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' Prize money won at the late Tiniaru Poultry Snow will lie paid out at Hutchison's rooms this evening. Mr Jas. Simpson's claim against Mr E. JioeKivert i«.r compensation tor injuries through a collision between cycle and motor cur has settled out-of Court. ' ' The Loyal Orange Lodge, AVaimate, held their annual church parade at this Primitive Methodist Church on Sunday. There was a good attendance of members, and the l?ov. . J. Harris preached an appropriate sermon. The South Canterbury Dairy Company sustained a loss yesterday. By ijome accident one of their hulk-run carts was upset in Huberts street, and nearly every bottle in the cart was broken, ami the surface, drainage for a time was chiefly milk. 'J. here was a very large attendance at Luc \i annua! ii.a Cur snow- on Saturday nignc, the i'lpo Band .kindly piv.v.uca music tor t.ic occasion. Air >i. Aiuuro Mas winner in tlie guessing competition tor weight of sheep witu 841 D., exact weight, and Mr J. Baud for weight of potatoes, 2241b., also the ' 'exact- weight. Over £3O was taken at the door, a big increase on last year s receipts. Tli? following, is the Ik-v. D. C. Bates' general weatiur forecast: — '•Cold a nil (.lamp weauur probable on the east coast of too A'o'ith Island, andcool changeable weather elsewhere. Moderate to strong south-easterly winds prevailing noi tn of Hokitika and Akaroa, and southerly elsewhere. TJio barometer will probably continue high for a lew days, but Very u.isuitable weather is probable at the end of the wectf, especially in all parts south of Kawhia and Napier." The animal ball given by the.spinsters anil bachelors of St. Andrews, was held in the i'ublie Hall on i'Yiday evening. A large, number of invitations had been issued and the attendance must have been finite 200. Very complete arrangements had been made by iVltss Ucrtio aaid Mr W. Stowcll (secretaries) assisted by a hard-Work-ing committee; Mr Bert Coe was M.C, and the music (three instruments) was supplied by Mr J. C. Coomlw.- Tko-catering, was intliecapaoie Hands or Air iMenoli's, ot St. Allure ws.

'me Bishop of Christchureh arrived ,ai ..*... .luuka'i pa oaiuruay last, and was the guest of .tilt; vicar. On Sunday morning the bishop was celebrant in' Huiy loiiumifuuu ac St. Andrew's o'liurch at tJio 11 o'clock service, when a large number of church members attended, and he also preached a deeply iiueresuug and instructive sermon. j n the ai'tcrnooii at 3 o'clock the 'Jiishop preached in St. Mary's Church, Upper Utaio, to a large and attentive congregation. At the service in the evening at 7 o'clock in bt. Andrew's Church, the Bishop preached to a crowded congregation. The service was exceedingly bright and hearty throughout, there being n strong choir under the direction of Mr Proudloeli. The Garrison Carnival Ball Committee held a meeting on I'riday evening. Captain and Adjutant l'oden\ in the chair. There was a good attendance of representatives, from all the. corps. Arrangements are being made with the Gas Company to supply gas-lieat-ers to be placed in the card ' room. Color-Sergeant Collins, Sergt. Smeal, Corporal Dunnill and Private Hathaivny wen; appointed a match committee to complete arrangements for the forthcoming shooting match town v. country, to bo. fired: on the Tiniaru range on the date of the ball. Judging by the rapid manner in which the ticket* are being disposed of, -the holding eaoaoiav of the Drill Hall will be taxed on the ni-dit of the '29 th July. The usual meeting of the Kingsdown Mutual Improvement Society wus held on Thursday last, when there was a good attendance.of 'members. Mr G. .Hampton presided. The evening was devoted to a miscellaneous programme of items bv the members. Solos were sung bv,Miss A. Averis, Miss'.Campbell," Mr G. C.Kllis, and Mr T. Ma<Onccn : a duet was contributed by the Misses Campbell; an overture by-Miss _ A1 ,:.. T .„. ..„ ( .|(-.,tmns by Mrs Stringer and Mr AV. Maslen: a. concertina solo, by Mr Stringer. The accompaniment! were played "by Miss Campbell and Miss 'l. Vve-is. H was st«t<"d that % JH new books had been added'to the. society's librarv. and the attention .of ,„„.».!,'■..«, W as drawn tothe proposed establishment of an- ambulance 'class tut men at Pareora East.

The Napier Borough Council is obtaining £4OOO, at 6 per cent., pending the flotation of tlic loan of £l3-1,200 recently authorised by the ratepayers. TJiu's.s: Invcrtay, from San Francisco, arrived .it Auckland at midnight «>" Saturday. flails were sent l'-r,'.-!inl by the Mam Trunk railway on Sunday.

A resident of Cbristcbureli who_ has just returned from a trip to the North Island, gives it as his opinion that Auckland is the best business centre iii the Dominion.

Mr R. Cook, of Timaru, and Mr W. G. At/ck, of Christchurch, have be?n appointed by the New Zealand Boxing Coilr'cil to act as selectors fi>r the Australasian championships.

The Rev. W. Powell, speaking in Christchurch on Sunday last said that there* arc 700,000 loners in India. The only hope of curing this most p:»in F "l rf all diseases was by radium, and this was so expensive that tbe Government of India could not purchase it.

Inquiries made in Chri*tchurcli show that an increase of 10 per cent."in tire" assurance rates will probably 'come into force iu a few days. This will Wing the scale back to -.the position iii which it stood before-the State Department commenced operations, about three years ago.

Dr. Marshal], of Dunedin Uirivcrsity, is to give a lecture in Trinity Hall next Friday evening, on "Sounds and <!lacior>," with limelight illustrations. The subject is an interesting one. and it" is 'one not two. for Dr. Marr-hall will explain that the Sounds owe their most striking features to the action of glaciers. Mr Rockel will preside.

The "Oaniaru Mail " learns that a -number of the butter fact-Ties of the North Island are to substitute the making of cheese for butter this cuming j-easoH. Net only are they altering their butter, factories, hut so»"e are also putting, a cheese plant in their creameries. As there is only a limit d number.'-f cheese-makers in the !>•- n'injbn t'us n-"ans. that there " ;, 1 be plenty of work.-for those available.

The East C'hrUtchureh Schorl Committee Lavß resolved to "urge the North _ f'sMiWliurv Education Hn-irtl to npproaeh. the ' Government, and use rucli other measures as it may d-em fit and proper,', to range the medical '•xaniinr-tion of the ehildren iiikl li'ealth lecturrs t" b:> introduced in all the schools at the earliest possible momeut." •

i\s between contract and day labour VO the «V;ii.strtl«-tioii of >uch important undertakings as the putting down of wStrain line, the Mayor of Karon has ii<» second opinion. To his mind the latter idea is much to be preferred,, as producing, ■Vmd'iubtcdly, .the v more ■wtisfnctnrv result*. . Much of the eon--trae-t work in W< llington. he said, was jtrc>ri !, g iinsatisFart-- r 'y. onr '"""sc of t'<e troiihl" b'insr the low quality of the ■superintendence.

Captain Soinmervillo, of the Wellington Naval-.Artillery, finds it necessary t« apply compulsion to his volunteers. At the annnal the ether night. In; st-t-d t.l.ut. a'th'-iigh t'i" mmnnny was TOO strong, it Frequently bnppe"ed that ojilv li-lf tlie men e-i th" roll rppeared in i"iiform on narad". Mmiv members of the corns, howver. t'Ti»c ; l up in plain olotbes. «n<' wat-l»-»l their niat'-s gptnth through their dri'l. <!M.'. n '' „ state of tbin"s net hr.lfnfred t~ """ti">"*: it was his •"•>*'—- t : <-n to inflict fines for " non-att"iid- „.,„,,.. „,„! the "'"i «•'"> did not '"pb-v t*ie." fame " .cit'":'" liar" to attend. p>>7idos i>r leave his company. ■Auckland has now a hampered '":Stfathallan -Street crossing" to complain of." Some alterations are b-ing made - tn. the railway yard, and for soiee time to come " when the knger trains are "drawn up along' the platforms they "will freouently extend : across the level- crossing at, Br»ak-«--ater road, and th""--. "F«r ■ t'w> time block*the numerous vehicles that hare occasion to use-that crossing. . . . sv"T"o time ago plans were prepared. '- which provided for the closing of "Breakwater road; as a nublie thoroiiglien<l +he s-Vtitut" of ■>" -ve«bead tr-tffie bridge. This would, of «-nrse. have obviated t''« d : fficnltv, but the scheme, owing to-1'"» l-r«'« c>ioi>.Mfi—" t'wt it v-uld entail, has be- n left in abeyance." The Timaru Boxing Club will hel.l two nights' boxing, on Friday and Saturday. August 6th and 7th, and a professional ten-round mat-h lias b:-en arranged between Tom Clark, late middle-weight aieat'-ur ch-impi-n .ef New Zealand. :md D. Brown, of A'hburt'in. who '—s lu>»ten s -e re:'ll--g.MKI men. This match will b- w-U worth sei-iti"-. as C'->rk is e"«» < f *''o l,»-f s.-i-Mii-fd men in the ecl«ni'-<=. The f-llrning h-v rUn ' i ~,.,'-1.-d ; 3: \ll~n --id J. BracefieM. F. O'Magan and O. Braiieh:»'nn. p-»'1 Fer"uss'*i 9—\ Gelid-'". Yo""" Fit^si"!".-ps. J. f-'«np t-vice sli->ci-l t .r.-r"lf. 1-vers of tV F«fie ••"•♦■ with •> fi—*-"la«=« two nights" ei'iovneiit. A fe->t"-e i r f•" pro"rae"-'e. a p«"v ~ schools' ~-»ipetition. /•»>"■! t'- b—»p,»o - rr rf f - gold medals for winner and runii'T-np. Mr H. 15. Speiuc, acting-Collector of Cu.:tOUlS, 1.1 .lUcklillltl,. K'Sl »\CCK, -111acknowledging the receipt of a te'stiliiiiUial from the kcal coinuiercial com- : Vuiiity ou the occasion of his departure to take up the position of Collector of.Cu-ton's ••tliivcn ::rgi 1, waxed hnn:-i-mi's at the expense of the Capital ,City (savs the Auckland c ires:), intent • .the' '"Post"). When the seat" of Government was shifted fronf to Wellington, a large iiumlicr of Civil Servants were trausfernd there in t-oiisequeuce. Manv of tliem were loth to go, and put it <ff as I. ng as \whsible. One parti-iilar man. who bad managed to '" dodge" it longer than the others, at last re.-<ivd notee that he had to go also, and his family were so much affected that his littl- daughter, in saving her prayers on tb" y>l>t liefnre their d>-<artur-. exclaimed. " Dear God. good-bye! We are going to Wellington;"


\ lost of witnesses sin;: tin- praises t.t' UHKUMO. The success, i.t tins wonderful remedy is clue to tin; fact tlmt it attacks ami at once exp-ls, the real cause of Gout. -Rheumatism. Sciatica, or Lumbago—excess urie acid in the blood. Mr Andrew Gillespie, „f Wellington, is so well known throughout N.Z-, that his oxi>cnencc will interest many. He writes:— "Whilst suffering from a severe attack of Rheumatic to>nl,*f™iv\ brought, me a battle of RHUMO. Its effect was certain, the pain left, the s-.velling went down, and the second Iw.ttle completed the cure. My witc also had a -severe attack, and one bottle effected the cur". A friend who had been suffering from Rheumatic Gout for some three years, and whose c:We' was considered h-'wliss. received almost immediate relief from pain. and, after taking three bottles was jtblc to leave her bed. • Wlipn.,l- hear *f anvone suffering from "Rheumatic Gniit I always recommend RHEU.MO There are many sufier'ulg who would : "oi prompt relief if they only tried RHEUMO." - r «t »y -Uiemists and stores, 2s ' and 4s 6d. 8

l?ipc- raspberries were being picked at Napier last week.

The Timaru Football Club hold their annual ball on Thursday next.

A general meeting of A 1 bury benelicts will be held at the Railway Hotel ou Saturday next, at 7.30 p.m.

Curling is now being indulged in at Naseby. heavy frosts having been experienced there, and no snow.

A meeting of the Canterbury Shearers' Industrial Union of Workers will be held at Pleasant Point on Saturday next at 7.30 p.m. Parr and Co. notify that they have removed from Stafford street 'to a more spacious shop in Hayes' street, where engineering, boiler-making and ships-smithing will be carrictj on in all their branches.

"I believe you have the strongest and must progressive Council bciprc you that you have ever had." remarked Councillor Peck at the meeting of the Borough Council last night. The Mayor said he thought it was complained against the old Council that it .made too much- progress.

Rabbit trapping for the export trade (says -the "Jjunstan Times") was brought to a conclusion last week by the setting in of hard frosty weather after what has easily been the longest season on record in this district. "Bunny" has had a severe thinning ciin, and is scarcer in numbers on most "f tbe runs at the present time than he has been for many years past. One large station in Central Otago is reported to have cleared off just about 500,000 of the pest this winter.

There' was only a small audience at the Theatre Poyal last evening, when the present programme of animated pictures was shown by Professor Sherwood for the last time until Friday night, when ths Professor will open again with an entirely new and interesting lot of latest films. Entries for the forthcoming baby competition are coming in apace, no fewer than 23 oroud mothers having had their children's nhotos taken at Malta n and H-ilford's. where it i* done free of charge.

Owing to the wet, state of the country round aliout Waimatc, it has been necessary to alter the fixt"rc for the combined meet of the South Canterbury tend Waimaf.? packs. Previously it was.armngod to be at Mr Twomcy's Hotel," Waimate. It will, however. lv» at Morven, where the land is lighter and conseniiently ii"t .<■-» wet; The country to he hunted is vrv «rcod -hunting country, some of tb<. best in the di.c*ri--+. ' : .-d a r n-l day's s'virt can be looked forward to. travelliii" to +'•(< meet h*- r--"'l must be trucked to Morven. and can return the same day.

There are' in Timaru. two Otngo identities who are spending their declining years with their families. They are Mr Pope, aged 70, and Mr Dawson, aged 84. and yesterday on comparing notes of the old days Mr Dawson showed his old friend a ring that was made of the first gold found in Otago. The finder was Black Pete (Peters). who was prospecting on F.vaus' Flat Creek, known also as Boulders' Creek. The prospector had initio to the creek for a drink, when h* noticed the gold, and lie got "ood returns from a few rough washings. It was tin's that he gave to Mr DawKin, who had a rin rr made out of it. and his wife Ou'"d B°l now wears it is a memento of the old days.

The Loyal Orange Lodges of Timaru held their annual social in the Assembly Booms last evening, a large number of adidts and children attending the enjoyable tea held earlier in the evening. The attendance was greatly augmented by the time the programme of musical and other items were ready to commence about 8 o'clock, and the hall was fairlv well filled. The Rev. J. . OMiert" wV present, but the office of chairman was taken by the Bev. G. H. Mann, o r Oeraldine. who delivered a stirring and interesting address appropriate to the occasion. The presence of a goodly number of members of the lodges in their brilliant regali'i l'Mit a plo:"''ii"-t'-u-h of clour to the scene. A long and -ciij -valile programme was well rendered, Mi«« Brase officiating at t'»I'iano, whilst songs were given bv T ; «-«f= Fowler. Loggott. mid Messrs Whit.:>hoi".-o. Laiigdon. Cliiks. Brown. Soar. ,fVoche\— d"-t. M'«srs ' w -.,„} And'-rs-n: lli-bland flaw. Me-" S-gar a-;l s»leetiou on *'.«■ v>i-"\s. "mo M-i-r M'-G rr"-"r - : pi:>"»- —■••>. Miss Segar: a'nd recitation. Mr Weir.

The usual weekly meeting of the St. Mary's Young Men's Society was held last night, when the subject for the evening was a debat'j on the parliamentary franchise for women in the UniWl Ki"gd'"ii. Mr F. Foden. seconded by Mr H. .Aymes, led off in the affirmative, and Mr J. Walsh, seconded by Mr K. Harold, in the np"Pt'\-o. S"veral others took part in the debate. The vote taken pi the close "ave the vietorv to the affirmative side. Although there \rpvp not many member c present, +he debate was a successful one, the arguments of both c : -les being well put. Next .Mondav evening a lecture is to be given, the tit!'* of which, " Mounto be given, the t.'tle e r which. '"Moun-t-in Sceivrv of New Zealand", promises something good, and th" name of the lecturer, Mr G. F. Manncrm" "ires assurmi'-e that the scenerr wiH !.«. described bv a gentleman who has " ( .f>"!»*. seen and conouered."' H will be ilhi'-r--t"d aiid most of Mr Mannerinir's slides arc entirelv new to the Timaru public. The public w'll be invitnd to" the lctnre. a small charge b'-ing made at the door.

Carry :i box of Zymolo Trokeys in your Docket. Tlicy are a good thii": to have about you, oft'times preventing a little hoarseness from resultii'" in a hard cough. 11 1/un t auncr tvith torturing chilblains! Ise Baxter's Chilblain Lllll- - it acts promptly, giving immediate relief and a sik.cuy cure. Pric»> Is per bottle at Baxters Pharmacy, limaru. 15c sure you get Baxter's...

Oulf eutxiusiadta wa beginueiu an respectively leq nested to noto tuat th«> cannot possibly do better than pay a call to Mr *'. Tasker's sporting uepot, ■viieru you can get a choice ot only the very nnest quality ot golf duos at ■rhulcsale price. 11 you want a tow ol the best Oniis ever made get a fen Dimples at once...

mu: yoi; a commercial TRAVELLER.

Desirous of making a successful trip —maximum results, minimum worry? Thru get into touch with the New Zealand Express Company, Ltd.. and you're on the road to success. They'll clear your samples, dcjKisit duty, trans.uit your baggage from.'place to place throughout the Dominion, providing-, at each town soleiidid, convenient sample rooms. Ofliccs through Dominion. ...

In the spring a voung man's fancy, Lightly turns to thoughts of "love,, Tr'-e to Sue, or Jane, or Nancy, Throu'di the Summer he may prove ; But in Autumn and grim "Winter He's no u=e- for girls demure. H" eets cold, and t'>en his fancy Tur"~ to .Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. ...

The s.s. W;irrimoo arrived at Bluff at 9.4-3 a.m. yesterday with an English mail.

. The police require an owner for a nair of black-laced dancing .shoes, found in Strathallan Street ou Saturday night. liivereargill and surrounding districts propose to borrow £7.3,000 to construct electric tramways. Sir J. G. Ward and others hold certain rights of construction, and these are to be purchased for £llOO.

The Temuka Catholic Club will play a card match against the members oi •-lie local Veterans' Club at the Catholic eiiio rooms tins evening, plav commencing at 7.30 sharo. The Club Learn will l )e selected from the following:—F. F. Conncll, J. J. Rrosnaii. I. Ganancv, .Jin, Fitzgerald, T. Kooiiey, P. Mitten, Jere Tangney, Con L»aiy, li. C. A. \\ inn, M. Snl"v:in. Mat Brosnahan. «... Gillespie. P.. Spillane, T. W. Brosnahan, M. Fitfc-g.-rald, J. Scott, R. Wareing, P. Hanmnii, S. Coughlan, J. Farrell, T. Flip, Jim Soillane, J. Driseoll. P. .Morgan, M. Noloan. Downes. T. J. Bmsnan, M. Lynch, V. Wareing. The following will represent the Veterans: -*. D-.miii, W. Goodmani. W. H. Brown. W. Phillin, T. Edwards IX Mills, A. Webb, T. Sheen, C. Nicholas. A. Josling. W. Grant, G. Scrim--baw. G. Philli-is. Geo. Hobbs. J. McAuliffe, W. Peeves, R. Lee. Geo. Sevens. Geo. Richardson. J Burns, I. Taylor. T. Larcombe, T. Gunnioiu v Douglas, G. Husband. .J. Cliff. W. Scott. l[. Hobbs. IX A. McK«v. Though the intellectual fare set before the Timaru Literarv and Debating Society last night was somewhat in the nature of a stopgap, yet like many another extemnore entertainment it turned out to be one of the best and most interesting discoveries thf- club has yet had the pleasure of listening to, and Mr A. if." Patterson who talked noon "Mind and its Cultivation", rose most successfully to the occasion. Mr Wallace was in the ■•hair and about twenty members of the society including some ladies were •>re<ent. Mr Patterson started by explaining the various schools of metnr.hy.r.' lans. tracing the progress of tl vii.'du down to the school instituted by the "Evolutionary Psy''i'rl' j?y". formed upon facts revealed bv biologist"!, geologists and cmbryoThi= school held t'-nt in in' l was coeval with matter and that mind had undergone processes of evolution exactly as the human being had evolved from the first minut" uroto-,,lasn-,V. body. The shaker then discoursed upon the brain a"d its fu'"t'ons and the conditions necessary for ♦bp pultivation of a good nie'"ovy. A = illustrating the vrav in which the memorv '--n be trpin"' l . succes'fully performed some intere'tiii" denmnstr-tions ' r i.M.p>"n'M<-= wl.ich v-rv «-ell yrcvo-i »■--= 'l-— + s After «everi>l ->re«—t bad ■■' f >"' on tb« <■.•<•;—+ ... : ,*"-r -f t'-e n b-orry veto of thanks '•]pcod tbe Tveptin"-. Have you ever used Stearns' Headache Cure:-'' Next time try one wafer and see if you don't find it relieves more quickly than anything you hav ever tried. 69

Cold tlavs and cold winds play*havoc with the delicate skin of ladies. The skin can he protected by the application of a little -Red Cross" Ointment rubbed gently in. Wind won't chap, and rain won't crack the skin if treated in this fashion. For all skin affection in winter—-chapnod hands, chilblains—use "Rod Cross"- Ointment freely. No ointment heals and soothes finite so well. All grocers and chemists...

Glyeola for the hands and eomplcxi.m : it is neither sticky nor greasy, and i.s iinct|iialled for roughness of tin skin, chapped hands, etc. Price Is id, -from Yjeonard U. James, chemist. .Stafford street, Timaru. ...

As a rule, salesmen dread losing » sale. They, will pack you oil with anything, if you will take it. Not si with Souter's Shoe ."store. We prefei to lose a sale, sooner than, recommend a pair of unreliable boots. We advise our customers, according to our honest ■oiiviction. By this we not only stud? you, but ourselves. We look for youi -iistom for years to come. ...

Owing to an unusually large nunibei if exchanges made recently in this district for new pianos, the Dresden Piam Co., Ltd., i.s in a position to offer som<_ splendid bargains in second-hand piano. l and also two harmoniums in rirsi-rati :;oiiditioii. Prices from seven pounds ijpwards. The Dresden still leads in ill qualities English and German instruments. Broadwood, Collard, Lipp. itouisch, Bohm, and the greatest of al •'the Steinway." .Ml the leading pianists of the world use pianos o' which the Dresden has sole control throughout the Dominion. A new Broadwood piano just unpacked. Coim and hear this wonderful musical instrument...

AYe arc given to understand' that owing to Mr Stephens expecting to receive ;i large shipment of now goods any day in the way of tweeds, men's underwear and clothing, etc:, he is selling the goods on hand at very low prices, in fact under cost, so as to make room for the new season's stock. The n<nv department recently opened (referring to the cleaning and pressing) has heen a great success, the work being done giving every satisfaction. It is ncdlcss to say that every person who buvs from Alfred J. Stephens, opposite the Tost Office, saves money... SYNOPSIS 0/ NEW ADVEP.TISE-ME-YJS. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co.—G'craldine sale to-morrow. . Guinness and LeCren —Stock sale at GcniKime to-morrow. U Callaghan and Co. —Furniture at the .Mart to-morrow. «... v... uiiu^o —ijuud Transfer Ait notice. l unity Hall —Lecture hy Professor Marshall on Friday. Ji-otiald L. Fisher—Villa for sale, frozen meat buyer. i.axtei s' pharmacy —Food value ol olive oil. -Mr \). V. O'Malley. dental surgeon— Visits Fairlie on Wednesdays. Canterbury .Shearers' tnion —Meeting on Saturday. .~->i. .Alary's l owner Men's Society— Lecture on July VM\. The White J ionic—Gnat specialising sue. At Howie's —Prime pi'' peaches and other fruits. AY. Evans —Houses for sale, also sections. .Parr ami Co. — Kcmoved to new ■sho|), Hayes street. Timaru Football Club—Annual ball on Thursday. Pan ton and Son:—Call tenders for cool stores. Alhury benedicts —Meeting on Saturday evening. • AY. A. Pearson and Co. —Five guinea suit for !)2s (id. L. Jl. James—James Chilblain iniinciit. Mark Higgins—lmportant notice to riders of bicycles. George Da vies—Best value-in tailormade costumes. P C-. Allen—Has Inst Spaniel pup, rewni-fl. AYaimatc Distri't Hunt—Meet at Al'Tven on Tluirsdav. F-.-ierpl—P- AY. J. Lister. Wanteds—Two notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13953, 13 July 1909, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13953, 13 July 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13953, 13 July 1909, Page 4


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