MEET AT CARTWRIGHT’S CORNER. Hounds met at Cartwright’s corner on Saturday. The morning was cold and raw, and did not promise too well for scent, but on the whole, a very good day’s sport was had by a smaller than usual field of straight-goers.
The last two weeks of fine weather had made the hounds in splendid order, but some of the flats were still on the soft side, especially plough paddocks. Hounds were thrown off in one of Mr Cartwright’s valley paddocks,. and after trying another paddock, a hare moved off towards Mr Jones’ downs, crossing some of Mr Cartwright’s paddocks on the way. Swinging in a nortlily direction into Messrs Burke’s, they doubled on her tracks back through Mr Jones’ and down into Mr Cart-wright’s valley • paddock. She carried on ac-rass the valley, and up on to the downs, near the main road, next swinging slightly left-handed across some roots, and then over newly sown crop. The field had to mako a long detour, and picked up the pack in Mr Parlano’s. Hounds worked out the lino slowly, but were carried off by a fresh hare getting up close in front. The hare ran through Mr O’Brien’s, bearing left into Mr Cartwright’s then crossed the valley into Mr'Jones’, where they made a fine sight as they streamed up the hill. Running with a lot of confidence, tho pack raced away in a northerly direction through Messrs Burke’s, into Mr Cadwallader’s, then turned to the left and made a complete circle of those two farms before crossing the road into Mr Hart’s. Hounds worked the line out slowly across some of his paddocks, then over the road again, into Messrs Burke’s, hustling their quarry across into Mr Cndwallader’s. The hare made down hill again, and out into the road, and although she tvas running up the middle of the road, the pack were unable to hold to the line.
In the afternoon, a great sporting run started from Mr Cadwallader’s stubble, running through some of his paddocks into Mr Harkness’s, and across this farm into .the. bluegum plantation. The hare travelled the full length of Mr Baikie’s property before turning downhill, and crossing tho road up on to Mr Hart’s downs, where scent failed.
Those out were:— The Master (Mr C. G. O’Neil), on Across: Huntsman (J. Shaw), on Random; "Whip (J. Dunnill), on Peter; the Misses Harper on Challenger; S. Orbell, on Tim; Rolleslon. on Mustang; D. Orbell, on Mali Jong; June Orboll, on Cupid; J. Orbell, on Peter; M. Orbell, on Mata; N. Bond, on Felicity; Steward, on Qualtno; C. F.lworthy, on Smokie; P. Orbell, on Mickey; N. Orbell, on Nanette; A. Orbell, on Sammy: Messrs Morris, on Davey; H. El worthy, on Royalty: Bassett, on Wild Deer; Harper, on Capt. Mnrphv; "Dixon, on Charm; Davis, on Camouflage; Taylor, on Lady Grafton; Robb, on Clancoy; Coates, on TTtu; W. R. Orbell, on -All Clear; Hunt, on Silvertrick: 0. Shaw, on Peterliue; Ellis, on Apollyon ; Mahoney,-on The Saint; Hunt, nil Red Pepper. Hounds will meet at the Whalebones. to-day (Thursday).
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 4
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