iftipsrial Insiiijla Lfyraj' \T;\rJ SOLE AGENTS Foil CANTTCHiJCUY. ROPSR & CO., LTD.; Christehureb We have just landed a Large Shipment of L»iij^iivcii:i*3«iifl»fi!;f*M Of the Latest Designs. Absolutely the Best Lines seen in the distrlot. EASY TO PUSH. FOLDS IN ONE ACTION. OPENS IN ONE ACTION, Note our Prices--455, 50s, 57s 6d, 62s 6d, 67s 6d, 72s 6d. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Lascsiaw THE PEOPLE'S I . JNMOrfCERB« TELEPHONE 215. 190 Stafford Street. H TO HAVE AND tU HuLD YOUR TRAUE IS OUR AIM. '■* f\ ,','.'" f a i» y° ,lr co/iiidmce k .is essential to merit fuvoui. .' ■oi "'.'• • J '°" r K o<)Jwill merit must bo maintained. ■« •£ llJis is especially uuo of Myii-clasa Tailorinu such aa tho -o $ SNOW £ ©5 Standard ci EscelU-ncc. ?° o) Iko men and yuiiu B men of limnru -know" Rood tailoring *k°J J* c? ■"■fciiowleugo merit, and merit will u " , ... »5 ilius it w that our craftsmanship „ uil " u an ,l holds tll<s goodwill p» ** or patrous. WbX>«-/Xi:rslf!ltiMZ/lsi':=-fb<£,i-l*.-11!i., The Dresden Piano Co, Ltd. Broadwood & Son. Ronisch Koch & Sonne. Bell Organs. ■hhe Coilard & Collard. nfflMßililW 1 !! 1 Imperial Organs 17 GEORGE ST., TIMARU. 30 Years Practical Tailoring Experience. The Last 21 Years as Cutter in Leading English Cities and Christchurch NX H. Craven, Ladle*' and Canta* Ttlljr, in Stafford atreef. (Opp, Bank of N.Z.J, BUSINESS SUITS from £i 4a Od, Op to data In Fit, 6tyle, and Quality. Specialist in LADIES' COSTUMES, RIDING HABITS, SKIRTS AND BLOUSES. A. TRIAL SOLICITED, whioh will ansaro Comploto Satiafaction. ind your continued patronage. We are the Largest Coal Importers In South Canterbury. iQAhnlrlAPe! ALL KIKDB 0P household coal JOOIIUIUOI ». SUPPLIED EX OUR OWN YARDS, i n.w M » UA I HARVEBT SUPPLIES NOW BEING B i!l Owners! a^a v N c t ed% u o p r! COALBROOKOALE, PELAW MAIN, ABERDARE, ABERMAIN, Digged at Loose, ox Ship or ex Yard. LEAVE YOUR ORDERB AT OUR OFFICES, OHUROH STREET OR RING UP NO. 43. ' Westport Coal Co., Ltd Philip and Roy, John Davidson & Sons (THIS LEADING OAIwMBRH IN —— WHAUd, SANITARY AND GENERAL . „ —" ..,.., J Cor Promptna-, OiTility and it«dara\« PLUMBERS. y Charge*, 1 or k Executed at Ordinary „. Hard to B^a. FURNITUM IK XOJV» »;„„„„»„,,« WaMda-BpaoUlD'talnenl, Work Executed by Expert* at Ordinary Ring up No. 266. If promptness of execution and faithfalnen «f flaWi ig what gqn £&if<*>
Page 2 Advertisements Column 8
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 2
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