QUEEN'S HOTEL. Corner of Manchester and Cashel St 3.. CHRISTCHrK.CE. ! OHFFVS !s a well-know i farmers' House. Every comfort on terms. All tho Leading Brands of Liqours stocked. 'Phone 1010. A. MEHARRY, Proprietor, late of Hokitikn. T EVIATHAN PRIVATE HOTEL. MANCHES r rER STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. Under New Management— E. J. SEARL, Proprietor. Telegrams—" Leviathan," Ch. Ch. TENDED EX S.S. '.'ANERLEY " All Sizes and Lengths of Oregon Pine. LANDING EX S.S. " WAIPORI " V.D.L. Timber, Posts and Paiingg EX S.S "CLAN —A large Shipment of Jarrah. famous for durability and strength. From Yard we can supply THOROUGHLY SEASONED TIMBER for general BUILDING PURPOSES. IrjHN JACKSON & CQ, LTD LIVERPOOL. LONDON. A GLOBB INSURANCE COMPANY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. MR EDWARD J. LeCREN has been .appointed Agent in Sonth Canterbury for all Live Stock Insarunce under this Company. . JIEA AND LUNCHEON ROOMS. MORNING, 1C to 13: Tea and CeSae, with Hot Sooneo, ejc. Beef Tea and Roll. LUNCHEON: 12 to 2 pm (Sat. 11.80 a.m.) etc. Visitor* may Reserve Tables without extra charge. Rooms are available tor ifternoons" »nd "Evenings" by rantercen*. Full Course Luncheons a Speciality AFTERNOON: * Tea, etc., with Hot Scontu, Tos Cakes, etc., Sandwiohea r.nd Daintv Cukei. LIGHT TEAS, GRILLS. ETC., 5 r« 7 p.EL 3alrae, for Sale and to Ordor. 1912 PlMmfosng 1 . SOUTHGATE BUGS.. SANITARY PLUMBERS & DRAIN LAYERS. ' «IHE most complete and up-to-dato Plant in Timnrn. Quotations ">n for all kinds of work. " Gas and water installations a speciality. «,«.petent Tradesmen only employed. IRLIE CREI FORGE, stablished 1874.) i oi Plough Pittincs •cck. Coachbuildinfr in all i. H. WELSH. FAIRLIE. Proru-i<' IAiES 'GRANGER, ACCOUNTANT, AND AGENT TYPEWRITING OFFICE, ISI, STAFFORD STREET, P.O. iios ii!l, l«ici/iiano 474. "Now the Harvest Buy a... STAFFORD STREET, AND ARCADE. Established 5861.
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 2
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