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Mr W. H. Williams will open his ejectioneering campaign as a. candidate, for < the Gornldine sent,"at Temuka, to-niininv night.

The- police require an owner for a gold

bangle found early Inst week at the north end of the town'ami taken by the' .finder to the jwliee. station.

A voivth named Edward Bomrifaee was committed for trial at Gisborne, on Saturday on a charge of burglary at Orniond. Tiie principal evidence was that ol a tingerprint. on a. broken window. * 'Hie locomotive drawing the. for the north on Saturday* broke down at Goodwood and the train wan over an hour late in arriving at Timaru. A Timaru golf team which had an engagement against Temuka watt a little inconvenienced by the'delay.'" " 1 have never seen the country*' in the Levels district lookiiig Iwttcr than it is at the present time. The crops and grass arc growing lapidly. ami' the country looks "grand." So said a farmer belonging to Lewis Yall-.-y' who was in town rm Saturday.

Owing to typographical errors the marvellous growth of no license Kentiment in the United Stales of America did not, fully appear in the no license column on Saturday. The following are tlh> correct ligurex:--In 1870 3,000.000 people lived in no-liccnsc areas; 1880, 7.000.000 |mm»ple lived in no-license areas; 1390 IV (500,000 people lived in. no-liceaw area*,1900 18,000,000 people lived in nn-licens* areas: 1908 over 40,000,000 people lifts ii» no-license (tresis. Mr William Stewart, who for the p.i*c 13 months has acted as stock agent for the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agencv Company, in the Pleasant. Point-Fail-lie district, has resigned that, position to reside on hi* property at Otekaike. On Saturday he was met by the whole, of the Loan Company's staff, when Mr White, the manager, "expressed the company's regreat at losing his eeiviees. mid referred to his many good qualities. On behalf of the vtaff lie picsented him with a caew of pipes as a memento of his connection with them. Mr Stewart in replying, thanked tlain for dicir present and recognition of hi- services, and expressed his" regret at having to leave them. H* .-.!>:.» -.poke highly of the qualifications of hi-i successor, Mr Alex. McP^f-rson. n . mergeiley Mei-ling of the Titnarn Hand t'ontes! tee has been C'llh'd for 4 ./clock today at Messrs Hnliiley and Son's offices i'u Hay's building to consider the advisability of running a spe-

rial irain to A»hhiirton at the e.meliiM..n of flie l<<t iftiiijvlilimi. Tim secretary ha* rec.iv.-d a leti.r from tin* WniniaU' Hr.i« Itatid .'l.vtpfii'jf the eommiltrc'w invitation 10 t.»ki? pan in tin* proc.-.>.sion on Labour Day. This will make iliivt.vii Vmmls in •1..-' ;m>l possibly fourteen if t!i« b.ind of If.M.S. Kmount.r also afcrtjtu sin invitation, whhh will Im extemk'd on thi. arrival of the man-of-war by the Mayor. With the arrival of thix ship lh.> foMivitiV.i -will. »'• ';• >:•>'. \x>\fUi ■""' •liin.ii 11 will be n lively phuc from Monday linli! Thursday. A .speeial piiz." in the shape of ;i handsome >ilv<T limtmteil (itnihii'tor's baton has b.en received from M.-.V.IS ('has. I'«'«K ami C... Tlio two I>unt'<lin bands will arrive by the firM expr.-.-s next Monday nn«l the hind bv the Mioii'i expires the same <lay.

The l.vtl l(.-n Mai in.' I'.ind will be down by tb.- semnd ex|ne*s on .Monday, (lift K!if.> bv the (is-t '.-xpre-s on Tucsdiiy and ih,. l'.hiff Xaval l'.and by (ho firKt ex pr<-.«> <>n Tue.-lay or probably on Mondav. 'lh- two A-libmton bands .no still wh.-n thev will be lifi*-. 1( de|M<iid« *om what on the jb-ri'Snn of (lie rommi'l.e with regard to th<> •■pr.iil, litit in any <-.!■.<• will be four band* b.-ias on Monday for the ..polling of dm unln <<.m;:e(itO'ii»' a( the 'fln-alio Koyal. Mr \V. Cot. Hmntfray Mi'.et, o.iU.iim». Vie., wiite*: "I hav,. b.<n :i ;;('at Mill

rr.-r fiom rhnmnlJ.-m and having obl«in r.i (he i;r<-.-il<->f N-)x f bv ihe tl"- of ' 'bamberlain". I'ain Halm l" .aim..) i.|*-al; t"" b.-jbly ••( n Wb-never I »«-<-| ili«» rhr«

mil!. j»ain»; on. I give the .iflVetol pais* a i> «' appli. alio.'iv and it- alnay* arrets lb.- ait:..'.. I S.iu.w j-ev.ra! )>-n. pb> who Info il-*-! ( hambeilaii.V I'ftin jialm Mid ihrv .-.!) vp- al; .[, (he }iijtln-«t prai-ev r.( il " I'or r\l<- «ven'U in-rr .. f-'oret, btirnn ulrcr?. »]><-«< lily rur«l Willi " K«v! { , ii.«»" Obitmriit. V-oulliM «iu4 U'uU. 1« 6tl fill tl<itb'ri. ...

T. J. Carter, a pork butcher at Palmerston Xortn, was arrested on n "»y morning on a charge of the larceny of SO rams valued at £4l. the property »f L. McKenzie. Acensed was remanded on hai] till next Monday. The burglar* who broke into Mr Tomer's house recently stole, among other things, Mr Tnrner's hand bag, which had his- "name on it in rather large letterer. The bag was evidently used to tarry the other article* away.

The annual social gathering in connection with the Tenmka Presbyterian Church will be held in the Drill Hail or Thursday evening. Tea will Ik* held at 6.50 p.m. "and the concert wil lie commenced at 8 o'clock.

The Rev. Father Tubman has met with a. very generous response to his social appeal for fund.* to augmnent. The stun in band for the erection of a new church. On. the last two Sundays the congregation has added in the aggregate-, nearly £4OO to the new church fund.^

Mr T. Lonigan, who has been connected with the- Christchurcb shop of Messrs JBalbutyne ami Co. for-many years and has been transferred to tba fimis Timaro biancb. wa* presented with an easy chair hv the- lady employees of the Cbristchurch shop ' At the nvmthlr meeting of the directors of the Pioneer Terminating Building N<ciety nn Friday evening, it was decide.l to hold a public meeting at Fairhe snorth- for the purpose of explaining the object* and: working of thet society. The director* allotted a farther 90 shares in the Xo .3 Group, the fin* appropriation for which was held"last month. Mr" J Cullman had th« misfortune to ait with an accident as he was driving „ut north yesterday. Just after bs had driven down the hill near the f "•*""" Freering Works, approachmg \\aebtlyke, hi, horse became fractious, and setting t„ work with a will, it smashed the trap to <«eli an extent that it had to be leit where it was, and Mr Cullman was severely bruised and shaken.

Mr Felix Tanner, of •'»*" and "fa<dhw- fame writes to an Auckland paper tSit he i- wiUing to undergo a long fast in \acfcland. under the strictest, medical supervision to prove that a few ounces ot pure water dailv. >s all that is required for a long fast* and that if fresh water U not procurable, as U often the ca«e with shipwrecked crews, «lt water baths wul »nffi». * he water being , j throngh tlie- ports of the skin and admined as fresi water.

P.unholdeis in the Mackenzie Country are imtf turning their attention to restocking theic runs ami alreaSy sonic UK.«san.fc< of sheep have been sent to the hill country to replace those which were lost as a result of the snowstorm. A lunhoUler who was in Timaru on Saturday informed a "Herald" reporter that he" bad lost about one-third of his theep through the snow. He took a very optimistic view of the- matter, stating thai af t«r the -fat " years lately experienced Sh.-y could afford- a* bard year wiihout feeling it very much.

The contract for the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association's new building was signed on Saturday by Mr F. I). Crampton. The contract price is €l4 500. Tbe tenders ranged from £14.500' to £21,800, the latter price being received from a Dunedin man. The next highest tender was from a Christcburch contractor, this being over £IB,OOO. Mr Crampton intends-to make a *rrut with the erection of th« : new building to-mor-row. 'He it at present living about -sue mile* from Fairlie where" he has "a large farm, but he:has a capable foreman (Mr B. Moriarty;. who is in charge of hi* town ■work. . Speaking on Satuhlay of the price of wool at Home,.Mr J. Mundell *aid tlw report* were very conflicting, but *» tar a/he could judge, half-bred and wool had-improved to the extent of » farthing to a half-penny per lb-gaing br the opening sales. He wot opinion that fine crossbred would also be up from an eighth to a farthing per lb, but coarser grades appeared to have gone hack a little. A:rpleasing feature of the sales was that all countriw seemed to be buying, ami this indicated a »oumh»ess in "the market. Mr Mundell added that he believed we would see wool going steadily up this season, not perhaps to an high price* a* were ruling before tbe drop, hut up to a fair paying price. •U a meeting of tbs Otago Motor Car Association hist week Mr J. P. -M. Fraser said that his attention had been drawn to what- was unquestionably a case of reckless driving. He would auove—--iThafc the attention of the South Canterbury Motor Association be directed to recent reckless driving within this district, a practice tending to motor car owners into public disfavour ami to provoke oppntaive local legislation; and that a copy of this Miiolution be forwarded to the gentleman implicated." Then* wis no excuse. Mr Frxser said, for fast driving, and those who drove carefully ought to be protected from shell practices oa the part of others. The chairman napported Mr Fras*r*s remarks, and said he had taken particular notice, and had i" raiiablv found that file offenders came from some other district. In Canterbury awl in Wellington motorists were allowed to travel at a very much higher spied than they were heir. A number .ailed to mind "two instance* iu which llunedin motorist* had been lined for driving :>t a high *pred i" Cbri.tcliur.-h. Tlie mot. n ww carried unanimously.

It is worth a. .Wat to lie -ute thai. vou need not be tortured by h. adache You will kti..w i h*. ; »f yon hav- a Ux of .Stearns Headache Cur.- at hand. 1..r H suj*» all headache; .jnickly. ... Th»» e/'Ugh tint. i< contracted ill th? winter, and which continues through the spring and summer, nearly alwa-ya imti- ! rates .tome throat or lung trouble, and A-uoUl not W neglected. The ordinary a-ough. nvdirine- may fooiho the thro-tt. but it bat* not tin- pow r to heal. Recovery U not rompl.-v. and a «.-cond attack is more liable to follow. V.u cannot p-t_ a better medicine for ...ughr. of th't. .1. lion than rhanihertoinn Cough Remedy. Chamberlain's Cough R-m.tly n an <x cehVtjt medicine for all ihrott ami lain* trouble, for it- nor only rootli-n t!- irritation, but it heals the arfcc.e.l parts, and leaves tl*»m in a healthy loomtioit. that tl*-- danger "f a second ■tiuk l. r--woved. For sih- everywhere. ... When Tonr throat >* Hry and hr&ky. a Zttftuta Tniketr will relieve that disagreeafat* feeling- * Zymol* Trokey* give the Month a cleansed *aa«i refreshed »eusation... The "Lawrence-Kennedy OiJli-s" Milkinff -Machine- i* the very «i*m> «f a la u!r, r .«ver. A. T. Peters K-,. M.Uapu. writ*"*- "I nave vs *'* ,nr ' e '•••"•• , '. machine'', wilting 123 row., and requiring ih* Wp of two ami myself. Thrt herd i< put. Utrough in alx.m thiee •lioam with tl« niaihilies.-by half! I idinald w:wt aix>ut five men besides rovself. Th*re i» n>* the «lrudg<ry whuh milking U by hand, and 1 do n-t think anvone wonld <ar.« to ki. k to handMilkinK usi.U ««k- iii-v-hiuw." Kvrn if voa don't n>|uire a roaehin* j»»t >.ou\ wr»te for prtiruLir* to .!. It M.irKwan ami •'» l- l,! . A(J r,,,,!, > I'mt^hii...

Mr Pircaithry, headmaster of the Waimate District High School,.is to inspect the schools in the. south end of the district, in consequence of tin- illness of Mr .1. G. Gvw. chief inspector.

Mr M. Hcrrold. for the p«=t eight years manager of the Xapier branch of ihe New "Zealand Insurance Company. h:av itceivrd notice of hi* promotion ti> the management of the company'* branch at Buenos Avrew.

The October number of "Good Cheer." is just to hand. This capital journal has now made its sixth appearance, and rheie is every indication that- tin- proprietor intend ?i to Ik; worthy of the Dominion. In it there t* something for every ineinIxr of a household, and the tone of the whole publication is <»f a high order. Ladies are particularly well catered for. Vidtor- to th- country note that a rapid change ha.* taken place in it? appear anU of late. The pasture-, are now all blight green, and the young wheats are looking well-with an exception. of the paddocks on rt:-ep *I«l>«« '" «* downs were very badly scored down to the clav bv the flood: into gutters thatwill make rough work for the harvesters, —machines, horse, and drivers. 1 here b a good percentage of to be of en in most cases, jfnd the youngsters appear to bs strong and healthy. Tha Chine.,:- in Australia, wlto are well aware, apparently, that, an education testis to b_- applied in Xew Zealand on and after October 23rd. are Hoc-kings to this country. The three intercolonial steamer which arrived last week: brought 4>> China*, including 50 new-com«s v who paid a total of £SCOO in pr.U tax. Ihe previous week the alien arrivals numbered 24. mostly newcomers. It ui reported that, there are more Chines- waning in Australia to end»ark far" Xew Zealand than the steamers -can carry-. . The vessels at* allowed to bring only one Chinese paseenger to every 200 tor„s of net tonnage. The 'T.vUelton Times"' quotes as an ligation" or the high rates- charg.-d or. the Lvtielton tailwHV. the experience of the Rev. \V. J. L. Closs. who has just removed some of his furniture to Christchurch from Ipswich. Queensland From Ipswich to Brisbane by river js twentyfour miles. Brisbane to Sydney 502 miles. Svdnev to Lvtielton 1374 miles, a "total of 19C0 miles*. From Lvtielton to Christ - church the distance is sir and a half miles. The six and a half miles charge by train was almost, 25. per cent, of the total charge. Mr Closs had to pay 15s out of every pound for 1910 miles, with several handlings of the goods, and 5s for sir and a half miles, with one handling, i .

Mr A. ('■ Thompson, foiuierly of ihii town, juiesed eouth l.y the first express on Saturday. -He has bought a- block of Queensland* land, and sjieaka very highly of the l climate and >m\l there. Mr Thompson fiays that there arc* large numbers of men .looking out for land in Queensland. On one train by which he travelled there were »r. fewer than fifteen of his- fellow jusseugers oil on lh* search for land. All the colonies-were- represented—North Island. South Island. \'ietoria. Wist and South Australia, ami New S'onth Waifs-. Mr Thompson in.-'nd.-calling at -Timaru again, and will be glad to eee any of* bis old friends, who may intend to the- watc-r in quest of laud, and give thc-m all th« information that the.y Mr Thompson certainly looks as though the- country agreed verv well with him.

A comparative statement of com of, harbour works, carried out by day labour and by contract, was furnis-hed by the act' to ihf Auckland Harbonr Board last week. He stated that comparing Freeman"* Bay north wall with the Railway Whaif. the Board's work erst- 4s lid per cubic foot, as against 4s Li per cubic foot at the Railway Wharf. Compared with street Wharf. the Board's work would, of course, show considerably in its favour. Having regard to the difference in the nature of ilh l work, ihe wharf having larger surface to work upon, he was sure tlie result, so far, mijrlit be as satisfactory, and if the Board's work had been of the character of Queen street Wharf it would have (•hewn a very much lower cost. , The "chairman said lie intended to recommend the Board to undertake the construction of the second section of Quw-n fiirc-ef. Wharf in ferro concrete itself, and if ilifBoard decided to do so. it would require soine thousands of tons of cement. Mrs K. Gadd. 307 Madras-st.. North Christchurcii, N.Z., writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most valuable medicine. I sell a lot of it in my shop, and it is used in my home. I have recommended it to several people and have never known it to faiL There is no question but what it is the foremost cough medicine sold in this district." For sale everywhere... Skin trouble*, chilblains, cracks and chaps relieved immediately with " Ited Cross" oiutmriit. Is 6d chemists and grocers... Sandals and jdino-eites fur the children stocked in white, tan and black. I.a<ed slMv-ettes and button i-hoe ettcs. the sea son's m-w styles, at SotitcrV Shoe Store. j T\f shop f»r sandal*—all sizes in stink. I J. W. Soutvr. the live hoot dealer. ...

Wood*' Great Peppermint "Cure for Coughs and Cold* never f»il*. 1* M tod & 6.1...

Angler*, aI.-:o tennis, cro.piet and cricket players, will find at CulliiianuYt t.portß dfjiot the best selection of high-grade materiak; and equipment f«.r tlw* enjoyment of their outdoor paotime.>i. We advise an early inspection of our goods by those who desire to the best equipment. All teunir, and croquet materia!*-, ar.- newly made, fur this w-wm bv Slazenger and Son. New sto.k labst 1003 tennis balls..

The <abl.« n.-ws arrived on Sat- j urday uM'.ntiug shows the motoring world j tiiat" the Darracq is the most, reliable i and ono of the >pewdict-t motor cars in j the universe. The Isle of Man raci is j organised by the Royal Automobile Club i of Kngland to test tho car most suitable j for ordinary touring purposes-, and the . ears used arc ordinary >-ized stock car*, ami not t.|*fia!ly built for racing purCertain dinKusions wero given for the size of tiie and as these wre 4 inil»»« for the diameter of each cylinder, thci car had to be an 18 brak.- horse jrf.wer. The second and third cars were narrac<|"> of the above size, and exactly similar to two cars jurt landed, one for a j Timaru g.-ntlemau and tlh> other for a \ Chriistcliurch lady. Tli.- first mentioned of i these two cars js now on view at our I Timaru garage. Tho above result. U j mo<t convincing that, when it conic* to I ordinary t*tock car-, and not tan. socially prcp-ifd for lacing purpose, t!».- | r«o| lea<U tho world. Wo tako tliis opI (tortunitv of letting th.- motorists <.f Ti j martl an'd Mtrrounding districts know that. I a» wo ar«- al«mt to move into a new and lari;. r i.'. 1 ,v 0 ' ,:IVO :v f " tt " t ~ r ' "'"'" I hand cars which w.- ate pr.-parc.l to sell iat ridiculously low figures, in or.'.-r to mak.- room for liru- hhipriKtitr;_ •■! iv-vr pattern car*, whith w<> hav,> atrivin:,'... I A liitlo fon-thoitsht- may «av«- you no end of trouble. Anyone who mak-- it a I m!<- t" keep filling r!..m\ t'ohc. Ili.dcr.i land |l.iiril..»v l:«-iifdy at- hind knows i thi« to be a (■><;■ For s .!.. i-v- ! 0|»-iiiiu- of th- T-nms S,-.a-..i.. W'have - -lid'""-"' " { 'folic*' 1.-|iiii« I"h.'. and !■.•"-. al»o K i-Htle I IMU.* i™, s I !.. -h- - W. i: ...c rmVe to i.- ..!.• ..!l Mm.. 1-ot- ami Ul.--. uhi.-h «•- >-H. wU.ther ihcy liaic : rul.U-r ..ot« or . I.roru.- -d.-. S.utn > ; Sh— St-r- the -li»p ! " r *'"•'' \ wear. W.- do n»t --ell liOili-.t.-. t. inn • MiaiN etc : «<" dcv..le all our f. and .1. W. S.nt-r, :i.e j Uit-y !'.'•<•• >hop .

The Auckland Harbour Board has received tenders for a new stationary suction diedger. and tlir- lowest, was that of Messrs Fleming and Ferguson, at £ll.■151). "Stationarv" doubtless means that ihe -dt.dge will "discharge into pontoons 'n-teitd of into a hopper. They are alxo to ireeive t-.-ndri ; f«Ji- .t ladder dredge. The latest addition to ih.- ephemeral literature of tk- Dominion is a lit:.!? monthly mii?c<-llany. entitled ••'l'll-? Hole in the Hill." rpecfally devoted to the- en-gine-ring and other industrial worki--. and the social life of the Dtira tunnel driveio. The editor in an unnanird M.-mebody at Otir.i. and his .iiilorial Kit gathei.s in a wide- v;tri-ty tif odds and ends, new and old. local and general, grave- and gay. The little magazine is well prinlnl. with phoio-hh.i-k illustrations, at Ohruitchurch. When your throat i= dry an.l .husky, a Zymole Trokey wiil relieve I hat disagreeable feeling. Zymole Tmkeys give the mouth a cleansed and refrr-ihed lietcation. ...

For cycles (now or. second-hand), phonographs, records, tennis raequete and halls, togetlK-r with repairs, ifc would pay you to call on Grant Bros., Premier Cycle Depot, Stafford 6treer-. . . .

Trout fishers and tennis players will please noU> Mr Tasker, Hardy"s agent for Titna:.. _cis just landed a fine assortment of Hardy's fishing tackle, including rods, reels, lines, casts, flies, phantoms, waders, gaffs, fly books, etc. Also a line of Slazenger's tennis racquets, including Doherty, K.0.M., Special Demon, Demon, Renshaw, etc. The new balls (1908-09) will be here in about a fortnight. . . . Eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, or cracks cured quickly with "Red Cress" ointment. Is 6d ev.'rvr.'here. .. .

The superior quality and excellence of the pianos imported and sold by the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. has just been demonstrated .in' the most emphatic manner. During tlie past official:year 600 pianos were imported into-.' Dnnedin, and 500 of "sold by the Dresden. Tc other,iwords; the -Dresden' sold 'SOO pianos by • two .(ither concerns. Xo other .-piano house- can sjmw-. such - a record. ; Tne -i----maru branch; o'f thia'. unrivalled firm Las a magnificent stock of Lipps, Broadwoodfi, Ronisch's, Collard and other firstclass makers. 7hese four makes represent the best markets of the world. All the latest up-to-date music jt; kept, in stock. Orders erecnted within '8»...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. James Blr.ek—Notice re cii.iy .ijg. Lest —A collie flog. A. L. Applegartb-"-Sunshade <"'"> i::ii!ji>. Pattillo—-'The Bridal PhotograV^r." U.S.S. Co.—Notice to sugar in iio.ters. Penrose'- —Fabric gloves and *.ui:shades. Mark Higgins—Bicycles at £l4 It s. T. and J. Thomson—Season's <lr-:cs good.s. S.'A. L. and M.A. Co.—Appointment of stock agent. Scon's—For cycle requisites - . 0. -Bowker—Hou,-e U» let "t A.»'r'maitaiiai. F. Medlicotl Tlianks for sympathy. Trinity Church—Organ reeit.ii T:>. tr,day night. '&. Mary's Young- Men's So-_-ity —Meeting to-night. Ooveinment. Life Irx>uran<v L'« ] •>' iircnt —Lost policy. Town Clerk—Tenders ' .»• i.: thing maehiiit-.s.

Tomuka Presbyterian Clmrjli-- ' initial social October Bth.

Stud notices— O'adstoiie. Ci- ■.(:•-• Ma »'- Broadk-af. and King Seddon. .Wanteds—Four uolina;.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13716, 5 October 1908, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13716, 5 October 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13716, 5 October 1908, Page 4


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