LIMITED. 185 STAFFORD STREET. APRIL 1952 RECORDS ' HAND, at Grant's. ■o2— l Like the Hut, I Like the Drc-ss. Edivnrd if. 7-'.r.or anj Chorus. f'JD —Pinalora Airs—Xo. 1. Edisou Light Onera Compaiiv. F9G—Dora bv the Old Mill Stream. Arthur C\ dough. 'OS —Bendenvier's Stream. Elizabeth Spencer. '99—Lost. Proscribed • ,; Martha/' Reed Miller and Frank Croxton. :oO—Run Heme and Tell Your Mother. Anna Chandler and Chorus. >o3—When tlif Ko'l is Called up Yondor. E-Jison Mixed Quartette 104—Dixie liell. Fred Van Eons. !05—Oh. Tiny, Piny That ."Traiimerei." Kvan .lialdwin. >o6—Hands L'p. Ada Jones and Billy Murrav. (07—'Hie " D-.rollers in the Western World—X,o. 2, "The White Mau. ; ' Sousa's Band. DECORATIONS OF THE MODERN HOME ARE the nrtstie. than before. Tho up-to-da thods of decoration pli; juisite designs of wall co. renders possible the i effects and norel idei seen in the Horn of to-day. WARWICK HOUSE, TEBWKA. rse Tra|) YOUR JOURNEYS ARE MADE PLEASANT if you K o to the I STONE STABLES. ! Tha Reliability of their Mounts and tho Up-to-dateness of their Vehicles is well known, and now the Firm has acquired a 40 H P TOURING CAR For use of Clients for Long or Journeys. Charges Moderate, and an Chauffeur is at your serrioe. STONE STABLES, TIMARU. Downßy .&■ icßonald, PROPRIETOPa WANTED 1 . DURING 1912 fcteve their prescriptions, and family recipes with-n . ft. 0. MAI.COLMSON. ' Centisl Pharmacy iChenjM ta Ezem.)
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 1
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