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An item on the " unauthorised expenditure account" of the House of Representatives for last year is a sum of £416, compensation to B. Kennedy,'• bailiff at ;Timaru, on retiring from the public service. Mr Flatman is asking the Minister concerned how many lady inspectors of maternity homes there are in the colony,, whether they are married, single, or widows, and how long they have been in the service;

Sir William Steward wants the Government to/provide for the medical inspection of schools, for a fixed minimum salary fair school, teachers representing at least a "living wage" and for protection of teachers' salaries against reduction. ■ through occurrence of epidemics in their schools.

The Gazette of the, 25th June contains the Governor's warrant authorising the Geraldine County Council to proceed with the erection of a bridge over the Opihi at Hanging Rock, and directing ,that the cost .shall be borne by the Geraldine and the Levels County Councils, the latter to 'prbv vide £4OO, and the former the balance; less any contribution to be Government. ...

Royal Arch Masons will note that a regular convcation ,of the Chapter of > St.--Jolm will be held in St. John's Lodge Room, Church street, to-morrow eyeuing, for; the purpose of installing the; principals arid investing the officers for,the coining year. The.chapter wjll be tyled at ?;30;; visiting companions are cordially invited. Mr Tregear, as Registrar of Industrial • Unions, has cancelled the registration of the South Canterbury (Pareora East) 'tallow and manurehands and general lobourers union, arid of the similar union of North Canterbury. Some remarks were made at the Hospital Board's meeting yesterday about disinfection. Mr Lyall said he thought the disin- ' fection of schools now being carried out was very little good, and the resident surgeon said he was inclined to agree with him. The germs would live .where there was the least bit of cover for them. There ' was some talk about disinfecting apparatus for clothing. It was said that" the* one effective apparatus in the maikeb uses high* pressure steam, and that it costs about £2OO. One would think that local ingenuity and local industry could devise and furnish a steaming apparatus for less than that. Dr Bett suggested that the provision of such an article was the duty of the Borough rather than of- the 'Hospital Board.'' » '

A meeting "of the Winchester School . Committee was held on Monday evening. Present-.—Messrs J. Wilka (chairman), 'J. Opie, J. Boston, A. McDonald, T. Lyons, and T. Connolly. The headmaster reported a roll number of 89, with an average for the month of 85.8. The children wera' attending very well. He asked the commitee to purchase books for school nw and it was' decided to purchase a supply of Nesfield's Oral Composition, and McMillan's Picture Arithmetics for Various atari- \ dard classes, and building blocks'for die infant. classes. Accounts for £5 IBs 00. were.passed for payment. The secretary reported that £1 rent had been received from the Domain Board, and'that ,£4 lis had -been, made on* the euchre " party in aid of the garden funds; £5 17s 6d had been paid .into the Education Board to get the Government subsidy 0n.,, It was decided that Mr Boston should; a£- . tend to the drain at the master's .house,; and that a sub-committee inspect a board dividing fence to see what repairs should be done to it. A parent wrote asking that his children should be let away punctually , during winter on account of having a long way to walk-home. The master said \he , would attend to request. ,i. ' Mr F. v McKenzie, who for-nearly three, years has been stock inspector in the Mackenzie County was „ entertained -by'<*> few of life friends the Gladetorl* Hotel;- Fairjie, on" Monday * night to' MM him farewell on the occasion of hw del parture' for Ashburton where he lias been moved in his official capacity. The inclemency of the weather kept many away who would otherwise have been .present, but a very representative and pleasant gathering was held. Mr J. Trotter, presented 'Mr McKenzie on behalf of Mrs. McKenzie with a handsome souvenir, and '■ in doing so spoke of the very high esteem in which they' were held in the County, and of the tactful way in which Mr McKenzie had carried out his duties; in the conduct 'of which he had "made nothing but friends. Dr. Cook also, «'*j pressed regret at Mr McKensie's',* departure. In reply Mr McKenzie thanked them all on behalf; of Mrs. McKensiejifor their handsome present.' He wsa leaving >' Fairlie wjth very great'-regret and he ? would always remember, the*'days he had . spent and, the friends he had made, among them, and although he would" prpbabbjr, \ never be among them again in ,hi&;officu»l - capacity he intended to'visit them;., again o „, v as a friend. During .the" evening;several.' , musical items were some of these • • Resent, among v which, were songs, by ,D.r. .» book, .Messrs' J.' Trotter, J. C. * - • Martin, and a duet by' Messrs R.-L.JUuws and W.\:Bain. '* ' Vif=v"|l Zymole, Trokeys will cough and restore your" voice io-rm tone. They ;ar» the grsatert on tbe market... < ~., , ' ,'.'£, f MR CHAPMAN ,WAfi fcCEPPCAL $M - RHEUMO , s,; Mr F. i." Chapmah :w^U%#?. , % Nelsoh'., - Read now RHEXJMO'curWnro*. He writes:—"Being a bit was the reason,tbat I did not try RHEUMO;,*. until you\ put" lHe< experience'., of others yon know and« the' benefit they derived." t am no* longer a "sceptic ''after; whs)' RHEUMO has done for, me. . I an} , constantly in-draughts^™**my< owmpatiufe as Engine Driver at Messrs Griffin and ~ Son's Factory: * ? Ii? can*' * recommend v - RHEUMO as a good > • remedy.-—F. $. Chapman, f Nel«on. w --•»%' V> "' v . ,$' / Why suffer whenr-RHEUMft.,will ■cmje '/ < yon. At all Stores ami Chemists. 5»,6U) and 4a M... ,"", *• TUWUBA. i\" „.-•.,.. u ■ THE MASTER REMEDY FOR AILMENTS OF THE +AROAT.AND .LUNGS. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL, N.Z. IN- . ; TERNATIONAL, EXHIBITION. „• < Lung •srifferers, catarrh victims,-'!and all. , who suffer, from coughs, colds, and other -. ailments of the vthroat'and lungs will find , a master remedy'in Tuseicura.' "The ph*y . , nomenal' success of Tussicura as a.cough 1 and cold remedy is due to the,fact that > < ' it is a good lung tonic, in addition to * being, a good . cough and. cold medicine: ~ , , Numbers of physicians and druggists are <--* >■"- now prescribing and recommending \TUBP- !o " SICURA because of the valuable Jug ■"' ' tonic and expectorant qualities being'combined. ' Tuesicura is - a distinct advance' in"medical science,, and ,is the-most mas-' ' i"" terful -remedy, known for -all -ailments of> • the throat and, lunge.—ls od and 2* 6d"V, J per bottle at all'good chemists' and stores}';;! v- ■ ', »r, direct from'the, froprietors.; ... , i.^'J^'t Don't neglect'your cough.' Stop St^at^?-^* 1 once I ,'and drive,away all risk of .consum'ri-'i J >" Hon. the great throat - lung .healer, will do and store* •* '< i ,-.■*<■ • -

The Star Football Qnb will bold a backet, social at the Assembly Booms on Friday evening. "I don't want my name in ihe papers" the blind man McCarthy told the Mayor. •Well■ jfs there," replied Mr Craigie. "Yon are one of those unfortunates who have greatness thrust upon them and become famous against their will." Mr John Fr»*r, having resigned life seat on the Timaru Harbour Board, an election to fill the vacancy will 1)6 held on July 20tb. Candidates must be nominated with Mr J. W. Joynt, returning officer, Temuka, before noon on Monday, July 13th. Tbe Matron of the Timaru Hospital has received £2 anonymously "from a grateful patient of many years ago." The secretary remarked that he did not like that; he might be dunning the patient for the money already paid. A member told him not to mind, it was the patient's own lookout.

As there are cases of scarlet fever about, it may be of some service to publish some remarks on the subject of the infectiousness of this disease, that were read to the Hospital Board yesterday by Dr Beit, from one of the latest books in his medical library. These were to the effect that there is very little reason to fear infection front the "peeling" skin, it may be slightly infections,, but tbe real danger is in the discbarge from, the mouth and nose. With these' clothing might be infected, and from the clothing others might be infected. The dirty state of the weather last evenins did not debar a large number of skatW enthusiasts from taking part in the ojJLuig of the- Drill Hall rink for the present winter, for quite a crowd took the floor and indulged in this favourite pastuna; This year the Garrison Band are lot running the rink themselves, but have lease,! tbe skates to a syndicate, for whom Mr Morris is manager, and, though the band provided the music- last evening, UhJnaWanent will in future attend to th.s J3r: The rink will be open again on Saturday evening and on two nights a wyek during the season. The usual weekly meeting of St. Marys Youmr Men's Society was held on Monday mght, there being a fair attendance, in spite of the rain. Mr R W. Simpera w» chairman. Tbe subject was a debate on the question: "Was America justified in rebelling against England! Mr F. rD. Maurice taking the afnrmaUve and Mr A. latter the negative side. The T. Curnow; Messrs J. P. C. Walshe, A-Black: and the chairman also spoke to the motion. 1 On'a division being cahed for the?vote was even, but the chairman gave hk casting vote on ihe affirmative aide. The meeting was closed by a hearty ., votes of thanks to the chairman. Hockey matches for the Marshall Cup wilT be played; as follows 2nd— W*sleya»" v.!. Tni, Trafalgar street; Rawhiti v. Wfoimera, Rnssel Square; Timaru a: bye. ;Jury 9th—Wesleyan v. Wimmera, Trafalgar street; Timaru v. Tni, Russell Square; Rawhiti a bye. July 16th.—Wimmera, v. Tot Rassell Square; Rawhiti v. Timaru; TraMgar street; Wesleyan a bye. July 23rd—Rawhiti v. Wesley, Russell Square; Timaru v. Whnmera, Trafalgar street; Tui a bye. July 30th—Rawhiti v r Tut Trafalgar/ street; Timaru v. Wesleyan, Russell Square; Wimmera *M«The social to be held in the Assembly Rooms under tlie auspices of the Timarn Hockey Clubs witt take place to-morrow . evening.. The largest estates of deceased persons itt Canterbury finaUy certified for ctamp duty this month are as follows: John McCullocb, £16.275; Edward Grow, £13,-' 217; John S. Gibson, £7438; John Mnrxay, £5099; Thes. Hobson, £3622; John Commander. £2162; Jobann Bargfrede £1371; John A. Mounsay, £1243; Wm. B Baldy, £1191; Thos. Hurley, £1043; Sarah worth, £930; Wm. Hutching*, £762; Annie Wilkicsbn, £704; Ellie Fleming. £560. The number of estates of de«w*d Tiersens finaliy '"certified' for stamp dufy this month was 186. Tbe largest were three of John Duncan tWanjranm), £76,775; James A. Miller {Auckland). £35.2*7: Herbert Austin fWellington), £32.662: Isaac Sargent ; (Canterbnry). £23,646: James Reid (Auckland). £23.320 »nd William W; Hirst (Hawfces Bay), £21,175.". ■..-.' Milburn f , Bros.,' Limited, have just placed an order with Messrs Reid and Gray, - of" Dunedin. for -'■ a brake fcorse-power Hornsby suction gas engine and gas generator for their n*w brickmaking plant at Pakipaki. These engines, a large'number of which are giving highly- satisfactory results in all part* of the world, are made by the old-«rfablished firm of R. Hornsby and Sons, Limited of Grantham. England, for whom Messrs Reid and Gray are sole agents for the "Dominion. When installed tni* will be one. of tbe largest suction gas plants working in this district, and will, it .is understood, bathe largest auction- gas plant in New.Zealand used, in the manufacture of bricks. The. fuel used is the coke from thatgasworks after the gas has been extracted, so suction gas is really a means of turning to profitable account a by- . - product. .:. Often one reads about wonderful performances by motor cars in Europe, .where the mad conditions lend themselves to: such. But nowhere wrre the. fundamental qualities of motor cars so forcibly *. brought home as lately by the two best ""' motor cars made in the- world, the De -•Dion and Darracq; for reliability, speed V and eveflas-ing . wear, they/ stand alone; the following are tbe proofs: A little 1Q b.p. twin cylinder last we*Jr ; ran from Invercargfll to Dunedin. and back,. 300 miles in eleven bonis, it made a perfect nonstop run on wet and bad roads, and left far behind.a car of another mak* : of 16 h.p.; it is a world's record. Doe? this not show wonderful speed and reliabflity for a small runabout car. .Ax lor good wear the first 10 h.p":' Darracq which -was- sold 2 years ago to a well known Waimate farmer was overhauled : lately, and the owner will prove that not a 6d part was replaced,.aa not.a sign of wear was found anywhere.. Again weyiepeat- " that the Darracq and Be Dion stand alone ai>d are unsurpaased. ...: , .-••.' .'. Attention is called to the. two pound aevanteest sad air suit shop opposite the post office. Men' are saying that their first suit turned out ao well (in fact were surprised at the value of same) so have bad Mr**** suit made which is if anything better than the first The quality of the material sad tbs fit is above aQ expectations. Yos can save from thirty to forty atrilling* on your next suit, by dealing with Alfred J. Btephena—his underwear and clothing « splendid value, also; come and inspect his stock, the suits am absolutely

THE BALTIC IS THE PREMIER SEPARATOR. No separator can equal the Baltic. Its new principle gives results far ahead of all others. Mr W. F. Alexander, of; Tanranga, writes:—"l have used a Baltic separator of 40 gallons capacity for seasons, and it has given every satisfac-, tinn.- It is a real good little machine, easy to turn, takes the full quantity claimed, very simple, and the upkeep for two seasons has only been the cost of oiL Tests of skhn-milk by the Factory Manager have been under .02, which I consider must be a record for a hand machine." MacEwen and C, Ltd., Sole Agents...

When autumn cr.mes with gohfen ripening sheaf, '■'.•: With glow'ring ski>«, and days becoming brief, , If from asthmatic pains you'd find relief, Take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. When Winter's chills are at our very door, And daily falTs of rain give mud galore, Jf conseuqential ailments you'd ignore, Take Weeds' Great Peppermint Cure...

The New Zealand Flour Millers' Association yesterday decided to reduce the price of flour from £ll to £lO lfts a ton; To-morrow evening the Timaru Rifles will hold a concert.and dance in the Drill Hall. As there are very few ticke 6 left, patii»ii6 are advised to procure them at once to gave disappointment. The following will play for Wesley rt their grounds, College Road, .against the Dominion Hockey Club to-morrow, at 3.15 sharp:—Hamilton, Whitley, Xorrie, Wallace, McCahon, Vogeler, Radcliffe, Mason, Bell, Fyfe, Wotton; emergences, Holwelt, Marsh. Mr C. H.. Besley, the well-known theep hnyer, has had a tempting offer to join another in taking up land in Australia. The Dominion can ill afford to lose sheclass of men that have lately left Son h Canterbury to engage in farming on tbe other* sode of the Taxman sea. Workmen are at present engaged in constructing a tiding along the Harbour Board's new street, known as Fraeer Street, on the beach to the south of the harbour. The line will be worked from the south end' of Hayes Street and will serve the Wtstport Coal Company's new yards. On last Wednesday evening the Winchester Morris Tube Club's team fired a match against the Temuka Rifles Morris Tube Club's team at Temuka—The scores were Winchester 314, Temuka 282.; The highest scorers were A. Cripps 35, - W. Scott 34, J. Cripps 34, all of Winchester.

On Thursday night a progressive euchre party in aid- of tbe funds of ,the Morris' Tube Club was held in Victoria Hall, Winchester. There were 44 players and the prize-winners were Miss Campbell and Mr .Fas. Farrell. There was a good attendance at a dance held after the euchre, party. Air J. Cripps acted as M.C. and Messrs Roddick and Horgan were the musicians.

Members of the South Canterbury Harriers are reminder ihat to-morrow they will be the guests of Mr J. P. Kalaugher, Wine-heater, and will travel by tile 1.30 p.m. express. Those who made the trip last year have most pleasant recoKeetiou* of the onting, and a large inu».er ij expected to make this trip. The haive for the dav will be Sinclair and-Walsh.: AH are requested to be at the station no;* later than 1.25 p.m. ..The Smithfield and town meat: trades employees and a number of friends held a- basket social, in the Assembly- Rooms last evening and in spite of the inclemency of the weather a fair number, of dancers took the boards, to music supplied by Mrs W. FJUs and under the direction of Mr H. Howard, who acted as M.C. The members of the fair sex who were present .-provided refreshments. Dancing was kept up. until a late honr, and the social was pronounced a successful one. -.

At the Magistrate's Court, ;yesterday, before Mr C: Ai Wray.S.AL,; Mr F. W. Stubbs, Registrar of. Electors for tbe Geraldine District, applied to have'3o6 names struck off the electoral- r011..'•-, Mr Stubbs gave evidence to the effect that the usual formalities in accordance with - the Act had been - complied with.- -His.-; Worship .authorised that about 213 names/be struck off. Those• to-be.deleted>consisted of the names: of former residents of the Temuka, Pleasant Point, Fairlie, and St. Andrews districts./ The ; Geraldine list- is to be dealt with at the'next sitting of the ■ Court in. fourteen days' j,time., The monthly meeting of the Pleasant Point District School Committee-was held on Monday evening. Present: Messrs Crozier (chairman), Dosset, Laurenson, Chisholm, and E. Halstead. Correspondence was read from the Temuka Hrots Band re playing at the bazaar. Members considered "that the price (£8) was too high. The eecretary announced that a permit at the bazaar had. been received. It was decided to support. the nomination of Mr Howard for-the seat on the Education Board. The head/' master rer»rted"ihat' the averages ffif'sthje"' quarter were 160 and 32 in primary'and secondary departments • respectively: - Th>! total number on tbe roll was 206. The. children held a penny concert during, themonth, and obtained' 13s for the bazaar Christmas tree. He asked the committee to erect a'temporary fence round the garr dens in the new school ground. It was decided to erect this fence, and Mr Chisholm offered the loan of netting wire. Accounts, amounting to £6, were passed for'paymen f . "Mr Crozier announced that the net proceeds of the concert amounted, to £lO. . : .

Unlike other headache medicines, Stearns'. Headache Cnre does not cause tbe j.stupid druggy feeling." It always cores. beadaclie. and is as refreshing as a nights good sleep. ...

Mens' reliable nailed shooters at 10s 6d per pair at Snuter's, Cookham House. These shooters are solid, and give excellent wear. - They are made in Christt--churcb. We could sell shooters cheaper if we cared to stock' some makes, that fall to pieces after a few weeks w*ar. We aim. to supply a . cheap "boot that will bring you back-for another -pair. Your satisfaction brings us trade. Souter, Cookham House. ...

Winter has now >set in in real earnest. We may expect some rough weather for the next two.mon.hs. Are you prepared? ATe yonr lioots damp-proof? If not; why not? ' Good health in winter depends upon a good pair of boots. Cookham Honse. are prepared to supply boots for Winter wear. ...

A large crowd visited the .Dresden warehouse on Saturday evening' to inspect the magnificent set of Hawkes' excelsior sonorous class A- band instruments procured >y the Dresden for the Timaru Marine "Band, and every con-, noiseur was loud in his; .praise of the most brilliant ?et of ever bronght into the Dominion.^/From the monster BBb brasses to the. soprano. cornet' the. admiration of the visitor was.unbounded. The exhibition will cbnkinue a few days longer, and at-the sametiine a. 6ale>.-i)f pianos and organs new and 'secondhand will take place.prior to, small goods,, banjos," mandolins, violins, bagpipe requisites, accqrdeons',' mouth ■ or-v gains; and ' viob'h requisiteß; a short sale at' reduced prices will take place to-day and continue-until June L.Mth.-7 splendid bargains, onfe a Smith American' organ at fifteen guineas and a. fine harmonium at fourteen guineas, both secondband, but in fine condition will be offered to-day. Both these instruments are well vdapted for a small church or school r00m...

'.. Coughs said colds are very prevalent just now and James's compound glycerine and linseed is the best preparation for them, one dose gives relief,. a few doses invariably cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, influenza, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing and all disorders of the throat, lungs and chest due to cold. • Glycerine and linseed is pleasant to take and can be procured for 2s a bottle from Leonard B. James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Timarn...

Golf and Bockey players will be .inter: ested to know that they can' get drivers, brasseys, cleeks, irons, putters, mashies, shin guards, guard rings, and balls of all kinds at Francis Tasker's Sporting Depot, Timarn...

About Clothes—and where to pet your next Suit.—lt is quite possible /that you have not fully decided where to get yonr next suit made. If 60, we beg to remind yon that we make suits to measurer-fit guaranteed l —of the best Colonial worsted and woollen suitings .aaD cannot,-: lie ex l celled for quality, workmanship. and,T>riee. Why pay five pounds for a suit of clothes when we can make you- a suit of the' very best well-made and perfect fitting guaranteed, for SO?, 555, 60s, 655, 70s, at Irwin's Drapery and Clothing Sliop.; Stafford Street (next Prosser's). —; Woods' Great Peppermint Cure foe Coughs and Coids never fails. Is" 6d and 2s 6d. ...

: Owing to an outbreak of scarlet fever Makikihi School has, been closed: The Makikihi River has no traffic bridge across it, and one resourceful peiuon:is adding to hie income by toning motor cars across.',a swollen, stream. A man named Daniel Burke, who was fined on Monday morning for drunkenness was again mulcted in a 5s penalty yesterday, in default 24 hours' imprisonment. Mr D. Stuart, J .-P., was on the Bench. ■

Tickets J 8, 9, 10 for to-night's performance of the " Scarlet. Pimpernel " have been booked twice over, and in order to avoid any disappointment the iiolders are requested* to call at the Dresden this morning, to exchange them.- Three eeatis have been kept for one of these holders in the extra-'row added to the drees circle.

; A well attended meeting of Court Southern Cross, No. 3123, of .the Ancient Order of Foresters, was held in the Foresters* Hall last evening, Bro. P. Acbcson, C.R., presiding. Correspondence, the woodwards' report lind general business was dealt with fully, and two new. members were, initiated into the order, and two fresh nominations for membership received. Accounts, .amounting - to. £33, were, passed for payment. Bro. Graham, oh behalf- of the'.social committee, reminded members that the- U.F.S. social is to be held; on 16th -July, and hoped that members-would -do their best to help to make it. a success. The court was closed by:.'the C.R., fairly, early in the evening.

. The first "half-yearly meeting of the Loyal Makikihi .Lodge, M.U., was held in "the Schoolhonse last Monday night. There w:ie'a large attendance of the brethren. The election of officers for the ensuing half-year took place as followii: —Bro. Alexander McNeil, N.CJ. ;\ Bro. John McLean, V.G.; Bro. F. Child*; warden; Bro. Arthur Jackson, guardian; -Bros. Montgomery and Quinn, R.S:N.G.'; and .Bros. K. Mercer and Dempsey, R.S. Y.Gi The officers were '-impressively iri.stailed by the Prov. Bro. G. Cbllett. The sub-committee were'instructed to complete arrangemenlft ,for the Lodge social, on 17th July. Three members were initiated, and the .receipts amounted to £B:l4s 9d. : ; .:-

- The question of .'" barrowmen," orMearn-. ers in the slaughterhouses of freezing Avorks came before thei. Arbitration Court at ■ Christchurch on: ; Monday.; ; The Slaugh.ermen's Union submitted proposale under which .one; learner, would. be : allbypr ed to each; ten fully-employed slaughtermen;, the.learners to-work-..together'.--un-der an instructor; to be'paid at the sanie ratts as sluugh/ermen,. and to be ranked as qualified if at the end of-twelve, months they can kill and /.dress- properly / eight : sheep per hour.' /, Mr \Vayinouth,' for tfe companies, said they- could not .accept the proposals! He slated that ,many of -the " qualified **"' inen could,' hot .drffes./ more; than five sheep per hour.- The Court took time to consider.". "

SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISE-/ •:-'-MENTS.'.'-:,v' - " ■■■' : .N. M., and A- . sale; ( St.. Andrews', eale, to-morrow, i " J. R. Bruce, and Co.—Farms in Bay ;of. Plenty for sale," .' ',./>..,, .: Timaru Master Bntchers—lmporiant. no-tice-re accounts; . , : /r- .?.--. : .. -.'•'-,'- , \y,aiinate County ; small, birds. - Randrup Brothere—Wahts; ; boys, ..reward smashed bicycle, etc. ■/ District Land Registrar—Land / Transfer Act notice.; '*'; "•. /> :\,:/ Empire Hotel—Wands girl for- laundrv;--j Matron, : Stratford Hospitals-Trained nurse wanted. '■•'>.-' Timaru Harbour Board—Election Te-. muka riding. './•<" Hutton and Co.—Kubelik postl cards on sale. - ' ... .:"'/,- " Timaru morrow. Pleasant' fancy -drefts hall, : 'Staf^Footbail'■'. social; on Friday. ~/ "■' ' •-'•;'-. Chapter of St. John—Regnlar convocaFor/bicycles— Try Mark .Higgins,N the cycle, man. ' ■': -.,:"■■ /-.-': ■"•' Jiisr.- S. Tnrnbull—Galls- tenders for new School.-.' ■''.-'"-'';'. vS'■-'. v-" /-".' '•' l '"- : R. Leslie at' St/ Andrews forsate.'. , "■.':';.■..■ '■ ■;;>■• • Wantefls—Fonr nolioee... '"■•;-.""

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13635, 1 July 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13635, 1 July 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13635, 1 July 1908, Page 4


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