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A telegram from Palmerston North states that Mr James Thorn has been selected by the local SociaL Dsmccrat.o .Party to contest the Paimerston seao. The Royal Commission on the- price ot foodstuffs will sit in Tanaru oa \Uonday next at noon, Mr Justice totrmger presiding; The Oaniaru Golf Club are sending a team of 16 men to-dav to plav a match against Timaru. "The visitor* will arrive at n a m and haVQ luntJ , attHegoJthouse, returning at 3.30 p.m. At Te Kuiti three men were convicted of receiving stolen whisky from tho police station; part was drunk by accused and part planted. Some of tho plant was recovered by the police.— (iress Association.) .Petitions for a postponement of the deletion, promoted by tho Moderate League, have been presented to the House, bearing in all 14,000 signature:; ihe petitions came from Auckland city, and suburban electorates, Hutt, and limaru. Thel librarian advises that the Eelwf- ,F eeld - v P a P er " The Northern V\ nig, which was ordered for the reading rooms about tliree months a"-o haa now arrived, and has been placed on tho hoard in place of the London Weekly Times." The latter has been placed on N0.2 table. A working party of members of all the churches is held at Otipua every Wednesday at 2,30, to n&ke up clothing from old and new matdfrial* •or the destitute poor of Britain and Belgium. Gifts of materials and money will] be gratefulW received at ■ the \ icarage. ... The Rev. Heini Papakakura, Maori Missionary for the South Island, is to give an address and sing several songs m the Methodist Church. Geraldine tonight, while to-morrow night he will c'o tho -> same at Orari. Mr Papakakura. has distinguished himself as a sweet smger, and he should have audiences. " Some of the farmers and residents of the Geraldine district are feeling tho want of rain badly. In some° cases, water has to be carted not only for household purposes but also for stock, Whilst in others the morning tub hag. had to be dispensed with. The advant. age of the water-race is being appreciated by those residing near one, but- a good ram is needed for the crops. Mrs Guinness wishes to acknowledge r if lP uTT° f , the foll<l ™K ---Mrs Bristol C ■'«. .Unknown" 3s 6d. Also socks knitted by Kmgsdown school girls, the wool being provided by the teachers: a large box of clothing and material sent by Mrs Paterson, Pleasant Point. Mrs Guinness wishes to thank the nu.nv donors of useful clothes, material and hlankets. and to thank Messrs Scott -Bros, for use of electric iron. About a week ago, says a. Press Association message from Ghristchurch, a ploughman on' Mr D. Thompson's farm at Motukarara found a -stone adze .which had been turned up by li s plough. A search made in the so:! around resulted in. the discovery of thirty chisels, axes and adzes,, such as wer© used by Maoris before tho arrival of tho pakeha. The,tools are iu splendid condition, and' as sharp a-s possible. They were found in alluvial sail at a depth of from sixteen to eighteen inches below the surface. The Timaru Defence Rifle Club held their second regular drill on Tuesday evening. There were 61 members on parade, and a splendid drill resulted. Sergt-Major Clements was instructor, and the'piatoon was.exercised in squad drill, section movements, and r.flo exercises. New members without previous training Were exercised in a separate squad by" President Higgins. At a meeting Held before the drill several new members were ejected but there are vacancies for a few more. The next regular drill wiH be on. .Tuesday next, but there will bo a recruit squad on Thursday evening this week. Mr J. TV". Skinner ; early this week took over that old established house, the Hibernian Hotel, Latter Street, his predecessor being Mr J. O'Donnell. Mr Skinner had a. long business experience previous to taking on the duties of host at his first house, the Gladstone Hotel, Fairlie. From there he entered the Shamrock Hotel here,* and his management of this well known business left nothing to be desired. He is- now installed in his new business, apd as heretofore will endeavour by carrying thei best stocks, and giving every attention to the cuisine, to justify th» support of his friends, and the friend* of the house. j No. 0 Brownie lias arrived. . The neatest of all the Brownies is fitted with double view finders and loads in daylight with the non-curling Eastman film. This Brownie takes pictures lj by 2J.' Everyone should have one-and start the season well. Price 7s 6d each at the Kodak Depot. Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings, Timaru. ... A 1 very strong organisation has been established at, . namely, tho Home and Empire Relief League, Mrs Kennedy, the Mayoress, being tho chairwoman, and the ladies of the Church Guilds, as well as others, being members thereof. The members' meet together for work only once a .fortnight, but they take work home, and already they have done a great deal. In the first place their work was for the equ : pment and comfort of the New Zealand troops, but .at present members are engaged in making garments, etc., to be shipped to the Mother Country next mouth, and to be distributed among those in distress. The League will continue to work as long as there is any need and w : H provide all they can for our-own soldiers, and for distress in the Dominion and throughout the Empire. The members are not only making up new material, but are utilising worn garments. At the meeting: on Tuesday th" Palish Hall and Guild-room were fully occupied, raid there were a number of sewing machines at work, while in addition nimble fingers were engaged in various ways. Gifts of clothing or material for this League will be received by Mr Lashlie, and the League will welcome add tional members. "We are asked to state that sifts of goods, etc. for the general relief fund will be eeived in Geraldine at the stores of Messrs Guinness and LeCren. the National Mortgage and the Farmers' Cooperative Association. The Bellieaven commercial motor vehicle, now so well known for its reliability, easo of manipulation, economical running, simplicity, and durability. Its "tool proof** gear box is without a rival in the commercial world, because of its strength and perfection of design. In Svdnev these vehicles are g' the greatest satisfaction. One well known firm has been trying three different types, with tho result that they have ' placed orders for Bellieaven. In a letter accompanying the order, he says that from an upkeep point of view the Belhcaven wins easily. Bockaert's Ltd. will be pleased to demonstrate to you. ... Luton Hat Dyes will make your old hat a new one. These dyes are a distinct invention dye'ng the straw without an objectionable varnished appearance and producing the effect of new goods. Xo gloss, no polish. 1 a bottles, (lie shilling each at Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Bu'klings. Timaru..

The following is the Rev. D. C. 1 Bates's weather summary fur yesterday:—"A steep barometric- gradient exists to trio southward of the Dominion bat the pressure is high in the north. Moderate- to-strong westerly winds have prevailed, with fair to cloudy weather. Present indications are fare westerly winds, g.-neralty high and squally,, with a southerly tendency soon in and southward of Cook Strait. Weather fair to cloudy and misty at times in the north, and unsettled and cloudy conditions with rain following soon in the south. Tho barometer has a falling tendency generally, but is nicely to rise shortly in the south." A Press Association message- from Dtmetiin states that the- price of oatBifot has been advanced by £l, to £l-1 10a per ton. The Fairvicw euchre club hold annual plain and fancy halt in the- schoolroom on Friday, 15thA social in aid of the. Relief Fund will he held in the Kakahtt schoolroom on Friday. September IS. A programme* of Erst class music has t>een arranged and refreshments will be supplied. .At the annual meeting of the Timarti Spring Flower Show it was decided not to hold a show this year en aeconnt of the war. It is hoped that a show will be 'held a> usual nest spring. A social in aid of the Atbu.'y Patriotic Fund wit! bo held in the l*uble Hall to-morro weveuing. and a very attractive programme itas been arranged. The object is. on© which will meet with the approval of all, ami: there should be a crowded attendance. It is predicted that flour will ho increased in price "by £1 per ton at an early date, as millers cannot now buy wheat at less than us per bushel—wheat iv rdch could have been bought tast_ week at 4s Si. Some growers are- rei'uit'ig 5s and are- asking fe. By ar inadvertence tho names of the* TVairoato committee were* not published in tho appeal tor the Poor of Britain. Ireland, and Belgium Fund, as tt appeared in otir columns yesterday. Tho appeal wdl be found on page 1> of to-day's issue. To-morrow night Mr C U. Tripp will deliver a lecture in the- Caroline Bay pavilion on ''A Yachting Cruise- in tho North Sea and Kiel Canal." The Itsctnre- will be illustrated by. lantern slides and will be fo'towed by a short patriotie musical programme*." Tits- proceeds wEI bo devoted to tho fund for the poor of Great Britain and Belgium. Tho jßtaeclifis school committee held a meeting on Tuesday evening, when a petition was received" signed by all the children attending the sehoot, asking the committee to give tho monoy in. tended for their prizes towards tho Home Relief Funds. Tho comnrttee passed a vote of thanks compliment irig the children for the generous, act. _ O'CaHagban and LeCren, Ltd. adver. tiso a further extensive sale of oak -furniture for Saturday. 'At 2 o'clock there- will be sold in aid of tho British and Belgium Relief Fund, a. gramophone and records presented by Mr Brunsden, a trio of purebred fowls by Mr A. S. Palmer, and a fat sheep by Mr Mann, also , wheat and other articles presented by various donors.

A grand patriotic concert will ho held in the JJom nioa Theatre, Temuku to-morrow evening, in a"d of the Temtika Patriotic Provrdeat Fund. A toccert programme party from Ashbarton will sustain the" programme which is of a very order. The numbtars include Instrumental anil vocal, music, recitations and comedies. Altogether a very enioyabLo evening UMvttk! bo spent. *

The ladies who obtained St. John Ambulance cert ficates, for first aid ly examination of Dr. Thomas'.* das* th's. season are—Mesdames A. li. Anbnrn, O. 31. Davey, E. J. McLay, B. Mason/ the Misses K.. Annett3,. Nancy Cunningham. A. Donne, E. O'Catitghau, K. Moore, E- E. Ensbridgo. A ' "Label" certificate was recently received for Mr Hector Areber, for hi?* sixth ••first aid" examinat'on- 3lr AnJier is aLsu. cno of the two. -men in T\maru wh» received the diploma tor tire years* service in St. John, Ambulance Brigadt:.

Tho prefects of the Timara South School yesterday took a vote of their schoolmates- on tho question of relinquishing- their prizes in order to help the Home Relief Fund. It was decided practically unanimously to »:-!: the school committee t r > provide cert'tit-ate* instead of prizes thi* year, and that the Katrnce of moaer- u.iu-itly expendcv! on prizes be. given to. the "Home Rf.hVf Fund. Tho Prefect*, it shorM bs» mentfoned. acted en the'r ora initiative. and votes were only by those crigibte for prises thb year. " °*

People, flocked to the Bay last night in very large numbers to hear the t?neert given t>y 2nd (South Cutu.erk.m-y> Regiment. The ataio»phero had a. «icedtftty suttry inclination and it was just such a. night sn would tempt people to tin* seaside. A capital programme was put on. and tinder Sehnaefe. it wa» <SsccKnnt'y plaved. Members of the Caroline Hay Awsilcia--two took up a eolleeiion and the- people car*, with marked lifjeroliity. The- proceeds are to be devoted to the fund for thfc relief of those rendered destitute at Home and ia Belgium as a result of the war. The collection amounted! to £l~ 13.5.

A meeting of th« Caroline Bay Committee was held last night. \tCray presiding. Tho draft of the» sheet for the vear endtn<" August 3£st was submitted and proved, and arrangements wen- madfor printing and oirctttat'n" thbalance sheet and report amon»st number* prior to- the annua! mtttiTc ■which i* to. bo held in October. \ committee e-onsistfng n.f Messrs fmv, IffVe, Pean.on and Knowles, wai aj>pouted to carrv oat t!u* proi-'f-tk'd improvement* between tho ra tw«vstation and the Bay. Th» bath ; n"' sensrm '.ra,» fixed to start from October 1. It wan repcrtetl that the Borough' Coun-ii ivoiild- at once take In hand the neci-ssary work to enabh- th» nt-vr brdge over the raifwav to b<» ♦ip.-nr'-'t for use.- The work vvii'l K- e,,ni;»! ( >r t -,£ befin-o th« nc t>*v*' batFun-sea.-Mjn. A ui>: ( | niany ar»< outstand ng. arirl "it will a.wis'-. tht> Ass(x-ation if all have not done so, w.IL pay up

Lactugnl can b<? pr<v*ar«vi from L. B James, CHecnist. Lactacot is a powder, ed extract of eottoa ,?e*-d. I: n remarkable, influence,- nn tho mam. Diary K^ an increase* fchs* ntt.in_ tity and improves tho quality of hu. Diaa milk. Ln-ctngot a.ct% as a natural tcmie of tho frghenfc order n n\t cases of wpjtknesa caused by t!frt"«s or orer■train. Price'is 6d from L. B. James..."

Many a mother know* t'ur varan rfi tt few drops of "NAZOL" on bahv's night-gown when it ha* been, h'ur.. feverish and restless, suffering from a Cold, and bow it has qti'ckty soothe-1 tlw little one- flaring «nco used it. no mother would be without it. Sold everywhere. Is 6<i a botide.

•-"'Of NFA'FJt KNOW YOCK iXCCi. " es'-opt when >au see Marten o Ufuo and Silver Label, then you're SURE oC it. ...

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15448, 10 September 1914, Page 6

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15448, 10 September 1914, Page 6

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15448, 10 September 1914, Page 6


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