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(From Our Own CorresDondent.). j THUNDERSTORM. j Shortly after 3 o’clock yesterday I afternoon, a short but Bevere thunderstorm, accompanied by vivid flashes of i Jiyhtningj passed over lemuKß, this being followed by a very heavy tall of liuil and rain. Although the attain lasted only about half an hour, the side channels were unable to deal with tho surface water, and they remained congested for some considerable time. THE BAND. j At a meeting hold last evening in the Band room, this Mayor (Mr U. B. Cartwright) presided over a good attendance of tho gwierii public, bandsmen, and reprc.r.'utettven Borough Council. .Tim Bordugh Council was represented by tho Mayor, and Councillor# Guuuion aiid«Buaan. Mr U. j Clements acted os uecretuiw. . Tho Mayor stuteu that at the last meeting it was decided to got int-> touch with Mr Cummings, of the Jlmaru Municipal Baud, lie expressed his pleasure in seeing so .many present to confer with Mr Cummings, tfith tha object of coming to some arrangement with him to take over tho . conductorship of tho local Band. He hoped that something substantial would be arnvo.l at that evening. Continuing, Mr Cartwright read « letter from Messrs Begg and Co., who advised that they were willing to extend the time of pnymont of die outstanding amount duo on tlm instruments, provided that two guarantors were forthcoming. Mr Stan Cross stated, in reply to tho Mayor, that them were five or six new players, and some of the old players willing to join up! M- Gunnion thought that the first thing thev should settle was the appointment of the guarantors, and lie moved that the Mayor should bo ono of guarantors, provided that he was willing. If the debt was not provided for, Begg and Co. might seize ■the instruments. The Mayor suggested that the matter should be' left for dismission in a later portion of the evening. Mr Crass did not think that Begg and Co. would seize the instruments. Mr AV. Coombs said that he had bad a considerable amount of experience with bands, and he suggested that the whole band ns it stands at present, be wound up, and that- tho instruments be handed over to the Borough Council. Further, he suggested that a new small committee of willing and keen players be elected to control the wholo matter. The players must be keen and enthusiastic, for it was no encouragement to anyone to see some coine for a while and then bang up their instruments. He would be willing to become a quarter-guarantor, provided that the old regime and management went by t.lwg board. ft was not fair to ask only two men to bear the total guarantee. The bandsmen themselves should be prepared to help themselves. Mr Cooinbs, continuing, stated that he was certain that if men and boys did iiil'i come to practices then there would ho no band of any good. He declared that the band as it lias been working of late, i was a disgrace to the town, i Mr Cartwright disagreed sharply ; with the statement that the band bad ' ever been a disgrace.. j Mr Clements staled that they were not ’there to conduct an imprest, burial, or a resurrection. Tf they wanted a band they must have a lot of young enl liusiastic fellows, but it was mi--1 reasonable to expect, that these fellows i

should take such a liability as tlic debt to Begg and Co. ; ~ , , ■ Tho chairman pointed out that ousi--1 ness men and others in Temuka some I few years ago subscribed £9O, and although good financial backing was found, the then conductor started with 12 players and finished with 10. lie did not think that it was a matter I of finance that thc.y were most eonj cerned about, but rather tho need ol • enthusiastic members with a good conductor. i Mr S, Cross maintained that a splendid opportunity existed for recruiting new bandsmen, by tho local business men employing players, so as to keep them in the town. Mr Clements moved that tho old band and the old band committoe i bo disbanded; and that in tlm meantime I the -instruments and the property of I (he old hand be handed to the Borough ! Council) and bo vested in this body. | H war!, however, explained that tho ! old hand bad been disbanded, and therefore there was no need for tho motion. Mr Coomb# moved and Mr L. H. Bonbow Eeeomled, that a ainnll committee he E'-l up to fonnujnto a Brass Baud, and that this coiumitfeo bo appointed that night, : Cpunei lor Burn'll pointed out that • when Mr Cwombs spoke- to his motion his remarks Boomed to convey tho impression that tho Borough Council had takou over the internments. This was not so. The motisu was put, and curried unanimously. It was also pointed out that unless tlm original trustees were willing to assign their trusteeship ovur to the Borough Council, legnl difficulty would arise. < His Worship stated that nil five trustees woro willing to assign over. I A sharp discussion ensued, wherein much of the old time history of tho band was ventilated, and in order to ; come to something definite, the Mayor moved and Mr 1,. 11. Bonbow seconded i-—" That the following committee ■ , he appointed—tho Mayor, Councillors I Gunnion, Evans, nnd Busan, Messrs i Tonlu, Alfrey, Hill. Coombs, Clements, mid Cro's.”—Cnrried. i | Mr Gunnion moved a motion of t I.thanks to Messrs Cummings rind Ruston ■ i for their attendance that' evening. - | T» seconding the motion, the Mayor > stated that they were very much in- ; debtrd to Mr Huston for all the vaiu- • able assistance and information that : lie had given. | The mol ion was enthusiastically r cnrried, nnd the general meeting ter- . urinated. The committee then wenl | into conference. . i Mr Cummings was unanimously a-p u pointed conductor of the band. It v/a.‘ , nrrnngnd that Ids duties commence a.‘ 3 from November 2. and every succeed- . irig Tuesday, and Friday evening. Or r his initio* visit lie would meet intend i nig bandsmen for the purpose of inter i nnl band organisation and instruction i ! CATHOUTO TENNIS CLUB BALL. i [ • ! An exceptionally large number at j tended the annual ball of the Tennik: r Catholic Tennis Club last Thursday 3 evening in the Catholic Club rooms. J 1 tasteful overhead decorative scheme 3 earned out in red and yellow, lent i - pleasing aspect to the' .scene. Thi t duties of masters of ceremonies wen - attended to by Messrs E. Foley mu I P. Histen. The function was i 0 thoroughly successful one. a , Amongst those who attended were 1 Mesdinnes Tozer. Mitten, and Quii i’ (3). Misses Charles (2) (Hi'tou) a Taylor, Bedford, Double, Cameron Grant, Warning (3), V. WhitehoiiHr p Slattery. McGarvu (2), Horraek I, Oliver. Palmer (2), D. Larsen, Mittei a (2), Small, Dwvcv, Shaw (2), Kella - ban. Sngnio, Webb (2), Gasoil. Prat i- tiny (2), Kelly, Hannifin (2), Sheen s . Newman, and Lentham. Messrs B'vtli

Toape, Foley, Parke, O’Neil (2), Dwan (2), Horraek, Gillum, Connolly (3), Mangan, Storey, Crannitch, Gatfpney, AleCarva, Oliver (2), Brosnahun, P. Histen, Saunders, C. Robinson, Halley, Hawse, Brav, Orton (2), H. Bond, T. Palmer, C. Wood, Coles, F. Stowlcs, Jos. Moulton, Bryan, Charles, F. J. Valentine (Timaru), and L. Mamaru, and many others.

CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. H the annual moating of the Caledonian Society last night, tho annual report stated that as it l'enull ol tho Queen Carnival, the crodi- balance stood Htood at £2Ol. Mr D. White was elected president, a iid Mr J. G- Ritchie secretary. It was decided to write, to the Wnimnte Society again proposing that Romo arrangement should be come to regarding alternate use of Boxing Day for tho annual sport#. MILFORD LAGOON ASSOCIATION. Tho mmual meeting of the. Milford Lagoon Association was held on Thursday evening, there being present— Messrs F. A. Raymond (president), I. M. Martin, L. H. Robins, P. Wareing, 1). Grant, W. McCailum, T. Greelish, W. Lawler, C. Daly, T. Gunnion, J. S Lee, F. Williams, A\Phillips, L. Ilobbs, Mesdaines F. Ben, P. Wareing, and the secretary (Mr D. O’Connor). Apologies were received from Mr G. H. Clements and Mr L. J. Grant-. Tho balance sheet showed receipts amounting to £145 Os 2d, including £-10 19s 2d curried forward, and £IOU proceeds of Queen Carnival.. The expenditure amounted to £7l 15s, the principal items being sundry creditors £l4 12s lOd, improvements £l3. 13s, protection works £l9 os, leaving a credit balance of £73 2s Id.

In moving the adoption of the balance sheet', the president said that thanks were due to the Caledonian Society for allowing the Association to join in with them in the Queen Carnival, from which the Association received £IOO. Thanks were due also to all those who had assisted the Association at that time, and to the candidate herself, Miss J. Iliginbottoni. The money which the Association had got from this venture had kept things going. During the year a protective works contract was let for £llO, and of this amount hut-holders had contributed £9l, the Association being responsible for £l9 ss. Works of a .simi'ar nature should he carried on next year; but the question.was where was the money to come from. The lato Mr Rutherford had given valuable property to the people of Teniuka for all time, and ho thought that these people should make some eflort to protect their own property. The question of rebuilding the shed should also bo taken in hand, and the people "of Teniuka should also assist in this direction. So far as the protective works were concerned, the hut-holders’ attention should be drawn to the seriousness of the position, for every time the mouth blocked it meant that their property was being washed out to sea. Mr Warning seconded the motion, which was carried. in vacating the chair, the president stated that he did not desire reelection, as it meant that he had to travel from Timaru to the meetings. He would continue to do all lie could ; for the good of the A.ssociatios, and he thanked all those who had assisted him during the past year. The (‘lection of officers resulted ;—• Putron, Mr L. G. Grant; president, Milo Wareing; vice-presidents, Messrs T. Gunnion, G. 11. Clements, D. Met lines, A. it. Guild, A. Rain; committee’, , Messrs T. Greelish, F. A. Raymond, | D. Grant, L. Hobbs, F. Williams, L. j H. Robins, J. Davis, J. Maze, W. Oldfield, W. Phillips ; treasurer, Mr R. I Hughes; auditor, Mr W. F. Evans, j The si|eretary stated that he wished to resign from the position, as lie would I not bo available lor the New Year’s i Day picnic arrangements. Mr J. S. Lee said that Mr O’Connor had done a considerable amount of work in connection with the Queen Carnival, and ho moved that an honorarium of £7 7s be granted to him for his services. In seconding the motion, Mr W. MeCallum said that the Queen Carnival had netted a sum of £IOO for the Association, and had it not been for Mr O'Connor the Association would not have been invited to take part. Mr Grant moved as an amendment, and Mr Hobbs seconded, that the sum be 10 guineas. On a vote being taken, the motion was carried. Mr O’Connor thanked members for tho grant, and said that any work lie bad done was for the good of the Association. On tlie motion of Mrs F. Bori and Air Grant, Mr F. M. Martin was elected secretary. Air Raymond moved, and Air Grant seconded, that a picnic be hold on New Year's Day. Air Robins said that special stress should bo laid on tho fact that tho money wouM bo spent on protection works. Tho president said that this should he boosted, and the shed ought to bo erected without much delay. • Air O'Connor said that the course, of tho rivei should be diverted. There

was no Use building sheds until the land was safe, lie contended that the hutholdcrs - had not done their share in this direction. Mr Raymond was of a different opinion. . Mr O'Connor said that £9l had been contributed amongst seven hutholdeis, and if anyone could tell liim that tills was the majority of those who owned liuts he would withdraw the statement. Mr Raymond: “I object. You say that the hutho ders had not paid anything.” Mr O’Connor said that- during tho past tbfoo or four years there had been £220 spent on protection works, and of this -the Association had contributed £95. and they did not own anything like fifty per cent, of the land in the locality. Mrs Beri : “Were the I—.tholders asked to subscribe where the £95 was spent, bv the Association? If they were I was not approached.” Mr Raymond said that lie had been apnroaclied mid had subscribed.. The president: “If you don’t put up tho shed you may as well sell tho property.” Airs Beri : “Do you propose to erect grevnes. Mr O’Connor?” Mr O'Connor: “Make the, district int" a rating area first.” Air Raymond said the Geraldine Countv officials were of opinion that, the district- was too small to create a rating /tea. “So you can count that i nut.”

Afrs Beri soul that, considering Air Rutherford had given it to tho neope, it should have the support of the district.

Air Raymond moved, and Air Grant seconded, that the shed be erected, and that men who arc nut of work at present, be employed. Air O'Connor moved and Air Greelish seconded, that the matter be left with the committee to deal with. Tho amendment was carried.

METHODIST. GUILD. Tho annual meeting of the Alethodist Laities’ Guild was held on Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of Airs G. iiurborough, AVincliester. There were fifteen lames present, besides the Itev. K. Richards. After devotional exercises, refcronco was made to tile excellent work done for tho church by the Ladies’ Guild during the past year. -There had teen several losses by removal from tho district, but the Guild had continued to work in unabated unity and strength. The Rev. R. Richards spoke of tho value of such wolk in connection with church activities, and thanked tho officers and members for their work and harmonious loyalty. The garden party, to be held on December 9, was discussed, and arrangements wore mado for its success. The following stallholders were appointed to work up the various departments : —Cake stall, Airs E. B. Cooper; work stall, Airs R. Aladdren; fancy stall, Airs B. Hayman and junior girls; fruit salad and sweets, senior Young Women’s Bible Class; ice cream, junior boys; afternoon tea, members of the Ladies’ Guild; soft, drinks, senior Young Ale-n’s Bible Class. Airs Blackmorc undertook to arrange for. a. suitable form of entertainment during the afternoon. Several other matters affecting the .event were a'so discussed. The election of office-bearers for the ensuing yeur resulted as follows : President,-Airs J. Duncan; vice-presi-dents, Airs Richards and Airs Blackmore; secretary, Airs G. Burborough; treasurer, Aliss Brown (all re-elected). The annual report and balance sheet was presented, and revealed the- Guild to be in a very healthy condition, and gratification was expressed by. several members at the work that bad been accomplished. Tho balance sheet revealed a total income of £B4 for the year., of which amount £7l had been paid out, including donations to the church trust, and there was a credit balance, in hand of £l3. Aliss Brown reported that she had discovered the original minute book of the first Ladies’ Guild held forty years ago. Tho organisation had been kept going since then, and at least one member of the Guild in those days was still a member.

PERSONAL. Air K. Conno’lv, of Invercargill, is at present visiting Temuka. The Rev. and Airs Paul Tcmuera, of Rotorua, are spending a vacation at “To Waipopo,” Temuka. Inspector Raymond visited the Arowhenua school yesterday for the annual examinations. NOTES. The 1.0.0. F.. Lodge will hold a picnic to Timaru on Labour Dav t Monday). The Temuka Technical School will commence a class in sheep-shearing in Air S. Arc Cully’s shed on Monday (Labour Day) at 8 a.m. The gross financial return of the AY.C.T.U. garden party, which was held at- “Hazeltlmrpe” on Thursday, amounted to £3B ss. Tho ladies incurred very little expense in connection with the effort, and it is expected that about £35 will be available for the building fund. In the children’s fancy dress competition at the W.C.T.U. garden party, A’iss Doreen Gibb (Sweet Lavender) and Miss Noe'ine Fimllay (Hawaiian) were equal first, and shared the prizo money. The Temuka Bowling Club will hold a progressive pairs on Labour Day at 9 a.m. Entries for Brown Cup, Cooper Shield, championship singles, and B. grade singles, close on October 30th.

“REVEILLE,” TO-NIGHT.” Everyone who played his part in the Great War will want to eee “Rovei'le,” screening at Temuka t<> night, because of its vivid reminiscences of trench life. “Reveille” cannot he explained in conventional terms of film entertainment., because it neither follows the ordinary formula of film drama nor film comcdv. Tt has no fi'rn plot at all —it is a vivid impression of life itself, elemental life in London in the years of 1918 and 19?.‘1. “Reveille” ‘is a, pirtnie of heroism and of heroic pathos, of the hysferid and abandon oT war, «i”l of tlie-.failures of peace, through which runs the threads of a poignant story of the victory of courage. The featured players arc Betty Balfour, Stowart, Rome, and Frankie Stanmore. The usual entertaining supporting pictures will also be screened.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 23 October 1926, Page 10

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TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 23 October 1926, Page 10

TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 23 October 1926, Page 10


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