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On Saturday night the Waimate Pipe Band gave a varied programme in Queen street. Yesterday morning beforo Mr G. H. Graham J.P. at the Waimate Police Court, a first offender for drunkenness was fined ss. The earthquake which was felt in Wellington on Friday evening was recorded in Christclmrch by the scizmograph. ... An entertainment is to bo givon in tho Kerrytown Schoolroom on tho 18th inst. Tho children will bo assisted by well-known leading amateurs. Nominations for tho Oamaru Trotting Club's meeting which is to bo held on the 2nd December, fall duo on tho 18th inst. A. Murdoch and Co., of Wellington, notify full particulars of "Fruitettcs, described as a luxury of fruit and cream. All grocers keep them. The Hons. \George Jones, R. H. Reeves, and G. J. Smith, whoso term of office as members of the Legislative Council will expire on tho 13th Dec, will be reappointed for a further term of seven yoars. It is not intended to niako any new calls for some tinio to come. Th© Rev. Mr Bates' summary and forecast aro as follows: —"Theweather, was very stormy in tho south, on Saturday, hail; and sleet being (experienced about Cook Straits and ■ westerand south-westerly gales about'tho South Island. The weather was also very unsettled, but generally fair over the North Island on Saturday and up \ to the present with moderate westerly winds. The present indications are for a falling barometer everywhere, with warm and humid "conditions, increasing cloudiness and freshening northerly winds, especially in tho southern districts."' Alterations aro at present being made to'olio of tho rooms at tho Tcmuka District High School, by removing a gallery and putting in a now floor. It is astonishing to noto tho almost total "rottenness" of the. old floor boards and joists that aro being taken out. They have been practically reduced to powder by the borer. A mixture of red and white punvhas been used and the borer has teen equally destructive in both cases. Conclusions to be drawn aro thatthero was an utter absence of ventilation, ahd,'a very large use of "sap wood in the original construction. of to© flooring. One of the show places of Temuka just now is the school garden. Though on the small side well designed, and the mass of vegetables, shrubs, plants, etc., are in the prime of lite. The garden is the studies of the scholars, and the lessons taught in it should be of great valuo to the future farmers of the district. Tho value of primitive and intense cultivation is being deduced suits, all of which should be of .importance; As regards; tho B™&& vegetables in particular, rt would bo very hard to find any garden, at any other school or at a £^ C > to equal the Temuka school gardenThe Wellington "Post » : is amazed that any level-headed former cannot see that his part) stands to lose very much more [ than it can possibly gam by the deal thej have nnVde. . ■. The compromise docs not merely give a man "tho right to vote on Dominion prohibition; it compels him face that'issue whether ho likes it or not, and will record no vote that does not affirm or deny it. . The exultation-of the advocates of cold water, over this singular deal becomes tho more surpris'ing when one contrasts it with ■•the panic with which they, were afflicted five years ago by. the lato Mr Seddon's ingenious advocacy of "clause 9." That clause was intended to serve as a bomb-shell in the camp of the Prohibitionists,. and so it did. Tho ingenious air of shtiplo logic about tho clause did not' blind them to the perjl'that ft concealed.' They saw that to mako tho consumption of 1 liquor a : crime 'after nSJicetise had beeii carried • would" mean _that ; lip-license 'ifver : would be carried. . v Who '>is «o bewitched ; the, Prohibitionists iii''lh-> meantime that they arc runiiiiiu in delirious joy down a; steep place into : the same Sen. from which , Mii-y. cMuorged 'in mortal terror fiyo years ago?'. ...'. .] . . ;'

On Sunday, morning at the Priinii tive Metnodjst Church, .Geraldinc, tho Rev. G. H. Alann, referring to tho reported 'between the Trade and NoLiecnso Party re proposed legislation said: they had no doubt been greatly surprised by tho I'reniier's statement. Mr Mann was sure that no -such: proposal would bo accepted by tho great moderate tor nolicense party throughout the dominion. As a matter of fact, the compromise represented the opinions of neither party; such a tiling had: never been dreamt of, not to say discussed, and a democratic people was not to accept dictation from Wellington on such a great moral issue. It was absurd to supposo that a' lease of, life for au additional t\vo years was going to be given to a traffic which * had ah ready been most' emphatically condemned. As regards the dominion issue ,it was equally ridiculous tp sup l pose that five years was;necessary to readjust taxation; such ato be possible in twd years. As .rfcwas, t'hev might take it for certain that in his* opinion the present proposjiJs would never bo allowed to, become law. Speaking as a Primitive Methodist he Mt sure that tho .resolution pasaod by the Wellington Synod represented tho views of their/members and adherents. He' could, only .charactensa tlio present proposals,as a wretched and impossible compromise. ;. , Tho "New Zo&land Farmer , | ',; for November has an' article on the-co d storage of fruit (dealing - especaUy with apples and pears) wnich jslikoly to bo taken hior© notice of in ■limaru than it would,havo been last November, because there is now about ready for uso a cool store'in tlio town, iho article, wliich is by 1 tho engineer in charge of tlio Government cool stores at Doncnster, points out that cool storage cannot "improve" the fruit; :ill it can do is to. retard tho processes of drying, arid many kinds, but. not all kinds, of 'decay. The writer says that apples should be fully ripe- and well coloured for storing; pears may be nearly ripe, as they will complete tlio ripening in store. "Tho best fruits keep best." This applies to condition from, handling as well as from growth. ' Fruit should be' stored as quickly as possible after picking, unless the weather is cold; and bruised •fruit should bo kept put and otherwise dealt with. Ventilated or crate cases aro best; butfit ; pays to wrap each applo ot- pear in paper, as this ■'..retards: wilting;!. and prevents the spread of' disease-sponjsl This authority states \tMt appjes" mjiy be successfully stored) for three'' to six months .in a- temperature of:'3o '/to 32 deg. F.; and pears ftnir, 1 ;to' ; fivje months, winter sortsi to -eight in the same ■temperature.; ' Peach"es, plurhs, . cherries,' ; grapes, currants .and'. tomatoes ■ can also ' have their marketable lifo extended for various periods by cool\ storage. ,v.

Strawberries and cherries from Central Otago were being retailed in l)nnetlin on Saturday, strawberries at :?•» Sd, and cherries at Is 7d wr lb.

At the Christehurch Show last week. Mr John "Williams, of Pleasant Point, showed his stallion. Father O-Flynii. in the class for entire horse best suited for improving the breed of harness horses, and was awarded second place.

Ten vears ago a Hoard was appointed to have control of the 50-acro l)o----niain at Scotsburn. and a Board has just been re-appointed vnd gazetted. The members arc Messrs G. J. Dennistoun. R. Thnw. D. Maefarlauo, A J. Hawdon, and B. E. H. Trip" The Gazette notice requires the,, hold their first meeting on 1-riday next. There, is a good deal of feeling at the Addington Workshops just now (says the "Lyttelton Times") in regard to further dismissals which have taken place, and which are pending. Ifc is stated that in the smiths' shops the number of journeymen has been reduced from forty-five to seventeen, and thafc lately fourteen have been sent out of tho fitters' shop.

To-morrow night at 8 o'clock, a meeting of the committee of the South Canterburv Trotting Club will be held in the secretary's office, Alliance Chambers. Among the business to be discussed, will be the running of a. special train from Ghristchurch for the next trotting meeting, and consideration of a report on the trotting track.

A committee meeting of the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce will be held in the Levels County Council's rooms to-night at S o'clock, when among the business to come up for consideration, will be the erection of an office on the wharf, representation on the Harbour Board, and the appointment of a member of committee in place of Mr M. White.

HJtf.S. Pioneer, now in Lyttelton, picked up a faint wireless message from H.M.S. Powerful at bydney. It was merelv a "tuning up" repetition of one letter, but it was important as showing the range of the waves In Lvttelton too, with hills all round, the conditions were not of the best, tor picking up a message. The Pioneer received a clear message from the Challenger at the Kcrinadccs.

Under the Municipal Corporations Act holders of large areas within a town or borough boundary, when outting up for sale, arc compelled at the discretion of the local authority to form roads and footpaths, and pnt broken metal and gravel on them. The Southland County asks that a clause he inserted in the Public \\ orks Act giving County Councils similardiscretion to compel owners to put metal or gravel on the roads or footpaths thev have now hy law to "form" when cutting up for residential purposes any land within two miles of the boundary of any town or borough. The council is also circularising all the counties for cooperation in this movement.

A garden party in aid of the Society for tho Promotion of the Health of Women and children will be held at Mr S. F. Smithson's residence, Faillic, on. Thursday next. Mrs Smithsoii is the enthusiastic honorary secretary, and. is being most loyally assisted by tho members of the society in the making of all arrangements. A sum of £IOO is required by the society to meet the very important work, and it is confidently anticipate! that this snm will be realised by the party. In addition to numerous attractions there will be a highland fling and reel for children, entries to bo given to tho hon. secretary (Mrs Smithson) by 2.40 p.m. on Thursday. If the weather is wet, there will be an evening gathering at the Drill Hall, the dancing commencing at 7.30 p.m. On Saturday we reproduced from the "Otago Daily Times" a. paragraph stating that Mr Walker, Chairman of the Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, "when returning from Wellington last week had an interview with the chairman of the South Canterbury Board." regarding Dr Valintine's scheme for providing one consumption sanatorium for , South Canterbury, Otago and Southland; and "thechairman of tho South Canterbury Board expressed himself as quite in favour of the proposal." Mr Gtllingham, chairman of the Board, informs us that be has never met Mr Walker on tho subject, and the views attributed to Jiint arc not his. This raises the question of the basis of the "Times" paragraph. Was Mr Walker misunderstood'? Or has someone imposed upon him as the chairman. Someone suggested that" Mr Walker meant Mr Craigie, but that will not do. The paragraph says "when returning from Wellington." -and Mr Craigie was there; and moreover, he is a strong advocate of a local institution. November 27th will be a red-letter day at Sorter's Shoo Store. On that day it is expected that wo will open up a shipment of ladies' coloured Swede walking shoes. The shipments consists of the following colours — dead 'rose, grey, violet, pale blue, deep blue and deep green. Coloured leathers arc much superior to coloured and cloth, the colon* being more effective. J. W. Soutcr...

If the muscles of the throat are strained a cold is very easily contracted. Zymole. Trokeys will prevent this; they are .just the thing for hoarseness and irritating coughs. ... Grow the best Vegetables by sowing I*. U. Allen's selected seeds. Send for illustrated catalogue, post free. ... For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure la 6d and 2s 6d... XMAS PARCELS FOR ABROAD. FORWARDED SAFELY, SPEEDILY, CHEAPLY. Brine to us (or notify us and we trill collect them) any mementos of tho approaching season which you desire sent to friends at Home. All parcels entrusted to us are dispatched direct by steamer, securely packed, and may be depended on to arrive at the time stated and in good order. Th New Zealand Express Co., Ltd. ...

Yoa can lose your situation, You can lose your rank or station, You can lose your reputation. Yon can even lose your wifel Bat if this advice you follow .When your cough sounds harsh and hollow, . „ And Woods' repperaimt yon swallow. You will never lose your life... MUSCLES IN KNOTS. JOINTS ALL STIFFENED AND SWOLLEN. Lanco-liko pains torture and torment the victim of Rheumatism, and yon don't think you will ever get rid of the disease. Perhaps you have tried all kinds of so-called cures and much-advertised quack remedies all to DO purpose. Well, don't despair There is a medicine that can and will cure you. Take RHEUMO- It is a poritiTe antidote for uric acid poisoning. It relieves pain, removes the ■wefliog, and clears the system of excess uric acid tbo cause of all the trouble. RHETJMO is neither a liniment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine. of marvellous therapeutic Ta ' u f; RHETJMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers at 2a and 4s 6d a bottle.

The ix)lice want an owner fur a lady's bicycle,, which was found in Bank Street.

The Chief-Postmaster has been advised that the s.s. AYarrimoo has been withdrawn from the Bluff to 3lclbourne run this week.

Tho revenuo collected at the Customs Office, Timaru, last week was: —Customs duties £767 10s Gd, beer dutv £74 2s, other receipts 3s lid; total, £S4I 16s sd.

Yesterday Constable Osborne arrested a vouth on a charge of indecent exposure on Caroline Bay, on Saturday evening. He will be brought before the Court this morning.

Mr St. George, the i.n at Timaru conducting the Irmtj College musfcal examinations «ill » lecture in tho Technical School this evening, on some ancient musical instrument*. The lecture, which is free, is sure to attract the attendance of all lovers of music.

On Friday evening next, the 1 lcasant Point School children are, giving their annual entertainment in aid or the prize fund. For some time they have been preparing Grieves Kindcrspeil, "Playmates." The principal, ''Mother Goose" will be taken by Miss McKibbin, whose skill as a vocalist is well-known in the district. The "Euterpean " orchestra will be present and should add to tho enjoyment of the audience.

Sir Joseph Ward says that the basis of purchase by lease-in-perpeS.iuty settlers of their holdings will bo the deference between the original unimproved value of the section and the -unimproved value at the time the lessee elects to convert it into freehold. The settler, the Prime Minister explained, will get the value of all his own improvements. The Government will not touch that. (This is in correction of an error in telegraphic transmission, which made the second value the "improved" value. —Ed. T.H.) As the result of a rough-and-tumble which took' place in a public restaurant in Timaru, on Saturday night, a cash register was knocked over and so badly damaged as to be rendered useless. The scuffle was an outcome of an order by the proprietor of the house in question, for a certain man to quit the premises. He refused to do so, and had to be forcibly ejected. Following this the offender got some of his companions to go with him and assist in "taking it out" of the proprietor in question, but word was sent to the police and this part of the programme was abandoned. The whole affair will form the subject of Court proceedings at an early date. Fishing in Burke's Hole at the Opihi, on last Saturday night, Mr J. H. Coombs caught a very line trout scaling 7Jibs. It is rather unusual for such big fish to be caught so early in the season. Anglers who have been turning their attention lately to the river in the vicinity of Cave and Pleasant Point, have had some fairly good si>ort. The catches have not been large numerically, but some good conditioned fish weighing throe and four pounds have found their way into the basket. All these have been taken on tho "creeper." The rivers arc well stocked and are now in fine order. Tho Tcmuka is teeming with fish, some of which arc very large.

"The fact that mortgagees have been buying in properties submitted for auction shows that there is practical! v no demand," said Mr James, City Valuer, to a "New Zealand Times" representative. "For the last vcar,". he continued, "things have been verv oniet. It has been about as slack "a time as I have known for verv niiinv years. Of course, many peo'ple with "citv properties are hanging on, and will not sell. I believe, .however, that things are now on the mend. I think the Government is lending a good deal of money on properties. There seems to be a hit of a 'spurt* in Kilbimie, and Khandallah, which shows that people are more inclined than formerly to got out of the city, and get a 'little more air-space."

Isabella Pastorelli, widow, and Antony Pastorelli, apprentice, claimed £IOO damages for alleged wrongful dismissal from J. Odlin «nd Co LM., Wellington. The statement of claim set out that Antony Pastorelli was apprenticed to defendants for a period of five years. Defendants covenanted that he should be taught the business of plumbing in all its branches. On August 14th last defendants dismissed him and cancelled tho deed of apprenticeship. Defendants failed to teach him or cause to bo taught hnn the business of plumbing, as arranged, nor did they give him the tuition that ho was entitled to as an apprentice. Plaintiffs therefore claimed £IOO damages for wrongful dismissal and neglect of tuition. The evidence for the defence was to the effect that Pastorelli had been indolent and negligent in his work, and Dr McArthur, S.M., said there was unquestionable evidence that Antony Pastorelli had shirked his duties. Costs were given against the defendants, with judgment against the plaintiffs.

Fast-growing children are delicate because their vitality is low. Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract produces sound flesh, muscle, tissue and pure rich red blood in their veins. Children like to tako it. 4 Hardv's celebrated fishing tackle and sports depot is at present showing a very fine assortment of rods, reels, lines, casts, traces, Hies, nets, phantoms, baskets, waders, etc., at prices to suit all enthusiasts. Tennis players will please note that there arc a few very fine sample of Slazcnger's racquets, also 1909-10 tennis balls, presses, gut preserver, etc., at Francis Taskcr's sports d-jpot. ... P. G. Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ... •\ slight irritation in tho throat may lead to a hacking cough. Zymolo Trokeys stop it; they soothe the uritation and strengthen the throat. 14 Lutha Burbank is the earliest pea grown. Procure from P. G. Allen. ... Cameras and Xmas aro always associated, von will find all you require at Baxter's Pharmacy... l-,an.*. Pianos !'•«»«»: l Tho . Dr "- den Piano Company, Ltd., beg to announce to the general public of li-iuu-u ami tlie surrounding district chat they'have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our high nrade instruments, includo J<; IID jroadwood and Son, Collard and Collard, the most famous of British makers, the best that money can buy; also the Ronisb, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and tiohn, Bolim, besides other celebrated makers. We give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument vou choose; we also give you ine "right of excharging if you aro not perfectly satisfied. You are on a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this well known and up-to-d'Cte- firm. ...

If vou are travelling be sure and have a. bottle of James' Fruit Salts in your bag; it is cooling, refreshing, invigorating. For bilious headache and dyspepsia it i-s very beneficial; price 2s: from L. 15. James, Chemist, Timaru. ...

The s.s Mocraki arrived at the UlnfV at 8.30 a.m. yesterday from ILobart.. with an English mail.

At Napier the Arbitration Court delivered judgement for appellants in a ease in which Bull Bros., builders, appealed against the Magistrate's _ decision in filling them for having dismissed an emplovcc because he was secrctarv of the Pointers' Union. The court held that tho evidence showed that King was dismissed because his work was not satisfactory. The appeal was therefore allowed,, with costs against the Inspector of Awards. Tlie "Wellington City Council is alleged to be selling metallic filament and Osram lamps and electric irons at a much lower price than local agents can sell them—practically at landed cost. At a meeting of the Wellington Industrial Association a letter was receive*.] from the Shopkeepers' Association drawing attention to the grievance, and asking the Industrial Association to form part of a deputation to wait on the council on the matter. It was decided to express sympathy with the Shopkeepers' Association and to act in conjunction with them in a deputation to tho Mayor. A New South Wales man, H. Lyons, bus designed a chaff-cleaner, or slieafcomber, which effectively removes all rubbish and fine grass from the butts of sheaves. Realising that such an appliance, if successful, would bo valuablo in this country for eliminating Cnliforninn thistle, the Department of Agriculture secured a report on it from its manure sterlising expert in New South Wales, Mr F. G. Lawrie. From the report recently to hand, it appears that the machine will do all that is claimed for it. AYherc tho ]>ercentage of weeds is small, however, it 'is thought that the cost of the machine, £25, would not compensate for any increased price which might be obtained for the cleaner chaff. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sale in tho Mart to-morrow. Guinness and Lo Crcn—Sale at Geraldine to-morrow. IT. H. Webb —Town properties and farms for sale; houses to let. Levels County Council—Tenders for dog collars. McPhedran Bros.—Town and suburban houses for sale. Kerry-town School — Entertainment on 18th inst. Tcmuka Road Board—Ten per cent, on rates. Baxter's Pharmacy—-Tonic for trying weather. Garden Party—At Mr Smithson's residence on Thursday. "Fruitettes." —Luxury of fruit and cream.

Oamaru Trotting Club Meeting 2nd December; nominations 18th inst. J. E. Pigott—Takes over Mr A. Hardv's studio in December. Pleasant Point —Kinderspicl on Fndav next. J. W. Soutcr —Details of brown shoes. ■ At Ballantyne's Boxed muslm robes: corsets. J. G. Cowan —Hot weather underclothing. „ , , Geo. T. Hamilton—Wants caretaker for cnuntrv house. N.Z. Railways—Train arrangements Oamaru Show. liost—Gold chain, silver belt, i*l note; rewards. "Wanteds —Seven notices. Wanteds—Seven notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14058, 16 November 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14058, 16 November 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14058, 16 November 1909, Page 4


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