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I Mr Bates advised last sent icflicitioiifi ate for With southerlies ruling for a shortrtimef weather fair 'i» cloudy} barometer un^ steady." . ." . .r" y:<

\: At' r l;h'e Magistrates' Court at" Riirile* to Mpflday, before Mr G; Ai" fiSenria '.«tV?*j _ < W®*!:*™ ia ™ a l cases crop cases including a judgment summons were adjourned until the 18th or September next. . .

I A grand Bed Crow social 13- announced to be held in the Girls' School "Hall, Cnu«ie Avenue, to-morronreVen- ,»«..:. ;:. :: ,'*-." ,•:.'■-■•■-. ■•?■'■■■

An important-proposal *by fte Canterbury Meal Freeing Company regsrding additional meat storage acegmicbdatiou is advertised on pagel-,''"/

A plain, and ftnty dr«e bait irfll be held in the Bangjtata hall, tlic'rrijaeeds toTio demoted to fhe.nail fund. ""

'An address on Ihe imilns:of?<Probhition in Canada n? to be gival. by * <3a» adian M3V, Mr G. Bell, in.*he.l><sr miniim Theatre,-- Temukat,: on> r . Jt^day feTCnir.g. . is.- ::■:"'

< "What should ? prove an JWteraaKag game of hookey- will be playgdV ; tomomnr between xopresmMsxep of the Otago and South Canterbury.-. t«anu« The match trill commence at 3 p.m. on the-Park grounds, j-

. The Ministers' Association has arranged the next united service for intercession for this evening, in Chalmers Church, Her. E R. Harries will pr--and; address. The meeting Tiili last abou« one hour,.

A demonstration ns given at Temoka just n*ter the slock, sale ~ yes:t«rd«7~oC the'.Husalv drag jharrow. There.was a-'lafge attendance-of> farnier¥,**and thei* comments:ir«w very favourable. "The implement -was tried in. a paddock fjdl of broom and fat lien, and not in a three-year-old lea paddock, and the work done there, six inches deep, surprised many farmera present. In a third paddock the : marine T was' na&owed from'<ift 9in *tb.'4ft~to «St. the number"of horses, land'a'plot was done. Tne'owner of ;tne machine,' Mr H. S. Mc€fcffljr,-;Vai-tohi, received many congratulations on r the success of the trial.

'. {A Electing of the'conunittfee'set np to «nsi«!er the question.of;adj"tiona' storage for frozen -meat. yesierdav in the office of Mr J."Moehan, 1 who presided, and there were «T*b" prrsent Messrs J, Anstcy, Crfatl! and ft C, Studhmme A pro. r-osal from tho Canterbury Fnwen--%l«>a£ Conpany - was- considered. - The .*■ comp.Tß.7 agree*!© provide ajcoMfflnonatjita at• tlmr : Pawora w afar -for::J?s.<»<> caicasss (which is equal to- ?10-.-000 ordinary lainV carcases) under, certain 'conditions, whiob ike comum*** wete of fte -opinion were not altogether a>cM«£>U to meat produows. . jbe pioposal was therefore sent back to th> Company, fee ernlanaieon* and sugges-tk-ns.

At tha meeting of the Canterbury Sheepowneis'. Union last Friday tfc* letter of Mr T. D. Basoett ftrlnch was pobnahed in As .last week) on the sav'ng of sheep sto»fa!i nr*as, I£. was d*. elded to instruct tne to write *b County Road Boards in snow areas, requesting: them to take energetic .'weps to clear roads as soon as possible after fall of «n*w. Mr B. SeHi-Smlli said tho Government advertised fiiat it would rail startine stock xrea to feea but hefeund autthat the undertak ns v did not apply, to oattle. A .xefUvt-on drawing the attention of the *££« ment to *hs anomaly, and eraonr.siSa" tfw for orovtf.On b««nj catt'e, wa» unanimously.

.; At .tho Temuka District. Hign\ School the children's Barnado boxes were opened and' the aihoiriit counted was i'B-.1-2si' 5 which, is a very creditable sum; indeed for the young people.

. - Robert Wills, a Maori, was admitted to the Gore hospital on Saturdav suffering, from burns, and died. At the leanest a witness said he believed deCeased"'was smoking in bed. A verdict of death from shock, tho result of churns, accidentally received, was re-

- There was a satisfactory attendance Tfct the Temuka. Technical School cookery demonstration last week. Miss Rickni*n is an excellent demonstrator and the ladies went away more.than satis-; Sod with what they-heard and saw.: The second icini begins this'week "'"■"• •

■-.;'; There was a good. attendance at the skating rink last night, and an estimable feature of thb gathering was < the ijrpjovement'in skating, most of the ; vsfeaters having now- "become -experts. It -is:hoped that the closing weeks, of the ; v S. G ¥i°, n JB'il.l be well, patronised, as all -jjrocseds; go to the Red .Cross.. The "fink" will be open to-hight.

After-the lecture'-'-and demonstration

given to the Temuka .motor car ..class •if- its.last meeting Mr Andrews* a' hearty vote'- of "thanks "w&f " : passed r to Mv Andrews'for the way ; 'ii& r! 4iad ; prepared everything-for the-lesson. ; Andrews, in replying to the compl ; - :-, mentj.'said it : was-..a pleasure to do ~ ..what, he', could .'for., technical education;.

f * ? -Mr' Jv Anstey, iM:P., has .received e "tho following to!egr&m..;£ronviiht> tHonj. S. Minister .for AgH- ...,, sxdture,. in referatice', the shortage" ~'of 'vifed to - Mr^Massey, and Sir.Joseph and the latter, replied .'-'Doing everything possible ipto relive "Suite* information about the end;' of She month.'" .-, ■'!

" ~ On Friday evening a social will be t -feeld in the Winchester, Settlement (lb Am a) % schoolroom, to raise .funds to uaprove* the school grounds. Th« school " .being a new one all tho work of getting ■{he school "grounds into decent, order «. lias>yet> to bo done, l and.the..committeb , is in need of fnnds ,for this purposo. Good-musio and refrestfments etc. will Se provided and the"'committee hop.c tb spe a !,irge attendance.

' Members of tho v Ex-Contingentcrs' .A'-.cciation are requested to shoot for t&» South Canterbury 13., Grade Champ onship at the Soldiers' tynivtute at 6.30 p.m. Tho following is the team: —W. Baxter? W. Mintrunti F. S. Cave, P.M. O'Connor, J. Tomlinspn, J. Aiesander, "W. !Ai'tfceii. H. Grahame, W. J. Mitchell, and A. Thoreau. 'Any member not shoofJug to-nigh* can" shoot on Saturday evening.

_ Sir James Allen stated at, Christchurch yditeiday tliat lie knew no more regarding tho appointment of ia 'permanent Minister in London, than }jad appeared in tho press cablo news. &» v far as he knew jthe leaders jvould "B? back in t<me for. the opening, 6f Parliament. The position wa§ that Pai.'ianj=nt was prorogued until "Octbs and he- presumed that e-verjbody ' .Would want to finish the business before Onr&fcmas. He did not auticipata "« *gre*fc deal of discussion, bu he was not prepared to forecast the work of th*» session, lepdslativrfy. He did not incline to the view that a doublp sest»fon would'b9 necessary.—(Press As--ociation.) • *- • »-

_ A pubbo meeting of residents of' Has -. "Rainouff, a&U Rockwood" 'dis tricts was held at Hazolburn on lGch inst., to discvss means of raising morf money for patriotic purposes. Afto: some discussion it was decided to give donations in cash', this being -recognised as- the ideal w&y of iaising*money. "Mr Orbell ami Mr. Allen, chairma»\aii'i secretary resi*ectively_„<}f, the- Hazelbui n - -Tlchef Committee, together with Sir lalbot and Gould were appointed by the meeting to canvass the district, the amount collected to be placed to "fche crfdiu «f the Relief- Coa'tiittee ITie hope was expressed tbat the .collectors would meet with, a "sympathetic - nnd ready response, and that a appp. * puai,wojld be c>v?ilablc lor E-ed'.CSos l * boldiera' comforts, and other funds Vvbjbh tsdl for hearty and contiguous trapporfc.

'., C-A farewell social ami presentation''to- \ r „.s^jTate.Jtttiir was beld''iii,W(B H/aid-. ~;..t>Hr£,BGhapl oil loth in' St. In?she afcseilco. ~. of,;Mr £iirrick, chaif.fflj&ii.'o| 4 iiurn-T-ptara Jfr" .- Orbellv-ijv handing Private Mutf ; .'*ai |;il^ r lurainaied"wristlet liaUfarl i ,-. ■ -v;uots-waiiiie4 until.his jbijm eamoibtiihad-j to so -; ' : i\Vifcfishecl shim good luclt=and,a /safe j-e-I * yilie.y also; int high jjoU "f 6 ,Priyato Muirv and pointed, ,oivfc thai '*''.•' \jas Bon.oftitlie^fsm^y' to.-jovn ? ;;.' i»e ordoijrs; and congratulated; 3dr; ; au'd /'•'- V -S?*" r " ; ' oir tjieir splendid family to-'"'-owd/'Three/ rousing ohews; wer«« .gif«n i ifrr Private Muir. find aluo for Mr. and „...Jtfcs..,M,uir, and audience son?: are jolly-';-sorfd*! fellow'*." .'■ received'-'the "usual-/;Pai-pel'.or I >bojnrori& jfroui tho.-Totar v i /jiadios'.Guild, and sn r &''modest'speeiih' :.!, irhojaked Jillfor their B'fts : -and ; good, .*.f" ivishes/.JlJie' music for I the dfljacP --"tag. •...j.-.K'oyid'jdjby -»ir Lainborne,' Violin, Mr Mr fiilTiniade a&-.«flt|c- ,' "jsnt innsineins; of a verse-of-the-nnfional- an r ,_ tliem. ~',''-''-■,: y ' '' ' '■ "'■ ■•'•;•" '!

i;lf dancing attend the fancy }.:,■.. &v<&s,))i)ft- '.at: St., Andrews.'.:." < ' ; . " . • "i'lV.i^ajrSjs's' pjpe' depots, Theatro'' Royal ; Buildings and. Shepherd's Buildings, m- _:.. - ; - window .'displays. ;"!.' ' • ' ~"ftu? if /Prohibition -is ■ carried lyre. Won't ho able to get decent': hotel jiae,. -■. cimmodation,", ;atgument thai is - .-4ieani occasionally..,, lYeigh_the whole fatter up impartially.''Rarely, ..if ever, ;. fj a large bar trade, .done by the hotel "that gives, the pest' service to the tra-. •;- public. National Prohibition is ; ih;.:force jin the ' sisteiv 'Dominion , of »;.- (, f;anadaj; and it -.vas found 'that instead . ! of adversely aEecting,; hotel service', -■\ q'uite the. opposite resulted. The Hotel . had to give .better Service in order to ; .i&b its share of the custom of travel- ; lers. and hence the general standard has been raised. Sign the Alliance . . Monster Petition asking for i> pollr ; 10 -. ■'& ' '. ." r' ,-"' /''- ' • I Compound of Glycerine: kn* -- fenseedj- for coughs, coitf*, .aithW ! »•••.;. influenia, hoarseness \i . «s£'Pß«> .difficrdty of breathing, 'and <tther t . diwrdera of the throat, lun« » ffings, andch«»tduetocpld. Price'2s » #.P«r bottie «wn L. B. James nre» tcriptiou ch*H«j*. .•;..,. ' '■ .and -Co.. hate I>een appointed agents for Ifew Bhs{icier lif« assurance office foj jfnj," ""trsdaieia.,' "Thea- Mr Growley. -who ' trig for many years ropessntafcrro for the ordinary department of the A.JJI' j B \ thsa district, will be always aTail'ahle i to give exi>ert advice to those contem-' \ plating insurance. Qnfttafrions wi'l,* to ~\ . .given lor, adultg and '.children, of all I ages. Pereons .iVar i Loan ppucies will receive esperfc Advice T a* to the mode of proccflure ? and \ prompt atteution will be given' to -all ? a ••ommunicatrons on thefee iriatters. A $ business card relative to the new will be found on page six of . | this i«8U«...« y i » <

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Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16611, 21 August 1918, Page 6

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16611, 21 August 1918, Page 6

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16611, 21 August 1918, Page 6


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