RFRNS'S TIMARU STEAM LAUNDRY (Established 1903.) BROWNE STREET—Telephone 207, FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF CUSTOMERS, we have opened Receiving P«spots at R. H. Scott and Co., Stafford Street; McCleHand and' Laban, next Empire Hotel; T. J. Collins and Co., Store, Corner Wai-itf and Otipua Road; Thomson 1 * Storey [Waimataitai; Pearson and Co., TaiU urs. Temuka. Parcels left at aDoYtt Depot* ax* transferred to the Laundry and re* turned to tbs B«eota. TO MEET THE TIMES We have a number of NEW AND SECOND-HAND VEHICLES For Sale at SPECIAL REDUCED! PRICES, as we must make more room for New Stock. LARGE ADDITIONS have ju»B been completed to enable us to meet all demands for MOTOR CAW PAINTING. This branch of our business is mi creasing by leaps and bounds, due to the personal recommendation of satisfied clients. "WILL YOU BH ANOTHER? FERGUSON & CO. COACHBUILDERS, CAR & CARRIAGE RENOVATORS, STAFFORD ST. Quotations given in every cat*. "Phono 546. Ngaio. June 20, 1914. NAZOL, LIMITED. Dear Sirs.—l was suffering from a very acute form of Influenza, together with sore throat. I -was depressed and slept badly, when a friaud advised me to try "NAZOL." I had bought several other remedies, including a well known cough cure, but could not get cured. "NAZOL" gave me instant relief, and my illness gradually left me, so that I am able to eat and of "NAZOL."—Yours faithfully, John Carrol.
SIMPSON SUITS ABE READY WHEN YOU ARE. OUT OF THE IDEA that only the Tailor who makes to order can fit you. SIMPSON SUITS Simply knock the bottom out of the can't be fitted with ready-made Suit idea. You just step into my representative's store and ask to be shown some Simpson Suits. You'll be astonished at their GOOD STYLE AND FIT, and you'll also be astonished at their* SMALL PRICES. I am making these Suits as they are mc'e in America—on the Chart Svstein—a system that by means of i and £ sizes, guarantees to every man, be he round or slim, tall or short; a PERFECT FIT. All I ask is that you BE CERTAIN it is a SIMPSON SUIT you are being shown. Look for the NAME on the tab. Then you will be right. You'll find that SIMPSON SUITS will knock QUITE 30 PER CENT. OFF THE PRICE you pay for Suits to Measure, and give vou as perfect a fit. oJohn ©7. (gfimpson, Agents for South Canterbury— McGruef,Davies&Co ■ i >^m mf,
mm methm£ the isrit jealous of. " Years ago Edmonds Baking Powder started out, Don Juan like, to woo and win the heart of every housewife in the land. The wonderful success of this ardent and constant swain is almost proverbial. Indeed, you will find Edmonds* Baking Powder "on the shelf" in practically every home. , Why should the husband be jealous of this gifted wooer who brings into the home the finest pastry, scones, puddings and cakes it is possible to bake ? Has Edmonds* Bak- - ~ ing Powder captivated your heart ? Are you ardent in its praise ? If so, use it often — Everybody's I doin' it! '• BAXE&GfOWXXBXL
Page 9 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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