Specialists. lad:i:o best wear kid gloves m White, Grey, Black, and A an, at 2s 6d pair , _ LADIES' White" Black, Grey and TaD GLOVES, ti > Trvphosa, guaranteed in wear and fitting, at 4a oc pair. LADIES' Washing SUEDE GLOVES in Long and Short, at 3s 6d and 5s 6d pair LADIES' PLAIN LISLE HOSE, la Sd pair LADIES' LISLE HOSE, Loc© and Embroidered Clocks, from 2s ad pair LADTES' LISLE HOSE, Wool Feet, _ , from la lid LADTES' WHTTE LISLE HOSE, Self r Clocks, from la 9d LADTES' WHITE LACE HOSE, from „ Is 9d. LADIES' LIST/E HOSE, Silk Ankles. from 2b 9d LADTES' BLACK SILK HOSE, from 3s lid LADIES' PLAIN CASHMERE HOSE „ , from Is 6d CHILDREN'S FANCY TOP HOSE from Is 9d pair. DON'T WE PAY POSTAGE TO ANY ADDRESS. THE HOUSE OF STIRLING VALUE WAIMATE. A T this time of tha year We are reminded of the saying—- " TIS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE," And wo know quite a lot are going to be Blessed tins Christmas Season, as GIVE THEY MUST. When we mention that no matter who the Present is for, whether for Baby or Great Grand Parent, we have the most suitablo Goods for Presents, it will give you some idea of tho immensity of our Stock. SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE FINAL RUSH, CHRISTMAS JEWELLER. NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A BAR OF REGENT Ask Your Grocer for it. AMERICAN Dental Company. (Established 15 Years.) MARU. PHONE 155. OFFER THE LATEST thing in British and Amerioan DenNO WORK IS TOO INTRICATE. Consideration to one and all alike. QUALIFIED EXPERTS. THOROUGH GUARANTEES. Under the Original Management of N. SPEECHLY, SURGEON DENTIST. "THE RELIABLE,'' STAFFORD ST.. NEXT THEATRE. NEW YEAR GIFTS. HANDKERCHIEFS. Dainty Lac© and Embroidered Edged Handkerchiefs, at 6d/ Bd, 9d, Is Is 3d, Is Od, Is lid, 2s 6d, and 2s lid each. v Irish Linen with Plain Narrow Hem, 9d and is each. GLOVES. 3-domo Kid in Tan and Brown, 2s lid per pair. 3-dome French Kid in Pastel, Fawn and Tan. 4s 6d per pair. NECKWEAR IN LARGE VARIETY. Dainty Bows in all tho Latest Colourings. Miss E. Christie,
Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 6
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