HUSBAND AND WIFE IN SYDNEY FIND A REMEDY. Suppose the liver was put upon its trial oelore a judge and jury. What charges tens of thousands of people could bring against it of having been the killjoy of their lives. They would give evidence of the innumerable headaches, the agonising attacks of biliousness, the feeling of utter prostration, and the havoc to good tempers caused by livishness. Before sentence was passed- by the judge, the liver would urge in its own defence that ail too frequently it had not been properly treated, that often when it needed a tonic'none was given, and therefore its rebellion was not surprising. It is just as well, then, to keep on good terms with the liver by taking, at the first sign of its revolt, Mother Seigel's Syrup, tho remedy which for 40 years has given relief to countless sufferers from liverishness. Note testimony from Mrs JVT. Fox, 107, Rochford Street, Newtown, Svdney, N.S.W., on February 24th, 1914: ' 'You most. excellent remedy, Mother Seigel's Syrup, has on many occasions proved a veritable 'friend in need' to me when suffering from various ailments. I was induced to use it through noting the heneficial effect it had on my husband, who took it in 1911 for liver complaint and chronic constipation "It afforded him immediate relief, and restored bim to perfect health: After that I had no hesitation in resortins: to it myself when suffering from biliousness, .a malady I had always been very subject to from my youth up. A few doses sufficed to cut short the. attack, and about' about four bottles permanently cured me of the bilious habit. "I have also used Mother Seigel's Syrup with most satisfactory results for splitting headaches,' and digestive derangements, and found it to be an ideal 'Woman's Medicine,' and infinitely superior to all others I have tried.": Let the tonic properties of Mother Seigel's Syrup convince you too, how effectually it banishes livor troubles. ...
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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