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l£&f^K»|J||j THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR TTTTiWffTHrffT? UMimi «Ii»iM«PI»M HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST AIEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Thoe who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Brcailiinp,, llo;trsene. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it odTsxis a Comp!< Cms. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Cunsumpii' to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" haw been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, Liken tfle beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. l=mY/iU*: BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. mmm REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. a i>„.,v n) crforiM for nvcr Slxfv A Sydney Slock and Share Broker expres*es Relieved by one dose of Hcarne's Bronchitis An English Lady so ill tin I the lio lor I.u * lor uvcr Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne's Cure, and cured by two bottles. out no hope. id he dared not stir. BRONCHITIS, NINE MONTHS SUFFERING, Mr. I-learne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my Was given Hearne's Bronc testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bron- effected a Co R-I'cved in a few minutes by Hearne'. " ProVed » Most E » ective Remed y for a clutis Cure I suffered for nine montl.s.'and the C " ectea a Complete Recovery. K ",? ' e , ~.' " leS y ~c' , ^,,o■ Severe Attack of Bronchitis. cough was'so distressingly bad at nights I was Mr. Hearne. Dear -Sir-Not lon- sinca 11. bronchitis L-ure. tI „„„„ n „.„. ci, t l a .»i„ o obliged to get up and sit by the lire. I had occasion to visit the old counlrv. and U\.j\i .<■■ Would give £ s u hr the same benefit rather auack of Bionchith mid actin' on the '»«"cal advice, and tried other remedies, with- ing Melbourne purchased a bott ;■. o I.earn. than auficr. severe attack ot Htoncmtis, ami, actm on tne ollt avai . I tried yours, and never had a iit of Bronchitis Cure, which 1 Krk with mi: V. ii ~„r- „ VlC \-?- t a r . fnend ; obtal "« I a , s i PPi £r m J coughing after taking the first .lose, and though 1 arrived in Leeds, I fomV. tint my nice;-. M Mr W. G. Hearne . Bronchitis Cure. I an. pleased to infotm you i i£ ve „ad hut two bottles, I feel lam a differ- C. Matthews, was suffering from a verv briend,-Chrome Bronchitis I had from it has proved a most euective lemedy, causing ent m and the h has vanished . Y ou may tack of Bronchitis, in fact, she was i-'o f.d .i bin!., and I an, now 65 years, old. Some tune me to leel grateful to you for furnishing such a d u , makin? known the efficacv of tho family doctor held out no hope for hrr !-..:■ bac. 1 cntracteo Asthma, and tor months I was valuable medicine to the pubic. May jou meet , r wonderml r 4 medy anvone I see afflicted.— ery. She was then given Hearne's Ilronc s* i-a.l any remedy that had previously re- with the success you so well deserve. I place Yours faithfully, JAMES ASTBURY. Cure according to the direction on ihr. 1..' lieved. S motm : rii, K was use to me. I was this communication at your service, and remain, ; J Dergholm, Victoria. and I aia very pleased to say that it eiVe t.,i si, i..u t.i..i 1 dared m t stir, and spent the worst Dear Sir, yours faithfully, ° complete cure Rl MAiTIII-WS BRONCHITI .in sutler as~l did. Please make what HENRY FRENCH, Stock and Share Broker, g3 Pitt-st., Sydney. Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. "i 8, 4' iT' I S*rSv«™ HENRY FRENCH ASTHMA 25 YEARS. ' c/o Allan &Co„Co,lit,,st., r,.e.b.. ,'V,,;, ~-p"„i „f I •',■ •i Bronchias Stock and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st., Sydney. ...... ,„,.*• that ,i mod ol his ua=, using. your Bronchitis =" Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis t.uie, an . t.,at it wa- gj.jd. bo my sister bougnt , Cure aie a liott'f ot it. and in a few minutes after tak- ao-i-uiuia ASTHMA. ing Oik hi- t dyse 1 could breathe a little. The ASsIMIVIA. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-I have been a . . „ _, , . urxt ~ay I was ii-tter, and kept getting better A Five Years' Case. martyr to Asthma for about 25 years.and have tried A Sufferer 73 Years ol Age Cure every day.. T,-d.y I am be.ur than I have been ........ almost all known remedies forthecomplaint andhave Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. I 1 the ast .-even years I took the medicine At times very bad indeed. been , mder the treatlnent of j ea d in g ]>hysicians ~ TT _, . as dire tt-tl. six buttles, and it me less than n , fc , a mmnlotelv Cured hv Hearne's throughout the Australian States. I determined to Mr Hearne, Chemist, ; f.i I wo;.! 1 give £SO tor the same benefit Quickly and completelj Cured by nearne s try „S „ 10rei but let nature take its course. Two Sir,-I am thankful to say th t the n laiher than sutler as 1 did. Please make what Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. years ago I was asked to try your Asthma Cure, but v 0" sent for Asthma lias had a wniidit In ASTHMA 25 YEARS. c/o Allan it Co., Colluu-si., r,.e.u..".ri:». Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure - ASTHMA. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have been a .««._», . , ~ .. , martyr to Asthma for about 25 years, and have tried A Sufferer 73 Years ol Age Cured Ly almost all known remedies forthecomplaint andhave Hearne's Bronchitis Curebeen under the treatment of leading physicians _. complete cure. R. J. MATTIIKW: c/o Allan & Co., Collitu-st., a.e.uv :.- ot tins letter yo , th nk fit. if bv so d om= Hearne. Dear Sir.-For five or six years laughed at the idea. However by the persuasion of ' ' ,a l^ e f n ° t , r wr,.i'.i ~n.v cause one to get rid of this fearful j was troubled with asthmai at times very bad a very old friend, 3 weeks ago I commenced the first dH ""t "•» it.u.p.a.:it.- \ou;s.aitii!uily, indeed. I was very ill just after Christmas, so bottle of your treatment. Almost immediately I «°' WILLIAM CANHAM, 'sent to the local chemist for a bottle of your found that I had made a mistake by not taking it be- "-;.-- 108 Curti-= Kc-ad Balmain. Sydney. Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I took the first fore. lam now about half-way. through the second aU 1 Itno 10* cum. Kcau, uaimain, ayaaey. troubled that bottle, and so much do I feel relieved that I take tins i-.llv, EDWARD JONES, Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via Gleurowan, Vic, ay.—Yours truly, S. 11. MAYO, J.P. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. a touch of the asthma since. I tell everyone to make whatever use you may think lit. I intend nicjMp'Ct RQOrv'PJJ!XI«? PiIRF aboutit. M.MURRAY, continuing your treatment, and I trust that before I a o«u.\i,miio p osto i ste ess, Pampoolah, Manning River,-N.S.W. have finished the third bottle I shall be able to write BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Us in t"iiest Complaints Testified to to you that I am perfectly cured. I am pleased to onwwwnw i-«cwi iwi»i,». bv u Grat-ful Victorian. say the edect.has been wonderfu Two Severe Cnncs cured by One Bottle 1 L> u UMUitii yicionai. Yours vervgratefully, PHIL. HANN, h—~»t_ .»_ ■.!., .1Mr W. G. I.earne. Dear Sir.-I have much HAY AS THMA. 33 Camdeil St., Balaclava, Victoria. Hearne , Bronchitis Cure. Pleasure i:i adding my testimony in praise of A SeV ere Attack Relieved in Ten Minutes " r - V : 5f- I !?" 1 ,e L Dm'Sir.-Kimlly for.vat v ..iir inva uablo Jironc litis Cure. I have used it . H „_., . M .„„„,« r-...« fOMmiMPTION without delay another small bottle of your hi-.1 \„ the iast tnree or four years, and its efficacy by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. CONbUMH I lON. chUis Cllre< The boh i o 1 i, a , f , om j. oll ~, 1 have lul v proved in cemmon colds, severe colds, The effect was wonderful. Patient Recovering. cured two of my children, but I do not leulsii criiiiuv co'.gls, and other similar chest com- without it 111 the house. 1 have als 1 rerointneni iraiiiis I hav.; g'ven it to infants a few weeks Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—About three Mr. XV. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—We purcnased ed it to my friends. 1 lost a line lule g.v t ,f. vi,ur,g chi disn and adults of all ages, and weeks ago, while in the vicinity of musty chaff, some time ago 12 bottles of your Bronchitis Cute, three years of age. from Influenza and l;r.,iicN have 'never known it to fail in relieving at once, I gradually felt a difficulty to breathe. My nose and can unhesitatingly say that it has given great Pneumonia. I really believe that ii 1 had luti \m and ratndlv etl'ecting a cute with a few doses. I began to run, and to all appearances I was de- relief from the intolerable throat irritation that my medicine my child would not have die I, lor t!i have roaom'uendeil'it to many of my friends, and veloping a severe attack of Bronchitis or Asthma, daughter experienced. Previous to using the Bron- other two, a boy five years old, and a baby eigl it'irjv have tuliy proved its wonderful curative pro- At last I could stand it 110 longer. I then tried chitis Cure she would have two or three attacks months old, were suffering exactly in the sail pities. 1 leel ve-y grateful to you for a chest your Bronchitis Cure, and its effect was. wonder- nightly, but now she can sleep through the night, and way, and it acted like magic on tlieni; in tai: medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to be fill. In less than ten minutes. I was all' Tight' on wakening simply clears her throat from phlegm, a small bottleful cured both of llinin; so iru* avai a,e to anyone. Trusting its present popu- again. Such a result, and so'quick, astounded She had a sight attack of Consumption, but seems ing you will forward it without delay.-I a.i :ar':iv and sales will be doubled, I am, yours very me. This is no exaggeration, 1 am pleased to to be recovering, though of course slowly. Yours yours, most gratefully, Alliance-street, CI tines, Vict' (Mrs) E. D. WAUD. fiassilia, via Swift's Creek, Gtpps and, VI Small Size, 2/6 ; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and hp the Proprietor, '. Q. HEARNE, CHEMIST* GEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. LOCAL AGENT: L. B. JAMES,; CHEMIST, TIMARU.

BARNARD STREET. A QUIET STREET, BUT A GOOD LX . SHOP TO FURNISH FROM. CALL IN AND INSPECT—ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. SALE PRICES TO CASH CUSTOMERS. A SPLENDID VARIETY OF FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS. Comfortable Beds, Kapok or Flock. STRETCHERS. HEARTH RUGS, very Choice. LINOLEUM and FLOORCLOTH. CARPET SQUARES, RUNNERS, STAIR CARPETS. LAMPS from -Is to £2. TOILET SETS from 12s. PRAMS, GO-CARTS and HIGH CHAIRS Child's Combination Chairs. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. impossible to Get Employment, as Face and Body Were Covered With Itching Sores—Scratched Till Flesh Was Raw—Spent Hundreds of Dollars on Doctors and Hospitals and Grew Worse. CURED BY CUTICURA IN FIVE WEEKS "Since ihe year 1894 I have been troubled with a very bad case of eczema which I have spent hundreds fof dollars trying to cure, and I went to the hospital, but they failed to cure me and it was getting worse all the time. Five weeks ago my wife bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and I am pleased to say that I am now completely cured and well. "It was impossible for me to get employment, as my face, head, and body were covered with it. The eczema first appeared on the top of my head, and it had worked all the way around down the back of 1113' neck and around to my throat, down my body and around the hips. It itched so I would be obliged to scratch it, and the flesh was raw. "I would first wash the affected parts with warm water and Cuticura Soap, and then apply Cuticura Ointment and let it remain on all night, and in the morning I would use Cuticura Soap. lam now all well, which all my friends can testify to, and I will be nleased to recommend the Cuticura 'emedies to any and all persons who wish a speedy and permanent cure of skin diseases." Thomas M. Rossiter, Mar. 30, 1905. East Orange, N. J. The original of the above testimonial is on file in the office of the Potter l>rug & Chemical Corporation. Itefercncc: li. Towns & Co., Merchants, Sydney, N. S.W. Complete External and Internal Treatment lor Kvery Humour, from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Kesolvent Pills (Chocolate Coated, in vial of 00), may be had of all druggists. A single set often cures. Potter Drug 5: Cftcm. Corp., Mole Props., Boston, U. S. A. . . OS-Mailed Free,"All About the Skin, Scalp, and Hair. Address, It. Towns & Co., Sydney, N* S. W. Cocoa, and Drink the Best— ISmirnvillo. It is refreshing, and lias a delightful ilavour. Your grocer keeps it.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13355, 3 August 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13355, 3 August 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13355, 3 August 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)


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