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We are Now Ready for the New Year Gift & Toy Buying AFTER THE BIG BUSINESS WE HAD ON XMAS EVE, WE HAVE AGAIN MADE SPECIAL PREPARATIONS FOR THE FINAL GIFT-GIVING PERIOD OF 1914. WE ARE STILL SHOWING FULL RANGES LN ALL DEPARTMENTS. WE QUOTE TO-DAY SOME SPECIAL LINES THAT WTLL MARK THE CLOSING OF THE YEAR. SPECIAL: FOLDING BEACH CHAIRS. An Ideal Chair for Beach Comfort. Strong and Durable, yet light in weight. At the very low price of SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. A GREAT OFFER. We have now on sale a Splendid Range of PICTURES, exact Reproductions of tho World's BEST MASTERS. The size of Pictures is 21 x 31 inches, and is mounted in. good style. These Pictures would look cheap at 7s 6d, but our Price is only WHILE THEY LAST. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET BROUGHT THE KIDDIES to see our BIG TOYLAND, do so without delay. It wDI be a treat for them. Hundreds expressed delight at our fine showing last week. TOYLAND interests grownups as well as the Kiddies. Th 3 Store for m New Year Gifts
sli<a o' s £3 3 s 0 D - . THIS IS THE KING OF ALL NEW YEAR PRESENTS. It will make every minute of the holidays enjoyable with Sacred Music, Bands, Songs, or Comics, according to your taste. We have just opened also some choice new Records with a brilliant tone at 2s 2d, double sided. Our Goldfinch Gramophones at £3 3s_ are glorious value- See window. We have also just opened np other ,good lines at 355, 425, and 57s 6d. We have also opened up to-day (Wednesday), just in the nic£ of time, a very choice selection of beautiful Presentation lines. These lines are brand new —very choice and low priced. They are as follows: — SLIGO'S for Swan Fountain Pensthe smooth gliders. SLIGO'S for Swan Fountain Pens — easily posted. SLIGO'S for Swan. Fountain Pens— The' popular Present. SLIGO'S for all makes of Fountain Pens at os, 7s 6d, Ss 6d, 10s 6d and 12s 6d. SLIGO'S for Gents' Purses. SLIGO'S for Gents' Pocket Books. SLIGO'S for Gents' Collar Boxes. SLIGO'S for Fascinating Adventure Books. SLIGO'S for New Girls' Books. SLIGO'S for Chatterbox and Annuals. SLIGO'S for Days with the Poets Is 6d SLIGO'S for Dainty Post Card Albums Is, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d. SLIGO'S for Casket Series Hand Books Is 6d. SLIGO'S for Joy of the Lord Series Is 6d. SLIGO'S for the Bird Booklets 9d. SLIGO'S for Crvstal Thought Booklets Od. SLIGO'S lor Artistic Birthdav Books at Is 9d SLIGO'S for Dainty Autograph Albums Is 9d and 2s. SLIGO'S for the latest Bindings in Key of Heaven, Garden of Soul. Catholic Piety, etc., Singles and Sets. SLIGO'S for English Prayers and Hymns, also Dainty Sets at Bed Rock Prices. ASK FOEAVON TYRES ! ALL BEITISH! PATEHTS. IP yon bare an idea for a Patent and require advice, why jv»» nonsuit ROBERT WAIES. He is a Registered Patent Agent by Examination. His Book of Note* on Patents, Designs and Trad-> Mark\. ■ontaining many valuable hints, is ■eut on application FREE OF CHARGE. Head Office: 40 DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN. TIMARTJ OFFICECHURCH STREET. - HOW DEN AND INNES-JONEB.
CAXXOT GET H.IS BREATH. ''My liitlo soil Sydney occasionally gets so bad with croup "that lio cannot get his breath," writes Mrs N. PLewis, Mi'.e. End, Adelaide, S.A. "i follow tho directions on. the bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he is quickly relieved. I never go to beJ without " a bottle of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy on hand for I never know when Sydney will bo attacked with croup." Said everywhere. ... 4 Medical authorities agreo that, although there are many contributing causes, excess Uric Acid in tho blood is tho real causo of Rheumatism, Gout Sciatica, Lumbago and kindred diseases. RITE UMO is tho one remedy that will remove this excess uric a cur and quickly give relief. So'd by all chemists and stores 2s Gd and 4s Gd. i J "A good dinner sharpens wit while it softens the heart." —A ant * beneficial help to both is Martell s the brandy of two centuries good repute... READ AN ADVERTISEMENT."I sufTered a good ileal with headand tried almost every thing without getting relief. , wr , Joserik H. Leef, Wlurmaki, N.Z. I had i'C-0d an advertisement on vliamborlain's Tablets and thought they would do nie good. I bought a t>ox and can truly sivv «\v headaches were relieved alter a tew doses. Everyone to whom 1 have recommended Chamberlain's Tablets has benefited by their use.." Sold everywhere- ••• 1
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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756Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.