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A cablegram from Queensland addressed to Miss Butler. 525. Timaru. awuits delivery at the- Telegraph Office. Major Roys, the provincial secretary of the Salvation Army for the South Island, will visit Timaru tomoFTOw. Mrs l»o«fr will give- a social address. lb will interest theatregoer.* t»» learn that Mr J. C\ Williamson's Company will play "The Royal Divorce" and -"The Scarlet Pimpernel" on July Ist and 2nd, in Timaru.

Bowlers will regret.. to hear that the bwwling tournament which it was intended to hotd on the Timaru Club's greon today has been postponed, the heavy rain of* Saturday preventing the green being got in readings for the- play. On ai'tount of the holiday lueie will he no meeting of the -Y.M.» A. Literary an.i Debating S'utiecy. Tt>e Mi^ettags wilt be resumed next Monday. The usual weekly meeting t»f the St. Mary's* Vi.miig Men,'* Sin. iei* will al"o Li|.- - thi* evening.

The Caledonian Society have granted it tease of their grounds and grand-stand (or Labour Day to the band contest committee. The directors of the Society decided not to hold any sports on that day. considering that a reasonable but assured rent was better than a matical profit from) a sports meeting. The grounds were granted on condition that the content i_«tmuiute- supply all labour in putting then* in order. Mr C. K. Hassell wishes to explain that in suggesting at the meeting of the Acclimation,, ton Society on Thursday last, several planet for putting down "strokehauling." he mentioned restricting the river to fty-tiihing only, lie had no idea of advocating this plan. He merely mtntioned it as on;' of th>? plan* that had been talked of. It would be a good suggestion if it we re practicable, but,.it w'tiold not be- practicable in The 1 casj of, the Opihi. though it appears to suit some of the North Island rivers. As- a Hyrj'eher he would prefer it. but it . would cut out many anglers who were not nyfishers; therefore lift would not think «f advocating it. And as. a ny-tisher. when the river way dirty, he had to W*e the minnow. * -

A meeting of shareholders in tie South Canterbury Dairy Company was to have been held on Saturday to either confirm or reject the resolution authorising the liquidation of the company, which was passed on May 2nd., bat there was not a quorum of shareholders present, it being necessary on such an occasion to hare at least one fifth of the capital represented. The meeting therefore- lapsed. Mr Reck, chairman of directors, stated that another meeting -would be held next Saturday, when the resolution would be* dealt with whether there was a quorum present* or not, this step being- allowable after one meeting- bad fallen through. At least one person present, a director in the person of Mr of Fairlie, must have thought that the non-success of the meeting would deprive the newspapers of some "copy," for be generously moved a resolution of sympathy with the reporters. Although, strictly speaking, the motion was not carried there was not a single dissenting vote recorded.

A Zymole Trokey is a. pleasant thing to dissolve in your mouth. It stops coughing, relieves hoarseness, and isr a good throat antiseptic. ... For rheumatism, luckac!**-. faceache. earache, neuralgia, and other muscular pains, nothing can equal WITCH'S OIL (registered). ... The business comes to the man who makes the best bid for it. and,-short of actual dragging folks into your sitore, there is nothing,that will make them frequent, vrsitjors better than giving tbem good sound Talue for their money. Here are a few solid bargains:—Men's all-wool nnder flannels 2s lld, aIL-woolsoi per fnurv jam's • aB-waot'trndef pants 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d per pair, mens oil-wool-singlets 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d t men's union shirts., collars or bands, 4s 6d, 4s lid, 5s 6d r men's all-wool Crimean shirts 6s 6d. 7s 6d. 8* 6d„ 9s 6d. at Irwin'a Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford Street (nest Preiser's)... TUSSICURA (Wil«I Cherry BatroJ never fails to give relief in cases o£ stubborn coughs and coMs, catarrh, etc Many people are aware of the font, that some dealers palm off wool and cotton goods as all wool. Amongst onr stock yon w2I find the Roslyn and Timam wools to th« front. There are no other* better than these and seeing the prices ire so low we cannot do better than recommend these goods. Timara.pH-wpol -anderpanta fiom 4& ltd a pair, undershirts the same. Pearson and, Co., Outfitters, Stafford st. ...

PEARSON'S Pepto-cMor dispels that fear of taking food by curing indigestion. Alt chemists. Is, 2s 6d and 4s. ... PEARSON'S Pepto-chlor rtrill certainly remove that frightful pain in the chest. Alt chemists. Is- 2s 6d. and 4s.—

He- tried Port Hacking after fish. Bat only caught a cold'. He flitid. '"-Atchoo! By jotre, I wish I'd done as 1 was told. This is indeed a Hacking congb. Good name its got, I'm sure I" But next day lie was right enough Through Wood's Great IVppt-rmmt Cure. THE BALTIC IS THE PREMIER SEPARATOR. (2) No separator can equal the Baltic. Its new principle- gives results fur ahead of all others. Mr- -W. F. Alexander, of Taurauga. writes: —" I haw used a Baltic Separator of 40 gallons capacity for two .seasons, and it has. given «-vt-ry satisfaction. It is a real good —.te machine, easy to turn, takes the fuM quantity claimed, very simpte. and the upkeep for two seasons hot; only beep the cost for oil. Tests of skem-milk Inr the factory manager have been under .02. which" I consider must be a record for a band, machine." MacEwan and Co.. Ltd., so!e agents, Dunedin. ...

The adjourned annual parish meeting oF St. Marys Church will be held in St. .Marys schoolroom to-morrow evening nt 8 o'clock.

Mr W. U. tirifiiu. who recently reargued hist position as secretary of tlie South Canterbury Dairy Company has been re-ap-'tointed t<» bus old jtositum. Owing to (their-increasing business in that* district, Messrs Chas. Begg and Co. have appointed Mr H. L. (Soldthorpe as their sole agent for Oeraldine to represent their celebrated line of pianos and organs, notably the Brinamead pianos and Katey organs...

Owing to an alteration in tlwir arrangements the Howard Vernon Dramatic Company will spend to-morrow evening in Timaru and will present the popular piece "A Trip to Chinatown' in the Theatre Royal. Exchanges speak very highly of the acting of the principal members of thy company. Mis* Vinia De Loittee and Mr Howard Vernon.

On Friday evening the spinsters'of I'areora entertained their friends at a ball which was in every way a success. Over 50 couples took part in the grand march. Tire- music was supplied by .Mr Coombe's band and Mr J. Sbewan catered in -hi* usual manner. Dancing was kept up until the early hours of the morning. Mfes A. Jackson was secretary, Miss X". Hoare. treasurer, and Mr.W., Hoare.M.C. A vcrv s.ucce;stul phonographic enter tainment*. in aid of the new organ fund, was given iu the Cricklewooil schoolroom on Friday evening by Mr H. A. InmsJon.fe. There w;«» a full house, and the music, etc.. provided was greatly appreciated. The records given, especially the new ones, proved really good, and were voted a great success. The organ fund will receive a very batisiactory addition through Mr Iniies-.Jones'wi trouble.

Thf. St. Andrews Band of Hope met in the Library room on Friday evening. Ad_dre«ss«ts were given by the Jkv. J. J. Chappie and Mr Holmes. The programme was much appreciated:—l'ianofort* solo, Mis* Hawfces; recitation, Miss Travers; song, MibH-A. Cagtie; duet, Mr ami -Miss Chappie; songs. Master J. Cague; Messrs Movie, Cague and Skinner, Miss A. Movie. Miss D. Hawkes. Air D, Skinner, 31iss Cague; readings, Rev. Chappie, Mr Holmes and Miss Trovers.

A young man named John Horan,. who J was arrested by Constable Collins at Pleas- | ant Point on Friday for drunkenness and : using obscene language was charged with these offence* on Saturday Ifcrfore Mr C. 1 A. Wrav. S.M. The accused pleaded guil ! ty and elected to be dealt with Isnmmarily jon the more serious charge. Evidence was : given by W. Hepburn to the effect that he bad "heard "one or two worda. that's all" and by R. Hilhard. who was not .so reticent and who Teconnted how accused had insulted his wife and had used filthy language to her. Constable Collins also gave evidence. His Worship spoke seveerely about the seriousness of using bad language before women, an offence punishable with 12 months' and added that th e language complained of was certainly very disgusting to be used before women." As "this was accused's first offence and he» was a young man lie did not wish to send him to* gaol, although he de-erwd it. He imposed a penalty of 5s in default 24 hours* imprisonment on the charge of drunkenness and 40* on the second charge, that- of using obscen e language, the alternative being-14 days' imprisonment. WHOEVER suffers with indigestion can W cured bv taking Pearson's Peptochlor. All chemists. Is. 2.6 d and 45.,... Pafk>rew.«ki. Rubinstein. Li-zt and Richard Wagner, the four greatest, stars in the musical, and the first three in the ptanistie world, of the past and present century. have given their emphatic support to the pionas for which the Dresden Piano Co. are the agents in the Dominion. Better testimony is not required, and no other boas* can produce such proofs of excellence-. It is therefore the snft-st plan. when buying a piano, to go to the Dresden where" not only the best pianos in are to frond, but for value, sweetness of tone, durability and "■excellent workmanship, no pianos imported by any otlier firm can compete. A splendid up-to-date «;tock of music, a new consignment of the latest accordeons and otter musical instruments will form a special attraction at our annual sale which begins this day. ... Never neglect a itarf cold or cough; there is no knowing what it mav develop into. Take TUSSiv i RA (Wild Cherry Balm). ...

We have just completed' the purchase of 216 pain, of gentlemen's calf chrome and box calf goloshed halmniuls. iiKide in gix different toes. The manufacturers guarantee- that the l>oots are made of leather throughout. Any pair proved to be made with cardboard stiffener and insoles, will be replaced without cost to the purchaser. We cleared the line, at. a price that will enable ns to sell at u.-nal manufacture's* prices. There are three qualities of 72 pair each, aud our price is 10s 6d, lis. 6d. and 12s 6d. We recommend tht'se lines for genuine satisfaction. Call and see for yourself. Souter's Shoe Store, next J. Ballantyne and Co. ... Concentrated Vinegar Essence, the contents of one bottle added to one gallon of cold water will produce splendid vingear for pickling purposes. It will be fonnd unsurpassable and it is guaranteed to be absolutely pure and of superior flavour. Price Is 6d per- bottle sufficient for one gallon best vinegar. Specially prepared in England for Leonard B. James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Stafford street, Timarn. ...

Golf and hockey players .will be well catered for this season. Mr Tasker has fust- landed a large and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseya, Cleeks, Irons, Lofters, Masbies, Niblicks, Putters, Caddie Bag 3. Balls, etc., ,Stickß, Shin Pads, Rubber Guard Rings, Balls, etc. At ft» Central Sporting Depot, Timaru...

A well known Wairarappa squatter, who has had a great" amount of • experience with many diffelfcnt makes of motorcars, and who has now hot n rasing a Darracq constantly for the past two year.", writes: — "There is no doubt whatever that the Barracq is tjie most- suitable for our New Zealand rough and hilly mals. and I have no cause for complaint: I never fail to reach home when I wend on a long tour." As a lot of probable motor car buyers are afraid of the upkeep they would do well by calling at the Garage of Messrs Skeates ami Boekaert where they can get full particulars of the new arrangement which this firm has made, and that is to give a guarantee for the up-keep per year, for everv car which they sell: this guarantee inelmbs enrage', oil. cleaning, tyres, and in fact everything except petrol. The reason why "this firm can guarantee the upkeep is "that by th*> past, seven years experience they haye found that the Darrneq and Bedion car* are by far the rlteapest on the market, as regards upkeep. When one thinks that Darracqs triumph, in turn, in speed races'pnre and simple, where they have many a time brought off splendid victories in "reliability trial*, and in tests of petrol competition, it is a clear proof of the multiple qualities of the ideal car. which has passed its tests in all tournaments* open to tlie motor industry throughout flie world. ...

WITCH'S HERBAL OINTMENT t Registered). Everv family requires some kind of ointment to be kept in the house to be ost-d in the treatment of lnirns, scalds, chilblains, bruise*;, ulcers, scalp vores. inflammatory skin diseases (particularly of parasitic origin*—in fact, in any case in which an emollient antiseptic dressing i's required. WITCH'S OINTMENT act* soothingly and curatively in all cases of haemorrhoids or piles. Price Is 6*l and 3s 6d: all chemists and stores. Tussicura Manufacturing Company, proprietors. ..<

The feeond horse that was got out of the treach'iit Stafford street on Thursday night, wax much hurt internally, and tliis becum> so manifest, on Saturday that the Veterinary Burgeon, Mi- Ashe, who had been-called, iA to attend to the rescued horses, recommended that it he shot, and this was done. The other horse'* legs greatly swollen,, and it moved with the greatest difficulty, but is expected to get uvci' it iu4ime.. ...Thi«.t)U-English-Vayiv which is to open iu... (Uuuness ;md buildings cm Thursday evening gives piomise of being most invleessfu!. .. A strong an<! very .active ladiefc' committee has been busily engaged collecting For lire, various siall.s, and Mrs ljyatt. the energetic president, expresses JierseH a- surprised ami delighted af ihe way in wliich the public ha* Uubscribtd. The -Kayre will [»■ . uni>|iie For, ;Tim.uu. as t >je ladies will all 'b.-* drea-ied in ' old Kngli>h costume, arid the stalls with their numerous peaked cables."-"id quaint, sign* .""'.'j be arranged lei' repre'.ie.nt- -a slreei in an old Ivnglish iownjt '• There will be numerous t>idesjhows', wlmiv young ami old may Jiav<? fiin ill plenty, 'be following being amongst ihe nriuVber : --Knchant-ed swing, moving bird shooting gallery, and goal killing gallery, whVre admirers of Messenger and Wallace may. for a small .charge, p< active the. art of tilling goals. •' 'lhere will b- gue>sijig competitions for valuable prizes such as liieycles; and" hallsfaiidtS The committee have made arrangements for a variety entertainment each evening, and-in -addition "they.-will bold competittori.- for.,singing, leching. dancing., and mouth organ, and aocofdian playing, en•trie* for which .may be left- with- the., secletary. the , prizes .being handsome medal**: Tin*'tiek^ts-to .'admit! to "the" -Fay-re win,; al:-o"!give the purchaser . a.chance iu the aii union, for which there are 39 "prizes, the sidel»oard,,on viVw in Mr M. Higgin'* window and tlie overmantel in Mer;*T.s Dephofl Brrts. being the fir.VD and second prizes .respectively. The Fayre is organised to provide hinds to purchase a new >r i of instruments for the t Samson Hand. The instruments now in use wvie .procured at-, the time of the lii>t Timaru contest thirteen years ago. and are in a very delapidatcd stale. The bands-men. t hough they ttill maintain their reputation as a lirst-class combination, feel that they cannot do either themselves or- the public of Timaru . justice until they are supplied with a new set of instruments.

The agony of an aching head drives away evoiy thought of pleasure and causes anxiety to the sufferer's friends. Stearns' Headache Cure brings quick relief and makes life livable. ...

To the thousand* of sickly, run-down, nervous, full-ofpain and suffering men and women., we recommend with all. honesty and confidence this true friend, ,; Dr Elisor's Tamer .fuiev." ...

Attention is called to the two pound seventeen and six suit shop opposite the post oltice. Men are saying that their first suit turned out so well (in fact were surprised' at the value of same) so have had another suit made which is if anything better than the first. The quality of the material and the fit is above all expectations. You can save from thirty to forty shillings on your next suit, by dealing with Alfred J. Stephens—his underwear and clothing is splendid value,, also; come and inspect his stock, the suits are absolutely g00d...

. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Theatre Royal—"A Trip to Chinatown." to-morrow evening. Found the best place for bicycle repairs —Scotts. • . Estate off}. Pettigrew—Tenders invited for stock of shop. Education Board—Call applications for teaehenships. J. Oillie*—Teacher of singing and piano. Port Ouard.v—To-night's parade cancelled. ;• - \%>t —A. sheep, dog: wearing apparel. Oeraldine County Council-Call tenders for bridgetbuilding. C. Begg and Co.—Have appointed H. L. OoldthorpL' ag>n: in (jeraldine. - Timaru Borough Council —Special ord-or iv- lease. St. -Mary's—Parish meeting 10-moirow evening: no meeting of Y.M. Society thi-: evening. Found tlu- lies'; place for bicvele repairs —Scotts. R. Wit-on and Co. —Egg powder wholesale. U.A.O.D.— Funeral notic*. Funeral not h*—Of late Mrs W. Avcstin. Wanteds —Three notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13603, 25 May 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13603, 25 May 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13603, 25 May 1908, Page 5


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