IN THE BACKBLOCKS. A. GERMAN SUSPECTED. TOMAHAWK THE WEAPON. £Pw Press Association.) PALMERSTON lS T .. Dec, 29. Advice rwais received by v the local police this evening that a horrible triple jnurder had been, committed at Ruahiho,. presumably on Monday morning, the victims being Mr James McCann, a farmer, his wife and daughter. The discovery was not made until today. ). As Mr McCann was found lying in his cowshed it was inferred that he was milking at the time of the murder. It is evident he was killed with a tomahawk. It appears that the murderer then proceeded to the house and killed Mrs McCann and her child, as their bodies wore found lying in bed. Mrs McCann was killed from a blow of a, tomahawk which sank into the skull from eye to eye. The nature of the child's wounds was not stated hi the message. On the discoverv of the tragedy Sergeant Harvie, of Tadhape and" Constable Essen, of Mangaweka proceeded to the scene of tho murder. Detectives Sjddells and Quirke also left to investigate. ' Suspicions point to a. German farm labourer who has disappeared.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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