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Tho Wellington-Brindisi mail of OIK May arrived in London on tlio 'lUth Juno.

To-night a concert of more than usual promise is being given in Chalmers Church. Tho programme is .in excellent one, and the items to bo rendered are announced .in the advertising columns. Besides contributions from some of the lending vocalists, Mr W. Coombs, eornettist, will render " Thn Lost Chord," and Mr Irvin I\loore und an efficient orchestra will give items.

rh? "father of a large family'* writes to tho "Oamaru Mail," protesting against tho decision of the local bakers not to reduce tho price of bread, which is now 7d per loaf. He says that flour is ;js per ton dearer in Dnnedin, yet bread is sold there at oid booked and 6d cash. He gives a calculation showing the cost of a 10toiis a. month business—£92 for flour, £l7 10s for manufacturing and delivering. leaving £55 18s 4d profit per month.

The usual weekly meeting of the I'airvien- Mutual Improvement Soeiery was held in the schoolroom on Thursday evening, the president, the Rev. }}*■ J- Knticott, occupying the chair. The evening was devoted to the president s portfolio, there being some very good answers to questions, some causing a deal of discussion. Songa were rendered by Miss K. Thoreau a.nd Mr L. T?addon. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to all who had helped with papers.

Along with this morning's paper, a detail plan of some properties which bi e to bo sold by public auction is to lie sent out. 'J lie plan gives verv full Humiliation as to situation and terms, and anyone who looks at it will at once agree that the properties are well situated, fair sized, and offer remarkably easy terms. The auctioneers will oe pleased to assist any intending buyers with every facility for seeing the properties, and explaining any other point if possible. There is no doubt this is a rare chance of securing valuab'e town sections at easy prices and vip till now unheard of terms. Buyers should carelullv note the date of sale, ami be on the spot to secure a portion or tins very fine property.

TJe remind all who are interested m the matter that the Timaru Marino Jsana s I'ete cm:has off to-morrow afternoon and evening in the Assembly Kooms. In the afternoon there will lie a sale of work (continued in the evening) at which there will be innumerable bargains in covotable things; a baby show, for which there is a large number of entries, and some pretty dances will bo given by girls, who were performers at the recent fete in Olympia Hall. In the evening the Band will pla.v through the town, starting at seven. In "the hall thoro is to bo a grand poster march competition, and various showy dances; and tlio fete will be concluded with a popular dance, starting about 10 p.m.

At the second meeting of Silverstream householders, a committee was elected, after the meeting had expressed a desire that it should be placed ' n record that the householders appreciated the attention given by the Board to the late Committee's applications for funds and for special works, which had by no means been few, consequent on the limited attention bestowed upon the premises previously for a number of years. Mr A. S. Smith was elected chairman of the new Committee, and Mr Dines treasurer. Tlie Committee resolved to meet monthly. A letter that had miscarrod to the North Island, was read from Mr H. Monahan, Temuka, ro asphalting, from which if was evident, that the contemplated work would bo more expensive than anticipated; consequently it was decided to endeavour to increase the funds, and a. social was decided on to be held on the 30tli inst. Though an early date it was deemed preferable to take advantage of the possibly favourable weather, and also to allow of further efforts being made later on if the desired success is not wholly achieved at first.

Getting a patent is not so easf and safe a thing, or not invariably, as many people think. The man with an idea should consult an expert. Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, of Wellington and Christchureh, publishers of Progress —the inventor's journal—are constantly saving people expense and troublo. ...

Forgan's Celtic golf clubs latest oval shafted drivers, brassies and nonsocketing iron clubs, Spalding's latest gold medal drivers, brassies, irons, etc. just arrived. F. Tasker. Timaru. ... INFLUENZA. When you liave an attack of Influenza take immediate steps to reduce the fever as quickly as possible and for this there is no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will reduce the fever, lesion the inflammation _ surrounding the lungs and bronchial tubes. With Chamberlain's Cough Remedy there is no danger of developing that nasty cough that fro often follows influenza. WHY DO CUSTOMS WORK? It takes up a lot of valuable time—■ time you could devote to other work with more profit to yourself. Get us to do the work. Wo specialise in it, and are familiar with every detail. Doing so much of it, we can give you nn excellent service at a small cost. Our service is comprehensive, including the passing of entries and delivering of goods. The N.Z. Express Gov., Ltd... Hockey players pTease note that' M? F. Tasker, Timaru, has just opened out a splendid assortment of hookey sticks, balls ,sliin guards, etc. Maker Grenville, Birmingham... Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. The Dresden Piano Oompany, Ltd., beg to nnnounce to the general public of Timaru and the surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our high' izrade instruments, include John Broadwood and Son, Collar<l and Collard, the most famous of British makers. the bent that_ money cau buy; also the Ronish, Lipp_ and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bohm, besides other celebrated makers. _ We give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument you choose; we ulbo give yovi the right of exchanging if you are not perfectly satisfied. Yon are on a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from thib well known and up-to-date firm..."I have used every corn cure on the market, over a space of live or fix Years, all with the same result —no relief; but now I am thankful to say 'Ruin' Corn Cure' hus practically cured me. " So 6ays one grateful customer, and ho is only one of many who are being cured -of those painful growths bv Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure. One shilling post free. Baxter's Pharmacy, Timaru. ... We ; liave just landed from England a splendid sample of Extract of Malt, and Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil. It is highly recommended for its digestive and strength-giving properties and the price, Is 6d a bottle, 13 within the reach of all. Prepared in England for L. B. James, Chemist, Timaru. ... A HINT TO THE WISE. A man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular and never well when they are irregular. Bear this in mind and take Chamberlain's Tablets as •occasion may require. There is nothing better. They ale mild and gentl# jn thfir action and are pleasant to take. Try ihem tmd you will nevfcr

_ The animal meeting of the Mackenzie Collie Dog Society will be held ou the lStli inst.

The Celtic Football Club hold an important general meeting at the Brothers' School to-morrow evening.

The Ashburton Trotting meeting will be held on Thursday and Friday next. As the acceptances are very good, spore should be excellent.

In reply to a question put by him at the Council table last night, the Mayor informed Councillor Angland that he had behaved very well latelv.

The Timaru Choral and Orchestral Society will give their first concert in the Wesley Hall on July sth. The opening details are advertised.

A special meeting of the executive committee of the South Canterbury Employers' Association was held yesterday when matters of considerable importance were dealt with. The meeting was held in committee.

In the course of a reply to a request for a speciial van to carry strawberries front Auckland to Wellington by the main trunk express. Mr Millar said that last year he offered the growers a van at £'22. which just about covered the cost of haulage.

The following are results of competitions at the Arts and Crafts Exhibition not previously announced —School children's essay on the exhibition, Olive Cooper 1, Maysie Morccan 2. Netiif Valentine 3, Ena Day 4. Lantern Slides Mr J. Permin. Cabinet work Mr C. A. Dunn.

The '"New Zealand Times" describes a new kind of flax stripoer invented bv B Southlander named "Davis, the first pf them just made at a Wellington soundry. The description is incomplete, jut- it states that instead of hammering Ihe green stuff off the fibre two flexible steel blades grip the blade and scrape it off, without making any waste bv cutting the fibre.

A committee meeting of the Cave Saleyards Company was held oil Saturday night, the president Mr Tas. Smith, presiding over a good attendance. A statement of the company's affairs for the past season was presented, and :i----was of sweh a highly satisfactory nature that it- was unanimously decided to declare a dividend of 5 per cent. It was also decided to make numerous improvements to the yards, hy the addition. of several large holding pens. The yards have been established for only three years, ana it was considered that the healthy state of the company augnred well for the future. Dividends are now payable on application to the secretary. Mr W. A. Johnstone, Cave. The "Evening Star" says that a statement published as to the existence of a salt "'ring" in Dunedin, is perfectly true. The evidence on the point is convincing. The holders are pledged to _ a common minimum price. The quotation yesterday for butchers' Kilt was _ 75s per ton from tie store. Another inquiry made at the same time leads to tlie opinion that the price of pepper is also under joint control, and that the Dunrdin butchers are thereby at a disadvantage in the making of small goods. We are assured, further, that one butcher recently found it cheaper to purchase Ground rice from a Christchureh traveller than to get it locally, and it is said that the same thing applies to mace and sage. People sometime* imagine that- rings but there is no imagination about the salt-, at any rate. Will anyone challenge ns to the irronf? If so. we are nrepared to submit the evidence to the public.

c^j ßn ? s Canterbury Board or Education received a memorandum irom the Department requesting a list ot teachers' residences in regard to Inch improvements are nece-ssarv, one or two members made remarks of a sarcastic nature, and smiled knowing'?"- and sinular criticism from other Boards, has caused the Hon. Geo. Fowlds (Minister for Education) to rise ln . wrath and say tilings. '"To niv mind," Mr Fowlds retorts "some of the comments which have been mad© are very ridiculous. The position is simply this: The Department is being inundated with applications for the provision of Tarious conveniences menin the memorandum in connection with teachers' residences all over the dominion. I have c-onie to this conclusion : That if the work is to bo done at all it should be undertaken in a

systematic manner, and the most urgent cases should he taken first. For that reason I have asked the various beards to supply me with a list of the residences in their districts that come within the definition laid down in the memorandum, and to place them in the order of urgency. Some of the boards really seem to think that it is their- special function to criticise everything that is proposed to be dene by the Denartment —whether it is good or bad."

The continued success of the Trusty Triumph motor evele in open competition borders on the phenomenal. The local acrenrj. Adams Ltd., have iust received a cable giving the results of the great Tourist Troohv race, which was run off in the Isle" of Man. There were eight Triumphs entered, and they filled the following places—3. 4. G. 7. 8, 11, 13. 15 respectively, the first and second dace? b-?ing won bv t"o 7 h.o. twin-motor cycles. The bill climb contestwas won by a Triumph motor cvcle. putting np the fastest time and beating all twin and four-cylinder motorcycles of any power, and in the special single evhnder classes thev were awarded 1. 2. 3 prizes in the hill climb, 1. 3 prizes in race. This success was also added to last Saturdav in the hill climbing contest nromoted bv tho Christohurch Cycle and Motor 'club, the Trusty Triumph again securing the time prize against all comers. Ihe J rusty Triumph motor-cvcle, after test the best. ...

Don't suffer with torturing chilblains. Baxter s Chilblain Liniment cures quickly. Get it now. Is per bottle. Baxter's Pharmacy, Timaru...

In buying Olive Oil it nnvs to Imv tlie best. Baxter's Jar Olive OH is pure—absolutely so. Look for the irr on the label. Barter's Pharmacy. Timaru... ' '

A good rubbing of the chest- and back ROCKE'S Eucalyptus Oil and a few drops sprinkled on vour pillow will relieve a cold. Ask" for Australia's best ROCKE'S...

"When your spirits begin to lag—lose interest in almost everything, want to be away from everything—take Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract. Tim and Vigour in every dose...


The possibilities are that you yourself may be in the same unfortunate condition as the lady who sent us the following letter, or perhaps you may havo a relative or a friend who may be suffering in the same way as our" correspondent. Just- think of the good you may do by pointing out this letter to them:—

Dear Sirs. —My eyes were so inflamed and weak that I could hardly see, and I had the advice of the leading doctors in Dunedin, and could get no relief. I. however, had a friend who brought me a pot of your Red Cross Ointment, which I am thankful to sav cured almost at once, and I have had no return of the trouble, and that it over a year ago.—Yours, thankfully. Janet Sirk, South Dunedin.

This is one of thousands of similar testimonials which are received every dnv aVrat Red Cross Ointment. The Mighty Healer...

Messrs Fibl>es and C'lyma- wore tlio successful tenderers for the 13 miles of new drainage works.

The police require owners for a bunch of keys found in Wilson Street, and a man's bicvcle.

Skating at the Olympia Hall is proving a very popular pastime this winter, and the rnik did brisk business last evening. The floor is admirably suited to the sport, and there will bo the usual session to-night.

The Waimato Library Committee met on Friday night. The Librarian reported four new members, and collections £7 6s (3d for the month. She also resigned her position as from July Ist, and applications are to be invited for the position. It was resolved to hold a concert in aid of the funds.

Councillor Watson drew attention, at the meeting of the Borough Council hist night, to the danger attached to horses being driven loose along the streets after dark. He had seen two men narrowly escape being run over that night. The police should have their attention drawn to the matter, hp thought. ith this suggestion the Mayor agreed. Mr 1). A\. McGill, dental surgeon, has an important announcement in this issue. Mr McGill lias obtained an anaesthetic which is conceded by experts io be the best yet discovered, and renders dental work absoluteiv poinless without producing unconsciousness or any of the ill-effects which accompany the anaesthetics in general use.

"All things are done for a purpose." said a speaker at St. Mary's Society last evening, and he continued, amid laughter: "Fleas and lice are necessary evils in a house. If they were not created, do you tliink that a housewife would take such care in dusting the floors and slinking the blankets if it were not for those things. They teach cleanliness if nothing" else."

j The following is the Rc-v. D. C. i Bates 7 summary and forecast:— j "Strong westerly and southerly winds | have prevailed with cold. unsettled i weather generally. The barometer fell j in the south on Saturday, and rose I again on Sunday. Present indications are for strong westerly winds, changing to southerly witli cloudy and unsettled conditions generally, cold and showery weather in many parts of the country. The barometer will probably fall for a. short time and rise again everywhere soon." There was a fair attendance at the Theatre Royal last evening, and tlie animated pictures, shown by the Pathe Company, provided good amusement, as the" films, scenic, dramatic and humorous, are all of a high standard. The series will be submitted again this evening. One of the best in the comic, class is that depicting the unveiling of statue by a sham professor, some of the characters being represented very cleverly, especially that, of tlie Mayoress, ''overflowing with her own importance. l ' A meeting of tho Smithfield Gun Club was held in the Hibernian Hotel last evening. The x>resident, Mr JlcCaa, was in the chair, and about SO members were present. The business was to elect a president. Mr McCaa mentioned that it would be his last, evening at a meeting of the club, and he thanked the members for their support and for their very handsome presents which he recently received. He hoped that if he was associated with a body of men again, it would be of the same stamp as the Smithfield Gun Vf r- an e ' o<rt '- on taking place, Mr Cullen was elected president unopposed. It was decided to hold a basket social in a week or two, and the following members were elected a committee to carry out arrangements:— Messrs Cullen, O'Donnell. Fibbes Civma A. McKay. AY. McKay. S. DoxeV, Gillespie, Lorgelly, and Mi-Arthur. Mr McCaa. Mrs McCaa and Miss McCaa were elected lion, life members of the club. After the business of the meeting was over a pleasant- hour or two was spent in song.

Tiie proposed amalgamation of tlie Canterbury and Otago Hospiital Boards with respect to the treatment <>t consumptives is strongly supported V the Minister for Health, the Hon. Geo. I-owlds. On Saturday lie made ail interesting statement in this connection to a Wellington reporter. The Go\ermenfc. he said, was expectiri" the Hospital Boards under the new regime to be more alive than ever in regard to everything that will -secure the host health of the community. It was nonproposed to adopt, in connection with the larger hospitals, a svstem under which tuberculosis would he detected in its very early stages. He for one believed that anything that would tend to arrest the ravages of that disease bv treatment and isolation in the e"rlv stages was highly desirable. The Hospital Boards down south, he understood, were joining forces for this mirpose. The Otago Board had got a verv fine property in the neighbourhood of Pnlmejston South, and tlio Southland and South Canterbury Boards were joining in with them to have th"i'r natients treated at the Ot-iw i?isntution. If this were done it would Vll nu'Vo f.»- economy and get over the difficnU* that. ]i;id "hitherto existed if pn.tieut.s having been kept waiting in order to gain admittance to some institution at a distance.

Mr J. W. Souter has an important notice in tins issue of his great sale of boots and shoes. His stuck new. fresh and up-to-date, his clean cut business methods have earned him liis popularity and the tempting cut which rules his sale prices invite inspection and command purchasers... Corns are not much to look at, but they give rise to a very great deal of agonising pain and discomfort. So much so, that the sulferer is often heard to say that he would give ten to get his corn cured. We take pleasure iu mentioning the fact that- Soinmerville's Perfect Corn Cure will quickly effect such a cure and the price is only one shilling. To be had from R. Sommerrille, Chemist, Timaru...

HELPLESS AS A BABY. The man or woman who is suffering from Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, or other complaints arising from the uric acid poisoning, is oftentimes as helpless as a baby, the stiffened muscles and joints cause intense torture, and frequently reduce the victim to a state of utter helplessness. Don't remain the -victim of Rheumatism. Take RHEUMO the modern antidote for uric acid poisoning. RHEUMO is a scientific pjreparation to be taken iu\v.: i dly. RHEUMO gives prompt relief : with the iirsi dose the pain and swelling usually disappear, and a cure is irenerally effected wiithn 48 hours. Sold by rII chemists and storekeepers at 2s 6d and 4s 6d per bottle...

Yankee Doodie went to town Upon a little pony, He felt a little hoarse, of course, And said so to a crony. The crony said: "I'm certain sure The remedy is plain; You take some Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, And you'll be right as rain!"

AN HONEST OPINION. "No beverages of any kind are eo popular :ls Thomson's Aerated Waters and Cordials, and certainly none are so pure, so wholesome, or so palatable. How anyone can allow himself to ba served with cheap, chemically-adulter-ated decoctions, when he ran easily get Thomson's drinks—unsurpassed by any produced in the whole world is beyond understanding."...

Saturday afternoon the police set Up a strict watch at the junction of "Wilson and North Streets., and detected no less than twelve persons cycling on the footpath. These will all he brought up before the Magistrate next Thursday' for breaches of tlio Borough by-laws.

At its last meeting the South Canterbury Hoard of Education had before it a- suggestion from the Wangauui Board that a conference of Boards should be held in ~\A ollington, and members generally expressed themselves as being 'n favour of the proposal. The Minister now states that it is his intention to call a conference of educational bodies at the beginning of next year. That time of the year is considered by the Minister as being most suitable for such conferences, and he throws cold-water 011 the idea of the Wanganui Board ,n to arrange 0110 011 its own initiative. The scone of the conference j would be to eonxiider all questions in re- | card to the administrative functions of boards, and the relations between the various hoards and the Department. .A special meeting of the Timaru Licensing Committee, held in the Courthouse yesterday morning, was attended by Messrs A . G. Dav (.chairman*. 1). Stuart and W. Evans. The business was to consider the application of W. Quirk of the l'nvn] Hotel for the renewal of his license, consideration having being postponed at the annual meeting in order to ascertain whether there were two. publiic bars in the hovel. Air Raymond, who api>eared for The .li>plicant. said that- after consultation though he had advised Mr Qnirk that he had a good defence for any action, the latter had decided to close the doors referred to. making the circular • ar a private one. —Mr T)av said, that in that case the license would be granted, but the annlicant had r"m a risk of having it. endorsed. Mr Oufrk was very wise in avoiding: a nroseeution (two public bars a serious breach of the considering the present state of public feeling on licensing matters. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADYERTISE-

MEXTS. Guinness and LeCren Geraldine sale, to-morrow. Cave Saleyards Co.—Dividend is now payable. Jonas and C-o.—Clearing sale on the 23rd inst. A.M. and A. C-o.—St. Andrews sale on Friday. Chalmers Church—Grand Concert, this evening. D. \\ . MeGill—Full details of painless dentistry. At Baxter's pharmacy—Jar pure olive oil. limaru Choral Society First concert on July sth. Asliburtoii Trots—On Thursday and Friday next-. J. Ennis —Sheep dog astray; notice to owner. Mis 11. J. and Mr and Mrs D. Buckingham—Thanks notice. J. Harold Moore—Barrister and solicitor, Stafford street. . Celtic Football Club—General meeting to-morrow. Mackenzie Collie Dog Club—Annuat meeting, 18th inst. G- H Clarke—Wants to sell two draught horses. Walter Panton and Son Tenders for builders' work. F" Wanted persons to motor cars. Hope Lewis—Bargnins in jackets. ant<?ds—Nmo notices mate! ICTal ~ By Co,lett '

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14223, 14 June 1910, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14223, 14 June 1910, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 14223, 14 June 1910, Page 4


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