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ISominations for ;ill handicap and trotting events at the Ashburtoii County Racing Club's .spring meeting fall due to-morrow at 0 p.m. Mr A. A. Fooks, the secretary, will be pleased to receive a lengthy list from owners and trainers. Tile following is the Rev. D. C. Bates' weather forecast:—"The present unsettled, warm and humid weather will probably give way shortly to brisk southerlies, with rain and colder weather everywhere. Tho glass will probably continue to faTT slowly for about ten hours in the north, but a high, pressure is clue to follow in tho wake of the southerlies and bring finer weather for a. few days in most parts of the country." The Scottish Society held their annual .ball in the Assembly Rooms'last night, which were, beautifully decorated for the occasion. Unfortunately eounter-i.ttractions resulted in a. rather small attendance,, only about thirty couples being present, but a very enjoyable evening was spent 111 dancing to the music supplied by Mvs Mayo's orchestra. Sergeant Morwelt proved himself a. capable M.C., mid the catering was carried out in good stjjle by Mr J. Shewan. An incident which caused great amusement to all but the victim, happened at the Athletic grounds yesterday afternoon As is usual, when half-time sounds, the spectators break on to the licld of play for a kick-about. A couple ot''"young follows were running for the ball, when the straw hat of one fell off and landed on the ball, and was promptly kicked sky-high by the other, (icing very completely wrecked in the process. The expression on the face of the owner of the hat j as he tried to fit the pieces together to make the article wearable, was alone worth the prico of admission.

At the iinmiai meeting of the Wellington Meat Company on Wednesday, the eli;iirnuin, Mr C. JClgar, said that with the London market in its present gutted condition, and no hones of si clearance before the, new season starts ■ —and there are not wanting indications that Australia will soon lie starting to ship lanihs in increased quantities—and New Zealand having made preparation, aided by a favourable winter, For a, big output, it seems almost certain, much as it is to be regretted, that ,the prices which is will be possible to offer farmers at the opening of the season will be fa i - bel ow those which they have been accustomed to expect for a good many seasons past.

Sir I'iranui, chairman oi' the "Waiiganui Kdueation Board, referring to tne Auckland Board's scheme tor tlit) classification of teachers, saitl that tho ..system was crude, and not to be compared with the \\ angaum scheme, 'llio Auckland Hoard hail only three grades, while. Wanganui classified oil the following grouiuls Service, 1U ; teaching, 30; organising, 10; discipline, 10; Httention to environment, 1U; educational standing, '2O; personality, 10. By this means, said Mr I'iraui, the Hoard was able to establish the- (nullifications ot a teacher to n nicety, and the Boaicl advised every teacher -as to his position on the list. Tho Board had had only one complaint, and in that case Jio Board considered that the inspector s classification was correct.

For some time past tlio local branch of the Y.M.C.A. have boon considering the question of launching out into a wider sphere of work. At a meeting hold in tho rooms last night, arrangements were practically completed for a vigorous campaign lor sufficient new members to place the association in the first lino of voting men's institutions in Timani. The canvassers havo divided themselves into two Leams, tho rc<ls and the blues, and with a prospective syllabus of work that eaters lor every side of a young man's life, including the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual, in addition to the social life of good reading and club rooms, tlioy should haVe no difficulty in rivalling the successful campaigns l.eM in other parts of the Dominion.

The Timaru Port Guards fired tlio return miniature rifle match, with tho Reserve Corps at the Stone stables lasb evening. Both teams were in good form, and some excellent shooting was witnessed, which resulted in a win lor the Guards by'lß points. The following were the scores: —Port Guards. — Private 11 ill 07, Sergeant Dunnill 00, Private Pear.sou 60, Private Toiieycli Ho 06, Corporal Moore 65, Private Smallridge 63. Private Burford 63, Private J. J. Moore 62, Lieut. Morgan ()'(.,• Private Miller 52; total, (531. Heserve Coi'i: is.—Private Ma I thus 65, Sergeant Aitkcn 64, Private Tomlinson 64, Private Westrop 64, Private Aitken 61, Corporal Lawson 63, Sergeant Brown 60, Corporal Turner 60, Cofrporal Saunders 59, Private Spinner 50; total, 613. .Always popular, the annual ball lickl last night at the Waimataitai school, in aid of the peine fund, was no less popular than usual. All the arrangements were of the best, and the !Hy couples who attended spent a most enjoyable time. Mr J. Currie controlled the dancing, while capital music avis provided hy .Mrs \Y. I'll lis (piano), Air F. llatton and Mr Grant) (v'flolin). The Isuppor arrangements were perfect. The ladies of the district supplied the eatables, and a. committee, under tho direction ol Mrs •!'. M. Mawkes, dispensed tliein, the supper being quite equal to the best provided at "the big balls in. town.*- i <>- night a children's social will be h ( ckl in the school —an event which is always looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation. ,

The ladies' auxiliary in connect ion with the Wesleyan Church held whas wa.s called a. privilege social and sale ol : work in the Sunday school. Church •street, last night. The charge lor admission was (id, and the privilege consisted in the. opportunity given, alter our.' was in, to select Irom tho work stall for (3d, an. article of, the. value of Is. There was a good attendance, and tho affair was entirely successful. There was a well stocked work stall, a book stall, and an art gallery, at each of which good business was done. . Thcro wcro also a number of competitions, which, in addition to being a source of amusement, were also a source of financial profit. Some good musical items were given by members of the Bible class, and by Mr Ellis Wood's string band. A. bountiful supper was also provided. Tho object, was to raiso funds for foreign missions, and tho promoters hod the satisfaction of seeing tluir efforts well rewarded.

The next meeting of the Timaru Presbytery will be held in W aimate on October 12th. '& oomßec of "trout -will bo railed in from Temuka this morning for transmission to Chnnington. Mr F. Palliser 'will bo in charge of them dnring their journey to the hack country. The South Canterbury Coursing Club anticipate that the takings at the recent coursing meeting will just about meet the expenses, so the club should be all square ovet" the two days' sports Mr C. H. Mason forwards the following—"Cold, squally weather with showers is probable until atwut the 30th, afterwards a continuance of fine weather until about September 6th, when general rain is again probable." Are birthdays subject to heredity? At Levin a grandfather of eighty, a son of fifty, and a grand-daughter of twenty, whose birthdays fall on the same date, recently celebrated their annual festival. . The Waimate Harriers Club ran their five milo marathon on the racecourse yesterday afternoon. A good race resulted as follows —J. Symon (50sec) 1, J. Connell (60sec.) 2, B. Burford (160 sec.) 3. The club provide the first prize and Mr Sherwin the second. D. Miller wins Mr F'.. T. B. Walker's cup for best unplaced novice. The winner's timo was given as 29min. -31 sec. An ordinary meeting of the Star of Canterbury Lodge, No. 10, 1.0.0. F., was held in the Sophia Street Hall on , Wednesday evening last. There a fair attendance of members. The N.G., Bro. Johnson, presided. Four members were reported on the sick list and one member declared off. Three applications for membership were favourably considered. Correspondence in connection with the surplus fund and new regalia was received from the grand secretary. After some disenssion it was decided to finally deal with the matters at a future meeting. Routine business having been disposed of, the lodge closed Some confusion has arisen in connection with the report of a letter which was read from Mr Hogg at the St. John's Tennis Club meeting on Wednesday. Tho letter did not refer to the Sports' Association that is being formed for the Timaru Park, but contained a suggestion that a'Tennis Association" be formed here. There has • long been an association, which so far as the South Canterbury clubs are concerned has its headquarters at Christchnrch. The only clubs affiliated are Timaru and Temuka: but it is hoped in the interests of the popular summer pastime that many more in South Canterbury will see their way this season to also affiliate.

A large crowd gathered on the racecourse at AVashdyke yesterday afternoon, when a race for a wager was run between Mr S. Trilford's Lady Dirk and Mr Sims' Benzol ine. The • distance was 6 furlong each horse carrying 9sfc. 71b.; H. Forward piloted Benzoline and V. Cott-ori, Lady Dirk. Mr S. Lindsay acted - as judge and the other officials were, starter, Mr C. A. Jefferson; referees, -Messrs E. T. Smith, F. Nelligan and H. Lee. After a couDle of breaks the two horses got awav to a oeautiful start, Benzoline got the inside running and led for about four furlongs, when Lady ■ Dirk came awav and won fairly ensilv bv about three lengtljs. Mr K. Trilford, who received many congratulations on his win, turned Lady Dirk out in splendid form and the race provided a very sporting little event. The '"Taranaki Herald'' relates an authentic buried frog story. The runaki Petroleum Company has just excavated a large underground tank at Moturoa as a storage reservoir for oil. After the excavation was completed, the bottom and sides had to he painted with something to make them watertight. When the men went down to start this work they found four holes in - the bottom of the tank down which thev could push their shovel handles without touching bottom. "VV bile they were discussing tire holes a irog jumped out from one of them. Then the} placed their ears to the holes, and they heard a regular frogs' concert. I lie tank is probably jjtrout fifteen feet deep, excavated through solid clay, m close proximitv to the lagoon between -No. 1 and No. 2 well*. Away from the four holes mentioned the ground seemed-to be all fairly solid.

Mr Rolrert Milligan. .Mayor of Oamam. passed through Timaru by the first express for the South yesterday juorning. In conversation with a " Herald " reporter. Mr Milligan said that Oamaru is progressing steadily, :tnd that business is fairly good there. Concerning the scheme for deepening Oamaru harlioiir, he said lie had every confidence that this is going to be a Miccess. The Harbour Board proposed to dredire about 30 acres to a depth of or 24ft. at low water. Tenders had been called for the work, and lie knew of several who were putting in for it. When the harbour was so improved tliev would he able to accommodate their shipping all right: and an proved port must result in .Jienebt. b"th to the town «-f Oamaro and to the district surrounding it. They bad no desire to take any trade that should come to Timaru. awav from this port, but thev wanted to" get and retain what legitimately belonged to them.

The annual meeting of the banners Co-operative Insurance Association ok New Zealand was held at Christclmrch on Wednesday. The annua report stated that the revenue, including a balance of £H2-3 4s lld earned forward from the previous year, had been i. >. ■XV, t!s 3d. and the expenditure £.«>! ) "is lOd Provision had been made the aiwunts for all unadjusted losses, and a sum of £IBOO bad l.wn :ippr«iiriated to reinsure current risks, imbalance remaining for dls '. r, ~J ^'.'l " t "~ in.' £->32.1 14s 3d, out ot "hub tin directors recommended the paymcnt f a dividend at the rate of. P« r m nt. vi jrstf.t;. "Sr..'''..'..' P l« f«iiwin to tiu* reserve the transfer of IUHIO to in fur _ fund, the balance bem . « *ircl These recommendations XLI, Vith Ihc »> » l ™"» .3 per cent. t<> tht s '*

a mrcqu;K FOR THE MAN "WHO A ¥s^oturbd a with RHEO. MATISM OR GOUT. Every year-Rheumatism, Gout. bcUtica or Lumbago brings torture to thousands of men. To somo it comes during the early and more v yormis vcars, with others, after A f ° has been reached, or .pa^dpvery caso the troiiole is "r, uric acid in the Wood.. KHfc JJO » the one certain and ? J £ Rheumatism, Gout,, and kindred fn ments, and it is the only cure. 1 er haps you have read alluring advertisements asserting that remedies claimiii„ to cure almost every other also relieve Rheumatism- Now, a. doctor never gives tho same prescription Tor indigestion, for dcbilitv for liver tronbles, for neuralgia, and lor Rltea matism. No. he knows, and you know, Sat each different class of. ailment reauires a particular medicine. Lin ments, pills, ax,d similar though cheap, are useless. tried, tested and proved rfficacious by thousands of sufferers, is the one safe and satisfactory enre. Thousands have found i-elief- You too can he cured.

"We are getting bewildered with statistics in this church" observed tho Rev. A. S. Morrison at yesterday's meeting of tho Timaru Presbytery. Members of the Sydney University football team passed through Timaru bv the first express for the South yesterday. The Christchurch City Council has put £2-50 on this year's estimates for municipal concerts (outdoor) and a further large sum for organ recitals. Varied excuses are given by persons who do not want to attend Court in answer to charges made against them, but one which was given yesterday should be awarded the palm. The defendant left word that lie could not appear in his defence at Court because he wanted to leave that morning with a football team. Mr Nixon, Collector ol Customs, at Wellington, stated that smuggling was carried on extensively, and that these wholesale breaches of the law were very unfair to legitimate traders who paid Customs ilues and rents. Smuggling, he continued, had become a large, lucrative trade, and he asked the Magistrate to show no leniency to convicted offenders. Christchurch papers rejwirt that the Timaru C Division of the St. .John Ambulance Brigadci will in future be known as the Timaru Division and will no longer form part of the New Zealand Railways Corps of the Brigade. This alteration was rendered necessary as- the division has to a great extent undertaken the public ambulance work in Timaru and docs not now confine its work to the railway service. Two new divisions, have been formed at \\ • stport in the Canterbury and West Coast district, the Westport C Division, .New Zealand Railway Corps, which takes the place of the Timaru Division in the railway .service, and the Westport Nursing Division.' Another lightning-flaslu scare is reported by the Nelson " Mail.' A tamily in the Collingwood district about a fortnight ago had an experience which greatly startled them. The female members, of the household were sitting in one of the back rooms of the house, when they were alarmed by a tremendous explosKin. A large totara tree in front of the house had been struck by lightning, and parts of it had been thrown for hundreds of yards in every direction. The front of the house was also affected, the glass in the doors and windows being smashed t-o atoms. The inmates were quite dazed by the shock, and suffered .greatly for several days afterwards. -A meeting of the Four Millers' Association was held in Christchurch oil Wednesday night, and yesterday, as a Southern miller was returning home, a " Herald " reporter had a sh"rt conversation with him. The miller said that he still had hopes of the Association being reunited. It rested chiefly with one of the Timaru mills, which was the onlv mill of any size that was holding back. In the meantime millers were working much the same as iF the agreement had been renewed, and there was no cutting war going on. The Association was chiefly a selling agency, but in addition it distributed the orders for the nroductinn of flour, equitably among all the mill';, and it in no way acted detrimentally to the producer.

The Totara Valley School Committee held a most successful soei-d in !Mr Trenwirk's granary last Friday evening. The weather was all that could be desired, and there was a large and well behaved attendance. An abundant supplv of excellent, refreshments were provided bv the Indies of the district, abK - nresided r>ver by Mcsdanics C'lela'nd. Hill, Stowell, and 81-ick. Th° wants of all present were wll attended to bv an energetic committee and a staff of willing ' waiters. Excellent music was supolied by Messrs Lapthorne and Cartwright, and songs wore contributed bv Ml" I'riel. 'i-r Muir can-icd out the duties of M.C. in his usual courteous manner. Dancing was kept going merrily till the smsi'l liours of the morning, when all left for home after a most enjoyable evening.

Think of all the needless suffering avoided by the 20.000.000 people who use fleams' Headache Cure wllrner thev Tee.l headache coming on. Von could avoid yours the same way 30 The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., announce their annual sale of pianos and organs. In addition to models by the world's leading makers, including John Broadwood and Sons, Lipp and Sohn, Collard and Collard, they have recently opened up a new shipment of the justly famous Bohin I'iano, which still maintains its position as tbo best medium price instrument on the market. They are also offering at special rates a line of pianos slightly shop soiled, and would recommend intending purchasers to take advantage of this ' opportunity to secure a high grade piano on the best terms ever offered in this district...

Messrs Adams. Ltd.. the New Zealand agents for the Triumph motor cycle ,hnve just received advice bv the last- mad, that the Rev. Hart Davis, mounted on a Triumph motor cycle has beaten the Lands End to John O'Groat'K record by 7 hours 10 minutes: doing the distance of 893 miles in 33 hours 22 minutes, an average speed of over 2* miles per hour. Ibis end to end iceord is tbo most important of all English motor cvclc records. the course being from the most southern end of England to the farthest yorthcrn point of Scotland

Wo nrr> irivnn to understand tliat owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a l:irgo shipment of new goods any flay in tlm -vrav of tweeds, men's underwear anfl clothing. etc., ho is polling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact under cost. so as | f) make room for the new season's stock. The now department rorentlv opened (referring to tlio cleaning and pressing) has been a success, the work Ikl- - f]nne giving* ovprv satisfaction. M' is no-dless to snv that every person who htivs from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, saves money... Good Red Dion-1! That's what most people want during the approaching Springtime. Something to put vigour and vim into one —tbats wiiat Compound Sarsaparilla does. Each close makes yon feel younger, stronger and happier." It purities the blood and frees the skin of all eruptions. J nte 2s 6(1 and 4s fxl xx-r hottle. Baxter's Pharmacy. Be sure you get Baxter's... . . AHOtT vorn CUSTOMS WOltK. Mav Wi; advise you to let us do it r* We have a {.killed staff at each centre, and von can depend on out doing the work" expeditiously, correctly, conserving'' your interests in every way. Hand us~ "your documents wherever your "oods are heing landed. A\e 11 undertake the whole work of passing entrios, and delivering the goods at any address. The X.Z. Express Co., Ltd... If a cold you have neglected, Till vou fear your chest s affected, There's no need to feel dejected, You can still be quite secure. To despair is only madness. Go away with gloom and sadness, Take that thing of joy and gladness, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure...

During the hearing of an assault case at the Magistrate's Court yesterday, Mr V. G. Day, S.M., said that he was determined to put down larj'ikinisni, and any eases brought before him, would be severely dealt with. Christchurch people arc having made for themselves and visiting friends, a "Summit Road," running for some distance along the top of Port Hills. The views are said to be worth the trouble of climbing the hill to the Summit road. A resident of the neighbourhood tells us that si "Summit road" for this district should be made along the top of Mount Misery, the views "from that range being remarkable for distances and variety. Unfortunately Mount Misery is rather far away from any centre. It might do for a picnic to the Cave, if someone would fix up a lift or a funicular railway to the top.

The "Cromwell Argus" says there is a much larger area of wheat in throughout the Upper Clutha Valley this season than in any previous year, and the crops are looking exceptionally well. About 16,000 bags of whewt were grown last season, and this will be largely exceeded this year. At the present time there is a great difficulty in securing teams to cart, the surplus to the railway at Clyde ior transport to .Dunediu, and if it could be landed in Dunediu for anything approaching Od a bushel from Hawea there would be (50,"00 hags given. The cost now to sell in Dunediu with the freight runs into Is 3d a. bushel. An irritated throat is quickly soothed by Zymole Trokcys. They increase, the throat .secretions and strengthen the vocal -ords. Nothing better for public speakers. 20 Young men should see th({ latest styles and shapes in gent's boots as now displayed at Souter's boot store. For really high-class footwear for gentlemen. we strongly recommend Souter's boot store. 'l'llis firm is one of l-lie most enterprising 'in New Zealand. ... Sulphur and Sarsaparilla Sajts.— This pleasant aud retreshing preparation will be found exceedingly valuable in purifying ;the blood and cooling the system, and thus preventing those unpleasant eruptions and pimples so common, to many afc the change of the season. One teaspoonful in half a. tumblerful of water before breakfast is invaluable as a spring medicine. Price Is 6d a "bottle, from L. 13. James, chemist, Tiiuaru. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sales of furs to-day and to-morrow. George Davies —Striking illustration in men's suits. T. and J. Thomson—First shipment of .men's goods. R. "Wilson and Co.- —Have found spectacles. N'.Z. Hardware Co. —Want a. coach painter. Ashburlon Racing Club—Nominations due 1.0-morrow. Theatre Royal—" The Gay Hussar" this evening. Nisbet, Ltd. Special plumbing notice. Mrs A. E. Kerr, Kingsdown —Wants cook-general. Timaru Catholic Club —Dramatic entertainment Monday. Wanteds —Five notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13990, 27 August 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13990, 27 August 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13990, 27 August 1909, Page 4


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