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Mr Massev, Leader of the Opposition, is to deliver** political address at Temuka. next Thursday ngbt. The tenders for the Timaru Harbour Board's new wharf close at 10 o'clock this morning". The smoke concert of the Timaru City Rifle, will be held to-morrow evening. There will be an inspection parade of the corps on November 2nd. Mr Foley, of Studholme, lias a flock of ewes and lambs running in the paddock adjoining the railway station, which' are. looking very well; the percentage of lambs" is 130. The opening of the regular service on the Northern Main Trunk Railway has been postponed for a week till November 9th. The ceremony already designed of driving the last spike at Makotnke will take place at 8 a.m. on November ICth. The T.M.C.A. Rambling Club's outing to-day will take the form of a walk to the,.-reservoir.. By the courtesy of the waterworks overseer, Mr A. Beswick, the members will be shown over the works, and an enjoyable arid interesting afternoon is promised to all who attend. The party leaves the Association rooms, George street, at 2.30 p.m., and all young men are cordially invited. Mr, Sullivan, who milks Mr Mitchell's cows at Studholme, has been using the milking machines for two -seasons, and finds them very satisfactory. The young cows, take quite kindly to the modern method. He finds that cows that have been handmilked before are not so easily convinced 'of-the superiority of the new method, but soon get' to realise that objections, no matter how vehement, are useless. Several civil cases were called at '1 lie Magistrate's Court, yesterday, but only one was actually heard. This was » ease in which-AleWhirter and Sons tilted W. Fitzgerald, for £23' 10s 3d; «h J account of meat supplied. Mr JohanWit tSmiihson and Raymond) uppearedJlor plaintiff, for whom' judgment was given by default, with £2 I4s costs. Five oases were struck out, there. being no .-.ppearance of either party, and live were, adjourned. • :. -i '■■ A steady rain set in yesterday iiiornirig, and continued all day. It came from, an unusual quarter—-norlh-caist—whenc* rains- sometimes continue for a few days. The rain appears to have been heavier still about AVaiinaU-, and the fuR, was con- \ tinuous all the way to Dmiediri.'-.;, .':-The ! are again in flood. The following \\i Captain ..Edwin's forecast for lodtiy:— I " Winds strong to gale from the northward. ' north of Kaikoura and' Hokitika, ami easterly eVowhere; rain generally, heavy; barometer falling." Seventy-live previous .conviction*. Avas the record of a 'man named J. Hclcan, who appeared before the Magistrate here vesterday. on a- charge of: drunkenness. Sergeant. Bowman saiil that Helean had been very bad lately, and ho npplied for a prohibition order against him. The Bench warned defendant that, if 'lie went on like this, he would hu-c ' his. liberty for a considerable period. On (his occasion he would be lined 10s, and a. prohibition order .would b:i i*>ued against, him.

'Die annual meeting of (he Winchester Crickvt Club was held <n flic Library on Monday' evening. Mr ,1. Onie-.presided. The balance sheet showed the receipts li> be £5 17s and expenditure .04 12s, leaving 25s td credit. Mr T. Harrison-wan elected lion, secretary and trear-uretv The following were elected » eumjiiiUee s Messrs J. De KenK.v. Ja's. PatcrKonY .1. K. Doolan. -11. Opie, J. I'.' Kalnughcr, -Tolin Paterson, 'i\ Stone, mid Moore. It was decided that tho subscription 1»? 55% and tlie committee arranged to meet on the ground to decide ''.ap 'lu getting H ready for play.. ,' Thfc'opcHipg practice is to be held on Saturday. 24th October. A vqto of thanks whk.. passed to Mr Uoolau fo,r auditing . I hi? uccounfo. A'ulrnft Of money is to leave Timaru t>lu\i'tly—-not for investment An. England, but for the benefit of one, McCarthy, who will probably not yet be forgotten here. Mr Ciiugie. as cuWiudiun'-nf the which was subscribed im behalf of:' the blind man. by generou.* people here, litis received the following -letter., from tho Mayor of Wanganui: " I have your letter of the 25th ult., to which I havo delayed replying until 1 had an opportunity of (seeing McCarthy. He is quite willing to accede to the conditions you lay down, viz., that he Ik- paid tho money at tho rate of £1 per week, and 1 am prepared in my capacity a* Mayor, to act fin Truolec. Would you please let me havo the money at your earlktst convenience ?" A .southern fanner who passed through Timaru by rail to Christchurcli yesterday, \y«." heard to observe, as he admired the *plendid appearance of the country from the carriage window, that South Canterbun- farmers were going to enjoy another .grand season if one -tlr'ng, which lie feared, did not happen, namely, a strike of hands lin the middle of harvest. In nuhscquent conversation with a "Herald" reporter, the farmer said that such a strike would b? disastrous to the farmers. and ho feared it might hap|H-ti. iHcause tho farm hands, or a certain section of them, juid I6*t their case before the Arbitration Court, and the Government had taken no notice of their demand for . Icg'slalion t(> give effect to their de.sircs. The child that just "feels bad" and can't tell why. needs Steam'* Wine, the matchless and delicious tonic for children, renewing apjictite and aiding digectKm from the first, dose... Anglers, also tennis, croquet and cricket playors, will find at Cullmaim'B Hjmrtfl depot the be*t selection of high-prade- material* and equipment f<T Hie enjoyment of their outdoor pastimes. . We.advise an early inspection of oiir good*.by those who desire to tho bent equipment. All tennis and croquet materia!* n'rfc newly made for this *ea*on by Slfltsenger tnul Bon. New *tock latest 1908 terinia ball*..

Mr -A, W. "Martin, *»\« controller of Dr J. A. .method of curing niptui« without optriition. i- «»<•«' »> '*'• iii.ini, iiai.t iiiiiv Inr toiiMiltcd nl ITn> Kmpiiv Hole! till Thiirwlny ;ii 2 j>.'in, iMiffcicr.i Mil! <l<> well to will and jnvrsjlg.iie (hi* nut hod thiil cured mi will? cii>cs in NVu- Zealand. O'liMiltaliolis «r« Inc. Hours from 10 A.m. to 8 p.m. Send for two five booklets...

.Jtm t l.mded ;i I%' .-hipment. «f Iml if* d;uk t ;l n l.ootx and »hoe>. .Suiter'* Boot Depot. I.;ul.<V dark tan gLuv kid Mrap j.hi«-!. iii twin, triplet, crt*s aud trilby li.ii*. Al-o dark tan (jkuo kid l»e« and button k!iih.>, iuid Gibson tio shoes, in louitd !■*«, rn-dium toe", medium jxtinictl t*i-v, «nd jxfiiiud t«vs. W* will mak« tv window display of 1.v.1K-.t Un foot wear, in our liidifx window on Friday, October 21th. S„utor'« Duect Importing Hoot Depot...

Chamberlain's .Stoinncb Mid hirer Tablets ;!!■' purely vegetable, and contain BO inj;r,MiictiL t-.m in miy war l»* illjiirioui to th" in"-! delicafo iH-rKim. Their action i" ntihl ami wuih without, atiy «f ili« painful *eii»4ti<mft e.x|wrien<-ed by tm> n'w of I'ilin. Chamberlain's .Vlotn.tch arid I,'ivi-r Tablet* net a* ft ti.mii', iircnglntni lh<' *y«trm. dud »>»i>t the natural movement "of the buweln. F«r **le *rtrjwhere...

•■\VcM«i.»' Vi ppfiiiiint ('tire ap|K'.irM to biiiiK V.,ur ti-ob- amonjtoi. the »tnij,'K«-*t, I '.pnn" it won't cute •.verythiiiß!" "WdS. no," »*pl;ed sii« draggiiit. "It wont riire vvctything, al "•'leiut, t'liir-n I'm much mintak<n'" "What «'>n't it rure m man or Ix-ast!" b'aid btf t "It "uu'ltUf"? buvoUl".<t

Mr Craigie jret .decided . when. Be Trill open rds "political campaign. The Taieri and Penfeaula 3iilk Conipany'a creamery is running,daily at Studholme, and getting a good supply of milk. The first consignment of tront netted in Lake Aiexandrina by Mr Coomb and party, arrived. in Timaru by train on Tuesday* They were a very nice lot of 17, the heaviest weighing 14 lbs. In reply to,enquiries made yesterday, a reporter was informed that tin- Hon. W. Hall-Jones has not. up to the present, given any intimation »» to when he Brill pay bis promised vacit to Timaru. 3lr C. &* Wray, S.M., mentioned from the- Bench at Court yesterday, that Ire did not like to bee "account rendered" in civil claims. All particulars mtfet be _gtven. otherwise he would have to ■tart giving non-suits. The remnant of the Elginshire appeal* to have fallen over somewhat further towards the north, so- that the piec* of her starboard side i* nearly horizontal. It looks like the huge upper jaw of the open month of some great sea monger.

la view of the increaried cent of living, and on the recommendation of the «j----gineer, the Waimate County Council yesterday raised the. wages of its road men by 6d to 8s a day. and of tho»v who have to camp oat on back country roads, by Is a day.

The Waimate Town Clerk yesterday waited upon the County/Council to obtain their approval of the programme sketched out by the Borough Council, for the reception of His Excellency ths Governor on the occasion of hj» vi>h. to Waimate on November sth and 6th. The conference was held in committee, but it may be said that the arrangements made seem to be verv complete. A dbpkty of considerable interest to motorkts » now being made by Adams, Ltd. They have just landed a 20b.p. 4cyclinder Beeston Humber Motor C ar. This car is a magnificent specimen of highclass British workmanship, and it has been very much admired, and it is -admitted to be the finest finished motor car that has ever been landed in South Canterbury. The car has been specially imported to the order of 3lr J. Preston, of Oamaru. Adams, Ltd., advise that the car vrfll be on exhibition for a few days, and the public axe. invited to inspect. In addition to the above there fa also two 10-12 4cycL'nder Coventry Humbers in stock. Thi" little car is creating a sensation, and Adams, Ltd. report sales of two of these famous curs. The o.iVt of a 4-cyclinder Coventry Hornber. confirms the judgment of A damn. Ltd. in going right onfr on four cyclinder cars, for it is generally admitted that single and two cyclinder, which at the best are noisy, are a very poor substitute for the four cyclinder system. -The new 4-cyclinder 10-12 Coventry Humber car. giving ITh.p. R A. C rating marks a step forward in motor car construction... The Waimate High School Board of Governors met on Tuesday evening. Presetit, JDr Barclay (chairman), Rev. A. ilorrfaon. Means Orbell, Saunders, and. Hamilton. Messrs Becket and Inkster sent apologies. The chairman welcomed Mr Hamilton, the newly appointed representative of the Education Board. A notice ■was received from the Borough Council that His Excellency the Governor would visit the District High School on November 6tb, and it wae» agreed that member? shot-Id attend to welcome His Excellency. 3lr Menzies, headmaster Wahuna. school, asked the Board to request the Department to make Waimate a centre, for the •scholarship examinations, and the Board agreed >••» do eo. The nae of the Boards room was granted to the Technical Classes Committee for their meetings. Mr Pitcaithly. headmaster of the District High School reported 65 pupils on the toll ami an average of 59, and that the conduct and progress of thff Board's scholars were satisfactorv. He recommended that the boarding allowance be given to Mws Harris, to enable* her to live away from home to prepare for the teachers* examination, and the Board granted the request. The se«r> tary, Mr Graham, reported that he had went to the Board at Timaru eleven applications for examination for the junior, and seven for th* senior scholarship examination*. It was agreed that the rector be asked to draft a set of regulations governing scholarship* for the approval of the Board. Accounts amonntieng to £1 12* 7d were passed for payment.

The proprietors of the Cahx' Terrace Motor Garage had that their present premise* are not. enough to cop« with their increasing busine*.*. and hare therefore secured the large building known as the Old Colonial Bank Buildings in "Strathallan Street. This place has bs«n fitted up with, all the lattiwt improvement.-, as a most up-to-date Oarage, and from Saturday 24tb. thw new Garage will be at the disposal of South Canterbury .Motor-, ist*. Arrangement* can be made with' this rum for storage on lather daily, weekly or monthly term-. They undertake to guarantee -th* upkeep of their cars, and it would pay anyone interested to enquire for their charge*, which in all ess** will be found mwt moderate. Th?re will be on show at thii new Garage sample*, of the latent patterns of I)e Dion and Darrao] cars... Have you tried Souter's 4 tins of boot polish for Is. hi« the cheapest and best polish on the market. Money returned if first tin be not satisfactory. Souter, Live Boot Dealer...

We beg to remind our readers that at this season of the year Baxter's Or a nge; Quinine Wine should be in every household. For those who suffer from loss of appetite, it acts like a charm. One bottle will convince you of it» strength giving properties. Price 2s 6d from J. Baxter, Chemist and Photographic Dealer, Timor n...

Waiting fur the pain* to return—and waiting in vain is the happy experience of many rheumatic sufferers who have takm. Rheumo. Rheumo does not pose as a cure all. A.i do many of the largelr advertked remedies of which are •apposed to core all the illA the flesh w heir to, bat which in reality are mcrclr aperient*. Rheumo absolutely core* gout, tmnbago, and sciatica. it cleanses the system of all uric acid. This i* tho «nly proMblw method of cuiv. Hundred* have testified to benefit received. It will c«r» too. Sold by all cl»emi»f» and storekeepers, 2s 6d and 4* 6d per bottle... Woodi* Great Peppermint Cw» for Coughs and Cotda never fsile. I* hi •arfflaM. Mrs S. H. Walker, 230 Hnmffray st., Ballarat, Vic. write*: "Have mwrd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy f->r four year', and know it i* excellent. Have- found it moat beneficial. Can recommend it t» anyone. In fact hav* done so time?,, and it ha» accomplished good re•nits in every ca*e." For sale- everywfitr*... Trout fi.*b>-r* and t»nnp» p!.i_v<»r* will pteaue not* ****t Mr T.i«k-r. H.«rdyV j;ent for Tinm . .-••«* jn«t landed a fine a.»nrt taent of Haply'« frbinj; tarkle, including rod*, reel*, tinea, cast.*, flies, phantom*, wader*. gaff*, ny IWkv etc. Alv> a Irtv ol Slaxeneer'i tennis ractjirtu, including DobertT, K.G.M.. Special l>emnn. Demon, Remhaw. etc. Tbe new l.ilX (19C809! will be hire jp about a fortnight. . . . ' As mn»l if the- tennis olj-'j ara ii.ivtn? their opening d«y this w.-A. we miivipate their needing the 1908 9 tennis balls which are now on mnd. al-o racquets and net*, with cycles to orvey you there. Premier Cycle* £lO 10< to £ls. Grant Bro«., PLonograpb and Cycle Depot...

Mr FT." F. Morton announces this morning thai he ha s purchased the well-known auctioneering business of G. I*. Gerrie- and Co. The Dew Ln.«ineM" will be carried on under the name of H. F. Morton and Co. Mr Morton comes from Western Australia. The caretaker of the Old Men's Home desires to acknowledge with thanks, reading matter from Mrs Hart and Mrs Pigeon, cakes flora Mr I'. C. Olliver and the Pipe Band social, and a parcel of books from Mr A. Hoskens, Winchester library. Five cai'.-s of scarlet fever and two of typhoid were reported to the Wahnate Council in the last month. The fever cases were fewer than for some time past. Of the rive, two were from Makikihi, and ona each at Kaoctingjey Park, one at (Hunter and one at Hakateramea. Both typhoid cases were at Downlands, South road.

The entries for the Timaru Show next week total 880, a record, being ICO more than at, las* years show. Details are— Sheep 325 (a large increase), uorses 550, cattle 51, produce 124 (another large increase), pigs 24, dogs 26. Entries Lave come to hand from all parts of Canterbury, and a few from outside the district. So far the military events, jony troti and pony jumps have filled Veil, and more entries are expected. The prospects for a most successful snow are exceedingly good, fine weather being all that is needed to establish a full record. Mrs Hemsley Burnet, the hair specialist. « in Timaru to-day (Thursday), and may be consulted on hair treatment and goitre. Mrs Burnet's address for consultations may be obtained at either Mr James or Mx S'ommerville, chemists.... Zymole Trokeys strengthen the voice, preventing the irritation which follows a long strain on the vocal cords. They are invaluable to public speakers and eingers... AUCTION NOTICE. Special attention is directed to Mtssis T. and J. Thomson's salvage sake. Messrs Jonas and Co. are selling by auction absolutely .without reserve, all lines pertaining to an up-to-date drapery stock. i SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . C.F.C.A.—St. Andrews sale to-morrow. N.M. and A. Co.—Blacksmith's befciness for sale. H. F. Morton and Co.—Have purchased Gerrie"* auction business. T. and J. Thomson—Auction bale of drapery to-day. Kernohan, McCahon and Co.. Ltd.— White Wedgewood crockery just landed. Penrose's drapery—Contract prices for linoleums. Ashburton Show—On November 4th and sth. entries due 24th inst. Wadsworth and Co.—Groceries for the breakfast table. Levels Coantv Council—Want ]munnkeeper and ranger. Miss M. Dall—Opened confectionery Hay's buildings. Timaru City Rifles—Smoke concert 23rd inst., parade 2nd November. Hon. Hall-Jonts Election Committee— Meet this evening. Cannon's Silver Grid—Frith Bnh daily. R. and R. Glover—Sets of d : abolo % at 2* 6d. Mrs W. Smith and family—Thank* to ail friends. Mr MatJin—Notice of addresses to electors-. Palmer and Kedzli?—Coach painters, blacksmiths, etc. John Jackson and Co.—Houses to let. Gerrie and Co.—Notice re outstanding icronntr. Wantetk—Three notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13731, 22 October 1908, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13731, 22 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13731, 22 October 1908, Page 4


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