Carriage Works, Waimate. A NYTHING on Wheels bought or -1.4 Sold on Commission LARGEST STOCK of Ready to Sell Vehicles within a Hundred Miles. BARGAINS Second Hand Milk Carts. £3 to £l4. G : .fK. from £3. L.idjes' Phaeton (.very good) £lO. New Gigs and Carts in' great Varletv. BUY, SELL, OR SWAP. Bos 27. Phone 55. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TlfruS GILKTSON Gate qf Guinness lvj. and LeCrou). is prepared to receive Pupils for tho above subjects. Terms on annliontion. to: Nr, % lO'LeCREN'i? TERRACE. BROS., I'EUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS » Joir.ory MEnat.-iotur6.-s and Shop \ Fitters. I i'iMARU AND O^IALLMKE. H Every Kind r,f KuiMin- and B Contracting C:xfl,-rt:ik^r" I If You intend to Build Con- | suit us. Prices Moderate. I East Matarlnls Only Used. i Satisfaction Guaranteed. | 'PKO.NE 35!8. | FACTORY : EDWARD ST. Miss H. C. Strachan, THE ESTABLISHED MILLINERY ROUSE. STYLES arriving every month -*-1 from tho leading firms in London and Paris. NEW FURS in Fox, Ermine. Seal ami Racoon, from One Guinea .to Ten Guineas per set. TOOUES to mateli.' al«o BLACK AND WHITE BEAVERS. LAST SEASON'S MILLINERY REMODELLED AT MODERATE COST. Phono 441. autumn suits, autumn suits; ,i LARGE and FRESH STOCK to ~l X hand, in the Correct Shades, Worsteds, Blade and Blue Vicuna borges, Fancy Trouserings, etc. TAILOR, MELVILLE HILL. (A Card.) MISS RUTHERFORD begs to inform ladius in Timaru and neighbourhood that she has commenced business as Ladies' Blouse and Skirt Maker; also Children's Outfitting and Costumes. Terms Moderate. ROOM 2. . ARCADE CHAMBERS. TIMARU. DOCTORS DIFFER, ON MANY THINGS. THEY ALL AGREE THAT- BUDD IS A SPECIALIST AT CATERING! Extract from unpublished report: — " BUDD catered in hi* usual finished fer_ tiu Doctors' Conference n ™""""5 Session and also for the Navj Ball on Mondav Night last." BUBO'S," ealth Caterer, Pastry Cook and ... Confectioner. "pOR FANCY GOODS, DOLLS AND X.< TOYS. CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS (choice), ALL AT LOAVEST RATES. ALL AT LOWEST RATES. 43 STAFFORD ST. SOUTH. SATISFACTION IS WHAT YQU WANT. WE CAN GIVE IT TO YOU IN YODR :-: :-: MEAT. Only the Best Beef and Mutton bought from tho Abattoir Killer and delivered direct to your door at lowest current prices. .... WE DON'T HAWK MEAT. WE SELL IT. ALL PRIME QUALITY. MAY WE SERVE YOU
HILTON'S. TLMARU'B Foremost Fruit Mart. The Place for Satisfaction. Teviot Peaches, local Plums, and all the freshest home grown and imported fruits daily. Twelve pounds of priino Peaches for 3s; Plums, 121bs for 3s, case lots of 401hs at 2id. THINK OF THE PRICES? EVERYTHING FRESH and SOFNDI ' The "best Confectionery— English, I Colonial and Continental is stockea. I PRICES LOWEST IN TOWN, at GEORGE HILTON'S, IUITERER AND CONFECTIONER, STAFFORD STREET. -.SPRING FLOWERING BULBS. I HAVE a Splendid Assortment, and now is the time to' plant. The Bulbs are all well grown and acclimatised and include the following: - Narcisaij Anemones, Ranunculus, Ixias, Iris, Sparax : s. Snowflakes, Crocus, Hyacinths, Bride Gladiolas etc. Orders by post promptly attended Gardens luid out by day work or con-, tract. All descriptions of Floral work as usual. A large stook of Pot Plants, .*?<>s«s, Fruit Trees, Flowering and Or-' namental'"Shrubs and Trees, and all descriptions of Nufserv Stock. P. G. ALLEN, v ..Seed M°rclmnt Nurservman. 1 itone 233- Stafford 'Street- ...
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 1
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