WITH THE GREATEST CONFIDENCE. "It is with the greatest pleasure I voice the praises of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Mr William E. McKay, Postmaster, Koromiko, New Zealand. "I have always found it most effective in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery and always have a supply in the house for family use. W 7 hen I was storekeeping I used to recommend Chamberlain's Colic and _ Diarrhoea Remedy to my customers with the greatest confidence." Sold everywhere... "Good advice can be given, but a good name must be earned," says a Turkish proverb. Martell's Brandy has done the latter, and when you tell your friends to buy it you fulfill the former... RHEUMO REMOVES THE CAUSE AND CURES RHEUMATISM. Rheumo iq not a "cure-all" but a scientifically compounded specific. RHEUMO eliminates the excess Uric Acid, the cause of the trouble,- from the blood. It has cured thousands. It will oura you. All chemists and stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d. 81
Nature's Cure for Indigestion > Natural cures are always best and that is why " Noxol" has won so great a reputation as the leading remedy for Indigestion. Nature" sends certain herbs and fruits which possess wonderful curative properties for stomachic troubles. From these pure life-giving herbs and fruit juices Dr. Crossland's " Noxol' is prepared. Over and over again verbal and written testimony to the splendid cures effected by this time-proven remedy is received. One man, who, after suffering for many years from Indigestion, was recommended by a friend to try "Noxol," which he did, with the result that he was perfectly cured. There is nothing miraculous- about " Noxol," nor will it cure anything and everything. It is simply Nature's specific remedy for certain ills that mankind is heir to—«nd Indigestion is one of them. The following are but two of the many letters written at. various times by those who have proved " Noxol "to be thoroughly efficacious. The first runs as follows :' " I have tried everything I could think of in the way of medicine for Indigestion, from which I have been suffering for many years, and I find that 4 Noxol' has done me more good than anything else. lam very pleased with it and intend to have it by me always." Another gentleman writes to this effect: . "I have been using your 'Noxol' for Indigestion, and find it a complete success. It also gives relief very quickly from stomach 'pains. A few doses work marvels. As it has done me so much good I am recommending it to others." "Noxol" is sold at 2/- per bottle by Chemists and Storekeepers all over New Zealand. Give it a trial 1
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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