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Mr Bates advised last evening:— " Present indications arc for increasing easterly winds northwards of IS*ow Plymouth and Napier, and liorthorlies elsewhere. Tlio weather is likely to become dull to overcast, with rain following, and a decreasing barometric pressure generally."

Mi- "Wholes forecasts for South Canterbury to-day:— Moderate to fresh north-cast to northerly winds; weather continue fmo and very warm; judications for heat wave prevailing during the next day or two, -especially 'inland, whero maximum shade t-emjicraturo verging oa 90 degrees will likely bo recorded."

At the Police Court in Timaru yesterday he/ore- Hr A. L. Thorea-u J.P., Griffiths James on a charge of drunkenness was fined 5s in default 21 hours' imprisonment.

About fifty pupils from tlio Tinwald School journeyed to Timaru yesterday and under the charge of two school teachers spent .'in enjoyablo day on Caroline Bay.

A. chanco to win £oQO, £'2oo, £IOO and six other prizes of £lO oach is an offer not ma-do every day for 2s Oil. The West Coast art union rali'lo, inaugurated to help tlio boys at t-lio front, offer these magnificent prizes. Tickets may be- obtained from Air Williams, Temuka, and tin's offi'.*!.

The secretary of the South Canterbury Patriotic 'War llelicf Society advises that ho has applications for employment from three returned soldiers, two of whom require light manual work and one slightly disabled man wishes to obtain employment on a,

sheep station, no previous experience, anxious to learn shepherd's work.

In connection with tlio South Canterbury Motor Cycle and Cycle Car Club's raco meeting to bo heid at tho racecourse, "Washdyfco, on Thursday next, tho lady members of tho Ciub are having an afternoon tea. stall, and will be pleased to rcceivo donations of calkes, scones or sandwiches which may bo lelt at Adams, Ltd-, on Thursday, or if addresses aro left at tlvo gara«e, tlie- contributions will bo called for. The proceeds of tho meeting are to bo devoted tr> the Sick and "Wounded Soldiers' Fund.

The following students have been granted Senior Free Places by tlie Education Department on t'no result of tho Timaru Technical school examinations held last October: —"Winifred Applegarth, Rita PI. Collier, Ethel Cnristmas. Ivy C. Clay, Irene Cadwalliider, "William J. Cowles, .Annie Flett, Itnby C. Furby a Isabella "Groves. A. V. Gourlay, Fred Hilton, L. I). Hughes, \Yilliam Hawkev, Ada, Jaquiory, Gordon P. Lawson, N. A. Leslie. Isabella P/. Murray, John 11. Nixon, James G. Richards, Irene. A. M. Roberts, John iSommervifie, Beriba. Wade. Tho Senior Free Places are tenable for threo years from tho beginning of 1916.

The clergy .and teachers til" the Waiinataital Sunday School (Church of J'.nglaiid) lield a. social evening last Thursday to which all the parents of the scholar,•» were invited. 'With panics and songs the time passed very pleasantly, .'ind thanks ar© due to the Misses Sutherland, Mr Ireland, Mr Davies. and In the Mioses Tlatioa and Mrs Jacob who played the accompaniments. After supper, short speeches wero delivered en the work of -the Sunday School from the point of view of the clergy (Archdeacon Jacob), the parents (Mr Murray). the teachers (Rev. W. M. Me■AYattors), .and the children (Mr Xicholls). Such a gathering helps tho teacners to get to know the parents of their scholars, .ami affords the parents an opportunity of showing their appreciation of the self-denying work of the teachers.

Just tivo mora weeks and the chanco for obtaining tbo £'4ooo farm for 5a will be gone. Every fanner in vSouth Canterbury should take advantago of this chance, of making a, fortune and at. the same time helping tWr own hoys at tho front. Tickets may bo obtained from : —Messrs Sherwin * and Sherwin. Fairlio; Mr Bannehr, Geraldine; Mr "Williams, Tcmuka: Mr N. L. Thomas, Waimate: or at this office.

No other car at any price is better I looking, has a roomier five-seater body, a better spring construction, in better cngined, or more uniformly high grado throughout, better cushioned or bettor : finished than tho Buick Six. It is on view at Boekaert's Ltd.. tho bolo Rgenis. Xou will surely want to see it or know, tho cauiflleto details, ...

The Makara, County Council resolved not to employ single men eligible for military service* during ;t!io currency of tiie war.

Tho Hospital ar.d Charitable Aiil Hoard advertise for tenders tor annual supplies-

The committer oF the Geraldine Literary Institute has resolved tliat " 'turned soldiers may have tne free entry to the subscribers 7 reading room on annlieation to tha librarian.

The local Banks announce that they will keep holiday on Anniversary Day. 'Hie work on the wharves and in tho goods sheds will bo suspended cn that dav.

.V halo of wool submitted at the "Wellington wool salo yesterday for patriotic purposes, brought £"774. and £IIS wag subscribed in tho room for the Mayor's fund for a Christmas dinner to the soldiers.

A large music cabinet decorated in aitistic poker work done at, tho Convent of the Sacred Heart, will bo on view in Mr Lister's show window tooav.

A cake and apron sale in aid of tho AU>iiry Presbyterian Church, is to be held in tiie social hall on Tuesday next, afternoon and evening.

The military authorities advertise in this issue for tenders for making and supplying military uniforms, and also for application? from suppliers of it rt teles required to be placed, on n i-cgtster of available contractors.

I'ailway advertisements regarding special arrangements for Anniversary Day and Pleasant Point Sports, and excursion fares for tho holidays, appear in this issue.

TJesidonts of Temuka and surrounding districts aro invited by Mr "\V. "Williams to call at tho "Herald" Ago :tcy and inspect samples of Christr.uis and patriotic; cards, and ho undertakes to print verse,, greeting, etc.. without charec-

Tho Hon. G. "W. Russell announces in tho "Gazette"' thai before passports can be issircc! inquiry is necessary in ail cases, even in ihat of well-known colonists, and that a fortnight's notice Ls necessary.

Tn the report of the concert by tho Eut-erpean •Orchestra at Pleasant Point ou nth December, the name of Miss EJ. Kelly was unfortunately emitted. Mi&i Kelly played most of the accompaniments and was greatly appreciated by both the audience and vocalists.

The Commercial Travellers are supporting the open air picture programme cn the Bay next Thursday. Among the soloists contributing will bo Mr Don Meatus, trie Xew Zealud Harry Lauder, r ud Mr Geo. Andrews, Timaru's leading tenor. "

The Mount Cook Motor Company has arranged to rim a cheap-fare special trip from Tintarti to Mount Cook and back—ono day's journey each way, leaving Timaru on Friday nvxt and returning on tho following Monday. This iave.s two davs at Mt. Cock.

A feature of the break-up function at tho Girls' High. School on t'no afternoon of tho loch inst. will be an address by Professor Boys-Smith, tno head of the Faculty of Domestic Science in the Ota go University.

.A very successful concert was. held the Presbyterian Hall. Church Street rW est. on Thursday night, as a conclusion to tho sale of work held in tho afternoon by tho Baptist Church authorities- The proceeds from tfi,> sale or work and the concert reached the creditablo total of £6O.

Tho "Watersido "Workers* Conference at "Wellington yesterday, discussed proposed wages and conditions, and a scale or wages, was adopted for submission to plovers at a susreested conference. .Rules of tho waterside workers' federation as revised were adopted. A deputation was appointed to wait upon the -.linistor for AEarino. and bring under n:5 notice several matters including inspection of ships' gear.—Press AssociaHon.

Mr H. Cook, proprietor of tho ■woo -scouring works at Fairlic. has the credit as a scourer of topping tho J.cminion market for scoured wool this V°i ar ; [r I>rost °n> r»f Haldoii and Black lorest, has sold the whole of the two clips—ticks, bellies, pieces included—to Messrs Ross ".and Glendinninc, at 2S'.d per lb. Tho wool was sold privately. Representatives of th" firm visited- Fairlie, saw the wool going through, the works, and on seeing tho v. ay it was being treated were induced to give tho prieo ther did. Thev werp good enough to say th'at they had riot seen wool so well treated before Hcwl scoured by Mr Cook has fetched hrgh prices in. London for some vears. Ho is now busy, and the testimonial to the efficiency of liis svstem of fwwins is given by 'a record price should help to mako'him a good dcat busier.

Tho Christinas caason is now close, •sua Messrs J. "1". Collins and Co.. thftruit men, have just; landed immense consignments cf primo Christmas fruits preparation for seasonable deJ n* s " i bousht we!! ;,n<l r°° 3 lllat ;nako their larco Y« r " sy :u : lrts tl'an ever. 1 our inspection is invited and clients are requested to order earlv for jam ne-s"£' Wl f h,at . night business a „ boJi shops i s in,:rea,in~. earlv s.ioppmg desirable. ... ' -

The Band of the 2nd fSouta Cantc--bury. will give its annual sacred concert- at the Timaru. Hospital grounds to-morrow afternoon, commenr"r. " ft. A p.m A sacred concert will ..ISO bo gn-n by the Band in the Caroline Bay rtotunda to-morrow «- v en m ?, commencing at 5.15 p.m. Durin., both concerts collections w,!! bo taken un b die nurses on hehat of tho Christmas presents ior the patient, in the Tim"™ Hospital, lac programme to bo iplaved fn the Band on each occasion contain.! , " Ilo!r '\ collation or pormlar s ;lcr £i" airs, and will inch,;!,. (by special request) tno selectio a =-Simeo n ." Ar j.j eh liii.s tlie btraufciitil I>ei] chimes in it.

Special train arrangements are nr tin's mominir for the Pleasant 2 P ?' Nt tf'wloman Society's carnival , ;u ". l Wounded Soldier* lintj. Ihe athletic programme, which f-: P™mises to be particnlarlv interesting W commence at II a.m., to clear the V' y t h V" 10 oIefho » and cron-niii'r of the -Queen oi the Carnival" later "n tile r ay. \ oting in connection vrfth tHe election closes at I o'clock. and a croivnmg _ ceremony will he l lo ltl on the grounds immediately the result is anTionneed. The crowning t VI -jj j JO * n , peated in the Oddfellows' Hall at nhdit as part or the programme of the cusTomarv sports night concert- and dance. r 'iy keen rivalrv is being disolaved t.v the supporters of the three candidates. .Hid it is e.voecred that a fondly sum will Ke realised for votes before anv of theiii confess themselves beaten.

Messrs W". A. Pearson and Co. announce in this morning's issue their big money-saving sale- This lii'in is well-known for the high quality goods •iey stock, and with the large assortment ui goods and the low prices they are charging they should he kept busy ''l/ Christmas trade. Ties and braces J arv- always acceptable pits ior Christmas. and The firm have large stocks of t [■e-c goads. Another lino is socks, bitli plam and tartly, at induced T rices. Ibe readers or the "limaru HeraM ittil find it to their advantage to shop with Messrs Pearson and C 0...

Mr J. M. Cameron, of Pleasant Point, has grown this year some ot' the largest gooseberries teen in the district.

Ail advertisement to-day announces a children's concert and a < ! ance in tho Tycho Flat, school for Friday next-, in aid or the lied Cross Fund.

The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Boys' High School will take place in the school assembly building at 8 o'clock on Wedneeday evening:. 31 r j. Cra-igio will present the prizes. In addition to the usual reports, shorts speeches will bo made l>y Archdeacon Jacob (the Koll ot' Honour), Mr C. -J. Talbot, 31.P. (Agricultural Education), Mr 1\ Parkas (Commercial Education), Mr "NV. 1). Campbell (Citizenship). The hoys will contribute musical items. Parents and friends of tho boys aro invited to bo present.

Last evening in Chalmers Church an orrran recital and sacred concert was held with the oliject of raising funds for the Y.M.B.C. Canton Mission. A splendid programme was put on and it was greatly enjoyed. Tho lie v. Evan Harries, church pastor, presided. Sacred solos were very acceptably emu; by Mrs P. X\~. link?. Miss Spindeier and Mr Brown. Some concerted items were also well given, the &olos in these benirvery capably taken by Mr Dalglislu and Mr Dickson. Another very attractive item was heard in a. solo for flute and clarionet- by Mr Fyi'o and Mr McConachy Mr Axel Xewton presided at the organ. James's Foot Powder.—A hen ling, and antiseptic powder for the feet. It checks excessive perspiration and destroys offensive odours. Shako a little into your shoes in the morning and have easy, comfortable feet all day. Price Is a hottlc. Snlo proprietor and manufacturer, Leonard B. James, Prescription Chemist. Timaru. ...

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15831, 11 December 1915, Page 8

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15831, 11 December 1915, Page 8

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15831, 11 December 1915, Page 8


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