WANTED TO SELL —A 25-H. TOURING 5-SEATER THE STDDEBAKER CAR climbs hills; the Studebaker Car gives honest service for honest value reveived; tho Studebakor Car gives satisfaction. That is "why the Studebaker Oar to-day is tho Car that discerning Motorists want; why the Studebakor Car Sells. For £345 tho man who wants a good Car can buy tho new *25 h.p. Studebaker Touring 5-soater Car. Handsomely finished, of ample- horsepower, the Studebakor has been described as a "glutton for hard work." To tho man who wants a Car that ho can rely on, the Studebaker is tho ideal Car. Fitted with electric self-starter and lamps, a Cape hood that is adjustable in a moment, a clear-vision wind-screen of the latest type, and five Michelin tyros on demountable rims. The body is of the latest flush-sided torpedo pattern, finished in French grey, with black running jrear. And for £395 wo sell the big 35 h.p. 7-seatcr Touring Studebaker. The Studebakor gives satisfaction. "What more can a motorist want We can give immodiate delivei'y. • - ■ I, Ltd., Stafford ! New Zealand Importers of Studebaker Cars.
Special Prices THE PRACTICAL PRESENT is coming more and more into vogue, and FOOTWEAR is most practical of allSure to be acceptable. OUR SELECTION offers every advantage to tho mas Buyer. It is an Up-to-dato Assemblage of tbo FINEST FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE PRICES. WHAT DO YOU THJNK OF THESE FOR XMAS VALUES? LADIES' GLACE KID COURT WALKING SHOES as Illustrated—- ' XMAS PRICE, 133 6d LADIES' GLACE KID ALBANY SHOES, Spec.'al. XMAS PRICE, 13s 6d LADIES' GLACE KID 2-STRAP SHOES—XMAS PRICE, 12s 6d LADIES' GLACE KID ANKLE BAR SHOES—XMAS PRICE, 13s 6t! BUY NOW, AND SAVE 3s ON A PAIR. COOKHAM HOUSE. P.O. Box 160.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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