"GREAT SKIPS REQUIRE DEEP WATERS!" Bad coughs and colds call for quick remedies. The most stubborn case finds certain relief and speedy cure in Tonking's Linseed Emulsion. The medical profession endorse its efficacy. Chemists and Stores—ls 6d, ?<*; 6d, 4s 6d.... ALWAYS KEEP A BOTTLE OF
THIS SHOE WILL SATISFY YOUR r SEARCHING EYE! it It is one of the many exquisite styles made by $| CROCKETT AND JONES for Ladies who '}?< seek the Highest Standard of Comfort, Elegance 25 and Service in Footwear. %\ Every Shoe produced by this famous old British m£s is noted for graceful outline, faultless construction, '\ lightness, flexibility and exceptional durability. Superb Styles in All Sizes for All Seasons. * 5s SEE THEM AT THE NEAREST SHOE STORE. S* 6 Wc are never without a bottle ef Hearne's Bronchitis Cure in the House now. It practically saved ,-_ my daughter's life. She was 7 years old last July, and had been subject to \ BRONCHITIS since birth. 1 nearly tost her two years ago. She was I WASTING AWAY, and nothing did her any good, and her Cough at night was painful. I was advised to try HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE I got a Bottle and she began to improve IMMEDIATE. A LY. You would he // \<\\\\ surprised to see how If tier Chest has filled //- out She has not had // v one attack of her old < complaint since. We are so thankful to see her la ~ terfcct health." ' i Adelaide. \ Pan Partleulara Furnlahwl •a applleatlra «• <U«t««fl. \1 IP Wk i £^» i^m& COUGHS &• COLDS IF ■ M£GL6CT€O may lead 'to consunirpVlon -jßtaamniiiimittii ■■■■■■■■■ml
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 5
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