I POUT OF TIMARU. B Sun rises 4.2G a.m.; sets 7.44 p.m. .Moon rises 6.3 p.m.; sets 1.51 a.m. High water 1.5U a.m.; 2.'27 p.m. ARRlVALS.—December 29tb. Opouri, s.s. (6.50 a.m.) Oponri S.S. Co., 571 tons. Jt. Pearson, from Greymouth via Lyttclton. E. A. Crawford and Co., agents. DEPARTURES.—December 29th. Largo Law, s.s. (6.50 p.m.) Shaw, Savill Jmo (chartered) 3547 tons. R. 10. Kollctt, for Loudon via. way ports. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., . agents. Oponri, s.s. (7.30 p.m.) Opouri S.S. Co., 571 tons. R. Pearson, for Wellington and Greymouth via Lyttelton. E. A. Crawford and Co., agents. VESSELS IN PORT. EXPECTED ARRIVAL* l/aldergrovc, s.s., Now York, via way ports, sailed October 21st, at. Auckland, December 7th,' due about Thursday. John, s.s., "Wellington, early. Storm, s.s-, Dunedin early, l'etone, s.s., Oamaru, early. Corinna, s.s., Dunedin, via Oamara, early. Breeze, s.s., Dunedin via Oamaru, early. Kowhai, s.s., Dnnedin via Oamaru, early. Palmorc, s.s., Dunedin, early. iAnglo Brazilian, s.s., Dunedin, early. Himitangi, s.s., Wellington, early. tWirral, s.s., Wellington, early. Apnrirna, s.s., Calcutta via way ports, sailed December Ist, duo about January 17 th. Pbysa, s.s., Singapore via ports, sailed Matatua, s.s., London, via way ports, < sailed December 19th, due about— Jxaikoura, s.s., London via way ports, sailed December loth, due about PROJECTED DEPARTURES. THE FERRY SERVICE. The following vessels leave Lyttclton for WoEington on tho arrival of trains ys under lrom Christehurch: — This day, Maori, turbine, 7.23 p.m. NOTES. Tho Warrimoo arrived at" the- Bluff at G. 40 p.m. yesterday from Hobart, with an English mail. Tho Shaw Savill chartered steamer Largo Law left last evening for Lyttclton. On leaving tho wharf tho eeasel dipped her Hag, a custom rarely observed by Homo liners nowdays. Tlio Largo Law is scheduled to leave Napier on January 7th for London. x The Opouri arrived yestor-dav morning from Greymouth via Lyttelton, bringing 90,000 feofc of timber. She loaded about 50 bags of produce, and sailed iti tlio evening for Lyttelton, Wellington and Greymouth.
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 6
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