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When the s.s. lonic arrived it Wellington on Saturday evening, six stow, arrays were handed over to the police.Street collectioTs in Wanganui on Saturday in aid of the orphanage fund realised £236. The Temuka Defence Rifle Club lias now received its supply of rifles, and steps are being taken to have them distributed. The Second Infantry" Regijiental Band provided an enjoyable sacred concert at the Hospital Grounds y«srrerday afternoon. The weather was* not too good, but there was a fair' atten lauco. A substantial collection Avas taken up to provide Christ.-nas gifts for the patients. < Mr R. Williams gave a demonstration of the domestic vacuum cleaner j". Hutchison's tea rooms, Stafford Street, on Saturday afternoon, when a. number of ladies a\ ere thoroughly satisfied as to the dust-removing powers of the simple and easily manipulated machine. Mr Williams effectively cleaned carpets and padded chairs. Uie domestic cleaner is certainly .an economic house contrivance. = At the Supreme Court at! Auckland Edward Babbitts abas Roberts was convicted of making a false declaration in regard to his name under the Marriage Act. His Honour commented on the seriousness of the offence, but in the present circumstances the case would lie met by a fine of £2O, with the alternative ~of two months' imprisonments. As Mr James Dunne, of Gleniti, wag driving down North Street with his daughter yesterday morning, the horse stumbled, and both were thrown out of the trap'. Miss Dunne escaped with a severe shaking, but' Mr Dunne was not so fortunate. He fell heavily on his right side and face, and was carried into a neighbouring house unconscious, his face bleeding from severe lacerations. He Avas given surgical attention, and presently-"re-covered consciousness, and was raw moved to his home. The Mayor of Cliristchurch informed a ".News" representative that Mr Black's report on the Lake Coleridge scheme wa s a highly favourable document. Que clause of the report reads:— "It is plain from the investigations that the Government's terms are so low that the Council could not possiblv generate the same amount of power under the same conditions of demand in any type of fuel using station at a cost that would make the choice of service a matter of any hesitation." An anti-race suicide block of flats, where couples with large families will have preference, as tenants over bachelors or childless couples, is being erected in Montreal at a cost of some £40,000. The building will be triangular in shape, and will enclose a large plot: of ground, which will be laid out with flower-beds and a fountain as a playground for children-. There-, will bo twenty-four flats, all designed : specially for large families, the "Express' S avs. i „ ats Wlll aver age ten rooms, and each flat will be fitted with a vacuum cleaner, refrigerating plant, and a «as incinerator for rubbish. Most of the flats have been taken by prospective tenants, and one father of a family ha« signed a ten years' lease. : Owing to the scarcity of whales in the coastal waters around Jervis Bav, lasmama, it has been decided bv the company which has been engaged for the past three months in whaling down their headquarters at Cuttle Cove, a bay in the South.of Aew Zealand, and in the vicinitv of fetewart. Island (says a Svdney. panel-), ihe reason for this move was stated io be that as the weather grew warmer the whales migrated south in search of colder water, thus leaving, the two tacory-ships" and the three whalin" steamers with practically nothing to do° Although some whales are still to be found in the neighbourhood of Jervis Bay They are nearly all lacking in the essentials that go to make whaling a profitable undertaking. Another partv, which has been operating in the same quarter, w,th the steamer Loch Tav for ,„f Shlp ' \ as been fortunate enough to secure about one hundred and forty whales since they commenced a tew months ago However, the whaler Sorrel, winch belongs to this partv recently departed for New Zealand" in ■ w^lJe. 566 * h6 P™ s there Every man thinks he is a Judo* of music, and pretty well every inventor has a lingering idea that he can adequately protect his own patentt Aever was a greater mistake. The wise inventor puts himself., under the guidance of a skilled agent. Messrs Balcwm and Rayward, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, are agents of repute. Thev prepare working drawings, and stand be- ■ tween the inventor and his risks. vj l - 3 * days in tlle wS ara n °t hank holidays.'' This was a question asked i by many irate people in town on , baturday who. declared that it would , be easier to keep a list of thedavs the banks are open than of "the" da vs ■ tfle .V are closed. Saturday was' St. • Andrew's Day, and tins-is''considered sufficient excuse bv the banks' for keeping holiday. It has long-been a puzzle to many people why the banks • should be so inconsiderate of their • customers. Both town and' country . people were much inconvenienced, oil , Saturday, and the patron saint of Scotland was not afc all honoured: bv the languago used 'when customers : found the bank doors closed in his : name. One business man expressed the opinion that it was high time legislation was enacted to prevent the banks closing at such inconvenient 1 times as they often do. When you've Ireen talking all day in ; a stuffy room, it usual!v results in a headache. It noodn't last lut a few minutes. Stearns' Headache Cure relieves it. ...

About forty entries have been received for the Temuka Caledonian Society's road rpce on Thursday.jnext. Attention is drawn t-o an .advertisement appearing on page ]! of this issuo re auction sale of Raukapuka Estate by the National Mortgage and -Agency Company, Limited. Measles are very prevalent in .Timarn at the present time, and adults as well as children are being attacked by them. Influenza is also claiming a good many victims at present. The petition to have a poll taken on rating on unimproved values is receiving good support. It is expected' that it will b© presented to the Mayor at an early date. The meeting which was held in the Sophia Street Hall 011 Friday afternoon was not that of Mr Craigie's election committee, but that of the citizens' presentation committee. The presentation will bo mad© next" week on a day not yet decided upon. Mr N. L. "Wilson, of the C.F.C.A. office staff at Waimate, who has received promotion to the Timaru staff, received the usual farewell presentations from the Waimafe employees onFriday. The tfronbleso'ne coughs which cling to the lungs and chest after Influenza, should he dealt. with quickly. Baxter's Lung Preserver will silence them. There's 110 cold that can face .Paster's. Try it on your after-Influenza cough. Price Is 10d the large-sized boitl-3 at 'chemists and stores. «v 1 .a ■

Mr A. Walker, of Christchurch, who represented the Timaru. Poultry Society at the Conference in Dunedin last week, passed through. Timaru on :his return north, on Saturday. He was met at the station by Mr S. R. Burns (president of the local Society), -Mr Izzard (secretary), and Mr George Blair (a member), to whom .lie gave a brief account of the doings of the conference. He made it clear . that although affairs had been, somewhat muddled of late, everything was now straightened out, and could be expected to go on smoothly and well ill, the future. The conference was presided over by Mr S. Solomon, K.C., and a lot of business liad been satisfactorily got through. It Lad been decided that Timaru should, have the championship for Brown Leghorns ,at its next show, in addition to " which. Leghorn and Minorca specials would also come to Timaru next-year. The pigeon championships would _:go either to Gore or Timaru next year. pi otest had been lodged concerning the paying out by the Timaru Society ■of a. two guinea championship for Buff Orpingtons at the last Timaru show. The Conference, after discussing tfie matter, decided that the championship should be paid out. No notice hail been sent to the Society of the existence of the protest, and the first they knew of it was when they saw it on' the agenda paper for the conference seven days before it opened. - Nine out of ten Gouty .md Rheumatic subjects do not know tbat.itheir health, lias been seriously under lined by an excess of TJric Acid in xije 'flood:' There is but one certaain cure that is R.HEUMO—ifc removes the X.-rib'A< id from the blood and seldom' fa ilk even in stubborn cases of Rheumati3; i. Gout; Lumbago and Sciatica. Sold /1 v. all chemists and stores, 2s (xT-'aud v 4s fd a bottle. -

The growth of the shinglo accumulation south of tho breakwater is slow but sure. For some time past its growth has boon most notieeablo at Kock Island. ' Tho shinglo lias now buried a good few yards of tho shore sido of tho former Jow-tido island.

Under tho heading "Chased by a Bull; Timaru Borough Councillors m full flight," tlio Christchurch "Press of Saturday has an account of the narrow cscapo which members of the Council are said to have had when inspecting the Raiuclitf reserves on Thursday last.

A printer's error in the letter of "Reform," on Saturday morniug—on the subject of teachers' appointmentscaused tho writer's meaning to bo misrepresented in an important sentence. Ho wrote that tho Board follows the Act "too loosely." This was printed "too closely." Tho South Canterbury Mounted lu'gitoents will hold riflo practices, iirh.g seventy-three rounds of ammunition per man at figure and disappearing targets, a s under: —Winscombe, Monday, 9ih December, at. 1.0 a.m.; Pleasant Point. Wednesday, 18th, .at 8.30 a.m.; Timaru, Thursday, 19th, at 1 p.m.; and Morvon, Friday, 20th, at 10 a.m. Tho monthly mooting of the W aim ato branch of tho Acclimatisation Society Was held 021 Friday evening, Mr E. J. A twill presiding over a fair attendance of members. A letter from Mr Ayson in regard to the decrease of trout in the Hakataramea was received, and referred to tho Minister of Marine. Mr !E. C. Studholmo presented a stag's head to tho committee, and was accorded a Vote of thanks. Detail matters wero attended to, and accounts amounting to £2O 9s 7d passed for payment. In referenco to a paragraph which appeared in Saturday's "Herald," wo are informed that Mr W. Fcrrier, photographer, of Timaru, has tho honour of Vice-regal patronage conferred upon him many years ago by the lato Sir Hercules Robinson, at that timo Governor of New Zealand. The lato Mr It. Haigh, a former photographer of Timaru, had a similar honour conferred upon him by ono of New Zealand's Governors, and it is understood that Mr A. Hardy, a former Timaru photographer, I'eceived tho samo distinction. Tho Council of tho South Canterbury 'Acclimatisation Society have obtained permission from the Marine Department to sell tho fish they intend to net this Week afc Lake Alexandria. Their object in soiling the fish is to pay tho expenses of tho trip and thii3 save tho funds of tho Society. It has /been arranged to open a depot for tho disposal of theso particular trout at Mrs 'J .lie's fish shop. Disciples of tho gentle Izaak Walton "who aro looking for fresh waters lo iish during the Holidays should try the streams round Mount Egiuont. One does not catch trout by tho hundredweight, as is dono at lioturua—-that is not sport any more than taking part in a pheasant drive—but some of tho best fly-iisliing streams in New Zealand, woll stocked with rainbow trout, aro to bo found within easy reach of New Plymouth, the "ideal holiday centre." A line to the secretary of tho New Plymouth (expansion and Tourist League will bring particulars by return of post.

At tho Magistrate's Court oh Saturi tiny morning tho young man, who was arrested at Fairlio tho previous tiav for wife desertion, at Waimate, \va s crc'croc! to contribute 15s per week for the support of his wife, and child and-to find a. surety for £SO within one- week. Mr Emslie, for informant, stated that tho matter would in all probability eliminate in divaree proceedings at en e:rly date. A first offender was unod 5s or tlio usual alternative for drunkenness. Lady bathers in the Bay have- reason to complain of tho behaviour of men and boys who invade tho ladies' bathing ground in hired boats. As there appears to bo no unwritten law snlikiently well known to prevent tliis outrage against common decency, it would ho well for tho Borough Council to provide it written one, and post it up where it might bo expected'to bo best seen—at places whore boats are hired. It is said tho area to bo barred to boaters can b-6 easily defined by a command such as "Keep outside the rafts." _ About a hundred farmers assembled :n the Cavo Hall on Saturday, to listen to a lecture, by Mr A. M. Patorkoii, M.R.C.V.S., on the ailments of farm animals. Mr Patorson dealt with tho subject in a. vcrv lucid manner, dealing with tho most common ailments of farm animals, dealing with their causes, symptoms and treatment, tho use of a blackboard mid diagrams being of much assistance. Mr Patorson invited questions, and in answering those submitted additional useful information was obtained by those present. Mr Tns. Smith in proposing a. hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer for his instructive address, said ho hoped that Mr Patorson would bo aide to givo them another lecture before long. Mr Patorson, in replying, said he would be glad to do so, and ho hoped they would bo able to have somo animals to use as object lessons. A vote of thanks to Mr C. TC. Kerr as chairman closed tho meeting.

Last Thursday evening ihe St. Andrews Caledonian Society held its annual concert, and a record house greeted the performers. The items which ivcro jmmerous and varied were well received «V„Z g ? police. The proceedings opened with an inspiriting selection by the Wa.matc J> ipe Band. Song s were Mrs loxon, Mrs Moore, Messrs Wothei■poon, P. Hunter, JJryco and F McDonald ; a trio by Messrs .Hop K ood, Moyle and Cague and a Highland Fling by tour adu ts. The accompanist, were Misses Sheehan. Williams, Hunter and Macdonald and Messrs H. Moore and ,W. F. Park. Just before the conclusion ot the concert, the president of the Society Mr C Hopgootl, to whoso strenuous efforts the success of tlio concert vns largely due, thanked the audience for ™f/e e . nL ?ou S patronage, the Performed for their valuable assistance, and the committee for the able way in which they had supported him in carrying out a'dltr;' TJ Wi prt ™" followed by a dance, for w j llc]l s tan i cy » s p j * Shot C f£ llont 'music, and Me£rs P M St.rfn nd Hn n al ' fl aoted »s M.C.'s. The catering, winch was in Mr T. Nicholas hands was all that could be Wed Tho takings at the door for concert T, ]' dance amounted to £l7 ]O S Messrs Moling and Company, Ltd Btratha lan Street, Timaru, M< •• wia Indentors. Importers of 1 of nest China, Ceylon and Indian Tons

A Press Association telega.n do, patched from Christchurch on Saturday Wenm& shows that South aantJrWy ■? d * n ™ Jr .weather on that day than Wh Canterbury. It stetos: The weather conditions at Lyttolton <h-rm<' the past two or three days have been Tory cold and wintry. A strong sorth•rly galo has been blowing since Friday morning and heavy rain "has been'falling almost continuously. A roivh «ei prevails on the coast and steamers arriving from tlio nortli this mornii.nwere considerably delayed. The ferry ■tenmer Maori was two hours late and missed connection with the Ji:st express She encountered the southerly sliloa-bly after leaving AVellJ.ingfcon, findwas steaming all niglit against heavy head heas. She reached Lyttolton at 8.45 after a passage of 12 hours 40 minutes. Tlio Victoria, vhich U-'/t Wellington at C o'clock yesterday afternoon was 17 hours on the rim to Lyttolton. On account of wet v.ei.fher to-day all sports fixtures wcro postponed, and the street col lection oji behalf of St. John's Ambulance Association was also postponed.

Tho north end of the town has I tan going ahead very rapidly of iate, aiid it is stated now that a picture pr.laco is to bo opened thero at an early date. A meeting of delegates will be held on Saturday next at the office of the Timaru A. and P. Association to considro offers of 1 and" suitable for experimental farm's.

Occupants of the new settlement at Winchester aro complaining strongly of the slowness" of the Government in forming the road which was surveyed off through the settlement. The South Canterbury Hospital Board to-day advertises for tenders for annual .supplies of necessaries.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XCVI, Issue 14911, 2 December 1912, Page 6

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVI, Issue 14911, 2 December 1912, Page 6

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVI, Issue 14911, 2 December 1912, Page 6


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