Her. D. C. Bates' summarv and forecast axe—"Beneheiai rams" fell on luesday night and this morrumr m Hawkes Bay, but elsewhere the"vea. tier had been fair. Moderate to scron-south-easterly winds have- prevailed"' until a steadily rising; barometer, Prel Bent indications are for fine weather generally. Tht> barometer will probably rise slowly ia the north but fall rn. the south after about eh'hteen tsovxa. . Moderate to strong southeasterly winds are probable northward of New Plymouth and Napier, and northerliea and westerlies freshening elsewhere shortly." " A Press Association message states Jnat the Antarctic Expedition will leave Lyttelton on the :Mtb. inst., calltog at Port Chalmers, and leaving New Eealand finally for the South on the 29th inst. The. sky cleared after the rain yesterday morning, and a hue murium; disclosed that the rouges had received a capping of snow; the* Hunters 11.1U sharing in the decoration. Our Weudbury correspondent states that in that locality rain commenced to fall on Monday afternoon, and it rained for twenty four hours, at times very heavily, and over two inches must have fallen. At Orari Gorge over three inches fell. It will do an incalculable amount of yood, though newly shorn sheep must have suffered, after the heat of the preceding week.
The I'reabyterian General Assembly at Auckland o<icupied all jester day in a discussion on the merit> of the Church Praise versus the Hyninary. It was decided to delay a decis on till nest session, and in the meantime to obtain the opinions of tbe Presbyterian sessions and choir leaders.
The near portion of Powley auti Keaat's bottling stores at Dimedin were .seriously damaged by a tire yesterday morning. The damage is in the neighbourhood of £IOUO.
Sulphur and Sarsapariila Salts, a good medicine for the blood, cooling, purifying, refreshing. One teaspoonful in water before breakfast is an excellent blood cooling medicine. Price la 6d a bottle, from L. B. James, Che»ist r 'i'truoru. ..-
Reaults of die musucal ejtaminutiouj heia in Timaru yesterday uc.e u„; üb~ taiuabie wytit, the examiner atat--11- that it «iu agamic the rule;, ut the Socitty fur luni to give out any reauite uutil he was about tu leave th": town it which, he had conducted the examinations.
WISE OR OTHERWISE. There arts two sorta ui buvtrs ct tuotur tvtles, Cue vviaf, ant | ol i bvi . u.SK. it yuu tome under tU forim-i- - w:il 111411 ire from tlu mini ivliu IV-UUe* t.j M.-II y.JU a. "luo'-.-.r •Tycle, huvv lit- L, fa tU,_. tl.ii.t:t:i--<Jt scares <jr <iuj.ilu.att- uarc.i, fur no natter what Ln may tell >uii, ciiev v.ili bo reijuirt'.l. Jur oijr>.j»it'ou L n.uiallj- a. tor aouij uaportiuj; cou-.era, acu carried no dupticati,-s; aak Liiu. t«i abuw you ii.nv Le sta-dj i u n-am to parta, should' Lu, motor civl" break dour., or re;>lai;«:ra"itta actual ivvir and :.,.■;. r. \V<-<-a/.-v curur.Uw sm,-Ics or TUirMl'fi <i;:?!.:at-s, r.ijlit back to th- .-urlicr CKxieli (if I'JHG. Wo bar- ii on i-nd-tr.otor cvlUjs for over six wars, anfl « rtaim to know somi:-th,inv about then. The £r» who is startim-our t,,1 Cay, to tin ir. the motor .v..!.. tr.e. is C'tns tii tcain wn.s i--q ...•;,",,,.,. at your txrvnse. V.V- 1..r. (J . r (.[,,. ~-;,,,_ *har> i? starting to 1.-: i r.-i. Our . r"luwr - nrfl trains!, nml ha v.- >N- V ,T. experience b.=>n:n-l t!i rn in tFii.-i " particular lino. \V- *.>v.\d :,,!•. v,,,._[),, JI..U tnk. a valuaM- iiaD-h to a Ma-k----»mitfi f -i to (if rtu,ai:>d—.of -our.-.- riot Yon tak.-- it to il man v.ho 11 „, |.. r . r a .„[* ha hu.iiti-.-s. a u-atrhmak-r f>v training ami prof-ssiun. '1 li«-r> for,-, if you :ir r> ■ni.ll-. you will [>tiiv!i:n(- your motor "y,-fi- from n firm u!n> are in a p,«! r.;. Iri f.i «;iw von tin- and. u-orrv, h\ ,-n-r>. in-.' 11. "to-Ic of .liir.i;.".r-i. ;„,1 ~ ! : o Jvitp a .-t:ifF t.. -nrrv out .-ft v.-or?- entrusts! t., th-m. ADAM* ttd_ Stafford Strsot. Tixtant..
!i- ,-. tine, •■■-it ii in : - -..i.r.i.-t. f-iny ; a- t!i- T-m-.n. H, - -,, i: t-liy. a dn- i ».:: r.n, .r, in tii-"!;.-ok e.- L .\.-.-. />,.. \ '.: ■;,;_•, :i. . i i -.' ': :: :: ['.-• li.-.'-.■ \ -n .i.i.. ■■ ' Mi- it.-d v:• i. . f.,. ..-; t- ■..-.-. ' I'.U.'.t es'V.'-'i.' .-. i"v ■ - ..*,' ' p.-'-.-r-'.'-'i.i .■!, :i-.e ii- ol .- ■ .il i._.:, r'v .■: Neiv land. for tie lot i r !,--_:.. raiii-.avs. as Civ.-n iii'tL- I'.'lle \V. r,:- S' nt t North .-J ,\,- kii.nd. '-ioo. t Hi..-'. f. ,-t s- },<■ ! ; , Tr, ;•:.;. >![,.,.■-,.. South M.-I-! Ma n Tri.tii. il" '.<«"■. M.dlnd £-!''.■-', "J. tier ::'. ~. " li.e ," -..-'. 1 -pua'tl 'wJa- "' We iiaVe eti .. .. J.OW, pf.>v.d-- i th--re are tit. u.,i -nu'.cr» fur tho Ue\t I ■-•■■■ lir.j.'' The ttl:„.i"ti..i[i - ;■-..,".y at Geraiditto r..:-i"'itea'i-y'ii la'J-V" uuuibTr""" \". art ..poeeh... of pr. -'tttai , n and a,-knov.l.-d-.e, :: , ,lt W.-re Ilia.!- V. iiell the UeV. B.ov.ri. el..i[,l.iti .and Mr M. F. Deniieiiy. d.s-r.,-t .Upnty. u ere pres.-nt.-d with hiitet-.a.i.-iv fra;i.e-.[ en-lar-.d photos ~til-,- pione-r • ttf-ers A correspondent v. rit-s whether the half-holiday •.-. ill b- observed that Fridn'i. 1) ::.!,r !'/h' : s Atiu'i'Versa ry Day. Shop!.. ■■■.■■. r, hn.V.- the day t'-r ;_-:rU. and K.vs under T rears of J.v. n:tt?t U- give:: c:i the Thursday. At the M..-:-..:,'., C t:r: _: T,-tr.uka Mr JeLn l'rs-e. e: Welliti^ou.jul* ib ::.■-: phiyed" Dres,ien. ai.u. the I anions ',-eilu.-t was much taken their i>l:.vno. In the House- of on Tue-day the Workers'' Dw ,-Hi u _s'' ls [[ was niov-d by the li.-n. Mr Millar, wiio exphiiii.-d that It was desia- : i-d to provide hoti-i-s f., r i.-odla , work. r-. and to have horn. . er,-ct d bv tii.- State on payment of £;[.! d.-no-lt/The pevis.-ts of the liiii would onlv apt.U- f. »„:'.-. ers wfa-e income did not Vx(wd ■:I.V. a year. Ihe .-eco-nd reading was iitiread to.
Tli" ii.'xt ordhiarv me,-tin.; of th» Mackenzie Countv Cotim-il v. il'l be held at the eouncy ..lac..-. I'airlie. on Wed-tie-;d:i>\ _:trd X, vembvr m-.-.t. at U.'.oV a.m.. tin.-, ra ,-t;ri- taking lb.,- pl.t.-.- of tli- n.iial i).r:-: ; J„:- m.ctia-. which will not &.. h-id. On the n-ame .h-v at noon ri..> .-tatu-.-irv annual im-etni"' o; l.i" C"un.-ii v ill b>- k.-M '-, ir tii« purp..," o; el., tiii- a chairman for the im.-um- year, and eicctin- a rei-r-soa-.ativ._- on the 'limaru Hi-th School uoaru ot Governors.
. C!lil : ! r ,~ ceie st medicine, but if jour cluiurcn ;.; u Jacking in s:re:>. th or eu.,i-v, yt-.-e them Steals' WmeTof Loci iaVcr I'.v.ti'act— t..~-;.i... build.-r >v 3 tem mvi-.,ratol—tl. L y will like
,"" in Svin- ma- '■"""-> and tie- eu-iiu,- ot u.c aiiuieu, a letter ■„ .v;, .\l. Cil - vi tae Uvluu-.u Tram-ay., uom a ipeetator oi tlie recent B-j-toit m.ct.a--, mattei .-.,rae observation.-.. V \cr :•■••' oa>- ti-e v. r.ter, the be,; airm u We're' very cartful, and all kird-, , f tests to tilld out ivav to • n •. ~ 1 whether the v.iud v. a> ri-"L " >■ Vv"day, they ao up any time, ".:nU7s the w.nd ; , v„ry .- 1r .,: ; -. 1 i.e l{o- ; ;,. a ci>;ir...... l, I; miles roiinti. :,nd tia- ;.-achines tiy r,,und j,:, L !ke bi-.vie, on a raein- track, some . t them "mak,. uitv mi:*.-.- an hour ea>ay. C.r.iham-Wh.t"'
Cur. itri-l iii., earnings in [r,i:e-:[M« and .ilh-.r'.v:-:..- tnuat "have- Uvii i...ariy ilLi.lJlj'J. \[,. rut;s tv-u „.a.:h;u-s, a Fanaan biph.n.- and a Bler:..t m'.-.0-piaiie. piaiie. Tb- Wri-Lts have sola,- M:o biplanes, and .-.. ha* Curris. Thv [,;_ plane is rally at.-adier and i:a.r-> ti'.-iiy handl-1. hut th- t:i.,r„.plane i, fast.-r. Th..' t'r,-n.!i ul^;.,r.-i, th-e Uii'>mo ami 'lit' Auti.'lii.'Lt'-, are far f'et'.er than tilt: present American taakca.
A tin ~: Tal-utu t,..v. ,;,-r and a huttU.- of carnatr.u pemu.a in That's exactly what Will.ana.' Tak-uiu p..uder ia—a uaiat delightful and -iu-.thi'i;* t;>~ pli.-atiou. It :, li...i..pea>abi- in the iMirvTv. a rii-ct.-v.ury a iiun-;. ;., Lke
to.l-t table, la anything ami auti,ept:.after .-having. The iia-rant <jtl.»u r of th.- fr.-.-h rart:at..,'i :.-, aUav*. th.-re-I'l—,. U f-T v .-i :...„ |saxt,T» I'hurmii'i'S.. 'limarti and l-'a-rhe.
Mr W:..1.1i>v..,0ii, S.M., at Di.un.iliu. took .ndcii- 0:1 ;-. abdication Mr a btuui.ioii- ,:ull:ri- .... .Mr Dov.uU, Stuart ' , shov. n... te v.!i ; . m <.u„ul.L riot 0.. ..ii-:.-.l r'rotn the m ii:a n .■:' C :v IA-m-I I'lllor. TL'_> -round v.:,.. that 'he iva, I a .lir..--to r of tii- [)v. : ..-airi Ku_:-.-..riii--I an.l St,-! C,r,.,,:ny,- v.1::..-I: ! 0,, ..i.i to t!i- C':;.v- Cuti-i!, .-utra.'v to I ti; ■ [>.-ov-i.-io:i-. -f cli- Mutii.'in-a CVr- ! i.. ) r;itii,:i, A-t, ti»iS. Iho Mk-iitrat-, I ii:;-.|.- an i.riU-i- for tli- '.-.-uf of a suui- ' rii.-[i>. rt'turnabU- on l'f.:--t;;'.i.T 1. Ai a snrnm.r 1.-v.-r..;,, m- fun- can i-4im: th,- - n--r :.::;. m:u!,. from »:iX-tr.-'i .-■-.•„..■■: it 1. r-ir.-, v.h,.!-.-..:-... and r.-fr. a .!:-nk ai«.r, ■ iat.ii f.v v. rn • and . M a'"!V-. IV:-.. U t .-V K.i.t!-: -:ufrVi'::t for :-.■.•.> -aliorw. Ha-c- ---| f.i'i l>fiarti;a.-;..-i. T:!uaru and Fa.r- ---| l.r. ... WEI AT CONSTIPATION- MEANS. ComitiiMt:-!' rt'i-Tibif.s iiutltiaK so sy:it..'!ii of a city, and rna i:n-~w the .i'u'.brvak i.'t «iia*.':is« l thiu v.-ou:.i r>.su!t if tli-., .ihuu'id Tlicts try to reali.i... th- danj;..-r to y.ursoif it vnti alio v. tour boWf.-Li to liocoKi* <:l;.'-.'d. Tlr 'r»i.,«.tioiLi matter v.-hi -h .should [>a,i otr Li a!vs.,rb*>i iato h;.»<i, <. ; h.-h i.i fh- i:uii-t> of t!Ut::-r...ii .!i5.M,...,. .M,...,. Wi.-n vou aro trouhhd zhl-i wav t!i-r> b itut om- to do r>t .-t a h ux ..f " Chan h r;-iin - 'i Taiil.-t.s. Thov -U-ir--- and i;> the -toraa.-It an.'j K •/> U. mid th- > ..f all a r.ormai ..■jaittiw-u. F-T salv every-»-fc«re...
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14351, 17 November 1910, Page 5
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1,518TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14351, 17 November 1910, Page 5
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