EASTER SPORTS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL FIXTURE. (.OWN COUP KSPOXUKXT-] Brilliantly line weather favoured theTemuka, Bicycle ami Athletic Club's annual sports gathering, which was held yesterday' at Victoria Bark. T.'omuka, and there was a largo attendance. The oval was in excellent condition for running, and the cycling track was also in first class order. The admission receipts, £l6O 15s, were nearly £SO in advance of last year, fully bearing out the officials’ anticipations of a record attendance. A special train from Timaru brought out a very large number of spectators, and the ordinarytrains had their full quota. Amongst the visitors from kindred societies wore Mr J. McTlrov (Geraldine), Mr Dunshea (Christchurch), Mr C. D. Chisnall (Minds), and Mr ./. Kennedy (secretary of the N.Z. Atlilotio Union). The arrangements left no room for improvement, and were the result, of long experience and well-directed efforts of the officials. _ Numerous sideshows added to the gaiety and general interest of the gathering. The Temuka Brass Band was in attendance, under Conductor J. Hatton, and provided all that could bo desired in the way of music at such a gathering. The afternoon tea arrangements were carried out most satisfactorily by Mr AY. H. Budd and staff. Mr G. H. Clements was again chief executive officer, a. position which he filled to the satisfaction of evorvbodv. and he a -d the. president.,Air .T. ‘Crombie, and officials caVned the hearty congratulations of all on the marked success which was achieved.
As to the sports, they were above the ordinary, the cycling events being the most popular. Unfortunately, however, a mix-up occurred in the big race, in .which O’Shea, Phillip, Vigors, and Bell all sustained injuries, and with tlio exception of the first-named none of tiio riders was able to take any further part in the programme. Notwithstanding being badly cut about, O’Shea placidly came out ‘for the Milo Scratch. Pace, which ho won amidst a. scene of great enthusiasm. The running events were keenly contested, and provided some verv close finishes. The field events and wrestling bouts were also very 7 popular. The officials were as follows: Patron, Mr T. D. Burnett, M.P.; president, Mr J. Crombie; vice-presi-dents,' Messrs J. H. Anderson and G. Thomson; captain, Mr Geov.goThomson; vice-captain, Mr E. Badbimid; referee, Mr J. Crombie; handicapper, Mr C. ,E. Hassall; starter, Mr W. J. Moore; lion, treasurer, Mr T\. MoGnllutn; aoiu auditor, Mr F. A. Joynt; bon. secretary. Mr C. If. Clements; Press steward”,'J- Wilson.
The following are the results: — RUNNING. 120 YARDS HANDICAP-: prizes £ls, £5, and £3. First heat: C. B. Symon B}yds 1, S. R. Symister 17yds 2. Five started. Won by three yards. Time, I3sec. Second heat: W. J. DoiigJas Sycla 1, M. A. Macdonald' 3yds 2. light started. Won by two yards. Tunc, 13sec. Third heat: W. B. Grade Byds 1, J. 0. Loughlin 9yds 2. Won by inches. Time, 13sec. Final: C. B. Symon 1, W. J. Douglas 2, W. B. Grade 3. Won by inches after a desperato finish. Time, 11 2-osoc. 220 YARDS PUBLICANS' HANDICAP; prizes £5, £3, and £l. First heat: S. R. Symister 2yds I, W. B. Gracio 12yds 2. 0. W. Smitli 10yds, J. Bailoo 11yds, and G. Turner Itiyds also started. Won easily. Time, 22 2-ssec. Second heat-: V. J. Douglas 12yds 1, "J. Edgelcr 12yds and A. J. Stevenson ,16.vds 2. M. A. Macdonald 4yds, C. B. Symon 12yds, G. Hefford 16yds, and K. Cameron 17yds, also started. Macdonald finished .second, but was disqualified for obstructing Edgelcr and Stevenson, who were placed second. Won by half a. yard. Time, 23see. Third heat: J. O. Loughlin 16yds ], A. D. Cameron 13yds 2. B. Brian I.oyds, W. Sinclair 13yds, D. Stewart I.6yds, and W. Smytho 17yds, also started. Won by a foot. Time, 23sees. Final: ,T. O. Loughlin 1, A. D. Cameron 2, S. R. Symister 3. Symister objected to seven men starting in the final, and Stevenson stood down in favour of Edgeler. The backmarker put in a, groat burst of .speed, but just failed to head the winner. A foot separated the first three men. Time, 23secs.
BSO YARDS; prizes £5, £2 and £l. —AV. Sntylio 85yds I, AY. If. Clarke 20yds 2, \V. Tubb 60yds 3. E. Dean syds, AY. P. Hailes lords, U. Knowles 2oyd«, AV. AVeston 30yds, AV. Archer 35yds, H. Hardwieh 40yds, H. Johnston 50yds, S. Johnstone 55yds. E. E. Scott 00yds, G. 'rurner 00yds, A. 1?. .King 00yds, M. E. AJuihem 65yds also started. Dean and 'Hailos tho back markers, dropped out at the end of the first lap. Coming into the straight Smylio went to the front- and stalling off a challenge by Clarke, ho won by a, foot, the same distance separating second and third. Time, 2min 2sec. 75 YARDS BOYS’ RACE (14 years and under) ; prizes 20b, IGh, and 5s. — G. Jackson J, J. Aleßratnoy 2, AY. Small 3. About twenty started. 440 YARDS HANDICAP; prizes £5, C2 and £1. —$5. 1?.. Syniister 27yds 1, AV. J. Douglas 17yds 2. AY. Smylio 23yds 3. Thirteen started. A good race. Symisf.er bended the hold eonr'ng into tin l straight and won by lin.lf a, yard, the second man just, heating SmvJio on the tape. Time, 52see. ONE All EE CASH HANDICAP; prizes £5. £3 and Cl. —\V. Archer 55yds 1, 11. Hardwick 55yds 2, \Y. it. Clark ser 3. AA T . Smylio 40yds, (.). Knowles 25yds, A. K. King Ssy,ls, B. Knowles 85yds, E. E. Seot.t- 90ydn, A\’. Tnhh IJOyds, and M. E. .Alnlbern 95yds also started. A good race. Hardwick led tho way until entering the straight for the last time, when Archer wont to the front and won by a foot. HALE MILE (iiov-s under lb years); prizes 20s, 10s,' 7s fid and 5s. —L. ilooro 1,1). Johnston 2, G. AA’nrd 3, AV. Kyle 4. Alton! twenty started. A very good rare. Time, 2mih 26see.
CYCLING. QFA BTEH-All BE lUCYOJ J'l HANDJCAP; prizes £3, £2 and £l. Firstheat: T. Ftobdart, 33yds, 1; A. Bonis, 20yds, 2. Also started"—lb O'Shea, ser; G. AAb Prebble. .32yds; and G. \A". Hunt, 35ytls. AVmi by half a- length. Time, liOsec. Second heat: G. Augers 35yds I, H. Illimani 3-lvds, 2. P. Hill Kiyds, G. Goodall 25yds and G. A'. Toz.or 28yds also .darted. Won by a length. Time, 30see. Third beat: (l Beil 33,vds 1, G. Radhnrnd 25yds 2. H. AAF Bireb ibyds and D. J. Beat 35yds also started. AA’iill by a wheel. Time, 30,see. Fourth lie.ti l: J. Boarma.n 7yds I, <:. Phillips 34yds 2. AA*. Alackie 3Uyds and’ A. !l. Matthew'- 34yds also started. Won by a length. Time, 29see. Final: G. .Phillips I, T. StoiUlart 2, G. A’igers .3, The winner rode a good race and won bv a bare length, inches sena ra; i ng second and third. Time, 3-! !-ssee. ONE HIDE A’( it’TITS’ HANDICAP: IB years and under: prizes £ 1, 7* ud ;!tid 2s Od.-- AV. Alaekie 35vds .1, O. IF "| {in Id DOvilh 2. G. Phillies 50yds 3. duze-n letmihs. Time. 2min 30se«\ lIACF-ADI F HANDICAP: priz.ee £4. f'2 and I. — • t. AA’. Bin-h 35yds I, G. Kadliuriul 45\ds 2. I’. -O’Shea ser 3. G. AM Brebhle 65vds, T. Flo. Man 70v-b, Bllrds also started. Won b,y iueb<>s, a lop.i’tdi 1 separatin'' vceond and third. Time. GO 'J-lWc. Sen,-ml heat: H- Bin
narcl 75yds 1, .T. Bearman 35yds 2. G. _V. Tozer GUycD, C. Beil 70yds, G. Phillips SUyds and G. W. Hunt 85yds also started. Won by a length. Time, 61 l-3sec. Third heat- G. Geo da 11 4-5 yds J, A. Bonis 35yds 2. W. Mackie 60yds, and D. .). Peat 85yds also started. Won by two lengths. 'J’imc, 59see. Final: J. Bearman 1, G. Goodall 2, G. Uadburnd 3. The field were together lending. In tin: back stretch Bearman came to the front and won easily by two lengths, a length separating second and third. 'Time, 60 I-osec. ONE MILE HANDICAP: prizes £3. £2 and £l.—First heat: A. Ben is 60yds 1, P. O’Shea ser 2. G.AY. Prebide 125yds 3- 0. Bearman 65yds and G. Vigors 165yds also started. A. good finish, a length separating the first lour men. Time, 2min JOsec. -Second heat: G. P. Kirk Ifiovds 1, G. W. Wild 170 vds 2, S. Slater liCvds 3. H. AY. Birch 85yds, AY. Mackie iosyds and 'T. Stoddart Floyds also started. Won by halt a wheel. Time. 2min 6s.ee. 'i’hird heat: A. H. MaTUhews 105yds 1, O. Bell 135 vds 2, G. V. Tozer I.loyds 3. G Phillips 155yds and O. it. Rudd IGoyds also stjirtcd. Wop. by half a length, j.jme. 2niin 61 sec. Pinal: P. O Shea l. C. Bell 2, ‘G. P. Kirk 3. AA ben the boll wont all the men ,woro together, O’Slioa having goiin throe Coming into the- straight O’Shea went to the front and won by a length, t-ho same distance between second and thud. Time, 2ihin 9£scc. ONE All BE AND A HAL b TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP; prizes £ls, £5 and £3. —First heat: 11. Burnard 215yds 1. A. H. -Matthews 240yds 2, A. Bonis BSvds 3, G. Goodall lloyfla 4. J> O’Shea ser, G. V. Toer zlGOyds, G Vi"e.rs 210vds also started. AVhen about "half a. dozen lengths ; from the leaders. On leaving the straight Beil s tyre blew out, and something happened which brought down O’Shea, Bed, I lullips and Vigors, All t-ho didei s were more or less cut about. Bell having a badiv damaged knee and O’Shea being cut ‘ about ” the body, legs and arms. Phillips sustained a badly lacerated shoulder. 'The accident was very regrettable, but as far as could bo Been no blame was attachable to anyone. Second heat: J. Bearman 95yds 1, HAY. Birch 90yds 2, G. AY. Prebble IbO vds 3, AY. Mackie 150yds 4, S. Slater 240vds 5 G. Rad-burnd 110yds, I. Stoddai-t 205yds, G. I>. Kirk 230yd.3 O R R.mld 240vds and G. A\. Avild 245vds also started. AVon by a length. Time. 3min 17sec. Final: H. Barnard 1, A. IT. Matthews 2, A. Boms 3. AAhen the bell went the back-markers had failed to make any impression on the two limit men. Matthews led The way and got home by a wheel, Q 0 yards separating second and third. ONE MILE SCRATCH RACE; prizes £5. £2 and £1. —E. O'Shea 1, W. A. Bonis, G. Goodall and G. W. Prebble also started. Prebble was loading when the hell went, but Boms nnd moved to the front. Coming round the- bond Mnekio and Bonis c-losed up, and in a ding-dong imish O’Shea won h"-' a. length amid great applause, a wheel separating the second and third. The win was a- popular one, nnd the whine? was given a very 7 flattering reception. FIELD EVENTS.
THROWING THE HAMMER, prizes £9 £T, and los.--A. Scott sc:r 8411 jin’ ], J. O’Conn ell Bft 82ft 10iA 2, G. Alexander 2ft 81ft lOin 3. PUTTING THE STONE; prams £2, r- | arK l ]os. —Alexander ser 3btt, Pin 1. A. Scott 3ft 36ft Bin 2, ,T. O’Connell 11 TOSSING THE CABER; priw» £2, £1 and 10s.—Alexander scr 38ft. 8m 1, J. O’Connell J&n 38ft 7m 2, A. Scott ]2in 37ft 3in !>. LONG .TUMP; prizes £2 10s, and £1 10s—J. Edgeler i9ft 4in 1, F. Hales and E. Smitli PJft 3in equal 2. HIGH .l I'MP: prizes £2 TOs and £1 10s. —J. Markham 4in sft 7i-i_l, E. O’Nciil ser and J. EUory oin 6ft 4m equal 2. , AVRE-STLING (under lUsp; prizes 60s, 30s and 10s.—J. Mcßftde 1, >S. Brophv 2. A. Scott 3. . OPEN AYRESTLING ; prizea 60s. 20s and 10s. —A. Scott 1, •). Mcßride 2, S. Brophy 8.
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18077, 3 April 1923, Page 4
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1,938TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18077, 3 April 1923, Page 4
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