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There is only one practical milking machine—the " L.K.G." It is th*> only machine .that ha* effectively stood the test- of practical work day after day for over five years. Think, what a risk is taken in installing a new machine. At least two years* trial by practical farmers is required before it I* safe for yon to even, consider its claims. The '"L.K.G." fe tbe only machine that has proved to be non-injntions' to the cows because its Gillies patent breaks down the dangerous euction "by inktting air in the same manner as does the ealf. J. B. MacEwan Mid Co., Ltd., sole agents, Dnnrdin. .-

MB JAMES BRIGGS SUFFERED SEVERELY FROM RHEUMATICS. QUICKLY CUBED BY BHEUMO. Mr James Briggs, of S.S. Aorere, Wellington, testifies to the great benefit he Bbeeived from Rhetuno. He writes from Wellington on September 6th, 1907:—"For a cooniderable time I suffered very severely from Rheumatics. I tried all kinds of liniments and pills, but they did not do me any good. I heard of several people ■who had taken Rhenmo, and how they had been benefited, xo I took a few bottles'. lam pleased to say it did what yon eltim for it—relief and care for Rheumatic*. All suffering from Rheumatics and Gout should give it » trial, as I am • confident they will be cured.—JAMES BRIGGS." AH chemists and stores »efl Rhenmo at & 6d and 4» 6d...

Although the fire bell rang out louu and long this morning remarkably few jieople turned out to ascertain where the tin? was burning. The constitution of Pleasant Point r.-.> a town district is gazetted. The Board of Commissioners is to consist of ueven members;.

The ordinary monthly meeting of the Pleasant Point District High School Committee was held on Friday evening last, all the members being present. The headmaster's report stated that the at'c ni-irc »a> good; 170 on the roll in the pr ii.sry and 39 in th« secondary department; and that the staff were willing to help with the concert to raise ftinds for bazaar. It tt'iw decided to hold a concert in 10th of. April in the school. A donation of £2 was granted to the sehool library. It was decided that the Master holidays be from 16th to 27th of April. The; visitor's rejioit was satisfactory. Accounts wer«p.tssed for payment for £6 ss.

A "young man who was arrested in Batnard Street on Satnrday evening'was charged before Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., yesterday with being drunk. The defendant pleaded guilty, hut stated that ihiv- was the firsi offence of hi'j life. The police reported that he had been locked op since hi." airest. whereripon his .AVor-.<-hir» suggeated tbar ••«• *the man had been well fed and looked after he owed the Government something for lward and lodgings. .Defendant sa ; d he had work-to go to, and his Worship recorded a conviction and discharge. ' .-it the same sitting of the Court one prohibition order was granted against a working man and one apnlicntion wa« "-truck out as neither the applicant nor defendant appeared. This latter caw was against n man who was recently fined for supplying liquor to prohibited persons, and his Worship directed > Ibat rh* polire might take artinn in the' matter if fbey thought : On Thursday eTening*' ' last- the Bible Classes of Ipafeora'and Pareora East assembled in the PaTeora Wesley Church to; lake leave- of tlieir leader, the Rev. O. H. Olds, whose popularity was etl JjvAhegoodtv number who nut together, "to do him hononi-.' After the ordinary meeting on hour or so was devoted to games, etc.. after which Mr W. Hnlkett •poka in -ieulogistic terms of Mr 01ds\s work in connection wifh the Pareora Bible Class, and on behalf or the class, wished him eT'erj"'Bappinefs and " success in bis More wifef/ - Mr Strineer (Pareora FiStl' Wrrea to the faithful way Mr ;niils~ : haa fnlfißed his duties during iik 'two v«rrs' reVidence in the Timaru rircoit, ami f theii handed him a «tn nf moneV which ' was contributed by the friend* of Pareora. Kinesdown. awl PafeSm East. Mr replied. ibapMng them all for the various ways theV had helped" him in his, work, and .asked that tha aanv ?eneror.-> stippoit Jfemld b» irivm to his in the Mr B. Withell spoke ~1 some leneth on matters Pfrtaimng to ?&-"Tennis Club of which Mr Olds ~a« .-in ardent" promoter and supporter. Ihe staS or 49* in- Sankey's the Sw to a-close, when-Mr-Olds depaSed to tV strain of "For he's a jolly good fellow." A memorial service, was held tost, Sunday Sirig m.tbe PrimitiveGefaldine, out ot late* Mrs Bates, of Orari, who had been i member of the church from.its incepa. H. Mann" preached 'SX large. congregation. jrhe service ! thro?gpott,wa»*very impressive Old (favourites of the de--S«ied) were; sung with great «"«*»«* TS-pr^^wai-noV^n -forget the service;« it excellent tribute >to the piety^f^the'deceased, 'and.shoVedhow much 6l«> respected .and loved by fthose with whom'she has so long been associated in Christian life and work. Aft- J Hnfry. the circuit steward, read •the le'sson, and spoke earnestly to the , young .people. Mr Mann took for his text ExV 35441 Here, he said, *«*>*)», keywords to the experience of tlieir late co-worker, a' verj- practical application, was-given to the promise, and the preacier specially urged that all, shtould nnd jrredtMmrort from tins message- in tinies oi sorrow arid temptation, and that here was Hhe, secret of a peaceful death. At the dose, of the sermon Mr Mann said lie wished to make some personal references. to their late friend. After reference to her early life, and home life, he spoke of'.her conversion, which .took place nearly 40 vears ago", and ever since she had been very loval to her chnrch and to God. She was not one whohad lieen very prominent, in public and church affairs, hut she had been a woman "of larg<s sympathies, and in a quiet wav had encouraged many workers. , Mr iiann spoke of her great kindnesß to himself and tlie local preachers, ah« of l«er keen intereatr, in mis•sions. She was a great believer in the doctrines of the Bible, and represented a type of Christian, which the preacher declared, was all ' too rapidly passing away. Mr Mann urged all to follow her example in "their loyalty to Christ and .the church, and to cultivate the same devotional spirit,' which was the feature of their late friend. She had been a noble mother, and an ideal church iaepiber, and the home and the church had suffered a. loss they could not but deplore, though they all rejoiced in her relief from suffering and the glorious testimony slve had left.

Owing tt> Easter Monday being just tliree>" weeks away, Alfred J. Stephens, the two pound seventeen and six tailor <pporfte the post office, is sending his travelleis through the Fairlie and Waimate districts to enable his many customers to be measured in time to get. their Easter suits; The travellers will be carrying with;*them in addition to the sample of uniting, a foil range of men's mercery and clothing, including Chesterfields, working pants, • umbrellas." oilcoate. shirts, hush ruga, sox and rverything that a man wears. ...

The purchase of a 12 h.p. Darraeq motor ear, by tbe New Zealand Government, for the tourist traffic on the Haunter roads, again proves' beyond all doubt tbe exceptional lasting qualities of this car. > Tbe car -which was bought by them was tbe oldest- twin cylinder Darraeq in New Zealand, having been built in 1900. After doing very favourable work for a private owner, it was purchased by a Christchurch motor agent, and was used for several years for hiring work, where it earned at feast £6OO, while in commif*ion there. Tbe Government recognising the exceptional strength and reliability of this car, bought it for the Hanmer i;ervice. where it tan be seen every day. carrying tourists luggage and mail. All this clear!v shows that the name of the " RELIABLE DARRACQ." known all over the world, has been won bv hard and valuable work. ...

The Morris Block suit you made me fits me perfectly. I could hardly believe you could make me a suit for 55s to til so well. Messrs Pearson, the outfitters, get many 6ueh letters from pleased customers. With these suits you get a fit on when yon are measured. Over fifteen hundred patterns from 55s a suit upwards. IVarson and Co., Stafford St., igents. ...

If you want to try Snlphtir Bitters, bny a bottle at James'. Try our Compound Glycerine and Liiiswd for the cure of cough.", colds, bronchitis, hnaiseness, difficulty of breathing, and all disorders of th* throat, lungs, ;i ikl dust due to cold. Prepared and sold exclusively by Leonaid P.. .fames, family and dispensing chemist, Timarn. ...

Golf and hockey players will be well catered for this season. .Mr Tasker has just landed a large and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseys, Clocks, Irons, LoftfTH, Mashies, Niblicks. Pnttcrs, C:uldie Bans. Balls, etc.. Hockey Sticks, Shin Pads, Rubber Guard Rings, Balls, etc. At he Central Sporting Depot, Timarn...

The building trade seems to be in a flourishing condition in Waimate just now. In the two principal streets three large brick buildings' are in process of erection, and the new CatlioHe Church is also keeping busy a large number of bricklayers and stonecutters.

A sitting of the Old Age Pensions Court was held in Tiraaru yesterday, when tile magisterial searchlight was turned upon the reputations and banking accounts of quite a number of applicants who requested a little help for their declining years. One man Mated that all the property he posst-roed was one •shilling in the Post office Savings Bank and admitted that his chief consolation nowadays was his daily fonrpenny-worth of beer. In all Mr. Wvay, S.M. renewed 18 pensions, granted two new ones arid adjourned hindecision in two cases.

A gloom was cast oyer Temuka. on Friday, when it- was heard that. Mrs. Tangney, wife of Mr. J. Tangney of that town, " had passed away.' Dec-eas-ed was widely known and respected and of a" kindly disposition and ]kv death came as a great, shock especially as she had been ailing only since Tuesday. Mrs. Tangney was a native of Tralee (County Kerry), and came to New s?ealand about 26 years ago. She leave's a widower and nine sons and two daughters't« mourn'her loss. The funeral took 'place, on Satnrdav and was largely attended. ". -.' :' -.. ;'•" . ■•- ■■)■'■

The Timarn Technical: School reopened last evening for the 1908 session, anil a good start was made with tlie enrolment ijf pupils, over 100 giving in their names. This «s good for the first night. , It has always taken a week or so to get tlie listr< filled" up. Classes in, cookery, » woodwork, building construction, .* woodcurvihg, shorthand-' and typing; began their work. Judging by the way the pupils rolled up .last- night .the director anticipates a- good .'session. TMj ' evening cila.'rtes start, in boofckeejiing, Latin- and ■ ambulance 'work, and the director will be at- the office for the purpose of enrolling pupils. ; '.'..■ . The annual ram fair held under the attsof ihe Timaru Agrictiltural and' Pastoral Association"takes place on the showgrounds at •Smithfield this day. The entries by #he secretary,; Mr ,R. L. .OrbeU,'> total" 1136/ whiclL "' isi'lirrecord, being >j abotib-'';4TO v ''-mqre:^ap'?:liwi"-r':yeai ; i: irie of 'rams'.to .be iV offere'd. in. the different filaases is follows :— Boeder; XfeioMters' \ 429, Marsn "58,' English/ Leiceiiters 531, :lßyeSihrppsnires 57. '"All of these are anji- |u ! '; the*' New Zealand' 'flock '.book- 'apdi in l •:■'ndditipii tothere .are' two;.clashes f'pf •. rams, : yiz', ; 'Corriedaks 'i37j ■ BoVchjib ,*Lei': cesfes:2. auctioneers "will Jie representedTr-TQuinriess.{ Dalgety arid Cb:, N r M.- and'Af.Co.,':ioap, arid' Mercantile: €o. and CFC.A. * '"'J

j The statutory meeting of the Cave Saleyards Company, was held in the schoolroom on Saturday evening. Mr. Tasman Smith, chairamn of directors, occupied the chair and there was a good attendance of shareholders. The dbairman congratulated tlie meeting on the success of the yard. The number of sheep passed through them in the two sales as yet held, was upwards of 5000 which spoke for the necessity that had existed for ,yards in 'his district. The chairman gave a lucid explanation: qf each* item jn the statement issued to shareholders and on his motion the balance--sheet was passed as printed. It was then decided-to call up the balance <tf the capital. Votes j>f thanks to the chairman and secretary /were* patised by acclamation. The retiring directors were re-elected. - i • " Wests '" had another full house last night, crowded in, -fact, 'for their final" .appearance, and gave -their patrons their money's wortlr in an. excellent entertainment of pictures and music. Some very pretty and clever coloured illusion series were shown, and the people of Timaru who were there went a-tour, ha& » fine railway .ind tram trip in the Austrian Alps, and ■paid a visit to the Franco-Colonial exhibition, where they saw amongst other things some interesting industrial uses of •'lephants and saw the ungainly creatures amusing the spectators (if not themselves) by sliding down a waterchute-withonb a boat. The Brescians gave, of their best. The overture was the Chimes of Nqrmandy, and two of the popular songs of that opera were well *>jmg m> connection with it. Their vocal and instrumental items were all highly appreciated. The company have Had a good season, here, and will be welcome whenever they return A meeting of the committee of the Mackenzie" - County Agricultural Society was held at Fairlie on Saturday night. Present:—Messrs C W. -Isitt feh.iir . man), J. Davidson, J, Goodwin, F. R Gillingham. H. Brien, W. .T. Lewis, J. Trotter, W. Arden, W. J. Giddings, J. Bray, and G. Dabinett. Messrs Nimmo and Blair offering a «eed order, and the " Lyttleton .Timer," Company a free copy of the Canterbury Times for 12 months as donations to the society's prize fund Mr. F.' ManatonV, tender for the right of having the licensed booth on the ground on Easter Monday was accepted. The following class- stewards were appointed ;--slieep/sfessr.s: .7. Davidson, W. Arden, and W. McKay; cattle, W. J. Giddings, G. Dabinett. and E. Sutherland;; "dray horses. J. Caskey, R. Outline,: and L. J.'McGregor: light horses, J. Burnett, A. Mcßeath, F. W. McKenzie. E. Macdonald, A. CSmith; and B; Wright; sheep dogs, C. Bndd". and E. Gillingham; sporting dogs, L. McGregor; pigs, G. Giddings; fruit and vegetables, F. R. Gillingham, C. King, H. Thomas, and G. W. Talbot r farm produce, ;H. A. Innfs-Jones, and RE. Gillingham; guessing competition, R. O'Brien, W. Bray, W, Bain, pd J. Goodwin. Mr. J. Donaldson wrote agreeing to assist in the judging of the draught horses. It was decided to hold another meeting after the entries close. Exhibitors are reminded that entries close on April 6th.

Meetings and amusements. ■ THIS DAY. Show grounds—Annual ram and ewe fair- . . . q Chalmers Church—Organ recital, at H ''synopsis OF new advertise-

ments. Guinness and LeCren—Stock Rale, at Geialdine, to-morrow. C.F.C.A. Fairlie sale, tomorrow; Cave, on Friday. N.M. and A." Co.—Studliolme Hale, on Friday. . Studliolme Rales—Start in future, at 11 a.m. Aire Unwin—Wants young girl fond of children. Clearing Kile at Kingsdown—By N.M. and A. Co.. on 14th April. Adams, Ltd.—Prices of various bicvcley.

* Simon K. Martin—First class farm for sale.

Miss Stuart—Notice of thanks \<> friends. The Pierrots—Concert on Caroline Bay, this evening. Mr and Mis*; lloonev—Dancing classes, at Assembly Rooms. • J. G. Cowan—Prices of saddle tweed tTouseis.

St. Mary's Branch. H.A.C.B.S.—Members attend funeral, tn-dav. J. S. Turnhull—Calls tenders for additions to hliop. Mis Curtis dancing classes.

Alburv Football flub—Animal social. on April 101 h. Olde English Fayiv —Meeting of ladies l-o-niorn.w evening. Penrose's drapery—Wants a charwonncu S. R. Turnhull—Warning to trespassers Wanteds—Si* notices. Funeral notice—-By W. J. Lister.

Mr R. L. Wigley informs us that he is taking over the Mount Cook motor service as from to-morrow. •

" 'N'otwit'iiisptanding the efforts of Sir W. J. Steward-'the 'morning train due at Waimate at 9.25, avrives' with unfailing regularity at 10' minutes ■to ■ ten. The railway department ■ promised some time ago to hasten matters when they got- a- heavier engine.

Mr Capper, who will shortly succeed Mr McrTutclieson as chief postinasier at Timaru, comes from- Jnvercargill where he has been stationed during the'■•'passt twelve months. Previou.4ly to that lie' was in eluirge. of the Thames office. He is apo]>til!ii' 6fficer With the service and public "antTgeneral regret is expressed in Inver-L-argill at his departure. While re'turhirig to Christclmrch on his motor-bicycle on Sunday ■"• evening -from Rangiora; where he"had-be : en-'taking-part iii Ken-ices, BLshop Vlulin.V met Tvith an accident, -flis mat-liine getting into a rut, lie was heavily thrown, and one of his legs was considerably.injured. / The Bishop was able to reach home, but. .the effect of the.injury will be to confine, him to his room'for some davs at least.

At tire•:'ahhuaP meeting : 'iof ■ the' Rugby Union last evening a.'proposal-was made thab the -Union. oi'ganfee £ boxing- tournament "to : raise funds for sendirig a team on toiir. The chairman, pointed: out the many difficulties in. the way .of • Rugby ■Uiiinn would- haye'itb .lie- registered ■''lioxliig association, all pugilist's-would have to be medically' examifled,'-the gloves weighed and' certified to by tlie Sul'i-In-spe-efcor of- Police—in' fa'ct- he thought if was a veiy difficult 'thing indeed! to get a 'figlif,'■ ""ht lea«it legally." The advance 1 representatjive Mr. Yictpr.. Beet, of.* Edwin.'' Cieaeln's:' Cpm : pariy* arriyed iit to make preliminary' afrang'ements' ; , , .fpr' tlieir 'ftp-/ pearknce'.njext' Tuesday and .Wednesday,' " Adyentiiress " 'arid '.'s)&. Power of'"tlje:-.CrossJ"-' two higlilj•;.sensS-';' tio'nal and' Realistic■ ])rodted. ' Tull 'nouriced in tp-mdnrow'.V, issuel,:[Mf' wa's'*iii'i here iii 5 '97 as fcji;' ilia ':■ .talen'teil,; Bessie ,b'e' T a pleasafit memory' wi&'mariy .Tiiriaru !| people; v'- : '. !1 , - ■'-."'.::.-'' \.i- v S-/ 'v ■'".;'' -- Tti'e' ' Band "gave one: of ./their Municipal/ . : .Qoni^tß'.;.!bn : ~.'C4^fin&V,^iay ; /last J warm and/ 'jeyehipg ; made ; thS/ijrayc ■ (^^'/j^pyi^biff;.; i atfen/dahcV 'jppre/people' cert, /as;' '■& :''t^^iaimnesW-'/of ; '"' 1 tfie > evening ■; t,he'music//'' carrieS" -The-concert/wM'tom^ ;i'pf|/pe".;'-iieed. J&e^ plwted/ "'-'/.'in" 'JxoVembe'r'?lasfc''/t; , ie' -Borough; ivCquncil promise^ l ; to . haw'; : the-- VStundh v'an'd^tfi'osW'.-.whtf'/'.iiise; :ji'fc. iiaye 'ri'riy VaitVd, neirrjyj six mVhtii.i ; fqr

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13558, 31 March 1908, Page 5

Word Count

A TRIED AND TESTED MILKING MACHINE. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13558, 31 March 1908, Page 5

A TRIED AND TESTED MILKING MACHINE. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13558, 31 March 1908, Page 5


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