t. E jf ‘Distinguished Smoke for Discerning People m Superior style and shapeliness plus Virginia Tobacco of rare charm, make Capstan de Luxe truly fine cigarettes. SOLD ONLY IN - A . 25 for 1/9 ATTRACTIVE . 10 for 9<J. • ci at TIN*; FLAT POCKET TINS 99 w l l & % w n L BRISTOL & LONDON W. D. Sc H. O. WILLS Beys 9 School Footwear FREE Catalogue Send today for a, copy of Hannah’s 1928 Illustrated Price Catalogue. It’s FREE upon requestl No. 1816—Prices: 7 to 10, 14/6 11 to). 16/6 2 and 3. 18/6 4 and 5. 19/6 BLACKBo Calf Brog soles. Postage Paid for cash with order. Stout Chrome A similar boot to that quoted below is No. 1825, but has a stouter sole and toe and heel p’ates. The Price* are : 7 to 10. 12/6; 11 to I. 14/6; 2 and 3 17/6 ; 4 and 5. 18/6. No. 1829—Prices 7 to io. 15/6 11 to i. 17/6 2 and 3, 19/6 4 and 5, 21/No. 181 Prices : 7 to 10. 13/6 Utoi. 15/6 2 and 3. 17/6 4 and 5. 18/6 In BLACK Box Calf. Ooen front. leather lined. Medium weight boot. In BLACK. Box Coif. (Also No. 1813 Tan willow.! No. 1827—Prices: 7 to 10, 10/6 II to l. 12/6 2 and 3. 15/6 4 and 5, 16/6. In BLACK Chrome. Screwed soles and heelplates. HANNAHS No 87 Local Address: OA'A*'. i UKU STREET, TIMARU.
WHEN you have a cold or influenza, free bowel movement is necessary to carry off impurities caused by cold germs and fever. The constipating effect of medicines containing opiates is most serious when the patient is a child or an elderly person. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains no opiates. Frequent doses act as a laxative., Clear off ‘poisons which accumulateiin the system. Help Nature clear , out the cold germs and reduce the fever. Chamberlains COUCH REMEDY 9/Q.res re/ref r m eve7y spoonful
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 3
Word Count
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 3
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