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Mr J. Neeson, who, som* months- ago, met with a serious accident through being ihrown from a cab, has now resumed hi* place on the cab stand. Leslie Q'Callaghan and Co. advertise a final reminder that Mr W. AC Morgan's clearing sale takes place to-day at 2 v p.ui. at bis residence, LeCren street, oil Wai-iti load.

Two .youths were- arrested on the, Fairlie train yesterday afternoon, ami • will be charged to-dav with breaking and entering a hut at Papakaio, and stealing uiouey and a watch therefrom. To attend the inspection parade ordered for October 29ih at Rangitata would be highly inconvenient to the voluntas of Timaru, but there is a probability that the date of the- parade will be altered itoai the date named—which is Timaru Show Day—a# a special train will I*? re uuired to convey the volunteers to Rangitata, aod it b" hardly likely to be available on Show Day. Mr W. Lmdsay, of Hannaton, lias been declared "elected to the seat of the Kdu cat too Board rendered vacant by tbe death of the Rev. G. Barclay. The poll was taken thre* weeks ago, but in accord«nce with tht provision* of tbe law it not till vesterdav that the result was announced a* follow*: —W. Lindsay 88 Totes, H. Meredith 58, J. Borrie 28: total vote* cart, 154; informal. 4. Mr A. Bell acted a# returning officer. A rather unusual ca-«- or ,et casts "waa mentioned at this Magistrate* Court her* yesterday, this being in tl»<i nature of a number of claim* under ih« Contractors «*nd orkmen % Lictii Act. Mr Kmsiks ou behalf of Hunt and Werry and H. Berry, and Mr Walter Shaw pu behalf of uo other plain; tls. applet to have the hearing of certain claim* adjourned for a fortnight. Mr Knwlw -x plained that, the claim* wetv all against U. S. Cray an, proprietor of a building for tbe erection of which a Mr Black was tbe contractor. Black had let sub-con tracts to the four plaintiffs and m the aub contractor# were unable to get their money from him they were claiming against tlie proprietor, as in law they were entitled to do. Mr Km*lie »aul that audi claim* mwt be brought within 60 day# of the completion of the subcontracts, and the present proceeding* had beeu commenced sotm- wrrk* ag". lu the meantime the original contractor had finished his contract, the Act the pmpntor mmt Iwld back 2b i*r cent, of the total contract money for 30 days after the completion of the full contract, to protect any possible claims of subcontractors 'lbe time for the payment oi this 25 per cent, would not. be up tor a fortnight, awl until the expiry of this tiow the Court had t» jurisdiction to give judgment against the proprietor, though it was compulsory (or the plainto bring their c.«*-•" U-(..rr she Court in order to make th-ir claims g<«d. Before the expiry of the fortnight tie? Biooey would probably be paid orrr t«» tbe *uh-contractor*, and there would then be no necessity to ent«-r up judgment. Mr <Shaw eruiorvfd the»e remarks on behalf *f <h« client* lie rrnreneoted. aiu! Hi* Worship »djourned the case* a* ptktd.

The _Strathmore school for girls reopens on the 22nd inst. The Timaru Marine Band will hold a basket social at the Assembly Rooms on Tuesday next. The Te Kara Tennis Club, liold their annual meeting on Monday next at Hutchison's Rooms. The committee expect to tee a large attendance. ■ The New Zealand Flourmillers' Association have reduced, the price of bran to £4 16s and polldrd to £6 per ton. ; At the band contest, committee li'voeung la*t evening, Mr W. Beckingham was referred to publicly for the first time in-his new rank as " lieutenant-coloneL"' At a social last evening Mr Hurdley announced that the floating of Mr H. B. Kirk's brick, tile and pipe wor£s into a limited liability company was almost completed ; in fact another week would, see everything settled satisfactorily. Talking yesterday of the transfer of a perambulator factory from Christchurch to Timaru Mr Craigie happened to remark that "babies are a crying want at any time." and the company accepted this as a good double entendre.

" What- about Gisborne?" cried late northern resident, when the chairman of the Harbour Board was giving a luncheon - party yesterday a comparative statement of the growth of the shipping trade of Timaru and other pom. The reply came promptly. "I am only : dealing with the * principal * jiorts."' I The prospects of the South C'anterbury Dairy Company are said to be particuiarly bright for the coming eea»on. . Several of the creameries are in operation, and it is expected that all the creameries will be going in full ewing by the end of the month. It is the intention of the Company to have an "open day"' at, the main factory shortly, when the public will be invited to attend and be initiated into the mysterks of pasteurising riiilk and converting it into butter. The Skating Rink Committee announce ihat the season will cloee on Thursday next with a carnival. A complete change of programme is being arranged, which will include a number of attractions that have not hitherto been placed before the public in a skating rink in Thnrau. The full programme will be published in a few days, and as it is by special request that another carnival is to be held, the committee are anxious to make it a fitting finale to a very successful and enjoyable season. The C.F.C.A. are making their seasonal display of trout-fishing outfits, so that ample time is given for looking out new stocks and making renewals to the anglers' kits. This year the numerous lines are ou view at the old rooms, and Mr C. Malthus who is in charge will be found to the left of the main entrance. It will be remembered that the C.F.C.A. started in a moderate way, but have been so successful that this season they have an exceptionally choice arid complete stock. In this will be found such a variety of tackle that no one should go away dissatisfied; and the prices vary as much as the goods. The rods run from 10ft. to 15ft. in length, from greenheart to Hardy's built cane, and the finish of all is exceptionally neat. Lines' 30 to 100 J?et. are of pure silk (Alcock's besH. do » n to linen, and are fine enough for the most expert fly caster and strong enouph for the troller who holds with the grip of death. Latest improvements are shown in reels, from the plain brass at. a few shillings to the two guinea Alcock, the ventila.ed drum of the later beir>-{ now popular. For the big rivers the kill devil Jk-vons (gold and silver) provide a perfect specimen, while the soleskins (numerous colours! from 000 to 2, should be found first-class for the other rivers. All the minnows are on double gut, with strong but small'-Jiooks. A new line in spinners for live bait has one hook atright angles, and this should prove a complete hold-fast. The gut for heaviest traces is this year reduced in price, 21s as against 30s last year, and is of splendid quality. Hercules fly casts run from or to salmon, and have always proved the very best to use. Both trout and salmon ! flies can be got in nine sizes (5 and 4), and their dressings are excellent. Nets _ (caiiapsible frames and knuckle joint), basket*. British Rubier Co. waders, brogues (in leather and canvas), gaffs, and ' fly books (the latter with clin*. felt, and compartments for soaked casts), make up stock'"that is very complete, and all is ! eutitvly , new. Mr Malthus anticipates a J good year, as last season he "cleared the lot." 1

When your throat is dry and hnpky, a Zyniole Trokey will relieve that disagreeable filing. Zymolo Trokeys give the month a cleaned and refreshed sensation... The mi potior quality and excellence of the pianos imported and sold by the Dresden Piano Co. Ltd. has jurt. been demonstrated in the most emphatic manner.

During the past olficial year 600 piano* wera imported into Duhedin. and 500 of tlie>e were sold by the Drwulen. In other' words the Dresden sold 500 pianos during the past financial year against 11/) by two other concerns. No other piano house can show such a record. The -i----niaru branch of this unrivalled firm has a magnificent stock of Lipps. Broad woods, Ronisehs. Collard and other fin-t----clasH makers. 1 hese four makes represent the best markets of the world. All the latest up to-date music kept in stock. Orders executed within <8 hour*... Angler.", also tennis, croquet ami cricket players, will iiud at CullniannYi 6jM>rttt d.-|K>t, the best selection of high grad.- materials and equipment f<>r the enjoyment of tlh-ir outdoor We advise an early iiuq>ection of our g«wtds by those who deniro to pnssws tbe liest e<|uipnient. All tenn«> and croquet materia'* are newly made for this season by Slazenger and Son. Xew stwk latest 1908 tennis hall's.. Woods' ttreat Peppermint Cure for Cough* And Colds neVer fail*. la 6d and 6d... v Mrs L. Peters, Miramar, Wellington, XZ, says: "I can safely reooxmifc-nd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to anyone suffering from pair* in the stomach. A few days ago tuv little boy, aged 6 yean;, wan Mitlermg agony with"this complaint. I only gave him a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and ho wa* Mmn well and has not l»*en troubled Mint-. I think this remedy should be kept in every home." For sale everywhere... If you are in need of a cheap bicycle go to (Jrant Bros., as Saturday the 19th is tin* finish up of their sale of B.S.A's. from £lO to £l2 10s. Phonographs and records kept in stock, with new tennis material t«» arrive during Ihe week. Grant Bros., Chri«tchurch and Timaru AKOTHER TRIUMPH FOR RnEITMO. Mr William Hercomb of St., is a well known Wellington business man. Read how RB F.UMO cured bim of Rheumatic (souU He writes:—".January 7th, 1908. For many ytar* 1 roffered with rheumati.* gout, and during that time took various medicine* recommended to cure, but, 1 regret to say with very little effect. Some time ago RHKt-MO ww brougbfr under my notice by a friend and at his earnest solicitation 1 decided to try a bottle. 1 did so, and f«wling better, decided to take another. Tbe result w*« surprising and I am pleased to say that I am now well." Try RHKUMO. It will cure you. AD »nd »«or*«. 2a M aru! 4a M x„ old W..rlil h.»s Iwcn gr;»n/lrr Tluil that of Miss I.alia Mar.Uid.i. Sh-- sang " Rigfdetto" Without a falsetto, A champion sinircr t hev htr! \o voii-p could l>fs truer. M.»rr rU-ar or more pore 'Her stand bv, we lwar. is \N l'«*p* ' p-rmint Curs M..

. A fortune of £20,000 does not come the way of the ordinaiy individual every day. but in a letter put in as evidence be-fore the Court here yesterday, it was stated that. & farmer formerly of Fairlie, but- now of Ma&tercou, had come in for such a windfall. A Wash dyke fanner who has been holding his oats for a rise, has had rather bad luck. Early in the season he was offered 2s 4d per bushel for theni, while to-day ihe "I)•.•.>; offer lie can ge: for them is Is 9d. and he holds 50C0 bushels. He sold a small parcel a few weeks ago at 2s 2jd—a choice line for seed—and on Saturday last, the merchant to whom he sold offered to sell ihem back to'him afc 2s p£r busheL 1 wenty members of the Winchester Morris lube Club tired on Monday night for a trophy presented by Mr A. E. Taylor. The scores were :—Geo. Tavlor (scr) 34, J. Cripps tscr) 34, W. Scott "scr)t 34, G. Opie (scr) 34, J. l'ater«>n (scr) 33. J. Sputh J scr) 33. -A. Cripps (scr) 33,- C.--. Haiir (scr) 32. A. Wilson t6cr) 32, A. McClintock (scr) -32, T. Stone (1) 32. J-. Young (scr) 31, J. P. "Kalauglier (scr) 31. In the shoot-off Geo. Taylor won with th* possible, 35. Willie Scott. mad-e 34, and J: Cripps 32. Geo. Taylor has made five possibles this season. j At the Magistrate's Court yesterday before Mr C. A. Wray,. S.M., judgment was given for plaintiff by default in the following cases:—Timaru Borough Council v. T. Corrv, claim, £9 Os Id for rates; W. M. Nisbet- (Mr Sargent) v. T. Foden, claim, £2 7s 6d; J. Smiiher v. D. J. MacKenzie. claim £7. Mrs MacLachlan claimed £7 5s 6d from J. H. Simon, on a judgment summons. The claim, was for board and. lodging. Defendant is a horse--trainer now .residing- in Ashburton. He did not appear to defend the case', and His Woi.:iii,j iiuule Hn order for of the amount fortlrwith, in 'default, 14 days' imprisonment, this'order to be suspended if defendant, pays the amount, owing at the rate of £2 per month. The Timarn Pest and Telegraph were last night for the first-time lit;with electricity, by means 'of al; consnterabie number of 32 c.p. pendant distributed over the rooms and pas.«ages. These displace. a smaller number of incandescent gas lights, and the oftieeis say that the new light suits them better, because it-

is supplied just where it is wanted, which was not always the case before. looked at as a whole, the rooms do not app?ar to -be so well lit as before, this being probably due to the fact that the gas lights lit up the white ceilings, and from these a diffused light filled the room. This does not occur with the new light, as each lamp has a covering shade, which reflects most of tlie light starting upwards. The light on denks and tables is nice and soft. The officers are pleaded to be rid of the troubles.of matches au<l broken mantles.

A thoroughly representative. meeting— Church, Law, Commerce and Sport be-ug well represented—was held in the Borough Chambers on Tuesday night to' consider in what way the' district of Waimate should show its appreciation of Mr W- Coltman's many . services. Among apologies for absence was one from the chairman of the South Canterbury Charitable Aid Board, who sympathised with the object of the meeting, and hoped to take part in the. recognition when niaue. ine chairman, Mr Morgan. Mr Goldstone, Rev. ! MeKenzie < Gibson and Mr John Manchester spoke liiglily of Mr Coltman as a public man, as a sportsman and as a man;: the latter speaker having come out. at some risk to himself, rather than miss the opportunity of aiding in any way to recognise the debt owing to Mr Coltman. It was decided that a presentation ce made to Mr and Mrs Coltman in the form of an illuminated address, witli an album containing subscribers' signatures, and a puree. Those present were appoiu ed a conimsttee- with power, to add, the presentation will be made by Mr and Mrs Manchester in St. Augustine's Hall on Monday 28th, n* 745 p.m. Mr Manchester said that the Waimate Borough Council had never, and rightly so, paid its Mayors for their services, but he thought in a case of this nature, where public man under discussion had given his services freely and ably for so many years, and was leaving the district, that it would not be out of place for the BoTough Council to vote some sum, as they legally could, as a very small recognition of meritorious service. The meeting carried a motion that it be a recommendation to» the Borough Council that a vote should be made in this connection. It. was resolved that subscription lists be issued. 'I he meeting then went into committee. When fail to thrive give them Steam's Wine, It makes weak children strong by giving them better appetite and digestion. They like to take it because its taste is pleasant... Keep "Red Cross" Ointment on hand. Cures pimples, nkin eruptions, sores. and In ful .'til deitlnro

"Red CW Ointment—Dntton's Mighty Healer—cures all wires, old or recent. Is 6d all dealers. ...

Patent leather hoots and shoes are the most fashionable ladies' font wear for the coming season. (lin' of the most fashionable shi»«i i.-; a lad>s' patent, coll vamp and golosh shoe, with glove or dull kid quarter. The latest toe k; as the fifth Avenue toe, or pear hhaj»e toe. You can s*<e the above styles in Mr Souter's window, which has just U-eu dressed out with the laNtit spring goods. Mr Souter has Iks-h always aecnu'omed to handle high-class footwear. and the experience which he gained when representing over 100 Knglish, American. Canadian, <J«-r----man, French. Austrian and Sw ss niatiu-f.;i-turers in Ji«*w Zealand for live years stands him in good stead. He iti able to distinguish one manufacturer's good* from another, and place (heir reliability and value to n nicety, without, any gu<-ss-work lniyinvsH whi :h the inexperienced has tu resort to. ...

It was again to be expected that tl>e Scottish Reliability Trials, which uro re-cognib»-d throughout the world t<» be the severe on motor cans would prove that the Darracq car* conld beat all owner* when it conies to real hard work on rough roads and heavy hill climbing. In this trial one of the four cars becured tho biggcßt award, a gold medal, another one seorid an absolute noli st<ip ceriilicate, while tltv third car flrcured the prize for climbing the Trinafour 1011, the btifle.*»t grade in the whole trial. Conoequmtly out of the four Darracq* enu-rcd thtve gained -prizes thus proving their great reliability qualities. In the Knglmh Reliability Trial the little 8 h.p. 1)-I)i<>u ran 2000 mile*., ami won the first prize in h«-r class, thus making a rims? creditable perfornianco fur t>uch a Miial! car. It i* thett-forr Incoming quite monotonous in rending tli.- result* of the rec.-nt Reliability Trials in all parit. of the world, a* in all ca>es when there are Darrncq* or lW)i»n* entered oiio ran always look a«. tin* top of li*- lift. f'«r the r»ulw of ttfir jvrrtornian'fr;. After oe>'iiig tlwaliove r«-Mjh* it it; no wonder that th«-«-car* ar«- named in Kngland " Ihe \V>-rld«s mott reliable ('ar*." The fo!l..w,ng in -1 rr|*irt which wan given hv nnr of the j»rer»t'.«t in I. ngdand : *" Tl>* merit of tho jwrfurinanor* put up bv the Darracq ctm will !*• appreciated w i». n it it. rftn< ml>rr«-4 tU- prevailing r«,»dt-t-oin irrrt "ft hut nature '«• t«>t the capabilitU** of the cir* t<- their and my car win. h .-..mpl*i.-.l lU- trial* in the "way in which llw D-irroq* d;d jrrrn r.rtamlv the lift ni.nle. I tic Kmjj of Kngland i» n.«ms; a Itarracq f<>r a f luff'tutr brake: no .i..i:bt on a.-.-imnt <.f if* 'T ceptional reliability and ti'nnr. fc.r hard wr>rk -n rough roaiisv Tho !<><-a.l agent* have already commenced t" land " | B ,> of ill" new •.eairin'* ni"d r ' i *'', and a* the pr:cr» have lx*<-n *ul*.tantially redu-"»-«i it will Ixj of ;nt.-rr»{ to any purchaser* to I call and get further parti. iilam. ...

•At the Studholme sale t to-morrow- the N.Z. Loan Company will offer a line of a dozen specially good fat steers from-the Centrewood estate. , v i • •The Geraldine benedicts held a very "suecfssiful ball in the - Volunteer Hall on Tuesday evening, when, in spite of the disagreeable weather conditions' prevailing, there was a large attendance." The. floor whs in splendid order, and the hall ?was tastefully decorated with art eurtains nnd large tree ferns. Excellent music was furnished by Mr Vaughan's string band, while Messrs d. Kennedy, and C. Boulter carried out. the duties of M.Cs. with complete sat-, isfaction.; - . ■ . , The following is the adjudication received from Mr Barnes, Wellington, on the games" played tin the lefctchess match, Dunedin v. Timaru—Board 2[ Mara v. Edwards—win -for. Timaru; board 5, Hassall v. Ellis—adraw;bo&rd 10, Dow v." S. S; Myers—win for Timaru; board 12, G. "YJebster v. F. J. Mouafc —a draw; The .-result--of -the match iV a for Tima'ru -bygone game,- 7| to. 6£-games. This, is a very creditable performance for Timaru. ; •. • At the Magistrate's Court, Waimate, yesterday, before Mr T. Hutchison, S.M.", the ratepayers list of the Wainono Drainage Board was 'presented by the Returning Officer (Mr G. \V.' Cochrane)' and .w'aa signed. There were no objections.- *' Arthur J. Hendry 'was charged, -by the Registnir of Electors with signing as, witness to an electoral cla'm tor- enrolment, which'was not signed or declared jn his presence. Accused pleaded guilty, and said he was not conscious of -wrong in the matter. He was: engaged by the Licensed Victuallers' Associatidn to enrol electors. The claim was sent to him through liis brother, the claimant for enrolment was well-known to him and was entitled to be enrolled. The Magistrate said the maximum penalty was £SO. Accused was fined 2&s and costs 7s. Three. infomatioilir,'fot truancy adjourned from .<former sitting were dismissed. Judgment by default:was given in the following civil cases ; Shackleton and Grant (Mr Middleton) t. G. Sullivan, dain*- £l2 7s 3d and costs £1 15s 6d; Lupdon and Son - (Mr Jliddletdn) 'v. \ Joseph . Joyce, claim £6' 4s -.ld, and £1 5s 6d; P. Bums (Mr Moore) -v. W. S. Williams, claim £l4 13s and costs £1 10s 6d. A prohibition y order was. granted against, a local resident on the application of his relatives; -

* ■ SY T NOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - ' - -; X.Z. -If? and M.A. Co. —Studholme sale to-morrow. Jonns and Co;— Sale of furniture October Ist. •C.F.C.A. —Sell town propertj* Saturday. O'Callaghan and Co.—Clearing sale today. . Guinness and LeCren —List of properties for - gale. t ; - -■ -Strathmore School—Re-opens on Sept." 22nd. ;; ' Athletic grounds—Hockey match to-day. A. Bell —Results of Education Bpard election. Macalister's new ridger—W T hat its claims are. ■ _ ,

P. Hartnett—Has seed potatoes for sale. Skating Rink—Carnival on. Thursday ■next. " :

J. R. Bruce and; Co.—Milk walk for sale, houses to let. C.F.C.A.—Tackle for fishing -season 1908-09.

To sugar Auckland 19th.

importers—Wanaka leaves

Te Kara Tennis Club—Annual meeting on Monday. Music—Miss Hall and teacher resume 22nd insU

Timaru Royal Arch Chapter—Convocation this evening. S.C. Education Board—Scholarship examinations. -. ' T. Gunnion —Te Moana health resort now open.- , * ' ' ■ * ' Sparow and Co.—FarOi for enle. Marine Band social on 22nd, inst.

Kernohan, McCabon-.-sfnd• Co., Ltd.— Latest novelty in fcjdrting broom. Wanteds—Seven notices. ;

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13702, 17 September 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13702, 17 September 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIIC, Issue 13702, 17 September 1908, Page 5


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