. VARIOUS SIDE-SHOWS, including SHEEP GUESSING COMPETITION. PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE. REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE ON THE GROUND. Hot Water Supplied at Nominal Charge. ALL TICKET HOLDERS AND LADIES AND CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE OF CHARGE. FRUIT AND SOFT DRINK STALL ON THE GROUND. ADMISSION 1/-, CARS 1/-. E. CARTWRIGHT, Levels, Hen. Sec. ■ ■ ■' ■■■ 1 -.■.■■'h-i- , "■ ' 1 v " N.Z. RAILWAYS. r ■ . % RANFURLY SHIELD. SPECIAL TRAIN TO CHRISTCHURCH. A SPECIAL TRAIN will run from Timaru to Christchurch, on SATURDAY, JULY 14, leaving Timaru at 10.18 a.m.; leaving Christchurch on the return journey at 6.15 p.m. RETURN FARE—First Class 15/6; Second Class 10/6. TIMARU JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL JUBILEE VALUES IN CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT. DON’T MISS THESE. f WE ARE OFFERING THE BEST VALUES IN TIMARU. You like a Refreshing Cup of Tea with Dainty Cakes and Sandwiches, Served in a Cosy Room, then come to our Te(i Rooms. THE IDEAL, STAFFORD STREET (NEXT H. 8.) YOU CAN’T MISTAKE US AT NIGHT. LOOK FOR THE FLASHING SIGN. IDEAL. ’PHONE 751. R. M. FITZGERALD, PROPRIETOR. WALKER’S TOURIST SERVICE. RANFURLY SHIELD MATCH. CANTERBURY V. SOUTH CANTERBURY. CHRISTCHURCH, SATURDAY NEXT, JULY 14th. MINERVA BLUEBIRD ’BUS WILL LEAVE CLUB HOTEL CORNER AT 8 A.M., RETURNING FROM RINK TAXIS’ GARAGE, CHRISTCHURCH, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2.30 P.M. RETURN FARE £l. * ' BOOK EARLY. For Information or Seat Bookings call at Moore’s, Confectioner, Stafford Street North, or Ring ’Phone 12 41. 19! I IARU TO CHRISTCHURCH DAILY SERVIOE. M NOW ON A DAILY SERVICE WILL BE RUN WITH OUR HUDSON AND CADILLAC CARS. ART TIMARU DAILY 8 A.M., ARRIVE CHRISTCHURCH 11.40., DEPART CHRISTCHURCH 4 F.M., ARRIVE TIMARU 7.45 P.M. ERVE SEATS AT LISTER’S GARAGE. 'Phone 815, 937 T. Private. CHRISTCHURCH TO DUNEDIN. WHITE STAR DAILY MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE. Fare —39/- Single. TIMETABLE; LISTCHURCH DEPART DAILY (Except Monday and Including Sun‘days) ——At 8 a.m., Ashburton 9.30 a.m., Geraldine 10.45 a.m. Temuka 11 a.m., Timaru 11.30 a.m., arrive Waimate 12.30 p.m. fLunch); depart Waimate 1 p.m., Oamaru 2.30 p.m., Palmerston !/ 45 p.m., arrive Dunedin 5.30 p.m. luiTs Leave Colosseum Garage (White Diamond Cabs) Gloucester Strßi^t lEDIN DEPART DAILY (Except Mondays and Including Sundays)—at 830 am Palmerston 10.30 a.m., Oamaru 11.45 a.m., arrive Waimate 12.30 p.m. (Lunch); depart Waimate 1 p.m., Timaru 2 p.m.. Temuka 2.30 p.m., Geraldine 3 p.m., Ashburton 4.30 p.m., arrive Christchurch 6 p.m. ; Cars Leave White Star Garage, Princess Street. SEATS MAY BE RESERVED AT—LISTER'S GARAGE. Timaru. Telephones 815 (Garage) and 937 T fPrivate), Royal Hotel, Waimate. COLOSSEUM GARAGE (White Diamond Cabg) Christchurch. Telephones 2539 and 2195. . 10 ... STAR GARAGE, Dunedin. Telephones 13.444. g WILL PICK UP AND SET DOWN PASSENGERS EN ROUTE.
SURPLUS CALVES. UAAIRY FARMERS are advised that their replies as to the number of Surplus Calves they will have available for Collection will be received up to SATURDAY, 14th July. C. HARRISON, Secretary, Box 60, Ternuka.
NOTICE. ’T'HE PUBLIC are notified that the 1 Coffee Stall in Strathallan Street, will Re-open TO-NIGHT, ■WEDNESDAY, 11th July. E. GILBERT, Proprietor.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
Word Count
774Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.