iV GREAT SUCCESS. Officers.— Patron—Mr T. Buxton, M.P. Acting President—Mr .las. !• ranee. Vice-presidents—Messrs AY. F. .Jones, F. it. Gillingham, C. J'. Talbot, F. T,. AlcGregor, J. Trotter,..l. T Wilson, E. Macdonald, A. S. Smith, W. Dixon, R. A. Dison, N. O'Toolo, •I. S. Rutherford, J. F.. Goodwin, W. T. Sums, \V. F. Hamilton, Dr Dowe, H. Guthrie, W. H. Anderson. Committee—Messrs E. Hordern, AV. Hnsking, W. Shoe ran, J. Feasor, T. Fodon, .1. C.'iskey and R. Welsh. Boh. Secretary and Tri'.-tsudpr—Mr S. Dale. .Indies.—l'.uiltrv, open class, Mr A. S. Palmer. Tiniar'n ; utilitv class, Mr Rose (Government Poultry Farm). Pigeons and Canaries—Mr .1". Thoni|)son. Timaru. Miscellaneous, Mr W. •J. Andrews, Fairlie.
Shows evidently appeal to the i>cople of Fairlie. Everything that hus been attempted in that line lias proved sue-ces.-l'ul. Tho Agricultural and pastoral Associat.on .s annual show on
Ea.ster -Monday, is a. standing example of the way m * which Fairlie people patronise and support a show, Flower shows, ot' which, there have been several, have turned out well m every way, and the Poultry Associ itioii formed about eighteen months ago has every reason Lo ho satisfied with H;o two exhibitions it has held. Tlie .'second of those shows took place yesterday in tho Fairlie Public Hall, and it demonstrated in the m.ist practical way possible that tfie Association is going to have a gratifying career. In the first place the entries were largo, .showing a vast increase, on those of last year, and a big improvement iviis noticed in the quality and condition of the exhibits. A goodly number of visitors came up from down couiitiy, and the local people turned out in large numbers in tho afternoon, in tho evening the hall was so packed that, till a late hour, it was difficult to move about. The Association being in its infancy, wanted a big "gate," and from all appearances it got that yes-
I'ho Association is doing a great deal towards educating the Fairlie people in poultry matters, nnd the enthusiasm displayed by the leading officials, notably the President, AL- J. France, and the secretary. Air T. Dale, is sure to prove of a contagious character. Thero have been for a number of years, fanof note in tho Fairlie district. Special mention may be raado of Air Lake AlcGregor, and Air AY. E.' Jones. Air l'rance appeared on tho scene a couple of years ago, and it was. not long before he, with. ;i few kindred spirits, got things moving in the direction of forim'ng a Poultry Association. They were hacked up by many local resdents who like to see Fairlie go:ng ahead in anything it undertakes, and. the result is that fanciers are increasing in Fairlie rapidly, and will go on increasing while those who do not"actually go in for prize birds themselves will support the show in other ways. Tlie special prize list shows that- already the Association has the full sympathy of the people; a. fact that was remarked, yesterday that Tory few societies can show as many substantial special prizes. The residents, who have been accustomed to sheep .all their lives Jiaro been accustomed to seeing men leaning over the rails of a sheep pen .looking at and discussing sheep all day. They, at first thought it strange that other men should "be ahte to look at a. fowl half the Jay entjcising and admiring it. They realise that there is more in poultry keeping than at first meets the eye, a.id ao evincing a determination to study up tlie matter for tliernselves As before noted, the entries were exceedingly good, and nearly H ll the pens provided were filled. 'Hie exhibits m many cases were so good, that the judges awarded, a number of very highly commended and .commended tickets in -some-,* the larger classes. A feature of the. show are +he tlie pigeons and- the children's pets. Ihe latter came in for a great deal of admiration, and were the delight of [the children m the hall. A special prize was given for essays by school children on " Children's Pets." Thero were 29 essays, and the prizes were awarded as follows:—Gertrude Barorum (Slnpton) 1, David T. Todd ;Cricklewood) 2, W. Bain (Silverstream) 3.
A good' eolieotion of cookery was shown by the ladios, and the prizes were well distributed.
General regret was expressed at the -.ntimely death of the late president. Dr Cook, who since its inception had been a particularly good friend to the Society.
SPEECHES. The show was opened bv Air T. Buxton, who was introduced by Atr J. France, the President. Shoi-tl.-rt afterwards an informal gathering of officials, judges, and visitors was held, at r.-hich Air France presided. In proposing the health of the visitors, the president welcomed those pre-.-r-nt, and hoped that their stay would be c pleasant one. A big improvement had been made in the Association, and the show, since last year, and a bigger improvement would be shown in the future. He coupled the names of Messrs Nimmo Scott and MclCcnzie with the toast. • Air Nimmo Scott said that he was not exactly a visitor. He was not perhaps regarded as a social pest, but he -.aw the Fairlie people once at least ill each year, and that, he thought, satisfied them. He congratulated the Society on the progress it had made. Air McKenzie stated that he was .igreeablv surprised at what he had reen. ' The number of entries was surprisine. . He had not, as yet, had time criticise the entries, but as far a.s c.a had seen they were wonderfully iood. The Fairlie show should rrijieklv increase in size and importance. Air C. Talbot proposed the health of the judges, coupled with the names of Messrs Rose, Palmer, and Thomson. He said that anything that was started ■'u Fairlie went with a swing, and the residents were determined to show visitors and judges that a greater improvement could be made in the future than had been made in the past year. ATr Palmer said that he was nleased at the wav iu which fanciers had stuck to exhibiting. They had not fluttered in and then fluttered out as wan often the case. He admired the children's nets, but thought that a separate class should he made for cats.
Air Rose dwelt on the -grand condition of the. birds. He had never seen ■i hotter bird titan the White Leghorn utility exhibit. -,,
Air Thomson commented on the improvement in the pie-eons, and all the iodges spoke hiehly of the wav in which -.11 arrangements were carried out. particularly the prompt placing of the prize cards.
PRIZE LTST. Langshaiis.—A. S. Smith only exhibitor.
White Plymouth Rocks—Cockerel, also pullet, D. N. Scott 1, A. E: Chapman 2.
Orpingtons—Black: Cock, W. Brown 1 and 2, Mrs C. -T. Talbot 3; hen, W. Brown 1. Mrs Talbot 2 and 3: cockerel, W. Brown 1 and sp., W. Hole 2; pullet, AV. Brown 1 and 2. Buff or Cinnamon : Cock, G. TJ, Albert, 1 nnrl 2. G. Walton 3 : ben. G-. T?. Albert 1. 2. 3 : cockerel. G. It. Alb?rt 1; pullet. C. H. Albert 1. 2. 3. -\V!.iie:"Cwk, W. 75. Nortb 1 : lion, W. B. Xovtb 1 ami 2: best white cockerel. AV. B. \'vtb 1. 2, 3: wbito millet. W. B. X...-U,. 1. s>. ■> Hou.bms.—Cn-k c:ld 1. r .„. (J. R. P-ritb 1 • cockerel. .T i • pullet, 0. R. Smith 7. "
"iVvmiclotles.—Golden : Cock'and hen, cockerel and pullot, 'J'. Wv Buist J. Silver: Hen, A. G.apes I nnd sp, J, I!. McGregor 2; cockerel, J', ,G.McGregor 1 and 2; pullet, W. K. Jones 1 and 2, A. Gapes 3. White: Cock,.hen, cockerel, pullet, G. Reynolds 1. 2. 3, Mrs J. Wilson lj.c. (cock), Mrs S. Dale Ji c (hen, cockerel, pullot). Partridge: •Cock, Mrs G. Dickson 1, H. G. Brien 2, ¥. A. .Toynt .'1; hen. W. E. Jones i, I''. A. .royjit 2. Mrs G. Dixon 3 erel, 11. G. Brien J; pullet, W., E. . I ones 1, 11. G. Rrien 2, 3, (J. Dickson h.c Black: Cock, Mrs G. If. Blair'l and sp, lieu.J, cockerel ], pullet 1. Andalusiah's.— Cock, hen, cockorel, pullet, JO. Mncdoiinld 1,2. Minorca/!.—Black: Cock, hen nrd cockerel. S. It. .Burns 1, 2 am'. 3. Leghorns.—White: Cock, Thomson Bros. I. and 3, K. A. Veitch 2; hen, K. A. Veitch 1. Thomson Tiros 2, C. E. Putehor 3; cockerel—O. E. Butch"r 1, R. A. Veitch 2 and h.c, Thomson Bros. 3; pullet, C. Butchers 1, E. A. Veitch 2 ami h.c, Thomson Bros 3. ■■ Brown: Cock, W. Goodman 1 and sp, J. II Shaw 2 ; hen and cockerel, J. H. Shaw J, 2 and 2.3; cockerel. W. lioodman I ; pullet, .). 11. Shaw 1, Thomson Bros. 2. Black: Cock. T. W. Kor 1, 0001.-erel 1. pullet, D. Nimmo Scott 1: Black cock and cockerel, Scott 2. Hamburg's.—Golden pencilled: Cockerel and pullot, W. Goodman 1 and special, and 1 and •>. UTILITY CLASS. Leghorns.— While: Cock, J. France I, T. 10. Skinner 2, 11. Thomas 3; hen, M. Thomas 1, S. Southby 2..) H Shaw 3; cockerel, G. <_'. Lane 1 and sp. | J. H. Shaw 2, D. Southbv 3, h.c. and iv.h.c; pullet, D. Southbv 1, 3. special in utility best white pullet, and v.h.c, G. C. Lane 2, T. JO. Skinner, Mrs .1. Wilson, K. Kennedy v.h.c, W. JJlack J. France (2), S. Dale v.h.c. Brown: Cock, hen and cockerel, .T H. Shaw I, I, and 1, 2. Brown: Pullet, J. Caskev 12.
AVyamlottes.—Whito: Cock; Airs T. S. Woods 1; hen, Mrs S. Dale I;• cockerel, G. H. Blair 1 and sp, Airs S. Dale 2; pullet, Mrs S. Dale 1 and 2, G. H. Blair.3. Silver: Cock, S. Southby I; cockerel, Mrs J. France 1. Black: Cock, H. -Welsh 1. Arty other variety purebred.—Cock and hen, A. S. Smith, (Black Langshan); cockerel, W. Jlanning (Whito Plymouth Hock) I, W. Cullen (Aucona) cockerel and pullet. • Bantams.—Game,'Black Red: Cock, J. Aleiklo jun. ], W. I' 1 . Barker 2 and hen 1, S. Southbv 3; cockerel, AI. Aloriarty 1, W. J. Smith 2; pullet, JI. Moriarty 1 J. Aleiklo 2, AV. J. Smith 3. Bantams Game Pile—Cock: W. Jordan 1, J. Aleiklo junr. 2, and hen 1. Cockerel: G. A. Houkins 1, AV. Jordan 2; J'ullet: W. Jordan 1. Bant.ini.s Black, rofe-combed cock—Airs S. It .Bums I; H.-n: E. A. Honkins 2; Cockerel. Airs S. It. Burns 1. Aliss Ivv Hall 2. G, C. Lane 3; Pullet, Af. Moriaity 1, Miss Ivy Hull 2, G. C. Lane
NOVICE CLASS. Purebred Poultry: Any .arie-ty, coek or cockerel—W. Barker (SW) 1. W. !!lack (WPR.) 2, D Southbv" (WCi 3, Al.iv Stewart (SW) and A. Ger (WL> IloT: Hen, W. Barker (SW) 1, W. G. Ten-is (BLP) 2, R. Kemudv (Wl'Rl") 3 h.c. Alary Stewart (SWP). W. Black nVPItH) he. SISLLING CLASSES. Any variety—Cick or Cockerel, not to exceed £1: T. E. Skinner (WL'C) 1, S Dale (WLC) 2; Hen or Pullet: S. Dale (WLP) 1 and 2. Not to exceed £2, Cock of Cockerel: G. Blair (WWC) 1 ; Hen or Pullet: W. E. .Tones (SWP) 1, Alary Stew-art (SWP) 2. LADIES' BRACELET. G. H. Blair (WWC) 1 and sp., Alisa McGregor (SP) 2, Airs J. Franco (SW C) 3, Alarv Stewart (SP) and Airs J. Braddick h.c Turkeys—Gobblers: E. Afacdonald 1, AV. Bain 2; Hen: W. Bain 1. Geese—Guilder: Airs J. Robinson 1, A. Bain 2, J. Bain 3; Goose: Mrs J. Robinson 1. DUCKS. Aylcsby—A. Bain 1; Indian Runner. Drako.and Duck: D. Southby 1, and 1, 2 and 3: Pckin, drake and duck: J. E. Goodwin 1, 2, and 1, 2, W. Bain 3; Buff Orpington Drako: AY. B. North 1 and 2, D. Southby 3; Duck: W. B. North 1, D. Southby 2, 3; Any other, drake and duck: Sraitib. (Muscovy) 1. 2, and I, 2. PIGEONS. Show Homers, Cock and Hen, any colour—J. Bain 1, 2, and 1, 2, and 3; Tumblors. long-faced clean legged, self, red or yellow also any colour, cock or hon rung—H. Ellnslie 1; Tumblers longfaced, muffed, barred or ehequred, also mag- Yv. Holhve'U 1; Any variety—W. Hollwell 1; Fantails, white cock, white henT. Sogar 1 (21; Hen, T. W. Scott 1 (2). Fantails, whits cock and len, rung: T. Segar 1. Alo.gnies, blackcock or lieu: T. Segar 1, H. Elmslie 2 md 3. Rung H. Elmslie I and 3, T. Stgar 2. Any other colour, cock or hen: H. Elmslio 1, 2, and 3. Rung, Gapes 1 and 3. H. Elmslie 2. Owls, English, anv colour: W. B. AlcKenzie 1, 2, and 3. "Rung 1. African, any colour 1, 2, and 3. Rung 1,-2, 3. Any other variety cleanlegged pigeon: -W. B. McKtnzio I, 2. 3, Afnffed I.' Flying honors, cock' icia-tilicd 300 miles: E. A. Veitch 1, 2. Men. C. E. Butcher 1. J. R.hsrtson 2. ' Flying Homers, cock or her., certified 150 miles: T. Seaar 1. J. Robertson 2, [ C. E. Butcher 3. Flying Hotiers, cock iorOisn. certified lOf) miles, to award. j Afcst likelv flier, cock or ien: H. ! Elmslie 1. E. A. Veitch 2, 3. Selling [Pigeons, limit 40s, anv variety; H. \ Elmslie 1 ; limit 20s, T. Segar 1. Hom'ng. lihiit 20a: T. Segar 1. Champion Trains Class: AV. B. entrv XVk. 288. 2SS. 288, 289, 1; S9O, 290. 2SO. 291. 2. Flying Homer Teams; K. A. Veitch, entry Ncs.' 302, 332, 298. 295, 1. " '
CANARIES. Cayenne ii<l, .\uruich. variegated yellow, cock or hen : T. Jlnssell 1. .Noncayenne led, Yorkshire, clear Buff cock or hen: Mrs Tlyland J'. Nun-cayenne fed, Yorkshire, ticked or variegated cock or h.en: Mrs Hylanrl .1. Noncayenne fed, Noi-uidi var.. yellow, cock or hen, TO. A. Ben nets 1. Noncayerme fed. Norwich, clear Buff, cock or-lieu: E. A Beimels 1, 2, 3: Ticked Buff:' J. Bain 1. Var. JJulf; Mrs S. It. .Burns I, 2, Airs Elnvs 3. Cinnamon Jonoue or Huff.' cook or hen : Mrs West 1. Children's Pets: J. McDonald, cat, I; Richard Barker, pair white French rabbits 2. A. McDonald, cat, 3, All rest h.c. MISCELLANEOUS.
Six Girdle Scmc.-v—Airs G. Dabinctt 1, -Mrs V. J. Talbot 2, Mrs It. Leitch 3, -Mjs -A. S. Smith i. Six Oven Scones, plain: Mrs It. Leitch ], Mrs C. J. Talbot 2, Mrs G. Dabinctt 3, -Mrs A. S. Smith i. Fruit Cake: .Mrs C. J. Talbot i, Mri G. McCullough 2 Seed Cake: Miss Green 1, Mrs C. J. Talbot 2, Mrs 10. Saunders 3, Mrs G. Dickson -I. Spc.nge Cake: Mrs JO. Saunders I, Mrs C. J. Talbot 2, Alr.s S. Southbv 3. Six Oat Cakes:. Mrs G. AlcCulloughl, Mrs C. J. Tallmt 2. Six Shortbread Cakes: Mrs 11. Leitch .1, Mrs 10. Saunders 2, Mrs G. McCullough 3. .Marble Cake: Mrs Green 1, -Mrs C. J. Talbot 2 Mrs G McCullough 3. Sponge Roll: Mrs JL CnthberUon 1, Mrs G. McCullomdi 2, Mrs S. Southby 3. Dozen Hens' JOggs, brown, I're-'h: Airs G. Dabinctt J, Airs S. Southby 2. Airs (i. 11. Blair 3. Airs G. Dickson *. Dozen Hens' Eggs, white: Mrs G. Dickson 1, W. Black 2, Airs G. AlcCiillough 3. Home-made Loaf: AIiVJ. Wilson 1. lib Plain Sep. Butter: Airs ,f. Robinson J, Airs G. Cabinet 2, Mrs T. S Woods 3. lib Plain Dairy Butter: -Miss, N. Wade 1, Airs (;. AlcCiillough 2, Airs It. Leitch 3.
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14451, 25 May 1911, Page 3
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2,547FAIRLIE POULTRY SHOW Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14451, 25 May 1911, Page 3
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