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-" „nrf r + Wo °i!!i f T ca^s moderate north- , Sd Wmds ' »«*» *» { Rational- Efficiency ad- : cresses are announced for "Wednesday next, m Orari Hall. " J - "P T\ 8 onng ladies of th » Pleasant v 1 omt Peace Celebrations ' Committee * intend holding a social, and dance at t an €arly dat«, to raise funds Tor the general committee. 'Attention is drawn to an alteration V S, t "t c da Jf ** fcale <> f Mr "W. G. Rutherfoid's stock and plant at WaiSSF' from Friday, April to Monday, April 7th. " J « Ti \ f n SU '^ m S ement s for the Easter Bowling Tournament afc Oamaru this, :- I- ear (says f the "Mail") ahead of ,-'. time. iLntries for the tournament were sy to close on April 12, but alreadv th"' ;,. "45? rinks required have definitely ente—- ; ed. The following howling clubs w : iU i. hs represented:—Dnned'nr FairMd". * Kaitnna, Gore, Roslyn, North Rnd '-. Te Rangi, Southland, Timaru. West End (Timaru), Palmerston, Balelntha [ Wamiate, Kia Ton. (Timaru), St.. Clair! -.. Morninaton. St. Kilda, Port Chalmers Green Island, West Harbor, and Taieri' i The Wellington C'ty Engineer, Mr' XV. H:' Morton, has left for' a tour of America with a view to collecu'ntr in- : formation on modern municipal methods.. In acknowledging tho tonst I of his health, at :« farewell gn+herincr, /Mr Morton stated that since 1904 noun r>f the work in thf principal Tarts of the city lind done with loan monpvf The explanation of this ro2riJ»"kaV« record of municipal financing of drpiiia«e, street improvement, etc.. -is that t'"» fWnni-ofcinn hn« an nnmial 3nc"T>'" r-f f ' 9O SOP from 5S acrere'ft'aimod h>"d pii the harbour front Ityithin the city,.../.

A public meeting of' everyone inteVested in dairy farming will be held in the Coronation Hall, Orari, next Monday evening.

There are. excellent entries in all classes for the Temuka and Geraldine Show, the most popular picnic show of South Canterbury—to be held on Thursday 'next, at "Winchester.

Sixteen cases of influenza have been reported in the Auckland district duiving tbo past seven days. Only one is a severe case. No deaths have been notified since*'the recurrence of the malady in the present mild form.

Mr A. C. Tnnibull, Inspector of Lands and Survey Department, has been appointed Secretary to the Public Service Commissioner. Mr Turnbull has been at the front for about three years and has not yet returned.

-A court-martial sat at Christchurch on Saturday to try Private- Arthur -Massey, charged with failing to parade for medical examination at Timaru when ordered to do .so by, Gazette notice. The prisoner was found guilty.

In connection with the proposal to I purchaso Elmwood Park, the Mayor of I Christchurch has received a telegram I from Mr Isitt, M.P., stating, that he | has received a definite promise from the Government of £IOOO towards its purchase.

| At the annual meeting of the Canterbury Punters', Machinists' and Bookbinders' Onion the following resolution was unanimously passed—"This meeting records its strong dissatisfaction at the action of the Court of Arbitration- in recently granting' prints ers, a skilled occupation, -an r houriy wage amounting only-to Is 7-Jd, while providing for other skilled 'trades,' a of Is lOd an hour.," ."" * '' " The St. John Ambulance .classes will commence in the ..Hall^Eatter' Street", at 7.30 p.m 1 . .Home nursing,;. Thursday. April 3rd. Men's"nrst aid, Wednesday", April 9th. Ladies'• first- aid, Friday! April 11th. - "

Next Thursday, "on account of the Misses Raine, Morton and Pearson sell the whole of tlie valuable household furniture etc., contained in Seiftou House. The sale will start at 12.30 with outside tlie piano and drawing room furniture will be sold at 2 30. This affords an excellent opportunity f or any person requiring to furnish, as everything is for absolute sale.

A conference of delegates from county and.borough councils, at the instance of the Woodville County Council, was held at Woodville last Wednesday, to consider the question of concrete roads. Delegates representing eight local bodies were present. A general discussion ensued, the consensus of opin'on being that concrete road" were beyond the means of local bodies, and that some cheaper method of rpa-* construction should be consFde'-ed, and another conference will be held.

The Geraldine Peace Celebration Committee met on Friday nighty the Mayor, Mr B. R. Macdbnald, presiding, when a number of reports from subcommittees and country districts were received. From these it seems assured that the processions will be a great success, and the fact that' trophies and prizes will be awarded for tableaux, decorated vehicles of all kinds and in different classes, was emphasised. A cavalcade of farmers promises to be one of the attractions. Mr Collins reported as to the erection of an arch in front of the Post Office, and Mr Sutherland gave notice to move at next meetng that the procession shall start from near Craig's corner instead of from the vicinity of the gas works. Arrangements for the catering for the children were discussed, and all matters in connection with the celebration were advanced.

Recently (says the "Dominion") a resident of litzherbert"/(Paiinerston. North) wrote to ±he Minister of Immigration reference to the scarcity of domestic servants in the Dominion, and in view of the improbability of obtaining from Great Britain a suppiy commensurate with our requirement*, urged the Minister to avail himself o 4 tho services of a well-known Danish gentleman long resident in the Pahnerston North district, enjoying the respect of the whole community, and well qualified to -explain in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all our domestic, social, and economic conditions, and who has expressed his willingness to proceed to those countries on an emigration mission should the Government so desire.. In reply a.letter Was been '•poeived- from the Chief 'lmmigration Officer stajtlrd ,that itwas not desired that any action should be taken a.= regards .sending an immigration agent to other countries, and further pointing out that the Government anticipate that an ample supply of domestics wil 1 the forthcoming from the United Kingdom.

THE" PROHIBITION POLL. h World-wide experience shows that j increased national prosperity has followed wherever Prohibit-on is in opeiation. In considering the whole question of Pio'hibitidii, the National Bffi ciency Boaid gave special attention, to th.s matter, and its report pointed out that "the diveision to moie productive trade channels of the money now spent in liquor will more than counteiact the less of revenue received ficm tins service " This sentence from a report b\ an impartial body of bus-ness men i>the 'oest answer io» tho question of levenue. The figuies presented by the Efficiency League clearly show that when N Z votes Piohibition we can look forward not only to increased national prosperity, but also to a much greater revenue than w r e now secure from the liquor tri f fic Striko out tho top line on Thursday, April 10! (131

CLINCHER, DREADNOUGHT MOTOR CYCLE TYRES are made to withstand rough roads and hard riding. 26 x 2V x 2s. heavy 2S x 3 Ask vour dealer for CLINCHER DREADNOUGHTS. 47

And no matter how dirty the clothes are"NO RUBBING" works like magic in clearing out-the dirt and germs. Is packet sufficient for seven weekly famfly washings. Kernbhan,' McCahon and Co. ...

Value in hrushware.—-On. page 11 we publish a full list of prices of all kinds of hrusliware The values claim attention, and in the windows of both their shops, Manning and Dawson have a full d'-splay of the goods. ...

"Necessity makes inches of mires—^

mole hilis ■of mountains."—Stanus. 'Way over in Sydney a lady tried to get Baxter's Lung Preserver—but, failing, wrote as follows: —"I am enclosing' £2 for some Baxter's Lung Preserver. One bottle dM me such a lot of good in New Zealand that I want more."

And it will do you good too. Just now, when the barometer is so restless, you shiould have a large 2s 6d bottle handy. Chemists and stores- (1)

"NO RUBBING" Laundry Help and the pure "GOLDEN RULE" Soap—a delightful combination for washing all clothes spotlessly white without the backaching, washboard slavery. M.P SWeSi

Tho Rosewill School Committee for some time have been cultivating the school grounds, some five acres in extent. This year the crop was an extremely good one and had just been cut and. stacked when early on Saturday morning it was seen to bo on fire, and was completely burned. The childien's school prize fund will suffer considerably.

About 6.1 a p.m. yesterday the Fire Brigade received a call, and the hell alarm caused a crowd to assemble at the scene. Jiy some means a bag of waste paper was set on fire in the pappr store of the "Timaru Herald," w-hich has receiving doors on a right-of-way. The firemen < pulled out a door, thrust out the smouldering parcel, and nut out the fire with a bucket of water. Fortunately the smouldering paper made a, good deal of smoke, so that notice was given before serious mischief had begun. _ '

The Minister, of Defence when asked if an appontment had been .'made to the position of- Director of ," General Medical Services, which . is. being vacated by Surgeon-General Henderson, replied that, immediately following the death of Colonel Begg, who had been appointed to the position, Colonel McGavin had been cabled for to come out and take control in meantime. This was not permanent 1 , and the Minister couldn't say what would bo dono in regard to filling the post perman r entry.—(Press Association.)

The-Arbitiation Court in the tramwaymen'is case has awarded the employees a 'bonus of r ten psr cent;'on 'the total earnings. The' Court was'unable to-put'Christchurch 'msn on the'same footing as to (hours and wages- as Auckland and Wellington.' When the (existing 'award expired in' October, it would ■b2 oompetent to .e'Mier party to, 'apply for a revision, anid the' fact _that . thia increased rates were granted in those cities would be _a strong argument for similar increases in"- Christheurcli.—■ (Press Association:)

A meeting of the;- Temuka tion Committee was held' on , Friday evening. Present—Messrs T. Gunnion" (in the chair), R. H. Taylor, A. G. Guild, O. H. Street, and J. J. Ellis. Mr W. F. Evans was elected secretary, and routine business was dealt 'With. A number of applications were considered, but these were held over in tlie meantime, pending receipt from headquarters of information ' regarding the local committee's position and : powers with regard to assisting applicants. It, was decided that the next meeting be held as soon as this information is received.

Waimate is evidently considered a good show town as far as pictures are concerned. The local syndicate which has been running a picture show in the Olympia Hall for some considerable" time, report having done good business the whole time they have been running, and they are now launching out in a large improvement scheme to the hall, which will bring it right up-to-date in every way. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements will be £2OOO. An expert on picture shows has been arranged for to come from Wellington to advise on the structural alterations necessary. The scheme provides for the raising of the roof, the erection of a balcony, the grading of the floor, and the installation of up-to-date theatrical chairs.

There's a gr-reat school down theie m Nu Zealand," says Mr Dooiey, ■'where there's a coorse in lyin', TKk" earnest youth in sarch iv a career in We'll be taught lyin' indivijually an' in classes, lyin' be ear an' 'be note, iym' in the home an' Jvin' to the public, lym' autymatically/ th' lie dir-rect, th' lie injanyous, th' liewid £ hand, th' lie wid th' eye. th r-ready fake, th' bouncer, th' stiff' th con, th' bunk, th' poetic lie 'th'! busmess-afliciency brassy lie, th' lie : of » \. -P.rohibjshionist. They start th' Anti-Tibacky Lague in Salt Lake City ■ they will as shurely start it in N u Zealand. They spicialise in th' He imajuiativ like our frind Mr McCartJ ; J, , Pr .°»ikishin win-the-war lie an th luviu save-the-childhren lie I th chross-me-heart, th' hope-to-die histhry-pohtical-econimy an' mathyma-' tical he. They'll be a post-gradyate coorse in perjoory for th' more stuSs , an wlun th' hon'ray degrees is given out, we'll know what £ s . d . To manny wather-drinkers nmrTT ' pose that'll hilp thun S £g »£

Sp-tt), Pre3ng f ar e fcrl n ' ©* anybody else, has. developed the vice" that are mainly associated with commercialism. We ar* not ourselves freirom the vices of commercialism, but we th'nk the Jew is pre-eminent m 'them Have we ever asked ourselves why that may be t-ue 9 -The leason is that he has lost his national life." In .the glorious days of the Old Testament the Jews'wer e a pastoral and agricultural people The commerce of the land was canied on by the original inT > ibitants, the In the Hebrew Language the word Canaanite meant "metchant " "When he lost lis nationahtv ".when he lost .ill the Intel ests' wiare associated with rat cnaLty, when he ha'd no country "Tirl no national life, the Jew became exclusively engaged in one puisuiT, I thai of commerce If the Jew had > i 'md of his wmi, theie -was no leason j v-hv that 11,111 nw d virion should not --"-nand int-> n 711-h ->nd vai i<"l pntionft l life, and that all the gient gifts of the nniQii 0 iac nvght he lo' 41 1P l, Pn ofit of the wollcl rTo d'd not tj-intr it " I>,+ exti avagant that such i I thing cou'd he.

After. an absence of a number of years a shipment of "3-Poodles," tlie householders' favounte match, is again on the market, :a ' . shipment having ai rived by the ss. Taiawera. .

Mr H. Iniies-Jones draw's attention to two splendid sheep faims c'ose to Timaru, at cheap prices and easy torus

If your hands are roughened by "honest toil" or burnt with the sun do not be dismaved, there is a remedy at your door. ' (Wilton's Hand Emollient) has healed wherever it has been used and will certainly do the.same for you if you will give it a fair triaJ. Itis no use reading this and saying "it is no good." Buy a jar and find out for yourself. ...

Amongst the hundred and one Jines of goods that comprised the stock in the bankruptcy estate of S. A. O. Wilson, Lyttelton, there was a. fair range of lades', leather and sCk bags. Alston's bought the stock at a price which en"hles this firm to off~r some extraordinary bargains. Fancy the.itie hag? 3s 6d now Is lid; crash liined bags, embro'-d'red, 3s 6d now Is lid; b'ack moire bags, 5s 6d now 3s 6d; fine quality pleat©' l leather bag, Vnntifnllv made, fitted witih mirror and purse. 16s 6d nio'-v 8s lid. The placo to 'save money on all you buy—Alston's.

A Kodak will add to your pleasiires and give an added charm to your home. Incidents of your home life, your children at play, your friends—every nook and cranny about the house and surroundings can be shown in your Kodak snapshots. You can learn to use a Kodak, in half an hour—full particulars and free iiistrucfron (?iven at the Kodak Depot, Baxter's Pharmacy. Theatre Buildings, Tiinaru. ... ;

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume CVIII, Issue 16798, 31 March 1919, Page 7

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVIII, Issue 16798, 31 March 1919, Page 7

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVIII, Issue 16798, 31 March 1919, Page 7


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