Mr A. Bell, secretary to the Southland Education. Board, is spending his Christmas holidays in Timaru. Major R. R. Bowie will leave Timaru on Friday next for the camp at Trent-ham. Mr and Mrs V. Graham, of Christchurch, are at present at .llangitata, spending Christmas and New Year with Mrs L. H. C Smith. A Press Association message from New Plymouth says that Miss Hodges,, ha.s been appointed lady X>rincipal of the New Plymouth Girls*' High School. The Timaru Scottish Society invited the Hon. Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, to attend the New Year's Night concert, hut he has replied expressing his regret that he will ho unable to visit Timaru until after the new year. Mr Fisher has a'so been asked by a. private citizen of Timaru to spend a day here and he has promised to comply with the iequest. The following were visitors to the Hermitage la3t week:—Miss Gladys Walker, Edinburgh.;.' Miss Lorrinier, Nelson; Miss Lottie Walker, St. Clair, Dunedin; Mr Von Haast, 'Miss E. A, Biss-ett, Miss K. Dempsey, Wellington; Mr and Mrs Hurst Se'agar, Christchurch; Mr W. A. Moore, Miss Edith M. Moore. Messrs George''"J. Norrall, W. J Williamson, Dunedin ; Mr W. C.'oath, Waimate; Mr and Mrs W. A. Raymond, Mr and Miss Nita Knubloy, Miss W. A. Hay, Timaru. It was doubtless with considerable regret that Timaru peoplo learned of the approaching departure of SubInspector Cruickshank, who has been in. charge of the South Canterbury police district tor the past two and a half years. At tho same time his numerous friends will heartily gratulate him on his well-merited promotion to the rank of Inspector, for such a large and important district as Auckland. Sub-Inspector Cruickshank has proved himself a capable and zealous officer, whose keenness never leads him into unfairness. His duties as a public prosecutor have been, performed with tact and judgment, the requirements of each case being fully met without undue straining of fine points for the purpose of getting a conviction.' As an administrator and a. disciplinarian the Sub-Inspector lias also shown high qi alities.
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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