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i Tin- Pleasant Point, school is lo re- [ open on Monday next. The Borough Council of Grey Lynn, •. at the instance of the Mayor, have agreed to make footpaths wider and roadways narrower in residential quar- ' ters. They fixed on 40ft roadway-ami ft footways. The voting paper used at Cliristchureh yesterday for ' the ratepayers' l)oll on live tramway loan proposals was two feet long and a foot wide, the purpose of each loan being set out in full. There \\-ere-49-(>olliiig places, and about *>'){) persons emploved in taking the poll. ' During the season tiow practically ended, the milk of between '101)0 ami i3(KH) cows has been supplied lo the Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company, and it is stated that by 'reason , cf the inllux of new settlers and ydditious to existing herds, another thousand eows will be added next season. A circulation of returns gives an average of £S per cow. The Wnitaki County Council on Wednesday discussed the means to be adopced for the coming year to reduce the small birds iu the county. A resolution was passed in March that keu'i.". be purchased, and a member notice to move that this bo rescinded, and the system of poisoning be reverted to. This was opposed by the member who bad moved the resolution to purchase, ami he now said that if the "Js (id per TOO lixed in March was too low a price, it could be raised. Another member advocated trapping, as it bad been effective in Canterbury. The suggestion that both poison and purchase should he adopted "was characterised by one member as absurd, as the heads of poisoned birds -ould be collected and payment obtained for them. Another said ho was '■crtain that it would pay to both supply poisoned grain and purchase heads. If they received the heads they would know that the birds were being deitoryed, whereas if they did not buy the farmers would not take the trouble, to take out and lay poison. The' motion to rescind beinsr put and lost, it was proposed that 10s per 100 be offered for heads for the next throo months. This was considered extravagant, added to a supply of poisoned •jrrai'i. and the amount reduced to 5s ■ipr 1.00 was carried, and the supply-of poisoned grain ; s to he continued. For influenza, take Words' Great Peppermint Cure. Never fails. Is 6d and 2s 6d.

Tho New Zealand Flourmillers' Cooperative Association have reduced the price of bran and i>ollard by 10s per ton. the present quotations being £3 I-js and £-3 respectively. - In Wring for oil near Gisborne tho drill cut through a. tree sft. thick IT'.n't down. The Wring was mainly through la vers of clay ami papa. On June I:2th a depth of 2(>3ft. had been reached, stilt in papa. Mr M. Maze, the well-known horse breeder of Pleasant Point, brought to Timaru Yesterday six very fine looking Clydesdale mares which he intends to sell in Melbourne. Mr Maze will leave with tho horses this morning. In fining two Hamilton bakers, one £-3. the other £lO, for selling short bread, the Magistrate said the tines would not be any hardship as defendants had made ample from the public to pay them. Comitrv members of the <-'l,r'/:t----church Hospital Board grumbled at the heavy drain on the funds ot the ocal bodies. The chairman. Mr Pa> "g, said the Board was vtry lenient uit the country bodies: l«r tk- te vears the hospital rate has I averaged Jrnlv 1-I7th of a iHM.ny- lus >eui it would be more-I-10tli- but the - mauds upon the Board were «»»•*;> heavv. Christchureh. he said, tound one-third of the total. Mr Gilbert Auderson says that the American meat companies are represented, and have depots in every decent size town throughout IM.-land nil Scotland, and as the «' Iu, »?V ftfi this trade and worked out all the ditnculties connected with the. virgin meat industrv, it will be strange tf they art left behind in the race. We take credit for what has heen clone in the past, and we must recognise that we have to do more in the future. A small but much appreciated •"»- i.rovement in the Timaru Park would I». a gravelled footoath leading from the drive to the ornamental ponds and enclosures. In the winter pa rtli track* and grass on the sidling =»re somewhat dangerous, as the pedestrian has to be vcrv sure-footed to escape it fall The frost snrinkled surface is made the more slippery by seepage from the terraces which bound the ponds and creek. Musical people should take particular that- Mr Frederick Moore is to ■"■ive an organ recital in Chalmers Church this evening. A few evenings ago. opportunity was given to many to hear and see what Mr Moore could do on the piano. On the organ, admirers will look for more stately work, in keeping with tb" instrument's setting. ;>nd it g"cs without saying that Mr Mnr.r... who is a talented ai»l aco-"-pUshed musician, will not disappoint hfci audience. Mr G. Dawson, of the Stafford st reet grocery emporium, had one of the big plate glass windows, valued at about £2O, hopelessly smashed last night. It appears that a trap belonging to Mr Crav was standing outside of Mr L. }5. James' chemist shop with a young man in charge of it, but a team ot footballers coming past in « drag gave the horse such a fright in passing that it .hacked the trao over the f<»otpath and through the window, wherein there was- a big display of crockery. The Auckland " Her:dd " thinks the present constitution of the Cabinet extremely unsatisfactory trout the North Island" point of new. as all the principal Ministers .-re South Island men. Apart from Mr Carroll and Mr Ngata, natives, and Or. Fiudlsy. who should not count, as. he :'s not a" representative of the people, ihere is only Mr Fowlds representing the North Island < in the Cabinet, while the South Island , members control the Lands. Railways. Public Work«t and Mines Departments. , to say nothing of the positions of • Prime Minister and Minister for ; Finance. ' '■ The editor of the "New Zealand Trade Review" gathers from returns < of principal New Zealand exports that I "anticipations of a heavy scale of ex- ' ports for the June Quarter are in a I fair way of being amply verified? We < are assured of a very substantial in- ' crease in the total value of exports for ' the quarter, and as there is every reason to believe that the imports are I still coming in on a reduced scale, and are likely to continue to do so. it is ' practically certain that the quarter ■ will exhibit a heavy excess of exports i over imports probably to extent of some two millions instead of an ex- ' cess of only some £300,000 as was shown in the June quarter of 1908." The London correspondent of the Christchureh "Press" writes that some sympathy is felt by New Zcalanders" in London for Mr Hall-Jones in the position in which he now finds himself, in view of the recent appointments in regard to the reorganisation of the High Commissioner's .staff. It is an open secret that the reorganisation of the office, as far as it has gore. is not of his doing, and that had he come to London with the free band one would have expected him to have, things would have been done in a ditferent way. Prominent colonials who are now in London regret in the most outsp. ken nny that Mr Hall-Tones was not allowed to make his own alterations, though they d» not suggest for a moment that it will net be po«t»Ie j to get with the new material at the High Commissioner's disposal, a maximum of efficiency. The quarterly meeting of the Independent Order of Itechabites was held «»ii Wednesday evening in Hutchison's Tea Iluonis. After some discussion the name "Triumph" was selected as the name for the Timaru Tent. It was decided to offer a prize to the value of Ids <ml , to be awarded to the membel introducing the most new members during the ensuing six months. Two pew members were initiated and some •women proposed as members. The election of officers for the ensuing halfyear resulted as follows-.—Chief Kuler. Wo. Bunt: Deputy, C. It. Bowker: Secretary. P»n>. Murray (all re-elect-,d>- Treasurer. Bro. A. K. 'Horwell: Steward. Brother Tait: Levite Bro. f;il.b- Guardians. Douglas (re-elected) and Stewart; Auditors. Bros. Pickford and Vernon. The installation ol oHI-,-ers bv the Past Chief Itnter then brought the meeting to a cbvse. The Christchureh City Council undertook to provide navvying work at Is per hour for about o» of the unemployed. Fifty were selected trom the list" that had lieen supplied, and their names were posted up outside the Council Chambers, and notices sent to the addresses of the men selected. Onl> j fonr-aud-twenty of the filtv men turned up. and none of the oth»rs hroug .t or sent anv explanation ot their al>-s-ence. Mr Darcy, secretary to several unions, stated that two "t the men had seen him and told him why they did not accept the work. One was a painter, the other a carpenter and they both gave the same reasons: They were afraid that they could not do navwing work, not being used to it. and akrctid of losing a chance job at their own trad" if they were not there to take it. Mr Darcy said a large proportion of th" unemployed were tradesmen who k'"nv nothing about navvying. The City h»»ginneer said tint the Is an hour re'« would now be dropped and men would be paid what they were worth, pe-haos (U or 7s, and they must get permits to work at less than award rotes. The General Lnbonrprs' % F"'"on has agreed t" give permits to all who require them.

During the liisfc feu; days there has been ;iii iuihix of undesirable characters into the town. The police have their eyes on several of the men, who will probably find it to thir advantage to leave as speedily as possible.

The Christchureh Consumptive Sanatorium Committee have accepted a tender at £lO4 J7s fid for drainage anil septic tanks at the institution, and have made out a list ol furniture up to £.300 to be tendered for. It is noticeable (writes a Cambridge press correspondent) that siuce the opening of the Main Trunk line a large number of Southerners have visited the Waikato, in search of farm lands, and a numbv-r of sales are rei>orted. Without exception, the visitors are pleased with the district, saying that it is much better than thev expected to find it. Most people thought that the Sutherland* assault case was over and done with, bjit another action,..arising out of it is likely to be brought before tho Court. A summons has been issued, for £2OO damages, against Joseph Mat"thews for inciting the Chisholms • to assault Patrick Gnrmley. Mr White is acting for plaintiff. The hearing is set down for 7th July. Workmen are now engaged fencing and cultivating the southern portion of C'raiirie Avenue on the West Belt. It would be an improvement in planting this section to try a few evergreens with the deciduous trees. The planted sections with their planes and oaks hare of leaves, have a dreary appearance in the winter, and do not add to the beauty of the landscape. ■ . The epidemic of measles which has lieen at work with highly inconvenient results in the Pleasant Point district for some weeks past, has now abated to a considerable extent. Nearly every family in the district had measles,- in their most severe form, in the house. The complaint is sti'l prevalent in the Albury and Fairlie districts.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Wesley Guild was held in the Schoolhall last evening, when a programme of elocutionary items was submitted by lady members. Miss I'eid supervised the items, and was helped by Miss Gilchrist in a Shakespearean sketch. Mrs Rule and Misses 10. Bowker, Hadclilfe, Vogeler, and Holdgatc assisted by taking part in recitations and dialogues. The musical items were contributed by Miss Anderson and Miss Ferricr, ami an enjoyable evening was s|Knit. j Heefton, says a "Special Comnii--siouer'' of the •'Auckland Herald." is a curious place. Then; are about, 1(10 houses in the town, and over 20 hotels. This latter fact is probably the outcome of the ingrained hospitality of West Coasters. It cannot signify any great desire on their own parts to drink, judging by the fact that most of them are very moderate in that respect. Tim miners prefer to use their wages in the exciting but idi-tie game of " two-up." When I visited a certain mine the paymaster accompanied the buggy party, carrying with him some £2500 in cash. On arrival at the mine township a group of men hailed our arrival with a .demonstration in the way of smiles, waited instantly upon the paymaster. obti>in'd their wages, and started a game •f "two-iip" iu the public roadway. This precious iKistime is frequently responsible for young fellows losing the "hole of their month's earnings in a dav.

A young married couple have been '•finpr-ittod f r trial at the Supr—no Court in Wellington for faking a false declaration ruder the Marriage Act. that the female d« fondant was ?] \ rs of age. when -he was onlv 18. T'>e "irl's. father, in giving evidenc in the Magistarte's C"urf. orod-iced *!ie birth certificate. He had given the young nan permission to wdk with his daughter, but when a little liter defendant asWI if he might "<arrv her. witness replied that he considered that they bad not known o«e ppetber 1-n-r euou'di. ptid hj" advised that they should n-ai* until l/'wur Day. In :• f «»w days, bowever. K»nii>*-1 _ i-f-rmed hinj that they were"'married. Witn'-ss bid. never gjVell ' his consent. He tbou-'ht that t.oitf.-r «VFe"da"* w~s cx.Ttlv aware of the fcn—le defeielnnt's'n"o. Part of witness's own marrj..r,„ perti''"a f e was fabc. Th" coupl" when arrested were on *be ooint ef ies'vii"i for Svdnev. actually being dct:ii>i"d on the boat. " I advise every young follow in New 'South Wales only to ft.Mow the vocation he is in until he contrives to nunlifv himself for another higher still," said Mr G. H. Eeid, in one of bis philosophic addresses, given in Woollcomnol.-io, Sydney. "I was the son of a p*'or man. T had to r'o to work when I was 13 years old. I had no High School. Grammar School, or I'niversity. I had to go to work to earn »>v*own livi"". And I think it was the grandest thing ever ha opened t'> uie. I !e-»r ( ,pd much more i" the first vear at the office than ever T had learned at school. B"t then T st : !l 1-d anibitien. T wanted to reach hi"h"r t'—n the vocation of a cVrk. respectable though l it- is. T bad ab.-avs t'"' :>-»l»ition to enter public pffairs. At eirdit or nine n»- great audition w-s to beco"<e a preacher. My «-:is •• minister: and. listening to lem—be was one of the *"ost el-«i-"nt '"en »•'»' rrpr entered the onlpit: h ; s r«»ee sf.. m ls in a f--o>'s book on elocution. ; side bv side with the five ~.»-r . oW»o„t •nen that ever wore— listening to bon. ! 7 eot '"v ii»s.,iraf : "n. T g-t it ir-y- ---| that -eMe f-t'-ep of n»:-'e. 1 -.b- wish 1 could be half as good as him."

TOUCHKS TDK SPOT. No laming or cutting required if you use the mighty healer, 11.-fl Cross I Hutment Manv a limb has been saveil from the knife. Cures have been clfected after having been given up In the doctor. Bed Cross Ointment is a certain cure for all irritatio., of the skin, cuts and old sores, abscesses eczema, sunburn, chilblains, etc. It "touches the spot." ...

AIUO YOU NIOKDING STOIIAGK? Wo have it available—in excellent brirkbiult I uihlings. Here wo can store goods, bagaage, furniture, in ißr"e or small quantities, at lowest current rates. For travellers we have tine sample rooms—convenient in size, well lit, centrally situated. Notify us, and we'll collect your baggage or goods, and store it or pla-c it a. suitable sample room. —The N.Z. Cypres Co. (Ltd.)... V DK10AI) DISKASK AND ITS KEMKDY. P.heumatic iwins are caused by the presence in the blood of an excess ot uric acid, lactic acid, and other foreign substances. This .iccumulation of acid poison nui-t be neutralised and driven out before a cure can be effected. It is useless taking a pill or liniment that will merrlv deaden the pain. th» poison needs to 'be expelled. BHIOFMO is the one sovereign -eii'cdy which will specdilv and effectually cure lUieumatism. Gout. Sciatica. Lumbago, and other kindred ailments. It is the triumphant result of years ot scientific rxoerimept. It has cured thousands, and it will cure you. Put it to th" test. Give it a fair trial. All , Mr ~.;=:ts an'' stores sell it: 2s Gd a"d 4s 6d a bottle. , . 6

Mr William Gunu, proprietor of tho Timarn Theatre, lias decided to enlarge the building so as to give more seating accommodation as well as more stage room. He also proposes to add some more dressing rooms.

The action in which Mr Hugo Gorlity., of Tinv-iru, as plaintiff is claiming £3OOO from Jan Kubclick for alleged breach of contract in connection with his Australasian four, is to be heard before the Supreme Court at Dimediii in August next.

The following is the Eev. D. C. Hates' general weather forecast: — "Expect fine but changeable weather generally, moderate to strong winds southerly prevailing over the North Island and westerly changing northwards shortly over the South Island, for a fall in the barometer, due in the southern districts on Saturday."

The second annual dance of the Tin" Hockey Club was held in the Assembly Ilooms last evening, and proved a pronounced success. About seventy couples indulged in dancing to the excellent music provided by Mrs Hurdley's orchestra, Messrs P. G. Allen and 1). Dreaver acting as M's.C. The catering was carried out under Mr Budd.'s supervision, assisted by friends of the club.

A children's concert is to be held in Trinity Hall this evening. For some time past tbe'teiichers have been training the scholars who are taking part in the. entertainment.. A varied programme of choruses, songs, recitations, dialogue .club swinging and sash drill has been' arranged, and all who arc interested in the performances of the little folks should "make a point of being present. Tickets have been selling freely, so that a full house is assured. A very kindly action, but one .which was ill-rewarded, was performed by Mrs Pratt yesterday morning, when she very thoughtfully supplied tea to those who had been waiting, in the. street since daylight for tickets. The warm beverage was greatly appreciated bv the half frozen ones, but the result to Mrs Pratt was that she lost her place near the Dresden door— a handy one which would have enabled her to secure tickets among the first to be served. Through her action she hud to be content with a back seat. The South Canterbury Harriers held a successful run yesterday afternoon i from Mr G. It. M. Jones' residence. | 1'»o course being via the Bay. round tbe freezing works on to Mr W. Grant's property and from thence boipn; vi:i Waimataitai and the V>ach, tbe finish respited in O. G. Avion being first back, with Hodgson second. Af-t-r elianging their running coston-os the barn'ors were entertained at aft-er-•wioi'i tea bv Mrs Jones. It has not b"cn decided where t,bo lioxt Thursdav's run will be hold. The committee of the Gisborne Chamber of Commerce is submitting the following recommendations to.the Chamber:—(l) That a discount of 2} per cent, be allowed on all accounts paid on or before the 20th of the month following the purchase of the goods: (2) no discount to be allowed on any accounts unpaid later than the 20th: (3) all accounts unpaid after three months to be charged interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum: (4i all accounts for duty or for goods seld for net cash to be paid on the Ist of the month following the purchase: (-3) all purchasers of live stock whether pt auction or privately to be paid within seven days of delivery, nfter vovon days interest to be charged at +'>e rate of 8 per cent, nor annum ; ((V> retail draocrs —the committee, is unable to jpnko a recommendation in regard to discmints »s +he drapers v-:«h fir=t, to li'dd a meeting to consider the nnestion : (~) +be committee consider that should the foregoi-g c.-ilo rr anv thereof be •wlopted bv the -Ch-ieW. fo ivmwßy fer ...iy i'<fr ;, i"Oie"nt should be the expulsion of the ofl'endin."- member. Frequently (says the " Lake County Press") we' have heard of . the hardships experienced ' y people in the backblocks and of their pluck and »endurance in cases of danger and difficultv, but the following occurrence appears to us to be about the most trying it has been our lot' to chronicle. It hapiH'iied some months ago at the head of Lake Wanaka. The father was from home, and (he mother was alone with lie? little children. One accidentally got hold ~f a bottle containing poison, and drank some. It can rcadilv be imagined the state of the nnnr 'mother's "iriiud when she discovered what had happened. She gave the child mustard as an emetic, and then hurriedlv put the other children to bed. Thinking she might lose her little one. the mother started on foot with tin- child in her arms for Pembroke—a distance of some 30 milesthrough rough and rugged country. She had to traverse dangerous gullies, bush and fern, and cross a river several times. The night was dark, and after going 10 miles .-lie fortunately struck the house of a settler, who drove her to Pembroke. Medical aid was summoned, but the little one lr'd by that time almost recovered.. Truly, says the " Press," a 'mother's love is great. Children cry when cod liver oil is mentiioned. but smile when Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract is given them. They like to take it, and it does them more good, because it does not upset their delicate stomachs. 34 In past time the first thing done to a bum or scald was to exclude the air. To do this the victim had to either -apply a paste of oil and flour or else bandage the scalded part, thus adding to his sufferings. All that is now neeessarv is" to apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This liniment gives immediate relief, also heals tho part in one-third the time taken by any other application; but what is more wonderful still is that, there is never any *car left after Chamberlain's .Pain Ralm is used. For sale everywhere. ...

Owing to an unusually large number of exchanges made recently in this district for new pianos, the Dresden Piano Co., Ltd., is in a position to offer some iplendid bargains in second-hand pianos •tiul also two harmoniums in firstrat* condition. Trices from seven [Miiinriß upwards. The Dresden still leads in all qualities English and German instruments, Broadwood, Collard, Li'pp, lfcjuiseh, Bohm and the greatest of all "the wStiinway." All the leading pianists of the world use pianos of which the Drr.sdpn has the sole control throughout the Dominion. A new Broadwood player piauo ju'»t uupxeked. Come and hear thia wonderful musical instrnmen*...

"Health" brand of boots and shoes for ladies and gentlemen, procurable onlv at J. "W. Souter's, the Health Bm*»t Store. "Wo wish to remind our readers that Mr Sou tor g<>t in ahead of nil others, and scoured the "Health" Boot agonov for South C anWhurv. "Health" Boots have celluloid "keen shape" bln.-k toos (natentrd) in all !>not« and shoos, stocked by Souter's Health Boot Store...

There was a ixior man up = (t p'i™ s i Who possessed but a wife and twelve

bairns. Vim*.- and snccing was s<

far from pleasing. That it -are him some n« f"l bad turns T., *lm 'Midst the coughing and barkin ; ai

■ night. Me found ■•> f' ; "(id sure in Woods' Pep

nermint Cure. That soon put his family all right

Four more'tows of seats Lave been added to the stalls i'or the Merry Widow, and those who were in. line .yesterday and were not able to obtain 'seats, but registered their names, can obtain seats which have been reserved in the rows added, by calling at the Dresden this ihoniinji.

A card match which was held in Hilton's, rooms last evening, between the Foresters and the Hibernians, resulted in a win for the Foresters by five games. The scores were: Foresters, crib singles 27, doubles 10; Hibernians 10 and seven. In the euchre match the Foresters scored 20 in the singles and seven in the doubles, the Hibernians score being 25 and eight. The totals were Foresters 64, Hibernians 50.

A resident of Wellington, who was in Timaru yesterday, when speaking casually, of the Webster claim for half a million from the New Zealand Government, said that so far as he had heard no one in the Dominion took the claim seriously, and why Dr. Fitehett should go Home with Sir Joseph Ward in' connection with it lir. was at a loss to know. It was rather a peculiar coincidence, he said, that when last Sir Joseph Ward went Home, two years ago. Dr Fitehett also found it convenient to go with him. The Mackenzie County Council circularised other Councils having bacl-" country about approaching the Government with a view io having " fourths " of rents of pastoral runs paid over t( local bodies for the construction and eiaintenance of roads giving access t< these runs,, as owing to pastoral least lands being rated on a rental basis and not on capital value, in many cases the rates were exceedingly low. and quite insufficient to provide efficient roadine facilities. The North Otngo County C-ouncil on Wednesday agreed to support the proposal. Keen readers will note with satisfaction that, Adams and Co.'s midwinter mark down sale starts on Saturday ,26th inst. The firm have still kept to their policy of buying no joblines for s'ale purposes, preferring to offer their reliable up-to-date stock of drapery, millinery, etc., at remarkable low prices. The reductions m*rle are genuine and are especially significant of saving, because their ordinary prices are always very moderate. Country customers wishing sale goods will find that a letter addresed to Adams and Co., will bring a prompt reply, and that goods purchased will p-ivc every satisf-'ction. ' During this sale Adams and Co. will make special prices for all costumes and dresses .made to measure and can guarantee atisfaction:.. The annual show of the South Canteruury l'oultry ."society commences today, and it siiouki prove as attractive as any of its predecessors.. 'Hie JJrili .Mall was filled up witii pens yesterday, and birds were arriving lrom distant points all day. The pens are arranged jii double and quadruple tiers east and viest on the hour oi uie nail, an ai> r.nigc'uicnc wiiicn will ensure good illumination by the powerful gas-lights ill the evening, thougii not luuto so good as north and south arrangement by. day. The entries number about the same as last year, and there will be found in the pens representatives of nearly all the fancier's breeds. The art union (the tickets for which are the tickets of admission) should be 'a good help to the treasurer, as there are some attractive, pictorial and many other prizes offered. Among the pictures is one of the enlarged photograph of Caroline Hay on Jubilee Day—a fine picture itself, and the more valuable as a souvenir of a notable occasion.

There was only a moderate attendance at t'ie lecture given by Major Gumming in Wesley Hall last night, on "Java and. its People." The lecturer spent a few years in Java as chief offi.oor of a Salvation -Army Mission, and Lis description of the people was that of an observant man, and though his habit of anecdotal digression did not allow of his getting oyer much ground, he gave his hearers some highly interesting information, concerning certain phases of life in Java. A small island—about half the size of New Zealand —it-yet maintains a population of 31 millions, of whom about 87,000 are European or Eurasian, and SOO.OOO Chinese, the latter chiefly merchants, and some of them highly prosperous. He found the Javanese a pleasant people (except ir some of their personal habits) and' an iMtelU""iit - mif" as capable as the Japanese .if they were id von a chance t'> dovlo". ?'aior Gumminc has a .trood eye for the humirirous side of things, and he, afforded plenty of food for laughter in his doserinti'nns of tb.ings he saw, by his nuaii't exhibition of the village "headman" or town .Mayer's badge of office —a queer hind of head-gear. .Javanese and Chine.'" welding a>nl fim"'-"l customs were described: and the Mol..,mpfl>n priests —t.h" Javanese profess tl-*- fait'—'- — : 'i etr'-«L' f ""nl"'"liaf.ion. The Major evidently d-d fend work in Java, esoeeially by a more humane treatment, of the loners of the island, of whom there are unfortunately rnanv, 700 of them hoing now a*se"d>lnrl in one e«lnnv. Fr<—' first, t" T-'t the l<«-+n r cr l--e;>t his audi-o-ire well interested, and a vote of thanks was carried by hearty appbniso. 7vm< lo Ti"-k'"' c are If »1v to c-rry. ami are invaluable to all wiy, tVk '<- . c ;,itr. As !>' stimulating antiseptic f"" tin"throat they are unennallod. '2-i Tt is not enough to have <roorl clothes: you must wear them well. In «fc|io«words von must "se a TVP.. Corset. Of sill models t'<o T».D. is the n>"st deliVhtfnl. If confers that suggestion of rare distinction wbi'-b mark* *'•- cgentlewoTiuin. It, L'ives to an effective costume the nooossarv nole ef personnl qinlit.v tlie i-»fefina»>'e grace of style. Wear no other. AH stores sell it....

Silk elastic slnckiiH'R, Ivtiop i'H"R n" (1 :>'iklrts. "Wo lifvn Mi!-+ i-'-i-iv'l r n>'Maws. oF London, a fresh snpnV of the above lines. Maws silk clastic fnrMl.s arc ilio ltcsfc and most serviceable manufactured. Our pi-ices are reasonable, placing poods of the hi"hcsfc value within the reach of all. Tjcnnnrfl Ts. James, Dispensing Chemist. Timaru...

Wo recommend again the two perfect preparations for roughness of the skin. Icilma. cream for the face 2s 6d, Glvcola for the hands Is fid. You will procure these at Baxter's Pharmacy...

The cleaning and pressing plant has had no spare moments since Alfred J. Stephens (opp. Post Office) has advertised that he is cleaning and pressing suits and ladies costumes for six shillings, and the garments that have been cleaned and pressed, etc., have been exceptionally satisfactory, and have saved many persons from having to buy a new suit or costume. . Don't forget that you can iave thirty to forty shillings on a suit made to your measure (fit and style guaranteed) by dealing with Alfred J. Stephens, and you can save money by buying your mercery and clothing, etc., at the same shop. Pomember the address: Opn. the Post Office. ... Golf enthusiasts' and beginners are respectively requested to note that they cannot possibly do better than pay a call to Mr F. Tasker's sporting depot, where von can get a choice of only the verv finest quality of golf clubs at wholesale price. If you want a few of the best balls ever made get a few Dimples »+• Qtiw... For children's harking cough at nitrbt, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s 6d...

There was an excellent attendance at the Theatre Royal last night, when Sherwood's picture entertainment was again given, the pictures going without a hitch. The lucky seat competition was decided, and a Miss -Graham proved to be the occupant of seat No. 97, the winning number, and she was given the half-guinea prize. SY X 0 PSI Si) F WA I) VERT] SEMENTS. O'C'allaghan and Co.—Special sales for to-morrow. • ■ . Morton and Pearson —Sell mutton, produce, furniture,, etc., to-morrow. BaxVr's pharmacy—Fodd. value of olive oil. ! ('. S. Howard —Wants fresh- eggs and dairy butter. Odciie and Co.—Cure for coughs and colds. J. J. Grandi —Regalia lost, reward to finder. Adams and Co, —Sale opens tomorrow. MeGrucr. Da vies and Co. —Great bargains at sale. Lost—Gold brooch, return to this office. Bryant -and Co.—Extra special German sau^Jiii'.'s. Rust a-"! Co.—List of prices at winter sale. "Wanteds —Ten ; otices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13938, 25 June 1909, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13938, 25 June 1909, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13938, 25 June 1909, Page 4


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