DASH'S CARRIAGE WORKS/ LIMITED, WAIMATE. SECOND-HAND VEHICLES, ETC., FOR SALE. £4, £6, £B, £lO, £l4, Longshafters. £4, £5, £lO, £l2, Carts. £5, £7, £lO, £ll. £l2, £l4, Gigs. £B, £l2, £22, £24. Dog-Carts. £l4, £l6, Governess Cars. £35, £4O, Box Waggons. £l2, £l6, Spring Drays, 15cwt. £l3, £l4, Spring Drays 20cwt. £l7, £l7, £l7, Rubber-tyred Gigs. £&> ss, Pony Gig. £4, Express. £lB, Tip Farm wray. £lO, Tip Dray. £4, D.F. Plow. £l2 12s, Potato Digger.. £IOOO "Worth of Vehicles to Select from BUY, SELL OR SWAP. CLEARING SALE CEOCKEEY GLASS CHINAWAEE ETC., ETC. OUR ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING takes place at the end of this month, and in order to reduce the labour involved we have decided la OFFER THE WHOLE OF OUR STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. OUR STOCK COMPRISES—BEDROOM SETS. EWERS AND BASINS. SETS OF JUGS. ODD JUGS. CUPS AND SAUCERS . DINNER SETS. TEA SETS. PLATES. MEAT DISHES. VEGETABLE DISHES. E.P. WARE. KNIVES, FORKS, and SPOONS ORNAMENTS. ..,-,..—• VASES. CRUETS. ' ■'"•'■ JAM DISHES. SALAD BOWLS. , CAKE STANDS./ BUTTER DISHES. SUGAR BASINS. KETTLES. SAUCEPANS. STEWPANS. FRY PANS. JAM JARS. TUMBLERS. TRAYS. CHEESE DISHES. AND A HOST OF OTHER LINES too numerous to mention. We have been too busy to re-mark the Stock, but we are offering a DISCOUNT OF FROM 20 to 50 per cent. ofl marked prices. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE CRUSH. TERMS CASH. SUPPLY STOKES CO STAFFORD STREET NORTH. AND CHURCH STREET MISS STRACHAN, MILLINER. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Christmas comes but once a year. And when it comes let's have good cheer. AND YOU WILL GET IT AT MISS STRACHAN'S ON THURSDAY: NIGHT. MAGIC CAVE AND TOY BAZAAR OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT. All are Invited. BRING THE CHILDREN. BRING YOUR Own Combings to us, we will be pleased to give you an estimate and suggest what can be made of them. ON ALL MATTERS RELATING TO THE HAIR AND SKIN, CONSULT— Misses Aitchison & Brown, Ladies' Toilet Rooms, ARCADE CHAMBERS, TIMARU. Telephone 671. f\ON'T Spoil your night's rest [J through Cold Feet. Warm the bed these chilly nights with a North British Rubber Company's "Unique"' Hot Water Bottle, the bottle with the patent stoppsr that makes filling easy. No v-aldec hands. Alt chemist*. "cTNTYRE'S Extra Strong Femala . Pills. For thirty years these pills hav© given satisfaction; 4s 6d;
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 1
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