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Messrs .1. C. • Rotleston nnd B. Tripp are 1 amongst th<! latent to visit Queensland to. ir-tapecr. the land that i- now being rap audi 'offered to settlors. .Mr Ay son. ,uq.. is at present in Temttka. anci in conjunct ton with the chief ranger » arranging to net the river;* for th**- stripping *f trout early next month. The following will represent the Hibernians in the «»rd match with the Droids to-night:—Pearee, OXeary. Hetty. \kl!abe. Sttltivsn. Donovan. Sugnte. Nialr, Mahoney. Stirling. Cairo*. ' Uen>*T' Downes, ' Hurtling. Mcffettignn, Barber, ilennehy. i'ltlinsr. Connor. and S?hanahi»ti. The- tean* h requested tt> lie at Oliver's dtate Hislop's) at 7.45 sharp to elect a captain. A Wellington Press Association message says :—A distressed married. woman whee«f fans land has taken to playing football on Sundays has written warning the Wellington i Rugby Union that unless they prohibit Sunday football sae will take his ehiM ami place it in the mid tilt? of the- gam*, by which means she will block play. She s»?» that the- .practice is breaking- ap her home. and bales* it i» stopped she threatens to a|«peat to higher quarters. By the first express yesterday Mr and Mitt Joseph Lee and family of a&ven. accompanied by Mrs Edward Lee, all well and favourably known in thsp Temuka township as farmer proprietory of the old established Bolts Head butchery, took departure for Queensland, where the three families of Edward. Jtiitpb and V\ alter Lee have taken op land and will make their homes. By their departure the country ha& lost no fewer/than seventeen souls that it could ill aHfltd to lose, and it is regretted that not ®nly are they a loss, but they are taking with them the savings of years to take op land on much easier conditions than they could do so in this country. /

An eccentric resident of Oanvarn who died recently had long hail a hobby for accnnittlatmg books. He had acquired a heterogenous cbflecliion of some- ZOOO volumes, dealing witit history, theology, philosophy. New Zealand literature, and literary cariosities. It had been his in* tent ion to bequeathe these- to the town in which he spent htt»* hermit life, hat he passed away withoni specifying this wish in a will. Th-a library, therefore, came under the hammer of an auctioneer at Oamara on Saturday. The "Star says that an enterprising hook dealer of Dunedih travelled to OtmanJ. fondly expecting to secure half the collection a* low prices. He soon found that he- had indulged delusive hopes. Th+» residents of the town are neither so poor nor 30 unKterary as her had fancied. Many of the prices offered made his moath water, ami led him to wish that he had taken itis stock with him. instead of his cheque book. Bidding throughout was hnsfc and brave. Wrights -Caricature History of the Georges" (issued at os 6d) brought 16s 6<l. Kirk's "Forest Flora of New Zealand" (obtained new at 12» 6cl> brought 22s 6d. Cully's " Xew Zealand Scenery ,r realised 2jgns. Kobfey s ** Moko or Maori Tattooing" 2igns. Butlers "Birds of New Zealand" (second edition, two .volumes) llJjfns. Mrs Heatley's " Native Flowers of New Zealand" 3gns. the facsimile of " The Treaty of Waitangi" ((issued by the fJovernment Printer at ss), 12»; a 3s 6d Shakespeare ran ftp to 7?*. 'Jsie prices, it is suggested, are a fine m tie* of tihtf prr>?rpericy of Oaniara. Millars Cash;, Stare sale circular whi'h was issued with this paper on Tuesdby last ifl well worth perusing. The sale k a genuine clearing sale, eveTy article reduced and tiose desirous of laying ;n :« s* - ot crocSery. glassware or groceries, ar. the present gilt prices should do so s«'fore fcjatttidajr eVtning. .when the sale clcses...

Certificates of proficiency are! to be given to pupils at lending tho iTeinuka technical Association's classes at 'he end of this year, and ;u «hv t-om.-lu>i<i« "f the e.tamtnaiioiw.

f\ copy of th« supplement uisn'l by the '"'liniaru Herald" of th«- gi« - a>' wrecks. 1832. is urgently required. ai*« anyone having :« copy t»» spare i> r«|ile«;tett to forward it t«» thi?v «»(tic«-.

lit the m.vtvh lieiwvtii tlit< Wau iiiti and | Chri"tihurch l;ulic>* limk'T i#sdi>. which w:ti pbvt-d at- t 'hf i'triuu. b _vrsl«'nia_\. ' (h- club «.» sttcce.-J.-Jut in winning j by t\v|. goals ti> one goal. Two errors have b 'en |»int(vl out in «»ar rebort of St. Man's Irtish meeting. The cwtate receives £SO fvoift the diocesali fund (.not £100) making tl* total £150; and the interest received by' the bnilding fund w;«< £l5O inot- £loo}. Thf second of the ser«;« of entertain ntpnts in connection with Trinity Church will l** given thwi evenins by Mr J. A. Valentine, U.A., who will describe "A tour through the North Island. Mr \ alcntine will show some rxcellent views of Uotorua and district. Musical items will »>■ given. I»v Misse-t K. OiUhrist and .). Mat-ki-v. and Messrs H. Iloidgatv and Fvfe. " Anent ri»ri-ing advt. writer «,ta» > mine pt-niiri- uiumn that "All ,s '"l > vended in Wa.mat* weekjor the Cathfctic Bazaar." The statement muse not be taken literally. It ' lO ever, a fact that for tli.- collect.on ol at tides tfc be raftled. tlu- up to datenf.;> of the ninsscal programme, and iH<- enoS the assistants, the l ,re^"® h tzaar i«4 about th - l»»st tliat has been nwn in the district. I*arg«» crowds attend niglitlv. and all should make a point ,„f |)avi(« "at h ast one visit b: fon- i!> dost- on, Saturday night. There was an attendance of about 60 mrmheirt of St. Peters Anglician Church iji the -Parish Hall. lemnka. on Tuesday night t»> say farewell to Mrs Kdward L-.e. who has been an active supporter of the church, choir and guild for over 30 years. The Rev. .1. W. Adcock. vicar, presided and gtee.-« werv sting by the choir, while ' nituic'.i! and vocal it en it; were given by Mi*se« Whitehead. Messrs Rutland. Cliapj man. Aspinall and Adcock. Mr Adcock presented Mrs Lee with a gold brooch set with pearls and in doing so made reference to foer long and active' association with the Church and Guild. Mr Lee for » number of years taught a class in the Monday >ichool. whiiv Mrs Lee rtnriny 'her long residence in Teimuka had been a member of the choir and in later years;Ui enthusbsi in the»=s ftinid. tin behalf of the congregation he wished Mrs Lee and family giict-speed and all preaper it v in their new -home in Queensland. The "proceedings concluded with tlu- nging of Anld Lang Syne. The monthly meeting of the Winchester School Committee wan held on Tuesday evening. Present: Messrs .1. Wdks (chairman). •!. Boston. .1. Opie. T. Lyons. A. McDonald, and T. Connolly. An apotogv was received for the of Mr R*. Maddren. The headmaster reported a roll number of 91 with an average attendance of 82. Accounts amounting to £2 3s 3d were passed for payment. The inspectors" annual report on the schools of South Canterbury was received frmn the Board and it was noted that in the summary of results Winchester school for the third successive year Field the highest place. The inspection report of Mr .1. (I. f!ow. M.A., was read and considered very satisfactory. It was decided to, close the school on Friday, June sth for a week's holiday. Fuli arrangements made for the euchre party in aid of the school gardens on Friday. May 29th. A good musical programme was arranged and rtti.ahle prizcr, have been promised.

Some civil business was transacted at the Magistrate's Court yesterday, when Mr C. A. Wray. S.M.. presided.." Judgment- for plaintiff by default was given in the cases. Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile' Agency Company r. Daniel O'Boyle, claim £ls and cos!?, and in W. Quirk (Mr White} v. Angus McDonald, claim £8 l£s Sd anil costs, less £5 paid on account. A defended case, which, the Magistrate remarked .should have: been tic'ttliid out of Court, was presented for t.e.i'ing. It was one in which C. -MeKinnon. a horse trainer (Mr Jordan), sued 11. C*. lira ham, an owner (Mr White; for 17* lOtl. The tfbnh* thing was a mixed-tip affair and involved wages, cost of horse expenses and dividends. Thr defendant admitted owing £5 6* which he lud paid into Court- together with ICU ca»ts. but pat in a counler claim for refunds of unexpended expen-e moneyspaid to plaintiff, for tae cost of sort? oat* which McKinnun should have parti out of his wages and .for money advances! for inrestmsnt on tire totalizator. Taking inlo consideration Mr Jordan's objection that this last item was irrecoverable and s-honld he struck out because it wr» money lent or paid in respect of a wager and came;within the meaning of the tiaming Act. and bearing in mind also thai any balaic? from expense money should have been returned to Graham, His Worship gave a verdict for plaintiff for sc. 3d and costs.

When your throat is dry and husky, a Zymote Trokey will relieve that disagreeable feeling. Zjmole Trokeys give the month a cleansed and refreshed sensation... Paderewski, Rubinstein, Liszt and Richard Wagner, th& four greatest stars in the musical, and the first thr»v- in the pianist ie world,' of the past and present century, have?given their emphatic support to the pibnas for which the Dresden Piano Co. am the agents in the Dominion. Better testnqbny is not required, and no other hoas* 'ran produce such proofs of excellence. <lt is therefore the safest plan, when buying a piano, to go to the Dresden where not only the best pianos in the market ar? to be found, but for value, sweetness of tone, durability and excellent workmanship, no pianos imported by any other firm can compete. A splndid uji to-date stock of music, a new consignment of the latest accOrdeons and other musical instruments will form a special attraction at onr annual sale which begins thi* day. ...

"Tis the ••ploughman who follows the plough, 1 While the dairymaud is milking the cough ! And the dear little lambs. Who* ran after their dambs, While the little pigs follow the sough! And the farmers all follow each other. I'm sure. In getting for Winter Woods* Peppermint Cnre! ... THE BALTIC IS THE PREMIER SEPARATOR. (2) No separator can equal the Baltic. Its new principle gives results far ahead of ail others. Mr W. F. Alexander, of Tauraßga, writes:—"l have used a Baltic Separator of 40 gallons capacity for two seasons, and it has given every satisfaction. It is a real good ..-ne machine, easy to tarn, takes the full quantity claimed, very simple, and the upkeep for two seasons has only been the cost for oil. Tests of skim-milk by the factory manager have been under .02. which T consider must be a record for a hand machine." MacEwan and Co.. Lid., sole agents, Dunedir. ...

WITCH'S HERBAL OINTMENT (Registered). Everv family requires some kind ol ointment, to be kept in the house to In used in the treatment of bums, scalds chilblains, bruise*, ulcers, scalp sores, in ftammatory skin diseases f particularly <• parasitic origin)—in fact, in any ca>e it which an emollient antiseptic dressing >

required. WITCH'S OINTMENT act soothingly and curat ivelv in all cases o haemorrhoids, or pile«. Price. Is 6d ani 5s 6d; all chemists and stores. Tussi cura Manufacturing Company, proprie tors. ...

It m stated that in addition to the 500 tons of Hour landed by tlu> Moernki"last week, orders have been given for the' d»--livt-iv of 7000 mns of tloiir from Australia. ui this colony during June. and AugUM. At I'almersloii Xouli <ll 'I ui'.sday ill a du-putf as to ti-nacy and jvnt indcbti tln-.-.'s. A. 1). Thomson, S.M., decided tliat iliiiler an old >t;it lit«• pa>>-.«'d in the ivign of Ceorg.* 11.. thf :ici « piancc of rent after iiotiii- In i|iii( was in> »vid:-nc.- uf a ih-w u-naiicv. •

Tltr- |»-ovi>ioii:il committee of the South Canterbury Kmploy.-rs' Association met and revised a set of rule", scale of subscription. etc., -copies of which will be f«.i watdeil- to every member in ample Cme for iheir consideration b i for«* a general lne>-ting i»l iiiembei.i is called for llieir adopiion. The meeting which will be duly adverti-ed will proceed to the election of an ex-eufivt- comniKtr-' ami intending members are invited to lr- present.

An «hv-ioii to nil the extraordinary vacancy on tic '! einulia Uf>ad I'oatd caui-t ii bv Kli_- i:->ignaiii.ii **f Mr W dUam >*liell. look place oil Tlle>d:iy polling

booths being held at various patts ol tlie Hinid Hoard disrrii-t. The result was as follows :■ —Ah'Xawbr Bi-:-ei '235. Samuel Wright 99. informal 2. '1 he polling was the lieavirst lecorded for sitnu- iim-'. Mr J. W. .Joy m acted returning officer and deeland the it'-tuit soon after 6 o'clock.

Twenry-otie niembtrs of the Winchester Morris Tub;- Club lir.d on Monday even-

ing for a trophy by Mr Wil

liatu Harrison. 'I he winner was Con. Haar. jun.. after a tie with T. <Ji!lum. Highest, "scores were:—l'. Haar j2) 00. T. tiillum 35. ti. Taylor ?cr. .'i4. J. South scr. 34. A. Cripy.i scr. 54. J. Cliff (2) 54. T. Rowe is> 54. .1. I'a.erson scr. 32, B. J)eßenzy M) -I. Cripps scr. 32. T. Young (3) 32 . In the shoot off C. Hair il/ maile 55. and T. (.ilium (3) 3-5, The final risiilt-d : -IHaar ll) .<•>. i. Gillum (31

In reply to a letter sent to the »>?crotary of lh»* Otago Acclimatisation j'ocUtj' regarding the grey owl, Mr J. B. ' 'hrisrian, eecretaiy of the Asliburton Agri.- t; and Pastoral Association, lnw received a letter stating that Mr A. C. i'-egg, the late president of tbei society, wnen m England some three years ago, L' : -jrd of an owl in Germany which was a powerful enemy of small birds. Consulting with a bird "dealer, het learned that »hese ovls could be landed in London at a ctst of 5s per head, and ordered 100, b'-t tha dealer was only able to supply 32, and of this number 28 were safely transported to New Zealand in 1906. A portion of the consignment was sent t*> Alexandra South, and- it was soon evident from the r; viber of feathers and legs found lying about- that, the- owls were, doing good work. In November lr.:-t. 30 mniv owl.- were nroouied. and these were also sent fo . Alexandra South. Tlie fruit-growers there state that, since ihe introduction of the little owl.

the small birds have diminished in a, great measure, and fruit trees were unharmed by them last spring. The little owl is a small grey bird, about- eight- inches long, and can be landed in New Zealand at a -cost of £l-

The friends of the Battalion Band wereworking till late last night at tlie lilting tip of (.tiinnei---' anil LeC'ren's auction mart as a village fair, ami wh:-n lit- opens the ••how at eight this evening. the? Mayor will he able to congratulate them on a complete novelty in ilia way of stall construction at- a bazaar in Timnrn. Dephoff Brothers must have plied their brushes indcotriously and loir< ti- have produced such a cj nan thy of >tr :t f'ont :-ce.!'-rv. with symbolic signs, for the numerous stalls, "and they haw done their work well. A few of tiu stalls weie partially stocked last, night, one of litem. it appeared. completely, ami thin one as a sample promised a great fair. There will he ten .or uiiir. J stalls and stands devoted to diffcieiit class.;- of articles. There is a little thealiv also, with its stage, a good act-drop timuin with large landscape picture, scenery ami properties." game.*- and shooting gallery; and. another nowlty here, an enchanted swing of the species that was popular a.- the C'hri-itchurch Inhibition. The larger arrangements are complete.!. A good sized icfn-shmenl room is suitably fui-'i" died anddecorated. The I'ayre will hts lighted at night hy large arc lamp:; with current from the power house, and its convenient situation should ensure its popularity wiili both town and country people.

; PEARSON'S Pepto-chlor dispels that fear of taking food by curing indigestion. Ali chemists, Is, 2s 6d and 4s. ... Concentrated Vinegar Essence,ytbo contents of one bottle added to one gallon of cold water will produce splendid vingear for pickling purposes. It will be found unsurpassable and it is guaranteed to be absolutely pure and of superior flavour. Price Is 6d per bottle sufficient for one gallon best vinegar. Specially prepared in England for Leonard B. James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Stafford street, Timaru. ... Never neglect a bad cold or cough; there is nr> knowing what it may develop into. Take TURSiCtfRA (Wild Cherry Balm). ... Golf and hockey players will b« well catered for this Reason. Mr Tasker has just landed a large and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseys, Cleeks, Irons, Lofters, Mashies, Niblicks, Putters, Caddie Baes. Balls, etc.. Hockey Sticks. Shin Pads, Rubber Guard Kings, Balls, etc. At '»» Central Sporting Depot, Timaru... PEARSON'S Pepto-chlor will certainly remove that frightful pain in the chest. All chemists. Is.. 2s 6d. and 4s.—

Many people are aware of the fact that some dealers palm off wool and cotton goods as all wool. Amongst our stock yon will find the Roslvn and Timam wools

:o the front. There are no other? better

fhan these and seeing the prices are so low we cannot do better than recommend these goods. Timaru all-wool underpants from 4t> lid a pnir. undershirt' the same. Pearson nnd Co.. Outfitters. Shi fiord st. ...

For rheumatism, backache, faceache, earache, neuralgia, and other muscular pains, nothing can equal WITCH'S OIL (registered). ...

Attention is called to the two pound seventeen and six suit shop opposite the post office. Men are saying that their first suit turned out so well (in fact were surprised at the value of same) so have had another suit made which is if anything better than the first. The quality of the material and the fit is above all expectations. You can save from thirty to forty shillings m your next suit, by dealing with Alfrea J. Stephens—his underwear and clothing t".> splendid value, also; come and jnspect his stock, the suits are absolutely g00d...

WHOEVER sufferr, with indigestion can be cured by taking Pearson's Peptoclilor. AH chemists Is, 2s 6d and

To the. thousands of sickly, run-down, nervous, full-of-pain and suffering men and women, we recommend with all honesty and confidence this true friend, "Dr JJnsor's Tamer Juice." ...

We have just completed the purchase of 216 pairs of gentlemen's calf chrome and box calf gnloslied balmorals, made in six different toes. The manufactureri; guarantee ■ that the hoofs are made of leather throughout. Any p:iir proved to b? made with cardboard stilTener and insoles. wili be replaced without cost to I ti'* purchaser. \\ o cleared the line, n» a pike that will enable us to sill at r.-ual mamifaetureis" prices. Ihe're a< o three qualities of 72 pair each, and orr price in 10s 6d. lb 6d. and lZs 6d. We tvcninniend tin-so lines for genuine sal:«;farti»n. Call and see for y..ur-fh\ Souler's Shoe Store, next ,F. P.aUantyne and Co. ... TI'SSICCKA (Wild (Vitv Balm) never fai!t> to give relief in cases of stubborn gin and colifs, catarrh, etc. ...

At the Assembly Roonrs this evening Misji H. F. Powell, of. Ballaial, Avill deliver an address on " Socialism." The Howard Vernon Comedy Company will pay a return viuit. to Timaru on Monday evening nexi, introducing new .songs and dances.

The subject at the weekly meeting of tho Wnsley (itiild last, evening was Buddhism. anil llie I'ev. \\. Baumlu-r spoke veiy intereM inglv on 11) is topic to :c model .iiC at tendance.

Mr F. McKciJ/.ie, the Stock Department's inspector al Fairlie, is being transferred to Ashbiulon. He. will be succeeded at Fairlie by Mr W. M. Munro, at pie.-eni stationed at Queenslowii. Last evening al Mrs Simmon:;' tea-rooms a huge number <>f the South Canterbury HaniVrs met and pr.-sented Mr K. Firkin with a memento' mi ihe i-ve of his appioacliiiig marriage. The health of the tjtle::t iva.i heartily drunk, and a pleasant evening Was"%pHii. The |)ieseiii. took the form of a neat e.p. .eapol .suitably engraved. A Waikalo newspaper records an instaiice of the danger of the of celluloid. A girl employed in a, largw boardinghottse in Hiiniilton fancied shei could smell something burning. Investigi'.jon wan made, and it was found that r. trothbrush matle of celluloid had been igr ited by tlie suns''rays shining through a decanter full of water. A meeting, of the committee of tiie Sotilh t.';int:Thury Pipe. Band, war, held at their rooms last 'night, when arrangements were completed for the' basket sociiil to be held in the Assembly Rqnm;; next week. / The musical cumjhittse have secured good talent, and the programme will include Scfitch reel« and othe,r Highland dances bv cliildien. Mrs Hurdlev's band has also'lieen engaged. Pariicujara of Ihe social will be found in our adver-' tising on Saturday.

A billiard match in the City rooms last night between Mujsrs Cullimore, of Christchurch. and McLean, of Tinvaru, attracted a numerous company of onlookers. who. witnessed a good game between the Christchurch professional/ and the local amateur. The former conceded 300. in a game of BCO up. and won by. 84, running out when his opponent", s , score was .716. His. hest breaks .were 93, 42, 44, 41. 70,. and 57: McLean's best, 22, 23, 26, tjnd 20. . -

The business comes to the man who makes the best bid * or and, short of" actual dragging folks into your store, there is. nothing, that will make them frequent visitors better than giving them good sound value for their money. Here are a few solid bargains:—Men's all-wool under flannels 2s lid, liien's all-wool sox per pair, men's all-wool under pants 3s 6d, % 6d, 5s 6d per pair, men's all-wool singlets 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, men's union shirts, collars or bands, 4s 6d, 4s lld ; 5s 6il, men's all-wool Crimean- shirts 6s 6d, 7s 6d. 8s 6d, 9s 6d, at Irwin's Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford Street (next Frosser's)... A well known Wairarappa squatter, who has had a great amount of experience with mam* different makes of motorcars, and who has now been using a Darracq constantly for the prist two years, writes: "There is no doubt whatever, that' the Darracq is the meet suitable for onr "New Zealand rough and hilly rnals, and T have no cause for complaint; 1 never fail to reach home when I wrnd on a long tour." As a lot of probable mr.tor car buyers are afraiil of the upkeep they would do well by calling at the Garage of Messrs Skeates and liockaert where they can get full particulars of the new arrangement which this firm has made', and that, is to give a guarantee for the up-keep per year, for every car which they sell; this guarantee includes storage, oil, cleaning, tyres, and in fact everything except petrol. The reason why this firm can guarantee the upkeep is that by the past seven years experience they have found that the Darracq and Dedion cars aro by far the cheapest on the market, as regards upkeep. When one thinks that Darracqs triumph, in turn, in speed races pure and simple, where they have many a time brought off splendid victories in reliability trials, and in tests of petrol competition, it i 3 a clear proof of the multiple qualities of the ideal car, which ha.* parsed its tots in all tournaments open to the motor industry throughout the woild. ...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.M. and A. Co. —Cave and SUulholmo stock sales, to-morrow. N.Z. L. and M.A. Stock sale at Studholme. to-morrow. Clearing sale. Wash dyke—Bv Ciuinnerfi anil LeCren and Dalgety and Co.. on Jun? 2nd. '

Valuer fienera I .—Valuation rolls open for. inspection. T. and J. Thomson —Special deliveries of men's and boys' goods. At Bowie's —Provisions that please, lowest possible prices. Mark ITigginr—Bargains in bicycles and sundric.s af clearing sale. In bankruptcy —Re David Swaney; creditors meet 3rd June. # Howard-Vernon Company—Return visit to Timaru. Monday. Curie and Co. —On sale, largo range oi groceries. Assembly Rooms—Lecture by Mi-s Pdwr-11. this evening. Waimatc —Monster bazaar now in progl'r<?i3. Miss M. Sapwell —All reason's fruits and vegetables, on sale. D. Mahoney—House to 1."-'. hou-o for sale.

At Penrose's —Details of bargains in diwtsos, etc.

Trinity Hall—Lecture by Mr J. A. Valentine, this evening. D. MeNab and, O. Bracefield—Reduction in price of meat. S.C.M.R. —First regimental ball, on 4th

June. "V." this office—Wants 'to buy travel liner hul. Wanted;; —Ten notie.-'s.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13606, 28 May 1908, Page 5

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13606, 28 May 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13606, 28 May 1908, Page 5


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