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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, AS F HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those, who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis Cough, Difficulty of Breathing Hoarseness ■ Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate and to Ihos^^ Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat a to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where a — c -- c -., the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ..... « —. BE. WAR EL OF COUdnb! AND consumption is no exception to this rule. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Sydney Resident Suffered for Over SixtyYears. So bad he dared not stir. Relieved in a few minutes by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Would give £SO for the same benefit rather ! than suffer. Mr. W. G. Hearne. D«.ar Friend,—Chronic Bronchitis I had from binh, and I am now 66 years old. Some time back I contracted Asthma, and for months I was so bad that any remedy that had previously relieved smothering was of no use to me. 1 was so bad that I dared not stir, and spent the worst night I ever had. When in a conversation. Mr. March, J.P., of Baimain, Sydney, kindly told me that a iriend of his was using your Bronchitis Cure, and that it was good. So my sister bought me a bottle of it, and in a few minutes after taking the first dose I could breathe a little. The next day I was better, and kept '-getting better every day. To-day I am better than I have been for the last seven years. I took the medicine as directed, six bottles, and it cost me less than £l. I would give £SO for the same benefit rather than suffer as 1 did. Please make what use of this letter you think fit. • If by so doing it would only cause one to get rid of this fearful complaint.—Yours faithtully, •WILLIAM CANHAM. 10S Curtis Road, Balmairi, Sydney. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Its Efficacy in Chest Complaints Testified to Mr. W. G. I-learne. Dear Sir,—l have much pleasure in adding my testimony in praise of your invaluable Bronchitis Cure. 1 have used it for the last three or four years, and its efficacy I have fully proved in common colds, severe colds; croupy coughs, and other similar chest complaints. I have given it to infants a few weeks old, young children and adults of all ages, and have never known it to fail in relieving at once, and rapidly effecting a cure' with a few doses. 1 have recommended it to many of my friends, and they have iully proved its wonderful curative properties. I feel very grateful to you for a chest medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to be. available to anyone. Trusting its (present popularity and sales will be doubled, I am, vours very tratefully, EDWARD JONES, Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via Glenrowan, Vic, .; BRONCHITIS. I- NINE MONTHS SUFt-tKINti. HKUNUMI I IS.. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker expresses Relieved by one dose of Hearne's Hronchitis An English Lady so ill that the Doctor held Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne's Cure, and cured by two bottles. out no hope. Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearne. ' Dear Sir,—l wish to add my was given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and it 1 , . testimony to the wonderful effect of ydur Bron- effected a Comnlete Recovery. It Proved a Most Effective Remedy for a chitis Cure . t suffered for nine months, and the enecieu a vompieie Kecovery. Severe Attack of Bronchitis. cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long since I had , , , , obliged to get up and sit by I had occasion to visit the old country, and before leav> Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l lately naa a lne( }j ca i advice, and tried other remedies, with- ing Melbourne purchased a bottle ot Hoarne's severe attack of Bronchitis, and, acting on tne ou t avail. I tried yours, and never hail a lit of Bronchitis Cure, which I took with me. When advice of a friend, obtained a supply ot your cou „ n i, 1K after taking the first doss, and though I arrived in Leeds, I four><s that my niece, Miss Bronchitis Cure. lam pleased to 1 i, ave had but two bottles, I feel lam a differ- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe atit has proved a 1 me to feel grateful tp you ior iuiiiisji'"k »"«' » depend upon my making known the eMicacy ot the family doctor held out no hope for her rccovvalnable medicine to the public. -May you meet y ol ,r-wonderful remedy to anyone I see afflicti-d.— ery. She was then given Hearne's lironchitis with-"the success you so well deserve. 1 place yours faithfully, JAMES ASTBUKY. Cure according to the direction on the label, this communication at your service, and remain, . , ..-■-,. Dergholm, Victoria, and lam very pleased to say that it effected a Dear Sir, yours faithfully, ......■; : .— : _, complete cure. R. J. MATTHEWS, HENRY FRENCH, ASTHMA 25 YEARS. Allan & Co., Collins-st., Melbourne, Stock and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st,, Sydney . m .. , lv . rtn . ' , / BRONCHITIS. 1 -.°" I. have had but two bottles, I feel I am a differ- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe atiusmo e^t inan . an a the cough has vanished. You may tack of Bronchitis, in fact, she was so bad , uc - * depend upon my making known the efficacy of the family doctor held out no hope for her rccovmeet yolir wonderful remedy to anyone I see affficti-d.— ery. She was then given Hearne's lironchitis P ia P e Yours faithfully, JAMES ASTBUKY. Cure according to the direction on the label, :main ' : ' Dergholm, Victoria. and lam very pleased to say that it effected a -..■■..'■: ; - .: ; —: -< complete cure. R. J. MATTHEWS, ASTHMA 25 YEARS. c (° Allan & Co., Collins-st., Melbourne, Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure ' ASTHMA. Mr. W. G. "Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have bsen a . martyr to Asthma for about 25 years, and have tried A Sufferer 73 Ye almost all known remedies forthecomplaint and have Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, been under the 'treatment of leading physicians ■ ■ ~..1. throughout the Australian btates. I determined to Mr. Hearne, Chemist, - try no more, but let nature take its course. Two Sir,—l am thankful to say that the medicine years ago I was asked to trv your Asthma Cure, but you sent for Asthma has had a wonderful eflect.« ASTHMA. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have bsen a A Five Years' Case. • martyr to Asthma for about 25 years, and have tried A Sufferer 73 Ye almost all known remedies forthecomplaint andhave Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. At times very bad indeed. been under the treatment of leading physicians ~_..■ _. . _...,- ' „, <. , r .. ra A i,« H*irne'<! throughout the Australian btates. I determined to Mr Hearne, Chemist, Quickly and completely curea ny neame » ■ n = Illorei but let nature take its course. Two Sir,—l am thankful to say that the medicine Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. years ago I was asked to trv your Asthma Cure, but you sent for Asthma has had a wonderful effect.' ~ TT . • ~ <-:_ tt„, fiv „ -or (iv'vum laughed at the idea. However, by the persuasion of I have not taken all the Bronchitis Cure, as I Mr. Hearne 'Dear Sir-Forh e or sis-years 6. ~3 weeks ago I commenced the first did not need it; therefore I send you my hearty I was troubled, with asthma, at times very bad bottle J . of your , t , l 4tinent. .Almost-. immediately -1 good wishes for your future success. I myself indeed. I was very ill just;a.ter Cl>'-» llas . f° f ound .that I had made a mistake by not taking it'be- will, for the benefit of others, makh it known to sent to the. local chemist tor a Done ot your , aU 1 knov O lam 73 years of truly. Bronchitis and Asthma Cm I. 'S .S -bit, e , and so miicli do 1 fesl relieved thatflake this s ,„. J 0 " 1 ? BRAY, O^ S fimfh t e o dte' medichit and ha°™t had oppor unitv of sending this testimoiiiat.aiOhg for you Alliance-street, Clunes, V.ctoru. er, by the persuasion of U have not taken all the Bronchitis Cure, as I dT commenced the first did- not need it; therefore I send you my hearty Almost immediately I good wishes for your, future success. I myself CONSUMPTION. Batient Recovering:;: BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cases cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. 3 Postmistress, Pampoolah, Manning RiVer/.N.S.W. |gn ffl :fl« third^tt ieljia! write BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. say the effect has been wonderful. Two Severe Cases cured by One Bottle of Yours verv gratefully, PHIL. HANN, n«o.™«>-' n~ n ~.-i.:.><-/~..-« HAY ASTHMA. 33 CamdenSt., Balaclava, Victoria. Hearne s Bronchitis Cure. • „ »*.. .. r. - A Severe Attack Relieved in Ten Minutes ..„„. jkyißTlrtM - without delay another, small'bottle of your Bronby Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. , CQN&UIVIh'I lUN. • chitis Cure. The' bottle. I : had from you has The effect was wonderful. Batient Recovering-; - cured Uvo of my children, but I do not feel Safe ine eiiect was wßiiucnui. . without it in the house. I have also tecommendMr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —About three Mr, W. : G. ; Hearne. Dear' Sir.-'-We purchased ed it to my friends. I lost a fine little girl, weeks a"o, while in the vicinity of musty chaff, some time ago. 12 bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, three years of age, from Influenza and BronchoI gradually felt a difficulty to breathe. My nose and can unhesitatingly say -that; it has g.ven great Pneumonia. T really believe that if I had had your to' run, and to all appearances I was de- relief from the intolerable throat irritation that" my medicine my child would not have died, for the vefopin" a severe attack of Bronchitis or Asthma, daughter experienced. Previous to using the Bron- other two, a boy five years old, and a baby eight At last°l co"uld stand' it no. longer. I then, tried chitis Cure she would have two or three attacks months 'old, were suffering exactly in the sn.ino vour Bronchitis Cure, and its effect was wonder- nightly, but now she can sleep through the night, and way, and it acted like magic on them; in fact, ful. In less than ten minutes I.'was all right .on''wakening simply clears her throat from phlegm, a small bottleiul cured both of them; so trusta»ain. Such a result, and so quick, astounded She had a s;ight attack of Consumption, but seems ing you will forward it without delay.—l am, me. This is no exaggeration, I am pleased to to be recovering, though of course.slowly; Yours yours, most gratefully, • say.—Yours truly, S. H. MAYO, J.P., Meredith, Victoria. G. MACKIE, ...» Kiamata, Taranaki, New Zealand. (Mrs) E. D. WARD, Cassilis, via Swift's Creek, Gippsland, Vic,

Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT. OBTAINABLE LOCALLY.

An interesting pamphlet, on " The Manuring of Grass Land," lias been issued by the Permanent Xitrate Committee, in which attention is called to the fact that permanent pasture or meadow- land not infrequently fails to receive in the matter of manuring the attention which it needs and which it will amply repay. A review is made of the various manures that can be advantageously applied, reference being made to superphosphate, nitrate of soda, raw bone meal, lime, basic slag, potash salts, etc. Useful, hints are given as to the application of nitrate of soda as the source of supply of the indispensable nitrogen to the grasses and herbage of pastures. As soon as heavy showers, or a few hours of continuous rain have followed upon an application of chemical fertilisers, animals may be allowed to graze upon the pastures without danger. Allusion is made to typical instances and results of experiments to prove the highly profitable effects of the judicious application of manures to grass laud. Wellmanured land will carry almost double the amount of stock that ordinary land will cany. The eifect of artificial manures on pastures grazed by dairy cows is specially noticeable, as their milk, both as regards quantity and quality, speedily undergoes an improvement.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13317, 20 June 1907, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13317, 20 June 1907, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13317, 20 June 1907, Page 7


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