JL &JL JL JL «L I Are Making a Speciality of A SMART and BECOMING Crinoline or Satin Straw with Soft Tulle Lining, Stylishly Trimmed at Side with Mount and Soft Ribbon Choux. Comfortable-fitting. In Black, Black and White, Black and Grey, or with relief of colour. PRICE NEW YEAR GIFTS NOTHING PLEASES THE MOTHER MORE than Baby having a Pair of HANNAH'S SLIPPERS FOR NEW YEAR. BABVS WHITE KID AND TAN KID ANKLE STRAP, SELF SOLES, 14 BABY'S WHITE KID TIE SLIPPERS, Is 6(1 '- ■ BABY'S TAN KID TIE SLIPPERS, Is 9d. BABY'S WHITE POPLIN EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, 2s 6d. BABY'S PINK AND BLUE KID ANKLE STRAP SLIPPERS, 2s 6d ALL BABIES' SHOES MADE ON FOOTFORM SHAPES =<«# n mmmMd % 9Jjg*3fc Wmm mmmm S3 &»* m 1» Attractive Shoes smsfAA GREAT CHRISTMAS DISPLAY IN GO-AWAY SHOES- I LACE COURT SHOE ' suitabl ° fOT Street Wear. 11s edi LADIES' GLACE COURT, CLARK'S MAKE, BUCKLE 14s 6d I LADIES' WHITE CANVAS COURTS. 2-buttok and Ankle BaJ LADIES' WHITE BUCKSKIN COURTS, 2-button and Anklf Band " \ 8s 6d, 11s 6d, 17s ed ALL KINDS SLIPPERS SUITAB LE FOR CHRISTMAS BOX yFWM&*& Repairs dona on the Premise* P.O. BOX 77. mm Telephone 692. Write for Catalogue. Repair them, and Return them to you almost equal to. new.
DON'T HESITATE 1 IF YOU WANT to got well soon. hav« your Prescription dispensed at lb© CENTRAL PHARMACY. We dso nothing but tho very belt ENGLISH DRUGS, and our Prioet •re the most reasonable. R. G. MALCOLMBOM, CHEMIST (ftx Exam. BTORAGE! STORAGEI EVANS AND CO., LTD.. f 4 RE Buyers of "Wheat and Oats at jt\ Current Market Prices, and ofier space for storage of Wheat, Oats, etc., in*their large and well-ventilated Brick and Concrete Grain Stores, near Railway Station, and adjoining "Atlas" Mills. The Lowest Current Rates for Storing, Receiving, and Delivering, will be charged. ON SALE. Cornsacka of different sizes —.4 Bin. Ba, 46in. 8a 6d, 44in. 8s: 6econd-hand 7a per dozen (sound bags) • also Seaming Twine of best, quality. For particulars apply to— EVANS AND CO., LTD., j '«' ATLAS" CHAMBERS BESWICK STREET. TIMARU. JNO. BAIRD, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Address: OTIPUA ROAD. •*• of work at Reasonable Rates. First Clasa Workmanship and Personal Supervision Guaranteed. Country Work specially attended to. Estimates and Building Schemes submitted FREE on apDroral.
TIMBER FOB SALE. HAVE of Seasoned i. Pinus Timber suitable for Build ine Houses or Sheds, from 5s Sd to 9a 6d per hundred, at Bates Plantation or on Truck". l J. SCOTT. Geraldin*. • Barrister and Solicitor.. STAFFORD CHAMBERS. BESWICH STREET. Money to Lend on approved Freehold and Leasehold Securities at Current Rates. DON'T acald your hands filling ordinary Hot Water Bags. Get» NORTH BRITISH RUBBER CO'S "Unique" Water Bottle with patent stopper that prevents the water bufrbling up and scalding your aanda,—». All Chemists, ,'""
TEMUKA DISTRICT, W. L. TEESDALE, HAfc pleasure in announcing that he t has taken over the BAKERY BUSINESS. lately carried on by Brightwell and Teesdale. With personal attention, central position and moderate charges, an increasing share of public patronage is solicited. LATEST BUILDING STYLE. BUILD your Homes in Concrete on the "Orotuna" System. Fireproof, Damp-proof, Cheap, and Lasting. Wo .invite the criticism of the u.Tui:_ „-J i.t 4.v.« r>..;u: „_„, i. *„« themselves. ANDERSON AND BROWN, . Amenta for. South
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 4
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