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To-morrow, at St. Mary's. Church, - volunteer ; parade Service be 'lield - v afc 11 'aim., and a hai-yest thanksgiving servi<v at 3 p.m. at Waimataitai, Mr Craigie told the Harbour Board yesterday, in connection with the lighting of Moody wharf, that Scott Bros, had promised to have the town lit by electricity by the Ist' of May. . God's last Message of Mercy to Uk "Woiid" is tlie title of an address to be. delivered by Pastor -J. L. McElhany tomorrow night at 8, in the Mission Tent-, Arthur Street, to .which all arc iilvited. : :

The following is the draw and handicap for the first match against Colonel Bogey, to be played on the Highfield links on April 28th and Ist May:—Mrs Matheson 4 v. Mrs Costello 9, Miss N. Hay 4 v. Miss L. Revell scr, Mrs Cox 7 v. Miss scr, Miss L. Knubley 2' v. Miss Buchanan 10, Miss Diyden 10 v. Mrs Mannering 18, Miss N. Knubley 15 v. Miss Revell 10, Miss Gartshore 30 v. Mrs Cotterill 30, Miss King 30 v. Mrs Hill 28, Miss W. Matheson 30 v. Miss Sot-ham S9, Miss J. Grant 30 v. Miss Marchant 30, Miss R. Marchant 28 v. Miss Prinele 28, Miss L. McLaren 3D 'v. Miss M. Prt'ngle 30, Miss M. Hay 30 v. Miss Mulholland 30, Miss F. Ziesler a bye.

An exchange of unfriendly phrases took place at the Harbour Board yesterday, the first of the kind for a very long time. Mr Besley made some remark to the effect thafc the shipping companies were making good dividends now, and they wanted the ' charges on their ships reduced to make their dividends bigger. Mr Smith- when his. turn came to speak, said Mr Besley had " talked a lot of rot-," —as if the few hundred pounds the Board proposed to give up to them would affect their dividends. Mr Cliisholm called the chairman's attention to Mr Smith's words; and said he should be 'asked to withdraw them. Mr Smith : "It .is utter rot. I may with- . draw them A r erb;il]y, but still believe it. It is ridiculous Titter rot." The chairman thought the words might- pass: "It's.not swearing anyway." -Mr Besley made a personal explanation. He would lake no notice of Mr Smith whatever. He did notsay they were proposing to give tlip. companies a bigger dividend, but to assist them in paying one or two per cent. more. "Mr Smith probably would not see the difference.'''

"L.K.G." WORTH DOUBLE ITS COST. An "L.K.G." will save both time and labour. Mr W. Weir, Stirling, writes: —" It is with extreme pleasure that I testify to the splendid resuits I am obtaining with the "L.K.G." milker. The longer I use it the more pleased I become, for the results are in way extremely satisfactory. It is a great labour saver, for with three attendants, I can milk 40 cows in 50 minutes with three machines, and peace and contentment reign over the whole establishment. With the latest rubberware, I find the upkeep of plant a small item, and the upkeep for the .past four months' continuous running has only cost lis 9d. I am so pleased with my plant that if I were offered double its cost, conditionally that I would go back to hand milking, I would not accept." J. B. MacEwau and Co., Ltd., 6ole agents, Dunedin. ...

Of all the silly proverbs one vogue should be 'diminished, Tq; ''Woman's work is never done!" It should be: " Never [finished!" She's always working, understand, To keep the home together, And has Woods' Peppermint; Cure on hand For colds in wintry weafther. ...

The unnuud election <>l school commit tees t<*k«e>> place on Monday next.

Nomination* lor the Aahburton County Racing Ctub» autumn meeting. bit due at y o'clock this evening.

On M;»y 7th. a total publican us to tie charged at the Magistrate's Court with having, e.\p«;<sed and liquor on Good Friday, thin being contrary to thi» provisions of ttw taw. and two working menr areto be simattaneoosly charged with being illegally on licenced premises daring the time" the pretnfcw* were required to be et«;«ed-

The services, in Wesley Church fo-nior-mvr wilt be conducted by the lit:v. L. Is. Neate m th* morning and Iter. W. Ri umber m the evening. Special services in connection with anniversary of the Waimataitai Chure'u will also be held. the preachers morning and evening respective tv beinjj the Rev. W. Bauiuber and Rev. L. M.Neuie. Shortly before- 6 o'cWk U'*t evening an alarm of fire- brought out the Fire Brigade and a gnodty emwd of people, but they were n«H given anything very exciting, merely a burning chimney at MvGrath's boarding house in Arthur .«ti>vt. A quantity of burning soot was Hying about* the loot', giving the- appearance from a distance of something seriou-,; but it wa:< not. serious enough to require the .-er vices of tfw» brigadesmeu. who wen» promptly on the scene t»» render their aid if required. The meeting of ladies wilting to assist i'ni the Oeratdine Literary Instifnte and School Bazaar was held in tin* Insttttrt** ott Thntiiday afterntion. and was very wett attended. The chair was taken by Mr A. J, Mi-Kay. president of the Institute. who read stV'.'ra! apologies for absence' and offers of nvristanee. Stalls luirf stalt-hotders were arranged for. and there is every indication that the funds of the two institutiore* wilt be considerably augmented. Most of the statl-boldsrs resolved tw wear fancy costumes, an author to be selected by each stall, and the assistants to make their choice among any of the characters described in th-r works by chat author. "There wa* a fair attendance at thv Oddfellows' Hatf. Iteraldtne. on Thursday evening to trt:wr the lecture given by the Rev. Mel)nnatd McLennan, of Unnedm. Mr ,f. Young jire»rde«t. and intrndKred tbe speafeer. The was "Scotland in the Otden Times." and thi* lecturer bandied his them*' in an attractive manner, and gave a wealth of information regarding the i-ostoms. manners, and superstitions of the otd S««teh peasantry. th*v nu>,t striking feature of whirl* was {H>rfiap> (It* extreme frugafity which nevertheless developed « hsurdy raee. The wa» interspersed with many ant'cdot,ecv. winch, though somewhat dry. were nevertheless much appreciated. Mr K. T- Hdmonds. who is on at twelve months' viwit to New Zealand, under the auspices of the- Christian Women's Board of Missions, b expected in Thnartt next week, to assist Mr F. W. ttrwnwood in thf conduct and con tin nation of the mission inattgxrrated two months ago io the gospel tent opposite the- I'cst Oftictf._ The' niissioners intend holding services in the Theatre, and to tontinne the- work until thev faave ptew for tian union and the rvistoration of primittveare being" held in the Oddfellows" «>a». Woolkonibe street. To-morrow night at 7.30 Mr l*reenw«od will give art «>o how to hit tlw tnatk. and will iHustrute jt bv means of a blackboard. The fortnightly m-etinc of the star of Canterbury Lodge. No. 10.. IJ)J».F. was held on Wedw.iday evenmg. N ( » *>ro. Milts pfiside<{. assisted J>y Bro- Am«-*. V.ft. After transaction of the usual business candidate was initiati'd into the order, and one proposed for membership. There being a tot of new members initiated into the order lately, ft was decided to hold a degree routing next Lodge night, and thwe metnbetn who wish to receive their degree ar« requestetl to attend and come eiirty as the- lodge wilt ht* npeno<i at-half-past To clock. A brother from the Star of Sycknham Lodge, Christcharcti. gave a brief account of the Lodge and its progress. The Lodge- has been opened sue montfcis. and has a membership 60. The receipts for the evening totalled £B. and rick pay amounting to £3 was passed for payment. The Lodge was ctmed at 10 p-Kt. Many people are aware of the fact that som& dealers pahn off wool and rot ton goods as all wool. Amongst our stock you witl find the Rostyn and Tnnarn wools to the front. There are no other? better than these and seeing the- prices are so Tow we cannot do better than recommend these goods. Timaru all-wool underpants from 4* lid a pair, undershirts thtv same. Teat-son and Co.. Outfitters. StaHord st. ... It ir> very satisfactory to note that Timartt us showing a great iidvauct" in building operations, harbour tmprovrntnts and railway returns. Tin- holiday revenues for travel have- almost b;;rn doubled and Timaru. easily now the record over any other city of the same s*ixe. But not. onty in this respect has t>!>en a marked improvement, tb? Dresden Music and I'iano- output hais increased in the proportion, and the 1 past week h;j>* be.'*n the banner wsek of tln» l l)r>'sdtii in Timaru. The up-to-date" -stock of music, the splendid display of pianos and organs attract targe crowds tvery day and tlw facifities for obtaining I be- latest songs* and instrumcntat piectti on a rm nienti-, notice. have been much appreciatert by alt client's and especially made teacher*. ITie Dresden -still claim "to W «u|)erior to any other house for promptness, quatity and value. ...

"News that will be extremely -welcome to- users of robber, and particularly to motorists, is the enormous redaction in rubber and rubber tyre*. Speaking to | Mr Bockaert. of Meewrsr Skeatea and Bockaert, this firm having had the longest experience of any dealers with the famous Michelro tyres, be states that the reason of tits big redaction fn tyres w caused by the Terr large drop in the price of rub ber. Mr Bockaert has handed to us a scale which shows that when in 1905 the price of rubber was 6s a pound, it gradually dropped' to 4s 6d in July, _ and in December last it to* down to 3» 6d a pound. Besides this, a heavy reduction was cansed by 30 per cent being taken off the doty by the f.ovenmient: which makes 50 per cent, difference between the retail price of now and of twelve months ago. Mr Bockaert state* that a car which nwd to cost £24. for n*w tyres all round can now be fitted with snroe fjnalrty tyres for £l6. This reduction should be welcome especially to doctors and to business men; and will make the upkeep of motor cars a small matter in the future. Messrs Skeates and Bockaert have just landed a large cbrpment of tyres, and are now prepared to give the public the benefit of the reduction. ... We have been shown a really smart li<rht boot for gentleman, by Mr Souter. of Souters Shoe Store, which be is jelling at 10» 6d per pair. They are made in the Dominion, and guarantee to be made of solid leather throughout. An imported boot that we could sell at the same price, would have cardboard stiffeners and insoles. We do not stock them, but let the iack-of-aM-tradest. anil maeter-nH-wme. shops do so- We are boot importers, and do not stock pins fry the packet, bat heel pins for boots. We specialize in boots and shoes. AH our energies are centred in boots. It is only when we take our boots off at night that boots leave us: and then sometimes we dream about them. See our ladies golf boot, extra stoat sole ami watertight tongues. Something special. Souter's Shoe Store. ..

NOTICES". Mr .T. E. Lows' the closing hiis ''.mmm itt Timura. No ns* engagements after May the Bth- Persons wishing. t.t> acquire the art of ■waltzing should not fow this opportunity to. do so. Mr Lowe will not be in Timaru again til! next year.

Tlie Strathmore girls' school icnwns on Wednesday next.

Tir." trade of th-~ port for the Hiht quarter of tli< v year wavs a record, for a first quarter, 42,106 tons. The* Pioneer Terminating Building Society offered an appropriation for -sdci in the" Xo. 2 group last evening. The price realised for £3OO was at- the rati* of £25 10s 6d per £l5O. The last evening performance of Living Whist and Kirmess was given last night in the Theatre Royal, to a rath>-r thin house. A final performance will l>e givvn this afternoon at 2.30. at popular wiccs, and the friends of the Garrison Band who have not ."ten this clever and prettv children's entertainment should give th<> building fund a lift, and see in return » novel entertainment on this last opjiortunity. Mr Thew yesterday congratulated Mr Craigie on the tact he had shown conducting the business of the Harbour Board ;u chairman daring the last year, and in the matter of tact likened him to the late Mr Seddon. Mr Urbcll hojfed that- Mr Cruigre would not develop any other of Mr iH-ddon's characteristics; and Mr Chishohu said that (lie members would not be "dumb dogs" anyway. Mr lk-slcy saw a likencs* to Mr Sneddon in thei way Mr Craigie won over opposition. If Mr SVddon had liv«d there- would linve been no Opposition left. Mr Craigie. lie said, had been an ideal chairmau.

A copy of the " Itockhampton Morning Bulletin" of March 19th, has been received, containing a report of the meeting of the Rockhampton Harbour Board on the previous day. Their engineer is Mr J. H. Baynes. late of Timaru, and he- displays at Rockhampton the same facility for writing long reports as was noted in Timarxt. Members compliemtned Mr Baynest on his proposals for improving * the methods of working. It appears from the* reports that the Board possesses a pump dredge, which lifts sand, shingle and clay, and drive* the spoil thiougti a pipe lo reclaim land, lifting it above hijdiwater mark. Most of the spoil lifted shingle stnd sand, and cutters are used to loosen the clay. From tlie Ist February to 7th March, the dredge lifted in 260£ hours, pumping 51,478 cubic yards of spoil, or over 350tnn.« an hour. The depth dredged to is 16ft below low water spring*, and the spring tide rise.s lCft. The usual weekly meeting of the Life Boat Lodge. No. 101. was tield in the Forester's Hall, George street, last evening. Bro. Hawkey, the C-T. presiding, over a good attendance of members. One candidate was proposed for memticndiip. Visitors were present from Orey Lynn. Star of the- Hast. Ashburton. Kemont, New Plymouth and the Hope- of Dunedin. It was" decided that the drag for conveying members to the apecwl meeting of the District liodge to be held at Temuka on Tuesday evening leave the I'os*. Office at 6.15 p.m. After routine business had been disposed of, the election of officers resulted as follows: —C.T., Bro. Hawkey: l\T.. Sister Downward; secretary. Bro. Williams; F. sec., Bro. Johnson; treasurer. Bro. Hawkey; chaplain. Bro. Toy*-: nmshall, Bro. Claughton; guard, Bro. Kemskv; sentry. Bro. I.owry; rec.. Si>- I ter Batt; organist, Sister I<cggott : I'.C. T.. Sister Peake. Tlie lodee was closed in the usual manner at 9.30 p.m. On Thuiisday evening in the Tfinuka vrx.-iaJ hall there- was large attendance of m-mbers of the Methodist congregation to welcomt- th.- Itev. Mr and Mr.s Beckett who have recently bn-n appointed to the charge of Temuka circuit. The proceedings took the- form t:f a tea and • ocial and Mr John Miles. a ; > the oldr>; jiu-mbii-r of the- congregation, pr He <x-t*-nded on behalf of the congregation a welcome tr> Mr and Mis Beckett to T>ninkn. He felt ftire th 'V would milch appreciat:l the change, and that the ni.tnb would work hard to niak - his: mi >ii<y} amongst tliem a pleasan; one. The Rev. T. C. Mut'donaid (I'r«>.»byterian). ih>- H?v. T. Coatsworth fPrrmitive Metiiodr.stK the IS'.'V. W. Baumbpr (Timaru). a .id Mr W. S. Mi»din (<»e raiding all welconn-d Jlr and Mrs Beckett, and a.«>-ured thtni rf th • hearty co-oj>emtion ihr-y would re-i-eive- m carrying on (Jod't, wr»rk iii tli»-d-strict. Mr 8.-ck'.-tt returned thanks tr> tl«« ui nibers th ir welcome which he very mttch appreciated. ' Owing to many requests from tlie conntry people to send oot a competent traveller to measure them for a suit, there is now engaged a man solely to attend to these wishes, therefore all persons who are unable to see either of the travellers or com into the shop, opposite the post office, need only drop Alfred J. Stepliens a line to that effect and he will deem it a favour to give thew requests his prompt attention...

There lias bwn a good opening in Timaru for ;i first-class boot repairing and besfioke workshop. Mr Souter, <>f Souter's Shoe Store, has b»vii ; ,war»' of 'his fa< t ever Im> came t«» Tinias u. an I alive as I«? is to every opp»>rt unity to thoroughly cater for tin- footwear want« of the Tiuiaru public, has installed « sjh--cial np-to-date and fully ♦-quipjietl repairing plant. Mr Manlcy. of Dunedin. who h- well and favourably known throughout Otago a* a craftsman of exceptional ability. has been engaged to control ilkDepartment. We fwl sure his work will come as a revelation to thnee who will entrust their repairs to us. All repairs left before 10 a.m. will be executed same day if de:.ired- Souler's Shoe Store. ...

If yon want to try Sulphur Bitters, bay a bottle at James'. Try our Compound Glycerine and Linaeed for the cure of cough?, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, and all, disorders of the throat, lungs, and chest due to cold. Prepared and sold exclusively by Irfonard B. James, family and dispensing chemist, Timaru- ...

Golf and hockey players will be well catered for this season. .Mr Taster has just landed a large and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseys, Cleeks, Irons, Lofters, Mashies, Niblicks, Patters, Caddie Bags. Balls, etc.. Hockey Stickß, Shin Pads, Rubber Guard Rings, Balls, etc. Al '»•» Central .Sporting Depot, Timaru... Dress baskets, gladstone bags, portmanteaux, brief bags, travelling rugs, these are the articles that are in most demand just now and nowhere are they to be found in a larger variety and lower prices than at IRWIN'S Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford street (next Prosser's 800 l Shop>. Note the address. ...

THE GUINEA POEM ! A CHEQUE for £1 Is has been sent to the writer of tlii-* vtr-.t —Mr.*. C. S-. Kainiautintn Xorth. Auckland. It in perfectly trut—- , Though it .«oun<fe> rather funny; IE you always u>«* SAPOX. You'll !».' saving your money! WIN A GUINKAI Prize Poem Published every Saturday. Best original four short line advt. verse about "SAPOX ' wins each week. SAPOX wrapper must be enclneed. Address: —" SAPOX" {Oatmeal Washing Powder) P.O. Box 650. Wellington. If v»>ur grocer does not stock Sa{>on. please send his name and address. ...



A simph*. yet powerful ami pk;»-ant. cough ami cold rtme'iy and lung tonic. Qok'klv ri'titfttif.'" «tll di-.east'M of tin- throat wn ,| long*. s*iwi l»«ikU tip tht-M- vital part.-* to grwtr-r >tr»-iigth. Mafc.s weak lung»> »tr»ng. ami »tr"iig Fuiip-? |w»wvrftiL 1-» 6.1, 2.* 6<l. and 4- 6»l per bottlr. Obtai.iabhi,U i-lc in>t« »ml .-tnr.-kv.-iMfi.7-



Dr. ENSOR'S TAMER JUICE i» a care- for roost of women** painful ailrmnto. Mitnv wont' -n invr l*vn n»iifl> tfiil!y heippfl by tht ti*e ' f this time-bononrt-d vegetable preparation-

Mr \V. F. Maiv-ey. M.P. f«r Fraiiklyn, and leader «>f the Opposition. leaves Dun-t-din this morning for tlit* north. _On arrival at 'JYinuka hi- will break lib journey for a feu' hours ami proceed to Chr.v.L----t-lituch by lilt- <v.-niiig expre-rt. At '!<■- lnuka Mr Masscy will consult with the executive of the Reform League t-ht- lneiubei* « f which will meet Him on arrival. It in not known what arrangements have b;c>n math- for di-liveiing addrossis in this piovincv by Mr Miiwy, but it is und.-r----.stood that h- will deliver at '.east one before proceeding to Auckland.

To-day attraction:, at O'Neill's buckjuinping show include a inatincc at 2.50 p.m.. when a gold medal and prizes of 7.> 6d and 2s 6d will be ollYrert for the best boy riders and in the evening a match will be decided between Messrs S. Trilford and \V. McKay for £2O a sidu and the buckjumping championship of the South Island. The contestants have agreed to Messrs M. Oiton and J.Sinclair acting as judges, who, in the event of any dispute, will appeal to Mr O'Neill as referee, his decision to be final. Both men have signfd the conditions. The stakeholder is Mr Connolly, and the stakes will be banded over directly after the match. Mr O'Neill will present a South Island championship gold medal suitably inscribed to the winner <>f the match, which will commence at 9.15 p.m.

Slime's dtr.i'Uiiy for Cantetbuiy, X' l >«>n. MaHbriioiigli aiut Wr.itland for 19CS 0 is ir.w on lb" iiiarki-l. and will b- found In iiiainiain the crharacti r of tlinje din-c----t-'«ri.;» for iiM-fiilm and ai-cui-acy. Xanini and iiddrt'.-ies of hoiMi-holdi-is and br-dne: -s p-opk- have a.scertaiiied by house-to-luuim- canvias. and an cxtetisiv-.- appendix of nSi-ful official n has been obtained from official i-onrcev. The directory con!-»t>> of till ( v.- jiouioi ii. Tl:? (ivst, 566 pagts, the occnpanls of buildings. on each side : f cveiy* istiest- in and around Clirjitchurcb, Tiuiaru and Nelson, and in each country town and district op the provincial districts named in the tilJc. No 2, 544 page*, the name nam.-s in nlphabt'tical older: and No. 3, 95 pagns. is a directory of trades and professions in those- districts. Another i-;rctions contains a brief account of each borough, -county, town district, and haib-ur in this area.

SYXOI'SIS OF XKW ADY'KI.TISK mkxts. C.F.C.A. —Uois'-s. to day : Temuka isal»\ Tuesday ; (Ji raldine, W-edncsday. Jnna* and Co.— weekly hale of poultry. <tc.. to-day. National Mortgage -Alburv. Monday : Waihao. Wedn.>>day ; Cave and Stndiiolm<\ Friday: land sale, May 9th; buy. is of grain, etc. Clearing sale at Totnra Valley—By X.M. and A. Co.. on 141 li May. Dalgetv and Co.--Clearing wile. 1.-l .May; Alburv .->al;\ 27th; Waihao, 29tli. (». P. (jvrrk* and Co. —Sale at roi.uuj, tliikj day. Loan and Mercantile Co.—Faring to let; Albury. j Mpnday ; Waslidyke, Tuesday; ({■.-raldine. Wednesday. Ouinnefts and LtCren—Al bury. Monday; Temuka, Tuesday; (Jeraldine and Waihao Forks, Wednesday; Ktudholnu.-, Friday: Orari Fair. 11th May; clearing 21st. J. K. Reid—Salt* of boots and clioes still on. VVYrilt.-yau School Hall—Lecture on Y.M.I.'.A. work. Tuesday. Webb and Kemptlioriiv—Land at St. Andrew*?, for sale. Theatre Royal 'Grand matinee, 2.50 p.m.. to day. O'Xvili's Hippodrome—Matinee l and big l>ingraniui»*. to-day. Mrs Reveli—Wants a lioiii emaid. Brtinsden'o fruit stores —Ripe fruits of all kinds. Kdinonds' good-—''«gg» custard and baking powder.". J. C. Oddie —Stock-.s food fir babiMi. J. Harrison —800 l <;ak- still booming. (reach's Company—At Theatrp. oil Thursday. Church services—Foresters* Hall and Odd fellow.s' Hall, Tent, Trinity, Wesley, St. Mary'b. J. Ballantyne and Co.—For tailor-made coats and skirts. J. Baxter—Reduced prices for photogiaphic cameras. Pennine's tailoring ihtablisliment —Perfect litting suit i. Mackenzie and ]*•%"«■!« County Councils — Electoral rolls open. X.Z. trade exchange—Butchery and bakery for Nile. _ .. StratliUHTc (J iris' School —Reopens, Wed-it-.iiday. C. Smith—Result* of Point Town Board election. ' Lost—A diary; reward this office. Olagc: Winter Show—On June 2nd sth ; ciitrisrt clo.'v May 20th. A<ihburtoii Autumn Racts Xomiuatioii»> c!t:-e this day. addre>pr—By Sir Vk. J. Steward. Borough of (Jeraldinc—Mr J. dialing ■lectcd Mayor. Musical examination* by R.A.M. and R.C.M. —ICntriry. May Ist. B. Kernick—Has opened boot-shop tinder .W:mblv Boons*. 'Chamber of Commerce —Annual meeting oil Thinsdav. R. L. Oi'b'll -Has land to let on Craigmore. Mi?, M- L. Ashby- Certificated marseitse. H. S. Lamb and Co.—For latest fashion in nit-n » tailoring. t;. p> arson—Baskets. peggv bag", etc.. on hand. Bryant and Co.—Pork wir-iage." and (irewd pMiltry. J. K. Lows.—C!o-<.s reason in limai u for dancing. Wanteds—Seventeen noticis.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13578, 25 April 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13578, 25 April 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13578, 25 April 1908, Page 4


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