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Taxis Touring: Cars 1915 DARRACQ 12 H.P. Three-Seater (complete)...; £395 12 H.P. Five Seatei* (complete) £415 16 H.P. Three-seater (complete)... £470 16 H.P. Fivc-seater (complete) £495 'C.A.-Y. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND ONE-MAN HOOD TO'ALL MODELS. Night-Watch man SOLE AGENTS, f'ATK CXORKS 11 P.M. NIGHT BELL'.
STUD .NOTICES, jTO STAND at Blnrrbeg, and Travel the Beacon sfield, Pareora, _ St. Andrews, and surrounding districts, PUREBRED TROTTING. STALLION, Sirs. Geo. M. Patchem. Dam, S««v Wild. Full Particulars later* CHRIS JBAVEBS. Groom-in-charge, JOHN SHAW, Proprietor. TO STAND AT CAVE, and Travel Albury, Cannington, Pleasant Point, and Surrounding Districts. THE TROTTING STALLION LORD VANOERBILT. LORD VALDERBILT (bred by S. Johnson, Tai Tapu, Canterbury) gained three first prizes at the Canterbury Metropolitan Show; first as a yearling, first as a two-year-old, and first as a three-year-old. He was also plan*" l first as a yearling and -first as a two-year-old at the Leeston Show, and was awarded firsts at Tapanui and Gore Shows, first and champion a* Timaru in 1911, first and champion at Timaru in 1912, and first and champion at Waimato in 1911 1912. Lord Vanderbilt is by Rothschild, sire of some of the best horses iu New Zealand at the present day. Rothschild sired Sal Tasker. (who as a two-year-old won the Juvenile Stakes of 70 sovs., ono mile, in 2min 20sec at tho N.Z. Metropolitan T.C. autumn meet, ing on April 29th, 1905), Almont. Jessie Palm, Geo. M. Patchem. The Baron, and others. Rothschild is a full brother to the Australian recordholder Osterley (2min 25sec), who s considered one of the best horses south of the line. Lord Vanderbilt's halfsister, Linton, is the dam of Geo. M. Patchem ■ (5.16), bv Rothschild; also Wild "Wave (bv Viking), who trotteu a mile in 2.40 at the T.C.T. meeting; while Kitty, dam of Lord Vanderbilt, besides having' taken many prizes in the Canterbury A. and P. show ring, is the dam of Young Emerson, and that good horse The Baron t'full brother to Lord VandfT-bilt), who trotted two miles in 4.58. . Lord Vanderbilt has. taken in all 32 first prizes in nearly every show ring between Christchurch and Gore. TERMS: £4 4s half guarantee. All mares sold or exchanged, owners at first service held responsible. Groom's fee, ss. For further particulars apply to JAMES STEWART, ProDrietor, Cave. Or J. Williams, Pleasant Point. TO STAND at Cave, and Travel Cannington, Levels, and Surround- ■ ing Districts, THE CLYDESDALE STALLION ( KING EDWARD YET. His sire, King Edward, by Lion King (.106), by British Lion (270), imp. from Scot? .and by Hugh Rea, Esq.; dam Scotch Annie imp., (316 N.Z.5.8.) His dam Floray, bred by John Small, Esq.; Eire Captain Russell, sire Macarthur, by _Macbride; g.g. siro Mao gregor. TERMS.- £3 3s. Half guarantee, £2 2s and £2 2s. All mares sold or exchanged firsu owner held responsible. Groornage foe as. All care taken, no responsibility. ( JAMES STEWART, Proprietor, Cave. H. BLISSETT, Groom-in-Charge. PATENTS frfl AND TRADE MARKS. Countries Btrong, Clear Specification!. Lowest Charges. R. A. McLINTOCK, F. 1.1., Consulting Engineer and Registered Patent Agent Dunodm. Timaru Representative— A .C. MARTIN. Stafford St. A COLD IN THE HEAD OK l NASAL CATARRH ° ' CUUED BY slightly diluted with water and .gargled as follows:—The patient 9 should be seated, or, better still, __ lying prone on the back, with the head slißhtly below the level of the body. While gargling (or swallowing slowly) the head should be thrown backwards, so that the , nedioine, coming in contact with ihe uvula and the roof of the a palate, may enter the passages lead- w ing to the nostrils. ■ 1 A forward and downward movement of the head wll then cause 1 the fluid to pass through the nasal passages, and thereby rapidly disßipate mucous accumulations. A ' soothing effect is immediately produced ; and a repetition of the i gargling ct Intervals will effect a final cure. < Insist upon having " FLUENZOL •* and accept no substitute. 6» 1/6 Chemists and Stores 2/6 The best agent for quickly and surely raising cakes arid scones, and lightening puddings and batters, is Edmonds Baking Powder. Infallible, pure and wholesome; it is unsurpassed and unsurpassable. Honest, "sure to rise," and economical. It is upheld by all cooks. 22 wmagm BAKING POWDER.
Invitationr'E issue a cordial isvitation to everybody to call at '•THE INDIAN EMPORIUM," and inspect a Beautiful Assortment of New Goods, including IVORY CARVINGS, 6ATSUMA ORNAMENTS, EFFECTIVE BAMBOO WORK, BRASS WORK, JAP. AND INDIAN KIMONAS. CHILDREN'S SILK AND CREPE FROCKS, Ad? 1 - hosts of other Charming things. Art Needlework. This Department is fully stocked with Choice Assortment of AN- . TIQDE CANVAS in all shades. and the necessary FIBROUS and CABLE SILKS for working. We can both arrange and finish New Designs in Applique Work gt Lowest Cost. John E. Hurdley (STAFFORD ST.. TIMARD. Bo* 183. 'Phoaa 307^ H. Rothwell ■"AS much pleasure in announcing that ho has taken over the SHAMROCK HOTEL as from SATURDAY, August Ist. This favourite house will be run on fcis usual well known lines, and the Wines, Ales, aad Spirite, and pertonal comforts of his guests will receive his special attention. BHAMBOCK HOTEL. H. ROTHWELL, Proprietor. b/i»7*wr< PERMANENTLY CURES Hydttlds, Liver and KidneyTroubies, 3,'fi and 5/6 per bottle. Chemists and Stores. tf RESTORES ENERGfI if you have suffered for -20 _i years, Operations and Doctor* have failed, VITADATIO WILL CURE (SOU. It cured me of HYDATIDS 17 years kgo, and now I enjoy perfect health. SUFFERERS TRY IT NOW. (Write for particulars to: S. A. PALMER. 489 FLINDERS LANE. MELBOURNE. VICTORIA. TO CAR AND VEHICLE OWNERS, WE are makera cf every Type of Vehicle and Car Bodies. Can tainted, Bodies Fitted with Side Doors and Wind Shields, Hoods Recovered, Envelopes for Hoods Made, Cushions Repaired, or made to order en shortest notice. ILARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND HAND VEHICLES, fcT PREMIER CAR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. 3. C. TRENCROVE, Be/ton Street. Proprietor., EMOVAL NOTICEA. L. MARSHALL, Dental Surgeon, B*i Removed to New. Proiiifeoi OVER BOCEAEBT'S GARAIJ2. SOLICITORS. n HAVE MONEY TO LEND on approved Freehold Securities in sums to ouit borrowers TERMS AS ARRANGED. M. J. KNUBLEY, Solicitor. Beawick Street, Timaru, tM G 1 ' • SOLICITOR. TRUST MONEYS TO I.BND. R.Z. LOAN BTTTLDWOS. STAFFORD STREET. MONEYS TO LEND \N APPROVED FREEHOLD 9 SECURITIES. 'Also Moneys to Lend on Approved Second Mortgages. Interest at Lowest Current Rates. Principal repayable by instalments if desired. fERRY. PERRY AND KTNNERNEY, Solioitora. Timarn. RAYMOND, RAYMOND ANU CAMPBELL. Solicitors. Timarn; i inv. 1 ■ RAYMOND, RAYMOND ft BARKLIB. Solicitors. Qeraldine. HAVE MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD SECURITY. Loans, repayable in instalments ail Borroreeri' option.
J. DAVIDSON & CO.. LIMITED. N.Z. CARRYJMC CO., LTD, HAVE REMOVED To Central and More Comcnodioos Premises, BTRATHAH.LAN STREET. AJI kinds of Carrying Work under* taken at Shortest Notice. FURNITURE"STORED AND REMOVED. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers, well lit ntirl shelved. Competent Customs Clerk 'is at the service of Clients. RING UP PHONE 40 «lav), or Private Phone 876 for out of office hours. But Loves MANY LADIES PRIDE THEMSELVES on their choice of perfume, and on their personality being associated with some sweet odour. Their presence carries with it some subtle delicate fragrance, inseparable, undefined. What more New Year Gifts. then, could you make your lady friends than the lovely Perfumeswo are offering—the finest essences of the world's widescattered flower gardens ? Here are all the renowned makes in dainty bottles and pretty caskets. Charming, captivating, they will lie received with delight. Choose Early. The Demand is inn CHEMISTS. INSPECTION is invited of next sea- -*- son's Roses. Now is the time to order. Choose your varieties from the Flowering Plants for delivery in May, 3 915. TOMATO AND BEDDING PLANTS. I have a large stock of well hardened plants. Nu risk of losing same by frost. , All Floral Work as usual at shortest notice. GEO. E. KNOWLES, Beverley Nursery, Wai-iti RoadTelephone 579. Tea taken at three o'clock in the afternoon is so refreshing and invigorating that if the little ceremony of afternoon tea has not had a place in your household schedule, lot me beg of you to' instal it at once."—B. Lewis, in the "Housewife." Is essentially the Tea for Afternoons. It is a dainty, high-class tea, pure, rich, wholesome, which makes a beverage that everyone Tl .CcINTYRE'S Extra Strong Femal IVJL Pills; 4s 6d; agent for Tircar and Fairlie, Mr W. Baxter, Chemiat.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 2
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1,384Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 2
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