GENTLEMEN,— XMAS IS HERE. miMHM SMOKER'S OUTFITTER AND HAIRDRESSER, Has made all arrangements to supply your wants." LADIES will receive every attention and help in choosing suitable Presents, and will get the special attention of the proprietor. The following are a FEW SUGGESTIONS:—Gents' and Ladies' Walking Sticks, Silver Mounted and Plain, all prices; Pipes, the celebrated Loewe and other makes all prices; Tobacco Pouches, Cigarette Holders aiad Cases, Gillette Safety Razor, Auto-Strop Safa;v, Sterling Bengal Razor, Strops ail makes, Cigars in Boxes, Comp'Vv Shaving Outfits, Clothes and JlonBrushes, Pocket Knives, etc., etc. CALL EARLY. Every Attention, No Pressing to \ buy.. PRICES LOWEST IN TOWN. THE LEADINC FRUITERERS. LARGE SUPPLIES OP GIFT CHOCOLATE BOXES. FOR THE CHILDREN—CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Is EACH, or 3 for 2s 6d. ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. ALL COODS DELIVERED FREE,
THE PEOPLE'S FRUIT MART. WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCKS OF FRUIT IN 1 THE DISTRICT. RING UP TELEPHONE fq®. 72 ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. • THE BEST VALUE IN BRiTiSH PIANOS ever offered in Timaru. CALL AND JUDGE for yourselves. The Quality and Price will astonish you, We Guarantee a SAVING OF £lO. BRUNSDEN'S, THE PIANO DEALER, ELIZABETH STREET, TIMARU. GREETINGS. C BATES AND CO. wish all their Customers the COM . PLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, and hope bv strict attention to business to have the same support ' accorded to them in the future as in the past.. ' ~iates ■ PAINTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, ETC WARWICK HOUSE, TEMUKA. That's Official! jt '«♦ FATHER TIME with his ' Pack of Presents i s aT invincible as th* BRITISH NAVY. " New Year simply must happen." says he sents simply MUST be purchased, say ■ we! AND THE SIMPLE WAY TO CHOOSE GIFTS IS TO CHOOSE v AT ERASER'S, fnruuae Hundreds of Pretty and Useful Presents are here displayed. Gold and SilveWare. E.P. Ware, sparkling gems—all at very reasonable prices. Come along and select. A. FRASER, Jeweller, m STAFFORD STREET » t,m aru. spin away i holidays & week ends on "splnawa " cycle. ' A GOOD ROAD, A FINE Da!y, ANO A RELIABLE SPINA WAY CYCLE. Could a fellow wish for anything better, unless it L<j for a uioo girl to accompany him od h Ladies' Suinawaj BikeP , THE SPINAWAY 5s n Splendid Ma-ch-ne in every way—it is fitted with Ist lefrado Tyres, Coa»ter Hub, and Front Rim Brake. The Workmanship and Construction 1* perfect, every joint is carefully and tural;- welded, and the Bearing* ar# accurate and easy running. YOU CAN INSPECT THE SPIN', AWAY HERE. CYCLE DEALERS. TEMUKA.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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