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During the past", tnoti' 1)^,20 i str.Btti- , ' cis nnrl I sailing vessel til© , jwit of Oainarii. i '• 'Die >iUl ht-itistirs for Tiniasy-li?, 01 ; ' <he past month show that thejr L'fj tin thx 5 nnu riages, and jj^aeatjSs. \ leeoul l.mihntK bpason is predict-" rd loi the Aslihtn ton dibtriet this jroar. Somi" liii nKi's nliviuly have rcturHs uf ij out I' 3) to 1 U "foiifaf *" 1 At the Mugi tt jtc'*> (Joint f veatcrd»y liionuiiK, beluitvSlr V. (««? Day, S.JVI., < tlux'C civil tuwis w«;rc dealt t\iUt./£liiese were—Pony, IViryaml Kmnerncy, (Air v Joidan) v. M. Larucy, claim4il{6(l; A.-Hedjzus v. J. Sinart;„c)aini Xl 2;' Mow Zealand Express Company-:.(Mr, Eijiilie) v. J. R. McLeod, claim t l3« 3d., In each case jodpment tvas„ given' fofei, plamtifl by default. ~ < 1 . . j "■ >'J

The mail despatched from Wellington via Naples on 23rd .July arrived in London on Monday morning.

The Winchester School Committee at a meeting on Monday evening .decided to give a week's-holiday beginning on September 27th.

"Tho tender of Mr John Cripps ,afc 23b an aero lias been accented by tho Winchester Domain Board for the right to gra'zo sheey on 24 acres of tho domain.

.The annual meeting of the Timarn Mutual Provident Building Society will lie held on next Friday night, in the office of the secretary (llr A. Montgomery). '

Mr Frank Brown has liought tliat fine -property at Tciimka, known as "The. Grange," consisting of 200 acre :of 'rich agricultural -. land, with tine, homestead thereon.

■Dr Sydney J. Cook, of Fairlie, -forwards the following:—-Rain fell on."IV - days, total fall -1.77 inch ; heaviest: fall .35. on 27tli. The- average for August ■ for the prerious ten years was 1.444!!. Tho cnklest day ipas 17degl on' 12th. August was. a very mild month, frost being ncconlcd. oii five 'days only. School socials are apparently .good places at niiich to'dispose of crockery. At- the meetingi'of the Waimataitai School Gommittee last' night it.-was reported -that /at- the. social held in the school last week there-were broken one one bowl, one jug, and eighteen r.upr*. For these the' committee had tctpay. ■ .

A gathering was held ; in-T\ainiatc on Tuesday niglit, when -■ : tl»e-Waimate Highland Pipe Band. and .*■■■ friends' presented Miss O. 'Cameron with a handscyne jewel casc as a recognition of her services' (musically) to the ... Hand. Mr J. Symon, president, made the and Mr C. J. Goldstohek'responded on- behalf of the recipient. : A sitting of the Supreme ■ Court will - - fco held in Turiaru on Tuesday next, befonerHis Honour. Mr Justice Denniston. Threes criminalcasesaresetdown' for hearings—-perjury, . rape, and assault.Adirorce case is also to come on, when MrWhite, Cniwnsolicitor, will apjiear on .behalf-of Mrs Carmicliacl, to ask against her. liirelwiid oil thr- ground of desertion. Tbe jaonUily social of the Waimate . St. .Augustine's Yonng Men's .Society: - ■•:** .held on Tuesday evenmg, and was the most successful yethelu, abofit 100 , fceing present. S6ngs wcro given by .- Meadames A.: S.- Jwnes and Holmes, Miss;, Franklin and Messrs McDonald, • . Nicoi' and A. -Kirby.. Music for- d*nc- ' ing WM provided by Mrs Owen, Misses Jliycrauand Opie (piano)/ and Messrs t.. Adapts andJ.Kirbj (violin).- Those present enjoyable-timo untilmidnight.when-" the gathering broke "P- ~', . " .

-In ~-his -lecture on Palestine lart C. 11. I<ans uid the rnethw/ v of-coroputing 'time ,!n -, Jerusalem was ■ wry confusing to Euro--I*mns. 'The natives' 'idea wjrs to . rtkoo ihat each day began at sun- - -tlown,; roowqurntly one: 'might come mt-'Very.MrlT in the morning and fin:| 'thf ' hands iminting -" about I?;-I" If past eleven. '-It wavalmost as ennFmnm ,*t'.llie clock by. •tlx' Irishman./who mkl, " Whin my, clock - euiht, and the- hands point to iMlfpast'elcTen.thin Oi know its sivin . o'clock, W jahers!"" Operatic Society arc making ex'roleiit'prngrew with the "Pirates of - namce.?*•< Nert - week -the company - rehearsals, and : *m his return, to Timaru at the end of 5 September. Mr .Tom l'ollard has kintf- .; •* 'to snperrise 'a' full refcearsal fat tire theatm on' - Thursday " iftenww. Tbc r- nociety's -orchestra is' - particularly .* strong, numbering some -'",'l4 pwked-instru men ta lists. \ All. the : wtliwtnil "narts hare 'been arranged niwially 'W' Mr T. W. Wood ' wlm>e *'aleat in. is so well--6 hmgmjL,; r >r " ( , Xte. annual -meeting of' the Winches- :• fetfllfeMß Clnb. was hclJ on Tuesday efQMU, Mr'R. Smith, senr., (presii ''' the:. chair. " The . rejwrt " shwreillSit tlle Club had a' fairly successful season, ;the croquet lawn ? being I twß wd, hut then* were not. as many >fraiß -players./as the rommitlw " : wished. The liiank* of the Clnb wereduefo MrsD.McCaskjll. Mr? R. > SoAli.-.aiid Messrs R. Smith .and 11. e> E-somith for .-donations. The- total nv £r iOs 2d .fenhecrintions £-i - &JJ,.«chiy party £1 lis 6d), awl rxopwditnre £7 l*'Bd C»pent on courts - £6yfc); leaving a erediVofßs 63. • Of- . firefsiiwere » follows:—Presi«leatjt Mr c R. "Smith, senr.; vir-e-prosi- : :{lnhC ,iMr*: Pi SliTen, <r Mrs J. Opie, VeHrt H. E. Smith and ff . Har»-i«on; rnanaittec.Mrs .R. Smith; Misses Moore, Geancy. M. Onto. Ai*ners; and, Meesrt J. E. Doolan. J; P. Kalaiiglirr.* eod R. Smith,..' innr.: -lion. ««H-rrtary »ud" trrasurrr. 3li«* ffewson. Jt was ~.|iWW to.'onen tlie sA|«in on " Thursday, September 30th. • 4®;' of ifco extraordinary - nature of'some sections of the New Zeabad'Shippngand- Seamen's Act - JMtwne to l.ttht, say, tbe -"Press," at lijtMtoa.; A ■ man /shipped at-LyttcK tos is a.small coasting steatiicras able r-'s *eamaa,but when the vesaelwas at her- loading port, he suddenly rf gfhranatinn; In *his left arm. 1 He ntt'pot os to certain work. and it is ' Mated thattlic" riebt arm became af.'flirted with 't|ie rh«-nmatism, and was thfwlim uaabie to perform his duties : efficiently. * On. arrhrfcl' at Lyttelton,. the/ tfuter of.. the steamer, wished l tri - pay;-him off, hutjhefore he could do. **>' he lud to drnwit no lit* a khih than.Can to" cover^the man's: wages, board »iid : medical expenses for three months'. Under this clause of the Act,': it: would r appfar ihat thriv is nothing to pnvvent a ntan. siifferingfroni any com- ' plaint'- ioinim? »Ny re?cl. - and : ooro his cm tin* articles pleading illness arid;:; after getting paid off, living on thss ,ship-owner for any time nn to ihiXC' inantiK or. until the articles expire' at any time witliii»» that period. A suggested* safeguard for shipowners f« fn insist,. w in Kncland, on the . rwlir»l examination «f all seamen .before'* they "are Vngaped on the .articles-. iSiei Assembly Rooms presented a busy scene- yesterday afternoon and evening," when the ladies intercstwl in Chalmers Church haaaar, were making preparations for tlie function which is to he opened. th» afternoon at halfpost' "2 o'clock* 'by thc.ilayor. The liaaaar is being got up on a very elaborate scale, and'the promoters are leaving nothing undone to ensure its surcfsa: A Wg collection r of goods- of ranees descriptions has- been got, t<>gefhbr, and tlie stall-holders arc Urbe as follows:- —Plain work stall. -Mesdames Mcßac, Dalglish and Walton; fancy work stall, Mcsdamcs Grant, Momson and T. Pringle; knick-knack stall-r-Mtsscs M. Murdoch, Macphcrsnn andil.Scott: book stall, Mesdames Cowan and Howell; sweets stall, Misws Stracfaan. and Pringle; pot plani- stall, Mesdames Davidson, Robertson awl Evans; cake stall, Keifs' A: Mnnlorh ami _ Madlror • piiwlllll stall, Mesdames Aitkin, -TenMurray and Mackenzie; tra tgoms. Mesdames Thomson, Crerar, " McWhirter, Morgan and Evans.* Tlit baaaar-will : Continue -for three day , : mdstcal programme will lie ■ provided' each evening.

The Oamaru Harbour Board lias received three tenders for dredging !W acres of Oaiiiaru harliour. There are to lie dealt with at a .special meeting of the Hoard to ho held on Saturday next.

Tickets for the benefit concert to be tendered "to Professor Sherwood, can be obtained from Mr J. Sliewan, secretary to the committee which is arranging the- function.

Agitations for sub-ways, ami overbridges aro apparently catching, Ashburton has i/ow caught the infection. People there have in the • past been allowed to cross the- railway yard when and where they chose, but the Kailway Department has decreed that the practice m list ; cease, and this being to, an'over-bridge is being asked for.

i An.-exchange says that Cripps, who gained the .Australasian " light-heavy-wciglit" championship in a boxing match at Cbristchiirclr with Griffin oil Tuesday,- intends, it "is understood, to deyoto a portion of the. purse he . re-ceived-as the award of his prowess, to tho purchase of a high-class New Zeabull for the purpose- of-Jinproving the milking strain on his New South Wales, farm.

. Ono of ; tho grievances; uf school cadet - officers lias' been the unnecessary quantity of clerical work entailed in making up tho annual Government returns for capitatio. All these, says an, exchange, have now been abolished, and in their place has been provided one simple return from ceriffying to tho claims for capitation, the number claimed for, 'and the winners of marksmen's badges. . 5'

Yesterday's "Press" says that as an ifidication of the precipitate manner in which the -Government-, retrenchment scheme ( is being carried out it may ■ lie mentioned -that an -old and ' trusted- departmental servant in Canterbury received itimatwn on Monday that ' his services required after yesterday—one day'*! notice. - -The officer in question. ha» been .allowed the usual three months', leave ot: absence, but the'lieriod expires a few: days before the date ■ unon' : which'lie 'would: ■■ be entitled to retire on superannuation allowance. ■. •. . .•

The Wclliiiiiton : "Trade : u. Keview " states that tlic pniepecte 'of 'the."dairying season ' ill the .: North :• tire Bret-rate, except as to ' prices. At this "tihie last tleason 'Britfeli;' buyer* were scouring the- country, t making hbvral offers to lld for the wis«|u'!t while producers jvere hanging rijiid afcking T •- 'At the' present' not v single contract is reported. .British . |»uyers--are . exhibiting. great caution, and'* talk' about IOJd and lOid.VTlic higbpriees obtained for cheese -last .season. .hare fin-, dace'l sereral butter 'factories *to Hiatal plants for elicese, 10 per.cent, is anticipated., No tracts, for the new season's output are . yet- reported.

The sitting of-tlra Magistrate, Mr T. Hutchison S.M:/ • yesterday, at Waiimtr,' ns Tory-brief. In the .following erases judgment-wen tby dcfaultrr— W. Cameron and; Co. *. Bridget Foley, IJI 6k 7<l and costs 9s; H. H. Twemlojv r. D. Pearson, . £1 and .costs ,ss. A 1 judgment summons--ease was adjourned by consents Mr Middleton apI peared for plaintiffs in all : these . rases. , A' local carrier was - charged; with be-injet-the owner of an unlicenscd.vehiclc plying- for hire : within the Borough of Waimate. The license had since. .been taken out and was dismissed and- defendant ciutioncd. One, old ; age pension was cancelled on tho- ground thatMuririg itsc»rrencytlic pensioner has-become of income in excels'of, the law's allowance. k . There art* three-papqc iuills, in New Zealand,! at, Auckland, l>.unedin, am MatfW. TlieV ' Times, ' iii an article un the Mataura. ijiulj states that there is some likelihood ot beiugchswl, .because of the cost nf railing n;alcrial. so fait south, .and railing the bull* of\the product mirth pgain. The mill - .was fixed there in the first instance .beicausc of the abundance of tussock; grass ' .available for making brownpa'per,. but this grass- is no Wgcr used/ iuJ'tbc only reanon. .the. niill - has" not been closed before;- now" is that it possesses;a'dfeap water power for driving the .machinery. The -raw - consists of .rags, ■ waste paper, tcardboard;. ohl sacking, "Id ropes 1 , flax, low, waste tow, .waste jute, old mail bags, canvas cuttings;; cloth clippings fniin clothing -factories, etc:, ctc.;rand-abont.4o^tons-a'week is used lip.- The stuff-'is sorted by a staff of girls-;- is then chopped .into Jinc chaff, is i dusted, : boiled -under |iressiire for mine hours, with soda or lime, js then' bleached liy chemicals, or ilvnl •asr-'-wiiiiiicdi ■ - Then is run .in a. thin stream of pulp on a travelling wire platform, on which* it is squeezed . 'by rollers, and is ' finally dried as |tapcr by.passiug /»>ver steam-heated rollers. Amjflicr jnanhine puts a suiooth face on it,afcd then it is wound into rolls or 'wit* into sheets. A paper-bag factory hajjpja'place ill the mill also. -In all SGpunds. arc employed, and the industry" is of some' importance .to the of Mataura. '' Zymolc Trokeys. are popular because they are pleasant in.'tastethev loosen tight, dry coughs and strengthen the throat.'-- -v r--25. •. •!- ' ■ s.-■ ■ v '


"May wc advise you to let us do it? We have a Jcillcd staff at each Centre, and .you can depend on.«nr doing the work expeditiously, correctly, conserving voiir interest* in every way. Hand lis 'your documents wherever, your goods are being landed. We'll undertake the; wholc work v of . passing entries, and delivering the goods at any address. The N.Z. Express Co., l<td...

Banl -Darby-to his old wife, Joan,- . "We." sklo by side, have-- aged and

grown, - • , Biit lierc l tell ycni. plump and plain, Yon shall liot *pdiiltico mo.again! -• There'a: Something, no# to, C4ire one

, faster , Of coiigh or cold than mustard plaster, No more" these blisters I*ll .endure, I'll purchase AVoods' Great PcptnTiuiiit Cure."...

A MESSAGE FOR TUB MAN WHO IS TORTUKED WITH KUEU- , ' MATISM OR GOUT. :Every year Bheumatism, Gout. Sciatica, or Lnmbago brings torturo- to thmsa'nds of men. To some it comcadtiring tlio early and moro vigorona, years, with others,' after middle life has been:' reached,- or- passed—but li» every"casortho'trouble is due to excess uric-afcid--in'the blood. KHEUMO is the one certain and. simple cure for .Rheumatism, Gout,, and kindred ailments, and it is the only cure., 1 er-, hapn yon .have read, alluring advertise* ■tents-asserting tljat remedies -claiming' to cure almost every other ; ailment will also relievo Rheumatism. Now, a does tor never gives thtf nn»: prescription: for indigestion, fori debility, for live# troubles, for and for Rbah aiatism. No, he knows, and you know,", Khat each different class of ailment r£j> quires a particular medicine. Linj* ments, pills, ami similar mstrnms, «• Ihougli cheap, are useless. RHEUMO, : tried, tested"and proved thousands of -sufferers, is .the . one safe, and saFsfactory" core.: Thousands navs found -elief. Yon too can be cured.

The fishing steamer Duco, wliich is fitted with a refrigerator; and- insulated hold, returned'to Wellington oil Sunday after S|>eudiiig a month at the Chathiinis, including the run both ways. Very rough weather was experienced all the time. No statement was made regarding the catch.

Land is valuable, or at all events dear, in the heart of Auckland. Last week, a 50 years', lease of a lot with 33ft frontage ::nd 108 ft deep, was passed in at £725 a year. On the reclamation near the railway wharf the Harbour Board asks the City Council £17,750 for, a site for a powerhouse. i

The Northern-ltoller- Milling Gov. ami others sent a protest, to the Auckland Harbour Board against the berth•ing of ships brmuiiig cargoes of kerosene and other iiiflaminahlc oils; at the wlinrl close to where their buildings stand. In case a vessel with* such a cargo caught fire, the whole wafer front niust go. Tin; Board referred the protest to a committee. • ■

The Rev. H. .Mason, water-finder, is not always success'!ul in locating underground streams. The Borough Council of Eastbourne, a -Wclliiigton suburb, obtained his services, and tliev

bad several fores put down njtli* out success. The lost bore is down 200 ft on hard rock, and. the . work is to be abandoned for the present. ~ Mr Mason, however. > reeommends the Council to persevere.

, The great Piako swamp up-river from-.the Thames, is being converted by draiuagc int<> habitable., and profitable, .country.'.- Six moiitJisihenCc from LjiQOO to 20,000 acres of it will. be ready for sale or lease to settlers. Alkuil 200 miles of drains, and . an embankment 20 miles long, have been made. Some of the land lias been cleared and grassed; ami grass grows luxuriantly on it. U' & shipment of Japanese - onions, arrived at Auckland a ;fetv days ago§*froni-Jsj-dney, was discovered by tbelGoyernnieiit truit inspector to. be affected .with Japanese onion - blight. TheVhiight, which it is stated: h)ie not been; known 111 Auckland before, is a fungoid disease similar to potato blight in : appearance." " Close on 600 cases of-'onions wore landed from ■ the Wllll- - sheds and out of : that number : 500 cases were condemned by the and sent to • the_ destructor.:'

, The. principle of increasing w ages by Arbitration Court. awards, in the opinion *(il the H011..J. McGoWitn, is> an unsound one. 1 ••KVcry ; pe«%on (he said) is*'a-seller of' services, Ins labour, or liis~ advice. If the Arbitration Court puts the . price vt la bout; or services of? any-kind above its :ecoriomic wlift,*.ihevcou ntfry u ml. tliat particular trade is*'-ih"\ 'danger. AVagos keep: on going up, and whilst the country can stand is prosperous, v.-hen' we must suffer."

f One.' question put by-Mr. Goniniissioner.Bishop to most of tlie witnesses coining before ; Jiim is, - why- there is such, a-difficulty -iu getting: recruits for a:,'.police force. The; Hon. Jas.3(uGowan, c.Y-Minister- v - of; Justice, when vusked the '.' question, ' '-Hie -Tormatioii of so' many, unions aud i tlie .Arbitration Court awardshas ven to inen ; engaged in manJial labour; and sOnic of - the trades, "a: miich higher rate pf wage than previously ojbtained. Thus,-mcii - who might pthem ise jbiii tlni police - force find thatthey can do much better by, taking up a, trade.; Whilst' this* state ;of - affairs exists,- it seems v. necessary ' .to increase the - pay of- the |iolicc force to sonic extent.": *' A »yiMKcnlo proposes; U ' raise ' ' a capital 'of £150,000 to obtain electric powcr ( -froni Te. Arolia riverfor pumping - watetr from the Hokitika to enable the auriferous high 7 terraces at Itimafto be. sluiced by.':the hydraulic system."' The 1 arc so high, that Sufficient water . could not 'he got td< thcin by races. The syndicate liaVe !|iai(l to the Department the I*soo as a proof' of bona. lidis,knd tlie license to-.use - the ■ water pbwer..-is A -being-prepared,,lt. J> |>H)p<rsed 'to 'life 3OT. heads of ■ w aler, ahd if- ihe. project is carried out sue-. <-e&fully it will, in the opinion of tlife Minister 'of Mines, provide s great, impetus .to gold, mining in that part of, tKe West .Coast. |Sulpbur and Sarsiipanlla Salt*.— This, pleasant" and ..refreshing preparHli'JUJvdl lound exceedingly valuable iii>. purifyiiigvfhe'bjowl-aml • cooling tlie sjstein, and .thus preventing those unpleasant crui>tions' ~»nd pimples- so common ~lu nj;uiy jtfc tJic .<;Ua iige .of. the season.-- -: : 'Pnc tea.siKjKjnful iii half "a tuiiibicr/tilAof water.: before, 'breakfast is inyalriable spring ; iik-drciiie. Pi'ice Is, fid;'a lMjttle, froni;L-. Bi Jamcsy ♦ limaru: b-: \: -:v •r ! ' s /i j 1 Tho F, prcsden-rl , iano'OonipanyiV. Jjul.J annMnwsthcir afj^ooai ; .Balo £f;-|iiaiis!» the.%^ldVr^s^Mtc H «siker»i?.fnchid»nj4 John' Hrpadw<kxl Soh#,:Cq)|^rd.and;J^l^,it^Wrl | *W'«t faoitlj/ 1 the still Vnaintains medium price iristruniehtcdhr 'tfae . mar-j. kct- ivTl»eyl are rateji '«*iA^^f"pfctnoS^slfglftiy * shotf ■oiled, and would recommend intending purchaser* to> take advantage of this opportunity - tov, secure a high grwle piano -on the; best • terms ' ever •ffered )n this district... ■ Wo are given to understaml -that owing to Mr Stephens expecting t<» receivel" a large. shipment of ;new goods any. day in tlio way of tweeds, men's linderrvcar and clothing,. etc., he is Milling the-ufMHk on hand'at'very low jwii-esj in fart under-cost, so ins to make. rcMirii for-the new, season's .atoek. The new' department'recently' opened' (referring to the-cleaning and pressing) ha* l»een a great success,. the -work, bein li done .giving every satisfaction. ' It is' neetlless to Kay thiik every- person who burs from Alf red .T. Stephens, opposite tliA Poiit Offire, saves money... i Gwnl !t«r HI«khI! That's what most |ieople - want during'" the approaching Springtime. ' Something- to- "put vigour vim into one—that'« what oiir (tiimp<iiiud Sarsa|>arilla does. Kacli •lose makes you feel .younger^.,stronger and lianpier. Alt purifies ''the Woodland free* Ihe skin of all ' Prjco 2< fi(| and <ls f*.l x>er holtlc. ',Baxter'B Pharmacy. Besuro you-get Baxter* .

• i mm:; men should sre the 'latest styles -md sha|>es in gent's liools as now-' displayed at Soiifer'j, boot stor. 1 . For really high-class footwear' for genflenien, we stronglv' recommend Soiiter's l«M>t. store. This firm of t;he ; miwt enterprising, in New. Zealand, ... .... r 'Mr - Walter' Trafford,- 'Pharmaceutical Glicmist' Mait!nrid,.N.S.W., writes: ~"-l: - have-had aver. 25 yeaiy active and practical exlierieiico in' leading -English and ;.Colonial- .and; am--convinced ftlikt of. all the; numerous ' cough medicines, none- liasgiven -• greater- satisfaction tlja n Chamberlain !s "• Codgh Remedy.'T ihvariably use it in my own family -and Have derived siicli benefit froiii it that when l am asked' to recommend. a gootl eietlicine I unhesitatingly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." For sale .everywhere...

| SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISE- | . . MENTS. C.F.C.A. —Clearing sa(c 23rd inst., shares on Saturday, projierty to let. • Jonas and Co.—Sell * shed on Saturday, furniture 7th inst. O'Callagliali and Co. —Entries for Saturday's . sales, . clearing sale !Jth inst. :. - - At".Tate's whitebait to-day. Ucgg'.s—Details of'. the .-.cliiedinayer piano. •. . . Fw J. i Duiin—Close of opi»ortunity for; bargain..prices. McGruer, l)avies and Co; Last word in millinery. S.C. Ed,neat jon ßoard—Sch«<|arsliii» examinations.-. Assembly. Rooms Spring ; flower show,-23rd inst. V Aifchletic. ground - Representative football ma tell to^day. Assembly ■ Rooms—Chalmers Church 7 Mutual Provident Building Society— Annual meeting Sept. 3r<l.. Tbnnks—Notice by Mr and Mrs Smith.At Hnllantyue's Spring • fashions that fascinate; > TT.S.S. Co.— Notice to sugar importcrs. , At Cowan's—Kniapoi costumes jiihl coats. •; - ,r , :. ; ■... N.M.,.and A.-Co.—Want hands for Asliwick station. AVaiiteds-r-Fonr notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13995, 2 September 1909, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13995, 2 September 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13995, 2 September 1909, Page 4


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