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Tim ii ox I sitting " lf> 'limanv.Licensing Committee will he held oil September Gth.

A miniature riflo range was opened in the Wellington Drill Hall a flay or two ago, with a competition between ladies "anil volunteer office^'. —and !V laclv made ilie top score, the possible.

Gisborne has gone in for the. " sealedpan " system as a sanitary measure. The number required for the borough is 1800. The Borough Council will compel householders to use them, by refusing to empty ordinary pans and prosecuting for nuisance those who use them.

A Tarannki Co-operative Dairy Company desires an amendment of the .Companies Act, and the Dairy .Industry Act, to enable sue eo-operative companies to borrow money to lend'to'suppliers, and to establish co-operative stores in conjunction with dairy factories. At- the Magistrate's Court yesterday before Mr Y. G. Day, S.M., two civil cases were dealt with. R.W. Milliard (Mr Raymond) v. J. J. Cullinioro; claim :L'l 2s 9d. .Indgnient for plaintiff by default. R. Sommerville (Mr Perry) v. F. Andrews, claim os 3d. Judgment for plaintiff by default. A number of other cases were called on, but settlements had been arrived at, aiid 'they were struck out. The " Now Zealand Herald " savs that Mr Massey has kept the D*'al Party system alive in the Dominion, and "independent Parliamentary, criticism from disappearing. Rut the journal does not give Mr Massey credit for leading in everything. The Herald " has found in Mr Massey a consistent I supporter of its agitation lor—it does | not signify what —but '"lor the unlocking of all idle Crown and Native lauds." Our readers are. reminded of .the privilege sale to be held iii the Wesley School Hall, Church street, this evening, and conducted under the auspices of the Weslov Ladies Auxiliary, of Homo and Foreign Missions. . Proceedings commence at 7.30 p.m., and during the evening a select musical programme, including items by Wood's orchestra, will be rendered. There will also be numerous attractions in the form ol side shows, etc. As the price fixed lor admission is a small one, it is conlidently expected that the hall will be packed. The Sailors' Rest Committee held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon in Trinity Hall at Mr Stinson's invitation. Mr Stead reported a busy mouth, 1-19 sailors making 349 visits'. The s.s. Otaki had been in port (luring the mouth, and a social evening was given to the sailors. Reading matter was received from Messrs Bardsley, Stewart, Mesdames McKay, Currie, and others. The members are all looking forward with the keenest interest to the visit of AJrs Katherine Lent Stevenson, the worldfamed temperance lecturer, on September 11th.

The Scottish ball is to he held in the Assembly Rooms this evening. The Hanipstead (Ashhurton) School Committee have arranged with a dentist to instruct the school children in the care of the teeth, and to do hat ever may be necessary in the way of dentistry for those between S anil 12vears of age, if the parents will contribute 2s tid each per annurii for m.t less than fifty. The Ferro-concrete Company of Australasia has just completed its contract for the f-onstruction in ferroconcrete of the new Queen-street Wharf, Auckland. The contract was commenced about two years ago, and, altogether, the company had laid down li-tijOUH square feet, for a contract price of £52,29 G. Concerning the one-legged terns mentioned yesterday, an ohserver says "that it is amusing to see them scratching in the sand for food. Whilst others stand on one foot and scratch with the other, these bear their weight by a quick flnt, term* 1 use of their wings while they scratch with their one foot. It would lie interesting to know how so many of them lost a leg. Perhaps they Jens bitten off by eels or other hsh when the birds were young. Letters from beyond tlirv Dominion are lvingunclaimed at the Timaru 10--,t Office addressed as follows: From the United Kingdom, C. F.. \\ ilson, Rebecca Keay, J. Clark, W. Thomas; from New South Wales.. Alex. Stewart rfrom Denmark, Rol.t, Kirk; trom Wtor,:. D. Bauchop, A. S. Miller. All a« addressed to Timaru, except these tor Miller and Thomas, Waimate. .of papers addressed Alex. Naughto , Afclerchant Hall, Edinburgh, and I>. Thurso,. Scotland, are requested to .call at the Post-Office. The Stipendiary Magistrate at Napier, gave a plaintiff £25 damages and costs for injury sustained through berun down on a bicycle by a motor car at night. The cyclist had no light, • bat his Worship said did not exonerate -the defendant. Bicyclists, . pedestrians and others had equal rights to the use of the roads with motorists. It was the duty of motorists when travelling' at a good speed in the dark to take every precaution to avoid mishap. Defendant failed to sound his horn and otherwise keep a Vl 2 l,: \ nt look-ont, hence he must he held liable.

One of the most striking applications of reinforced concrete is in boat construstion. The idea of building a concrete boat is . not a new one. Laintoot, in 1850, built a boat of this material. About 11 years ago in America, D. B. Banks built a two-mast.-<d schooner named the Gretchen, 6-3 f.-et in length and 1C feet beam, and drawing 14 feet of water, of concrete, reinforced bv multitudes of small steel rods Gretchen was driven on the rocks off Cape Charles, but escaped without damage. About two years a"o the Signorj- Gabelini, ot Rome, built a reinforced concrete barge i.i 150.tons bnrden, and is said to have been quite sue-ess fill. The eight school caoets who have been selected to compose the New Zealand representative team m the contest for the Lord Roberts Imperial Trophv, were to begin practising together at Polhill Gully yesterday, m order -to get ready for the great • "shoot" on Friday. Since the team was first picked one change bus had to be made, it having been found that Bugler Sams, of the T.mant. High School, is over age. ? he . | t .™ m { be-as follows:—Corporals Allen and Combes, Auckland: privates J C. Williamson, J- R- McLean, and 11. I--I'olson, "Wellington: pnvates Muiui and Foster. Rangiora; private Mcl)oiig;\U. Dun'edin. The dairv branch of the Agricultural Department is endeavouring to get a number of Wairarapa farmers to test the milking qualities of thp l r . a. methodical manner, by weighm the milk of each cow once a fortnight ana sampling it for butter tat test-at th< factory." Mr Singleton, at a meetinn- of dairy farmers, sought to enforce the value .of such tests by a example. He instanced a "[ two Guernsey cattle of exaeth tin snme breeding and in the same herd. One was eight years' old; the other ten Both calved on tae same day. At'the end of the that one hail produced 34lib ol rat, X other lfiOllh- There was only a difference in cost ot production of 4'd so that one returned a profit of over £l3, the other a profit ot or the one cow produced as much net profit as would 12.1 cows of the other type. Professor Segar, of All okl ft ntl f rrm- that Xe\v Zealand should n~ Ush'a national astronomical ab^rvatory, Auckland fairly be said to , " the child of astronomical sen nee, •itid therefore, it her, more than other countries, to take M*' 1 '! interest in the r-illv T.ave her birth as a civilisation and knowlei ge wrovery of these islands h> th.■ m rr-i ve a name, or of their people, whom f avoided. It was reserved lie cartful . . prosecution tl..' astronomical telescope should be celebrated by carrying out the mi,.ji?stion of Professor Segar. •" fluntine the thimble," a perfectly legitimate and interesting game a-> nlVivetl at children's parties, had toward and totally unexpected result at a residence in other evening .says the Wellington '•Post") A vouug ladv, with no lar"e experience of electricity and its habits, in her anxiety to secrete tin thimble in a most unlikely place. lit upon the empty socket that-. «*«« £■ holds the electric bulb and its »U »»"»/ prsiiStrot'ter fid. glowed lustrously, but the unempU, little thing demonstrated a and spiteful feeling when the damsel endeavoured to insert the thimble. A., Sal touched metal to! the ]adv was urgently " shocked, an whole house plunged m a »wijt and deep Wonderment became confusion among the small people. A humble vesta was introduced to a candle, and light was shed on the occasion. Further illumination was atforded in two ways by an oihrial who know the vagaries of the element. Ihe current was restored, and the explanation, advanced that a short circu. had been occasioned. There may be a warning concealed in these lines jor the unthinking or the innocent, tor the shrewd damsel stood a chance of hern" electrocuted, it is said, had she standing on such a thing a-i a jjerider.

Yesterday was the first time the Waimate County Council met in the his; hall, since the improvements -have been made in it- and there is no doubt that the acoustic properties are considerably improved though even yet it. is by no means perfect. Mr Nosworthy, M.P. for Ashhurton, says he is hopeful of having several properties placed under offer to the (!overnment for closer settlement shortly. Three different owners are concerned, and the total would he about 7000 or SOOO acres. Another case of shooting native pramft out of season' is to come before the Court shortly ,Mounted Constable Oshorn having laid an information for this offence against a man yesterday. The man will be charged with the illegal shooting of grey duck-. The offence occurred on a farm between Timaru and Pareora.

The little owl received a word of praise at the Waimate County Council meeting yesterday, when a letter was read from Mr Dl Rupsell, Otago, giving the birds great credit for the wav they exterminated small hirtls of all sorts. Mr A. Walker supported the idea of liberating the liirds' (it they could lie procured), in the Waimate district, nointin"- out that the Council paid about #BOO per annum for the destruction of small birds, and if the owls kept the. pest down tbev would bo well worth getting. Mr Rnssell stated in his letter that- the Otago authorities got the birds from i. London dealer, at about- 5s eich f.0.h.. and ♦here vis a shipment of the birds on boird +he ill-fated Miori. The birds originally came from Germany. The Tui Hockey Club held a euchre party in Bndd's cafe on Tuesday evening, over 70. members and friends taking part. .The prizes .were won by blisses Simpson and Walton, and Messrs V. Scott and Holdgatc. Mhsi■a! items were contributed by Mrs I 1 Raymond, Alisses E. and I. Gilchrist. Mr Wotherspoon and others, also several selections were given by the Silver Ffrn orchestra, a very capable band of young performers. The Club also took the opportunity of showing their appreciation of the services rendered by their president- and vice-presidents by presenting Mrs Cray with a pair of vases," Mrs F. Raymond with* a pa*r of candlesticks, and Mr. Johnston with a pipe and tobacco pouch. . The nre.ser.tation was made by the Club, captain (Miss I. Green), in a well-turned little speech. • A well attended meeting of ladies belonging to the W.C.T.U. was .held in .Trinity Hall on Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of making arrangements for the projected visit to Tiniaru of Mrs Stevenson, the world's president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. The annual convention of this organisation is to be held in Tiniaru (for the first time) during the same week that Mrs Stevenson will be here, and delegates from all parts of the Dominion will be present. The meeting on Tuesday was called lor the purpose of making the necessary arrangements, and. a lot of detail work was done. As Miss Avison, lion. secretary to the AV.C.T.U.. will be absent from Timaru for a fortnight. Mrs W. j. Bsrdslev consented to take her nlrrcc for th"*■- length of time. Mrs Stevenson, who, Ls said to be an excellent- snonker. will give several addresses during her stay her' 1 . She is nt r><">sent- t> a tour of the Australasian colonies.

At a meeting of the New Plymouth .Harbour . Board last Friday, it was unanimously a growl to widen the wharf in order to get an outer row of piling deep enough to allow the ocean steamer berth to be dr.'dged to 33ft. Mr F. W. Marchant, engineer to the Board,' was present, and said he hail no doubt could get that ■depths This' was fixed as th.' depth, because the Board looks forward to New Plymouth being a final port for Home-going steamers, and Captain J},,no, Marine Surveyor, who was also present at the'meeting, told the Board that butter woidd be the princinal export, and . this was always the last thing to l)e taken on lioard, ami the ships would require a full depth of water. Mr Marohant. iu the course ol !iis remarks, said he was agreeably sin-prised with the amount of shelter given by Hie breakwater, and instanced the remarkable raininess of the harbour durin-' the recent heavy weather. It would hardlv be neeessarv to extend it to the til 11 original length. It had greater effect on the harbour than lie had ever anticipated. This might be because the rubble work broke up the seas to a greater extent than the concrete wall. He pointed out tJiat if the board dccidc<l to stop the extension of. the wall at another 100 or 200 feet they could alwavs extend it fill ther whenever required.

Tell your sick friend about Stearns' AVine of Cod Liver Extract. Perhaps lie doeisn't know What a great tonic and tissue builder it is. You Temember how it helped yon through your convalescence. ..Good Red Blood !. That's what most people want during the approaching Springtime. Something to put vigour anil vim into one —that's what Compound Sarsaparilla does. Each dose makes you feel younger, stronger and happier.' It purities the blood and frees the skin of all eruptions. Price 2s fid and 4s 'kl per bottle. Baxter's Pharmacy. Be sure you get, Baxter's... ABOT'T VOl'R- CUSTOMS WOPJC. May we advise you to let us do iL? We hiive a .-killed'staff at each centre, and you can depend on our doing the work" expeditiously, correctly, conserving vour interests in every way. Hand lls " Vour documents wherever your foods are being landed. Well undertake the whole work of passing entries, and delivering the goods at any address. The N.Z. Express Co., Ltd... Tf a cold vou have neglected. Till vou fear your chest's affected, Then-'s no need to feel dejected, You can still be quite secure. To despair is only madness. Go away with gloom and sadness, Take that thing of joy and gladness, Woods* Great Peppermint Cur.-... A MESSAGE FOR THE MAN WHO IS TORTURED WITH RHEUMATISM OR GOTJT. Every year Rheumatism, Gout. Sciatica, or Lumbago brings torture to thousands of men. To some it comes durin" the early and more vigorous years," with others, after middle life has been ieaclied, or passed but in everv case the trouole is due excess uric acid iu the bloody RHEUMO is the one certain and simple !~ V. r Rheumatism, Gout,, and kindred ailments, and it is the only cure. Perhaps vou have read alluring advertisements* asserting that remedies claiming to cure almost every other ailment will also relievo Rheumatism. Now, a. doctor never gives the same prescription for indigestion, for debility, for liver troubles, for neuralgia, and for Rheumatism. No, he knows, and you know, that each different class ailment quires a particular medicine Liniments, pills, and similar nostrums, although cheap, are useless. RHEUMO, tried 7 tested and proved efficacious by. thousands of sufferers, is the fine safe and sajfcsfactorv cure. Thousands have found /(-lief. Yon too can bo cured.

The Winchester Domain Board has; decided to erect a Samson . windmill witlr two - 800- gallon tanks, on -i he sports domain, to provide a water supply for the tennis and cricket grounds. The committee who have in hand the Timaru-Christchurch road race, have invited the Victorian and the New South Wales League to send representatives to compete in the race. It has been decided, if possible, to publish a map of the course. The prowill be issued in a week ; or ten days, and copies can then' be got from the secretary." • A meeting will l)e held this evening in connection with the Presbvterial visitation of Trinity Church, at which addresses will be given on " What, the Presbyterian Church stands lor," "The Church's forward movements in connection with her youth," and "The Church and •social nuestions." bv Rev. Messrs Todd, King, and Dickie. The following is the Rv. D. C. Bates' weather forecast: —"There aiv indications for considerable rain over tiio North -Island, with strong northerly winds. The winds' will'probably continue from the east, with_ cloudy and unsettled weather in (he South Island. Two disturbances of moderate intensity appear to be advancing from the westward in front of high pressure, due about Friday, with strong southerly winds.' Twenty members of the Winchester Morris Tube Club fired for Air .15. Stiven's trophy on Monday evening. The winner was J. Cripps, after a tie with A. .Wilson. ' Highest scores:— J. Cripps (scr) 35, A. Wilson (scr) So, •T. South (scr) 34, 0. Taylor (scr) 3-1, C. Opic (scr) 31, .T. Cliff (scr) 34, T. Yoiirig (5) 34, G. Mcl Cellar (3) 34, B. Stiven (1) 33, J. Farrell (1) 33, A. Taylor (1) 33. T. Gillnm (scr) 32, B. Watson (scr) 32. In the sTioo.t-01l three rounds were fired before the tie was decided : J. Cripos'34, 34 and 35; A. Wilson 34, 34 and 34, Zymole Trokevs st-on that- rattle in vour voice. They are pleasant to use if your throat feels husky. Trv them and be convinced. Then you will never be without them. ' 19 Mr D. McAlpine, Vegetable Pathologist to the Victorian Government, in »an article published in the journal of the Department of Agriculture strongly recommends formalin for destroyin< r the 'fundus of smut in seed wheat and oats. Messrs J. C. Oddie and Co.. Chemists, have imported a supply of the formalin to meet any demand that may arise...

Mrs Webber, Sharp-street, Geelong, Vic., writes: ' "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a wonderful liniment for cuts and bruises or rheumatism. _ Every member of my family has used it some time or other and have always obtained relief after a few applications. One thing I have always noticed is • that when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is used for a cut or burn, there is", never any scar left on the flesh." For sale everywhere... Public speakers and singers like Zymole Trokevs because, \ when the voice begins to get "foggy," one dissolved in the mouth will restore the natural conditions. 18 Young men should see the latest styles and shapes in gent's boots as now displayed at Souter's boot store. For really high-class footwear for gentlemen, we. strongly recommend Souter's hoot store. This firm is one of t-lie most- enterprising <in New Zealand. ... Sulphur and Sarsaparilla. Salts.—: This pleasant and refreshing preparation will be found exceedingly valuable in purifying theJilood and cooling the system, and thus preventing those unpleasant eruptions and pimples so common to many at the change of the season. One teaspoonful in half a tumblerful of water before breakfast is invaluable as a spring medicine. Price Is (kl a bottle, from L. B. James, chemist, Tiniaru. ...

The Dresden Piano Company,' Ltd".,; announce their annual sale of pianos and organs, lu addition to. models by the world's leading makers, including John Broadwood and Sons, Lipp and Solm, Collard and Collard, they have recently opened up a new shipment of the justly famous' Bohm j'iano, which still maintains its position as best medium price instrument on the market. They are also offering at special rates a line of pianos slightly shop soiled, and would reromnlend intending purchasers to take advantage of this opportunity to secure a high grade piano on the best terms ever MT«red jn this district... For .horseness, which follows straining of voice, nothing is s>; soothing or effective as Zvniole Trokeys. A trial will please you. 22 We are given to understand that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive a large shipment of new goods any day in the way of tweeds, men's underwear and clothing, etc., he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact under cast, so as to make room lor the new season's stock. The new department recently opened (referring to the cleaning and pressing) has been u great success, the work being done giving everv satisfaction. It is needless to say that every person who buvs from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Post Office, saves money...

SYNOPSIS 01'' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dalgctv and Co. —Sale at St. Andrews to-morrow. Morton and Pearson—Farms and houses for sale. O'C.illaghan and Co.—Entries for Saturday's auction; seed potatoes on sale. \V. McClatcliv—Special hairdressing and tobacconist notice. T. McWhirter and Sons —Tenders 1.. • gorse and farm work. Timarit and Kia Toa Bowling Clubs —Meeting on Monday next. William 'Priest Evans' testimonial. Gerrie and Co. —Reward of £2 lor lost terrier. Six-roomed house wanted—Apply at this office. Empire Hotel —Shops to let. Bruce and Co.—Farms for sale and to let. Football and hoc-key—On Athletic grounds this afternoon. Trinity Hall Tiniaru Presbytery visit this evening. Grand Scottish ball —At -Assembly Booms this evening. Sparrow and Co.—One house for CIO deposit. J. T. Woltnn and Co. —New spring tailoring goods. London dental parlours—Sets from :C'J 2s. IF. H. Webb—Choice town and .suburban allotments. Manning and Co. —Prices of choice preserved fruits. Adams Ltd. —Improvements in no worry motors W.- 11. McGralli, veterinary denlisl ■ Returned to Timaru. At Marriott's—Sale prices of big furnishing lines. Tate's fish marl Fresh lors in toFuneral —15v W. .1. Li<ler. Wanteds —Four notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13989, 26 August 1909, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13989, 26 August 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13989, 26 August 1909, Page 4


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