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'I'll? South Canterbury Caledonian Society is not losing popularity. Forty-one new nrembers have been boked since the annual meeting in June.

The Winchester Gun Club's £4O handicap will be fired to-morrow beginning at 11 a.m. in Mr J. Melnne's paddock near the WnLseley Hotel.

Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows : —"Easterly strong winds; glass fall; tides high; sea heavy after 14 hours; weather warmer."

The syndicate which is to bore for oil in the Ashbnrton district, lias' obtained boring rights over 42,000 acres- of land between th.s Rangitata and Rakaia rivers, on the seaward .side of the railway.

Photographs secured by 11 r Kennedy atMeanee Observatory, Napier, of the Flamniarion comet disclose four tails. The doctor states that when the comet has passed round the. sun it will be observed in the western skv after sunset.

The Government lias decided lo appoint a Commission to enquiiv into tin.* di.saf.tfu which occurred at the Nightcaps coalmine on .Tune 21st. The, persouii-eL of tlit* 'Commi.ssion lias- not yet. been determined, but it will consist of a magistrate and two other nicmbens.

To-morrow afternoon Mill bring about* the last race on the. .syllabus of llm Trinity Harrier Club, and it will lake the form of a two mile waled handicap. As good hard training has been I Ik> rule for the past w-cek, keen competition in •.ami vo result. Members are to be .early on (lie mark, the. start being' made from Caroline Bay. Those of the members! who intend travelling to Orari (lie following Thursday, should acquaint the secretarv (Mr Win. Tail) as earlv as possible,'

Political interference with various Slate, departments is not on the decrease. The Hum-din "Star" (a Government paper) iM informed on good authority that som-e heads of departments lind it difficult to maintain discipline, since the real "boss" is frequently not the head, but the M. 11.11. for the district. A very bad ease occurred in Dunedin recently. On*- of the employees absented himself for a. rather protracted period. When he came back he greeted some members of (he stall' to whom the head was talking with familiarity. His lirsl words were: "What ho!" and the rest of his conversation was like unto the- flirt. His- head naturally gasped in asfiiniishnu-nl, which drew from thi.s masterful young man the remark: "Oh. that's all right, boss; I'm not coming back here. Mr haft got me a job in another department."

'l'liti-.' N .1. e:nmg revival of the movement in favour of the Ka.-t I'i.a-r Kailway between Xapieratid • li.-In.i-it- -. wit li n. view In i.|> up tit- back ...I'iitiy.

Tli.- Otagn rMurarion Hoard el .-lioli.s ri-»ult-d in lie- it tin it of tli:- two sitting member.-. MtsM-s Mitchell and Snow, Th.third member. Mr Scott, was returned un opposed. Til,' Dun. din -Star" -;:•;,>, I hat l!r-Clii-f .Justin-, wil'n .Judges William and t'oop»r. will ...i-.-tii un a i • •utiiiuntie I '.tint of Appal. .-itiiug nioiititly wi'h their r>:-i dene,- ill \V.llii:-t.m. This u ill d..i11i1!.:-.i th,- appointment of anotfi-r juduv in take i-InU-jiv of th.- Ula-o ilis trict. . The i-ooki-ry elas.-.s wt.ieli ale held al tli- T.-cliii'n :il SVhool in th- t-vr-niuii aie n«ir m> popular with the and girl.* of Tinuun. that ML-;s WiVnn holds them on Monday and Tuesday eivu-ing-f. The pupils t.ik>> jrr-::t interest in their work, which Mi-.-. Wilson i.i ikes most i».--eful for thrni.

Mr <:. Scott. . f se..u iii.,l.. tii.- con tractors for th> .le.tiic- pow t r station, in forms c. that a bturi will lie mail.- next iv<'.-k in the machiiu'ry. It is tlf intention of the lirni to Employ local men for e-rectiiii; tilt- wires in the »nwt.s. The" work is unt ;it present far enough ail-va-nced for Mr Scott tr» give- a detinite date for ioanguratirin of the electric sup ply.

■ A lecture on the life and works of Sir Arthur Sullivan, will lie giv;n by Mr !r----v-irt More in ('lialtuers Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Those wh.. are interested in this great composer should be glad of the opportunity of he.uiujr som-thing further concerning his work, whih- those to whoai S'lliivau's name is unfamiliar will surprised t>> find how ititlnatdy he is associated with srmte of their b si; and happiest mc-nicnt.:.>- illtist rations will ba given by the chnrch choir, anil well-known vocalists.

On Monday evening the members of (he railway fire brigade held a smoka ronrert to bid" farewell to Captain Burke, who has been transferred to Auckland. Mr S. J. TreValla occupied the chair, and after an appropriate speech, presented Mr Bnrke with a pipe, as a. souvenir of his long foiortra in TmiarTt. Mr Burke, in reply. said h. 3 was sorry to be leaving so many friends behind, and he assured those present that lie would not forget, them for tfttrir kindness to lum. Songs were givsn by members of the station brigade, and altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent.

The Pleasant Point Caledonian Society held their annual fancy rtre-s ball last Thursday evening, in the Oddfellows" Hall. There- was a large attendance-. The Timarn Pipe Band was engaged for the occasion to play for so in* of the- items, and to to play selections. The President and Vice-Presi-<knt of the Teinuka Socis-ty w.-re present. Mr Cooper, of Teniuka. supplied the dance music. Mr Jackman. the Society.* piper, played some- items and danced the- sword dance. Mr A. Chi.-holm furnished a good snipper. The ball proved a srieeess-. both socially and financially, and the committee of management deserved great credit f=>r thiir arrangements.

Since; the consignment of hares for the Southland Coursing drib's inaugural uieeting arrived, an unusually large number of bawks have been in evidence (says, the "Southland Times"), and although they have not- been responsible Tor any "Rilbv* they liave, to some extent. Wen harassing the- hares. Occasionally a hawk may be reen to sweeps down-on a hare while- Tunning. Immediately this happens the hare rises on its hind lep> and adopts a fighting attitude. The- hawk then rises' and noarsronnd untilthe gam? makes another move-, when a simillar performance follows. Of the total number of hares liberated, ottiv three bave died, which is regarded as nnicrue by coursing? experts. The mortality is much Cfreater whin they are confined in limited' area. It appears that the hares are quite capable of defending themselves. . j

Tb? annual meeting of the Timaru NoT.icense Leagnt* was held in Trinity Kail last Thursday Wening. the president (Rev. A- E. Hunt) being in'the chair. Apologies wera received from the secretary. Mr R. A. Cbisbolm and the Rev. 8.. Buchanan, the former beina absent throngh indisposition. The president, who was a debate to the recent annual convention held in Wellington gave an outline of the work done at tie conference. 'Great satisfaction wat expressed at the wining- off of tit? Alliance debt of over £2OOO. The tone of the. conference was most optimistic, and tb» outlook most promisina. From almost every quarter the financial report* were most encouraging and never has the NoJ.icense movement been in a more healthy financial position in the colony than at prep°Tit. Several important recommendations from provincial council* were discussed, some Ining approved, others b.ini* referred, to provincial councils for discussion, with a view to introducing the question at r.?.xt years conference The president also anr>onnced that Mr James Ohartens. late of Glasgow, had b:-en appointed bv the Timarn and Temuka leagues conjointly, as canvasser. and organising agent. Th- following officers wer? elect >d for fh? ensuing year:—T*re?i''»nt A. E. Hunt: vicepresident-. Revs. T. Stiiwori, S. J. K'lpeH. S. Bu< hunan and J. Olpheri : treasnrer. Rev. S. Buchanan: : secretary. Mr K. A. Cbisuolm: executive committee, tl»:. president, secretary, treasurer, and Mr J. H. Parks.

Nothinsr is quite so good in bronchitis and chrome cough at; Steams' Wiue. Its d-licious taste makes its regular use a pleasure, and it acts as a rmtclile*s tonic and body builder. ...

A private telegram was received by a trell-known resident of this town, stating that the suits to measure sold by the tailor Alfred J. Stephens, in Hunt and Werry's Building, opposite Post Office, for two pounds seventeen and sixpence, are the best this siito of the line, for tit, etvle and quality of material. You cannot do better than get your next suit from him: can honestly recommend them. ... 400 MILES ON A MOTOR CYCLE. The English -.Motor Cycle" of May 29th. 1907. in writing about the- reliability of the motor cycle, stat-.-s:—"Tn vhe ■whole histoiy of motor cycle ami motor car competitions", we cannot remember an instance where fifteen competitors entered on one make of machine sncce.-.sfully gained the coveted gold medal-. This record performance was accompli.-.hed m rhe London to Edinburgh contest by lift-.n members of the Motor Cycling Club. all mounted on Triumph M»ior llicyileu." 15 Triumph; started. 15 Tiiuuiplis- tinishe.l. 15 Hold M-dals were award, d.

The following gentlemen of South Canterbury purchaser* and riders of the famous Imperial Triumph : —1). Davie, nnnager Dresden Piano Co.. Ltd.: Dr Haves: W. Moodv. Ks.|. : .1. C. Kolleston. K>o. : Dr Cook: T. 'l're-iz-. K,:.|. : W. Halty. K-q. : -I- K. I'igott. K>.|. : J. T. Wotten. Kmi. : Dr Paterson : I). Mi-Lsod. T-Nn. : A. If- Hat ha way. IVf. : Mayo. F.:<l. : R. L. Banks. Iv-.0.. : <L A.lams. Kso. : H. Ooodwin. 'P>o n-w Si h.n. model, with majiie'" i- r »iti"ii. 'an now be inspected at orr premises. —Adams, Ltd., Arcade. Titnarn.

Mails for Australian States vi:i Xew.-astl. per (i.twaiihuni rinse ;i! Dimciin ;11 2

Th • foil..wile", li.-is have been m-rived !.v the ri.-t.uv ..I Hi- 'i'i:n:i:il Se.ldnn Memorial: Uv ".Mr W. Satlrl.hwaili Alex. McLean", senr. JDI Is. Simon Mackenzie 10s 6.1. S. Ande'smi v r )s. W. Lawson 5-. .1. Smith 5--. Mr Mrr'arlan.- ss. Tlmm. Prist llis. D.shine ss. I!. Cas-v ss. 11. UiiL'iisli Is-

!h.- 1'.A.0.D. Lodge held I heir foil in wing la , iiiy.hi. I'.i". MrAu.ig liry presiding oVf-r :• good al lindane • of hlciiiirli. I'.H.-iili .'•-. blended willi debates, passed o!f well. Three i\--<\v candidates wcie duly "lutiat'd. an 1 luelve w.-re proposed for uexi ni'-el iiitr. which is quarter nitht. 'l'll' lodge was closed at 9.15 p.m.

Tln> following will lepr.sent Tiinarti in the hnck.y match versus Teinuka al Timuka tii-uinii.ui-: I'.urnip. Timokes, llavidsmi. Hillßrow. Horton. Kennedy, Mtilne. rolson. Stsph ns. Ur;ii-:.-«. Waihtirton. and I'arker: emerg.MU-i.-s. Mason, (.'muli. Cronihi.'. The t-aiii will trav?! I)v drav leaving the Hank of X.iv Zealand r al 2 p.m. sharp. Any of the aliov- named iuiaUl.- tonvik? the'liip rdir.uld send in noiicat oni-e.

Tnformannn has be-n received in Dmieilin to the effect that Mr .1. Allan Thomson, tli-.- find Rhodes scholar from N'i-w Zealand, whose term is completed this year, ban been appointed lecturer in geology at St. .lohn's Cnlloff,-. Oxford. I his b=infr the first college lectureship in this subject at Oxford. He has also been offered the position of demonstrator in petrology to Oxford University, fl new position, and in addition has been elected a fellow of the C'.eological Society.

Tli- August number of (lie Tim.irn School magazine, is full of • interesting t(;|:'.-. Miitable for hntli and present napiN. A portrait of Mr F. A. Raymond. President of tlia Old Hoys' Association, occupies a place; of honour :and articles ar? pnbli«lied dealing with the new board-ing-school, the visit of the Acting-Premier, football, etc. A portion of the magazine is devoted to the doings of old boys who have distinguished themselves in after-life, thus forming a connecting link between past and present pupils.

So far. the following are the entries for the Ai.-hburton Brass Band Contest : —Ashburton Conntv Council, stlectioirl. quickstep 1. quartets 1. solo 7. toial 10: Ashburton Temperance Band. I—l—o—l4. 16; Elite Band. I—l--I—ll. 14: Tnvercargill Y. M. C.A Band. I—l—2—l2. 16: Lytteltnn Marine Band. I—l—2—l6. 20: Nelson Citizens' Band, I—l—l—l 7, 20: Stanmor-e-Band. I—l—C—7. 9 : Tirmu ;i Marine Band, I_l__l_6. 9: Waimaie. Band. I—l—2 —lO. 14. The aggregate totals therefor? are : Selection 9. quick&Vp 9. quartets 10, aolo 1C0: grand total. 123.

Mr Brll. secretary to the Education Board, as returning officer for the election of four members under the new Ward system, yesterday opened the voting papers to ascertain the Tesult of the voting in the Middle.and South Wards. Mr .V. Jackson for the Middle Ward and Mr J. S. Ruiherford for North Ward, were returned unopposed. The voting for th* South Ward was.- \V. M. Hamilton I'll. D. Wallace 24. J. Biteh'ener 16: for the Middle Ward (extraordinary vacancv due to the resignation of Mr W. B. Howell) J. Maze 31.- A. E. Hunt 15, T. Hawkey 11. Messrs Jackson. Rutherford and Hamilton were retiring members-. Mr Maze becomes a member for the- first time. He is a member of the Pleasant Point School Committer.

In view of the opening of 'lie new Show Ground,■ tlie North Otago A. and P. Association have; made ewry effort to make their prize-list for the forthcoming s-how worthy of the occasion. The total amount paid out in prizes last year was- £430 3s 4.1, including £4O odd private prize nifniey. The money valne of (bin year's prizi-list easily constitutes a record for the Society. In addition to £604 17s 6d set aside as the Association's prizes, no low a sum than £212 4s 6d has been contributed privately, making '£Bl7 2s (cash or value). The following allocation of the pri/.e-nioneyfc indicates the relative importance of the several chief divisions of the Show, as assessed by the* committee and donors of special prizes. The trital of the Association's prizes is given first:—Houses.' £229 se—£93 17s: cattle. £96 Is 6d—£2o 2s 6d ; sheep. £l7O Cs 6d—£67 18s: dogs and pigs. £34 2s 6d —£7 7:s: dairy produce, bread, etc.. £47 Bs—£l6 14s 6d: grain and seeds, £2B—£6 5s 6d.

A few days ago two enthusiastic motorists were arguing about which were the best and most suitable motor-cars for our colonial roads, and after telling one another the great work they had done with their own respective cars for the past k» years (one had a De Dion and the other a Darracq), they could not settle the point; so they called at Skeates and Bockaert's motor garage, who are the New Zealand sole representatives for these world's leading cars. It was a very hard problem for the manager to settle the argument, as his experience was that the cost of upkeep was the same, and by experience went to prove his statement. The two hardest worked ears in the district are undoubtedly the Canterbury Farmers' 15 h.p. Darracq, and Mr .R. Wigley's 6 h.p. De Dion. Both these cars were landed about the same time, and ever since have given entire satisfaction to their owners. Lately these cars have been overhauled and inspected, and both are in perfect condition; in fact their engines and gears could be sold as new. The above motorists, after hearing this statement, walked away delighted and satisfied that they had the "right car for hard regular work, and for many years to come. Auvone interested in good motor-cars should call at Skeates and Bockaert's, where they will get all information and true facts about these famous De Dion and Darracq cars. They have also just landed a splendid little delivery van. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.Z. L. and M.A. Co.—Point stock sale, on Monday. N.M. and A. Co.—Sell sections on 17th inst. Guinness, and LeCren—Point sale, on Monday: clearing sik. on 27th inst. Miss* 11. C. Strachan—Showing spring milliner}-. Hunting hor.-v lost--Reward on return this ofiiei-. I). Mahoney—Half aero section for sale. Penrose's winter sale—Prices of millinery and curtain;. J. Baxter —Compound of sarsaparilla. Daw.-oii Bros. — Important drapery notice. Huidlty and Son -I.L-t of properties for sale or to lot.'

A. W. Reeved —Want." to buy farm: hou.-es for sale. N.Z. Railway.--—Arrangements for(!rand National. 1,. Hamilton. Makikilii —(iieyhound for Male. Kdueational Institute < lenoral meeting, on Saturday. Adam* and Co.—First spring shipments to hand. Chalmers Church Lecture bv Mr Trvin Moore. Sou:er'.-' >hov> stow—Welted boots at ;i discount. Mrs John Mcßcath—Wants working hou; --keeper. Want ds—Six not ices.

Smile patches uf w'titer in the Ashbuiinn Domain w.iv lit fur skating and sliding on mi Monday morning.

Mr Mmxu.ll. ..I' Waiinhi Downs-., ha.s, had 111.- |h-(-uli:ir mist'oilum- In Ins.- I wo draught horses, mi siieecs.sive days. On Saturday of Ml down :i well ami was dead when got oui: and on Sunday the oth-er dropped dead near tli • bridge, ulitls! on Ili • way In [li.-. Point.

Teachers ale. lioillr-d ih;il Ihe posipnned lU--I il ill. nie.-i ing "ill be held in Mr Wag Mali's lo.iiii Hi 2 |>.m. on Saturday nexl. All who li.-ive iiol yet- senl in replies (o <ue lvi-iiitly issued circular an- requested (o do so without delay, so (hat (liey may letch Mr V-ilriilin:- in time to lie dealt wall at Saturday's meeting.

As th; result of tlie l.a and cr.iieert in f-r.iinei.ti.-iii with the opening of the Wesleyan Sunday School, the Ladies" (Inild hn]ip to hand over in the Trustees about £4O. I lu 1 tables were pre-ided over by MesdnmeTiowker. llreliaut, Bvnnker. Wagstafl'. Uownward. Smith. I'.adclifte :nul Hnldfr.ii,.. The children:*" tables were sided over by Mesdam?s BUukmore. Ellis. Vojieler. and Trwin.

The South C'anlerbury TTai'tiers will bfthe giiesis of Mr Walter Panton, Le Cren stre-t (off KHxnbeth stre:-t) to-mnrrnw. The ]>a)ier on tin's occasion -n-'ll be in th'e charge of E; I'ratt and V. IT. Fnden. In vi-w of the championship on the 22nd hist., a full muster of members is requested as it is necessary to qualify by rule 17. The lv.itk will leave punctually at 3 o'clock, l-'ntries for the thainplonslii]) close on th? 16th .inst.

Tweiilv-Ihrt» ivemlxTs of the Winchester ?<lori!s Tube Club fired on Monday evening for a trophy presented by Major J. A. Youiif.-. Alf. C'ripps scr. 34 won and Hie nex-t hishes-. wer!—l. Paterson (scr) 33. .1. T)» Iten/.y (scrl 33, .T, South (scr) 33, A. Wilson (stTi 33, .1- Oripm tsc-r) 32, J. I'. Kalangher (scr) 32, B. De P.enzy (srr) 31. W. Kcofh (scr) 31. Ty. Young (scr) 01. A. Tavlnr (2) 51. G. O'Leary (2) 51. H. Opie (3) 31.

The Post and Telegraph Department is experimenting with an invention of n Christehurch mechanician in the employ of the Department bv which it ■is believed long distance telephony will be: greatly improved • and facilitated. The invention conmrises a new type of transmitter and receiver. Sir Jos=ph Ward has tested the scheme and savs he carried on a conversation with Christ church and thinks highly of the invention.

The demolition of Christ church Exhibition building is now practically complete. Yesterday afternoon one of the two big towers was pulled bodily over. The anchoring apparatus w'as removed and the heavy studs sawn through near the base. A steel cable was passed round the. tower, and w,as pulled on bv a steam winch. T'he tower fell with a" tremendous crash and was shattered to pieces. When they timber, has been cleared away, the dome; and the second tower will be pulled down.

Tims. Egan appeared before the Stipendiary Magistrate yesfe'rday morning on a. charge of drunkenness. Sergeant Bowman said that Dr Berts'hart certified that-ac-cused had been suffering from the effects of drink. Egan was- thereupon ordered ti( pay £2 13s expenses incurred, in default 14 clays' imprisonment. A first offender for being'found drunk in St afford street, on Monday evening, was fined 5s and casts, in default 24 hours' imprisonment.

. The Commission to make (lie inquiry provided for bv the Timaru Harbour Board's

"Waimate Inclusion Act," has been completed. Th? Government have appointed Mr Justice Chapman chairman of the commission, and the other"commisrsioiiers appointed are as follows :—Mr Albert Kaye, of Christehurch. grain merchant, appointed by the Timaru Harbour Board, and Mr E. P. Lee. of Oainaru, appointed by the Waimate'Borough Council. No date has-yet been fixed for the injqniry.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13358, 7 August 1907, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13358, 7 August 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13358, 7 August 1907, Page 4


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