H. 6. Scarf & Co., _ Wish to notifv the Public that they nave a large supply of NEWCASTLE", HOMEBUSH, KAITANGATA, AND WESTPORT COAL; also COKE AND FIREWOOD and aU kinds of PROOrders promptly attended to. Same old number 304. H. G. Scarf & Co. i R. BEST, Manager. EVER INCREASING IN POPULARITY: m FAMOUS FOR ITS FRUITY FLAVOUR. TtHOUSANDS of People say we make better jam than others. And so we ought to—it's our business, and has been for 33 We get the finest Fresh Fruit grown, and the best Cane Sugar. We have a big factory, and complete plant, and work under ideal conditions. Therefore we can—and do—produce the best jam it's possible to make—"K" Jam. Discriminating people buy no jam but " K." CHRISTMAS. CARDS, or the. daintiest designs, can be had at the "Herald,"-and any verse "desired -by purchasers printed on same.
Timaru's Great Attraction for Visitors— ONALDS CLEARING SALE HIGH-CLASS FOOTWEAR. DON'T MISS OUR PRICES. jar THEY HAVE BEEN PRONOUNOED T HE CHEAPEST IN THE DOMINION, OUR WINDOW DISPLAY POINTS THE WAY TO MONEY-SAVING INVESTMENTS. YOUR HOLIDAY EXPENSES CAN BE LESSENED BY JUDICIOUS PURCHASES OF SOUND UP-TO-DATE FOOTWEAR SUCH AS WE ARE OFFERING AT COST PRICES. CHEAP TENNIS SHOES for the Bay Courts, in Chrome or Rubber Soles-, all sizes for both Eexes. SANDALS FOR THE KIDDIES; hundreds to chop.se from in Black or Tan. " Roeb-bottom Prices. LADIES' WHITE STREET or BEACH SHOES, in Canvas or Poplin, - Derby Lace, Two-Button, Ankle Strap, Court and 1-Bar Styles—--3s 11d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 6s lid, 7s 6d, 10s 6d. Our Prices are Now Famous. Make their Acquaintance* TO-DAY. S. McDonald's Timaru Boot Palace, 1 STAFFORD ST. NORTH (next Beckingham's). . .' . : Wv:'
Page 11 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
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